Building Brand Trust with Transparency: What Web Designers Can Do

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The web has made it all too easy for consumers to look up anything and everything they’re interested in or have questions about. “Pet stores near me.” “Best web hosting 2020.” “Tom Brady net worth.”

And it’s with this easy access to data that consumers have grown pickier about who they do business with. Because if they can get answers to all the other questions in their lives, why can’t they find out everything there is to know about a company they intend to buy from?

As such, we’re going to see more companies lean more towards honest and straightforward approaches than they have in previous years… And that means web designers need to be ready to help clients communicate that transparency through their websites.

What Web Designers Can Do to Help Brands Build Trust

Transparency and trust go hand-in-hand in the minds of consumers. A report from SproutSocial provides additional insight into why it’s so important to them.

Although the report focuses on transparency in social media, at its core it’s looking at how brand transparency translates into consumer trust.

Here is one of the key takeaways:

When brands are honest with consumers about things like their internal workings, pricing, values, and so on, their customers become more loyal. And, not only that, they become active advocates for the brand.

As for what your visitors and prospects consider as “transparency”, here are the most common things they look for:

We can use this information to better present information on clients’ websites. Here’s how:

1. Be Clear About the Solution First Thing

53% of consumers define brand transparency as clarity. And what better way to be clear than to address their pain and provide your solution right away?

In fact, you could take a page out of RE/MAX’s book and take all other distractions out of the way:

There is no navigation for the RE/MAX website save for the customer portal link. While you might not be able to get away with that exact design choice on your website, you could tuck your navigation under a hamburger menu to make sure the main thing in view is the call-to-action.

By removing other options from view, and painting a very strong argument for why your solution works (e.g. “Each year, our agents help hundreds of thousands of families buy or sell a home”), there’s no reason for visitors to get right to it. You’ve created the shortest, easiest, and clearest pathway to their pain relief.

2. Openly Display Customer and Client Reviews

One of the problems with displaying testimonials on a website is that the clients’ words are filtered through the company before they reach prospective clients’ eyes. In addition, brands obviously only want to share the most flattering of reviews, which can lead to some deception (whether intentional or not).

More than anything, consumers want brands to be open (59% of those surveyed defined transparency as openness). So, we need to do away with these overly flattering portraits of brands and start being more honest with prospects.

For service-based businesses, the solution is simple:

Encourage clients to leave reviews on the company’s Google or Facebook business page. You can put a link to those pages on the website so visitors see that honest reviews are welcome.
Use a reviews widget to display your online reviews — the good and the bad — on your website.

For ecommerce businesses, this is a little easier to implement as product reviews are commonplace. So long as there’s no manipulation of the data and visitors are able to see true reviews, there’s not much else to do than to configure a product reviews and ratings system like the one Olay has:

When you include reviews on your website, make sure a ratings sorting feature is included. That way, if customers want to see what all the bad reviews are saying, they can quickly get to them.

3. Maintain Integrity When It Comes to Data Collection

Privacy has been a major concern for consumers for years. But companies (and their web developers) found a solution amidst the release of GDPR: the cookie consent bar.

The only problem is that the cookies consent request was everywhere. And as tends to happen with consumers, banner blindness has led to more and more visitors ignoring those requests and clicking “OK” or “Allow” simply to get them out of the way.

Blind acceptance of a website’s privacy policies is not good for the brand nor the consumer. So, what some websites do now to appeal to the 23% of people who consider integrity the most important part of transparency is this:

Use just-in-time privacy notices that display only when visitors are about to share their information.
Include a “Do Not Sell My Personal Data” link at the bottom of websites as Tide does.

With the passing of the California Consumer Privacy Act, these statements enable California residents to indicate which tracking cookies they want to enable:

There are some cookie consent tools that provided for this level of user control, but not all — which is why this CCPA statement is a big step in the right direction.

4. Be 100% Honest About Pricing and Other Fees

It’s not always easy for consumers to decide what they’re going to spend their money on, what with the variety of options and distractions suggesting it might be better spent elsewhere. So, when your website provides pricing that seems too good to be true, don’t be surprised when they abandon the purchase when they discover it really is.

With 49% of consumers equating transparency with honesty, you can expect unexplained discrepancies between the ticket price and the price at checkout to cause issues for your brand.

When designing product-related pages on an ecommerce site, consider the best way to inform your shoppers without compromising the on-page experience.

Ticketmaster, for instance, does an amazing job of this.

For starters, this pop-up is what visitors see before they ever get a chance to look at ticket prices for upcoming NFL playoff games:

It’s just one way the website prepares them for any surprises.

Another way the site handles this well is with this well-placed reference to ticket fees:

The word “Fees” is a hyperlink that takes customers to the FAQs — one of many places they can go on the site for pricing-related questions:

Then there’s this accordion dropdown before checkout that details the fees that bring the total from $360 to $424:

This way, Ticketmaster customers are 100% prepared for what they’re about to find when they pull out their credit card to pay.

If your website has a high cart abandonment rate, there’s a good chance the issue has to do with the final costs. So, if your website hasn’t gently reminded them along the way of what they’ll pay, it’s time to build in more of that along the journey.

Transparency and Trust: Making the Connection for Your Clients

It’s understandable why consumers want to give their money to trustworthy brands. There are just too many options out there today. Why should a purchase ever require a deep-dive analysis into every company, every option, every product or service? By finding brands they can trust, their lives become much easier.

As a web designer, you have an important role to play in bringing prospective customers or clients to that conclusion.


Featured image via Unsplash.


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12 Tips To Boost Your Business Using Instagram

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Instagram has quickly become one of the most popular platforms in social media. It has gained over 1 billion monthly users which is very impressive. Having that many active users in one place also makes it a good place for marketing and increasing your business. Social media platforms are amazing places to connect with people. […]

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20 Minimal HTML Templates for Business Websites

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When creating a business website, it’s vital to have a design and layout that serves your content well. But this can feel like a monumental task if you don’t have design skills yourself. That’s why minimal HTML templates are so useful, of course. They save you time, and for just a small upfront investment, you can get a fantastic-looking site that suits your company for years to come.

Today, we’ve compiled twenty minimal HTML templates for creating effective business websites. The minimal design is key here: it means your content stands out and won’t be lost in a sea of clutter.

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Example of Ocularus

The Ocularus HTML template is easy on the eyes, mostly because there isn’t a whole lot to look at. And that’s a good thing. Its minimal design allows your content to shine.


Example of Blossom

Another option is the Blossom template. This one offers a simple layout that you can use to create any type of company website you can imagine. Add images, add text with ease here.


Example of Sora

The Sora template is aimed at photographers and but could be used for any type of business with a graphical focus.


Example of Krome

Krome is a fantastic template that is suitable for portfolios, agency websites, and more. It uses a grid-based layout for showcasing images in an eye-catching way.


Example of Leto

Leto is another minimal template that can be used for portfolios. Its grid-based design makes it easy to display graphics and images succinctly.


Example of Minel

The Minel template could be customized for a wide range of businesses. It offers an interesting menu layout, call-to-action buttons, and compelling graphics.


Example of Opium

Opium is another HTML template that uses a minimal design to great effect. Enjoy the grid layout, and timeline page option to make for a unique “about us” page, and that’s just for starters.


Example of Minimalize

Minimalize is a lovely-to-look at HTML template that utilizes the one-page motif to create an engaging scrolling experience for your visitors.


Example of Vinero

Vinero is another minimal theme, this time using a monochromatic color scheme, a grid-based layout, and an overall clean look that complements your content well.


Example of Pisend

Another option is the Pisend HTML template. This one offers a minimal design, this time for blogs. It comes with 10 demos, too, so you can opt for one and get started with inserting your content immediately.


Example of Origin

If you’re looking for a portfolio HTML template, this minimal option is a good fit. Origin offers large text, large images, and easily identifiable call-to-action buttons that leave your visitors guided through an intuitive browsing experience.


Example of Pekko

Pekko is another HTML template that is sure to catch the eye. Its monochrome design allows you to feature your best work front and center with zero distractions getting in the way.


Example of Jestem

Jestem is a lovely minimal HTML template that can be used in a wide variety of ways from website to vCard to online resume. It’s easy to set up for presenting your contact info, at the very least.


Example of T-ONE

T-ONE offers a minimal design that gives you plenty of opportunity to showcase full-width images, compelling overlaid text, graphics, and CTAs.


Example of Omnia

Omnia is a minimal HTML template that prioritizes whitespace above all else. And to dramatic effect, I might add. Customize with your own photography and you’ll be impressed with the results.


Example of Laboq

Another option is the Laboq template. This one could be customized to support a grid-based portfolio or even an online store.


Example of Aether

Or you may wish to consider Aether. This minimal HTML template is multipurpose and can be used for any type of site. However, it does have a penchant for agency and portfolio company websites.


Example of Mimilism

Mimilism offers a cohesive, grid-based design that makes it easy to display your best work or examples of your service in an appealing way. Customize, add buttons, and flavor text however you see fit. The fact remains, this template provides flexibility for creating the look you want.


Example of Nubia

The Nubia HTML template really embraces minimalism in an eye-catching way. It has all the hallmarks: whitespace, grid-based layout, and a simple color scheme. But it presents content in such an appealing way that it looks like your site could be a magazine.


Example of Keepsake

Last on our list is the Keepsake template. This one offers a minimal design with a grid layout that could serve a blog, portfolio, or service agency site well.

Set Up a Minimal HTML Template for Your Business

Now that you have twenty minimal HTML templates to choose from, you can hopefully get started with setting up your own business website quickly. So many of these offer demos as well, so you can import that data, add your own images and content and get rolling with launching your new site in a matter of hours. Which is pretty great if you ask us.

30+ Beautiful Firefox Wallpapers (4K)

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High-quality and free Firefox-themed wallpapers for the Firefox fans.

The post 30+ Beautiful Firefox Wallpapers (4K) appeared first on Hongkiat.

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Coronavirus-Olympics mash-up sparks outrage

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It's been a tough year for the Olympic Games, with Tokyo 2020 becoming the first in history to be postponed. And now adding insult to injury is a magazine cover which, with a few minor tweaks, has turned the Tokyo 2020 emblem into the structure of coronavirus. 

The image appears on the cover of the April edition of the Foreign Correspondents Club of Japan's (FCCP) magazine, Number 1 Shimbun. And while subversive images are mainstay of magazine covers (many of our best print ads will make you double take), the Tokyo 2020 team believe the FCCP has gone too far.

Number 1 Shimbun cover

The offending design

"It is very disappointing to see the games emblem being distorted and associated with the novel coronavirus," Tokyo 2020, spokesman Masa Takaya told insidethegames, "The design is clearly using the design of the Olympic emblem."

The cover is the work of British designer Andrew Pothecary, the magazine's art director. According to The Asahi Shimbun, Pothecary refers to the design as a parody, which was intended "to make a powerful statement about the situation in Japan in light of the fact information related to the coronavirus pandemic keeps changing daily."

If you ask us, Pothecary's "powerful statement" isn't particularly apparent in the design, which leaves it looking rather crass. We're no strangers to controversial magazine covers, but the most successful efforts tend to get away with said controversy by balancing it with a clear message. Without one, Number 1 Shimbun's cover seems a little flippant – not a great look during a global pandemic.

Logos for Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics

The official Tokyo 2020 emblems were chosen from thousands of submissions

Tokyo 2020 has called the cover an infringement on its "legally secured copyright to the Tokyo 2020 Olympic emblem," although it isn't clear whether it is seeking legal action. Interestingly, it seems the FCCP will be addressing the controversy in an online press conference tomorrow. Perhaps we'll even hear an apology then. 

As well as the unenviable organisational headache caused by the postponement of the games, the marketing and design repercussions have led to some confusing messaging, such as the decision not to design a new logo despite the new 2021 date. NBC then decided to update its own, turning it into a real head-scratcher. Hopefully the games will go ahead as planned next year, putting an end to Tokyo 2020's woes.

Read more:

New Olympic museum logo is pure design goldTokyo 2020 Olympic posters are a delightfully eclectic mixWhere to find logo design inspiration

FRISKA – Fresh Packaging Design for your Digestive Health

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FRISKA – Fresh Packaging Design for your Digestive Health
FRISKA - Fresh Packaging Design for your Digestive Health


Today we want to talk about your wellbeing. You’ve heard me talk about breathing techniques in the past but today I want to focus on another trending topic known as your gut health and a new brand that just launched called FRISKA. FRISKA is a family of breakthrough digestive enzymes aimed at achieving better overall health through improved gut health, something we could all use a little more of these days! FRISKA founder John Peine spent over a decade in the retail industry, most recently leading the Healthcare division at Target so he knows how critically important it is for products to have high quality and FRISKA is poised to be the best in the market. The modern design is complemented with best-in-class content creation from Finn & Gray

We were able to grab a few moments with Sally Clarke, the creative jedi-master behind FRISKA. Sally has played a key role in some of the most relevant brands in the consumer landscape, most notably as creative director at method.

“The digestive dietary supplement category is a sea of white bottles, complicated terms, and an arms race of CFU numbers, a unit used in microbiology to estimate the number of viable bacteria or fungal cells in a sample,” said Clarke. “We wanted to create a brand that communicates simply but smartly, focuses on the end benefits, and fits in with a busy, modern lifestyle.”

According to Clarke, the packaging design was inspired by beauty and personal care products. Each product is a rich, bright matte single color with a streamlined gold FRISKA logo and simple messaging. We’ve used a deep cobalt blue as the primary brand color, inspired by the beautiful blue of the glass bottles the capsules are contained in and minimized the use of plastics by using a paperboard tube as the exterior. 

“We want FRISKA to live alongside your beauty products instead of being relegated to the medicine cabinet.” – Sally Clarke, FRISKA Creative Director 

The modern design is complemented with best-in-class content creation from Finn & Gray, a Minnesota creative design studio focusing on brand identities, web design, and photography. Finn & Gray was founded by marketing veterans Ami Kochendorfer and Amanda Nagy and is making its foray onto the scene with the launch of FRISKA. You can get a little behind-the-scenes peak into their process for FRISKA via their Instagram here. 

FRISKA is available in the US at CVS Pharmacy,, Whole Foods stores nationwide  as well as Amazon. To learn more about the brand check their site here or give the brand a follow here @get_friska.




How to Use jQuery’s $.ajax() for Asynchronous HTTP Requests

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How to Use jQuery's $.ajax() for Asynchronous HTTP Requests

Nowadays, developers tend to move away from jQuery and its handy methods for DOM manipulation and Ajax requests that made it hugely popular. Regarding the Ajax requests, the Fetch API, or alternatively, the Axios library, are now more popular tools for performing asynchronous operations. That said, jQuery is still very much alive and powers almost 70,000 websites worldwide. This means that knowing how to use jQuery is still valuable in the day-to-day work of developers, like supporting legacy codebases or maintaining projects that use jQuery as an important dependency.

Ajax is a technology that allows developers to make asynchronous HTTP requests without the need for a full page refresh. To make the process less cumbersome than it would be in pure JavaScript, devs have been using the jQuery library for years. In my article An Introduction to jQuery’s Shorthand Ajax Methods, I discussed some of jQuery’s most-used Ajax shorthand methods: $.get(), $.post(), and $.load(). They are convenient methods for making Ajax requests in a few lines of code.

Sometimes, we need more control over the Ajax calls we want to make. For example, we want to specify what should happen in case an Ajax call fails or we need to perform an Ajax request but its result is only needed if retrieved within a certain amount of time. In such situations, we can rely on another function provided by jQuery, called $.ajax(), that is the topic of this tutorial.

The $.ajax() Function

The jQuery $.ajax() function is used to perform an asynchronous HTTP request. It was added to the library a long time ago, existing since version 1.0. The $.ajax() function is what every function discussed in the previously mentioned article calls behind the scene using a preset configuration. The signatures of this function are shown below:

$.ajax(url[, settings])

The url parameter is a string containing the URL you want to reach with the Ajax call, while settings is an object literal containing the configuration for the Ajax request.

In its first form, this function performs an Ajax request using the url parameter and the options specified in settings. In the second form, the URL is specified in the settings parameter, or can be omitted, in which case the request is made to the current page.

The list of the options accepted by this function, described in the next section, is very long, so I’ll keep their description short. In case you want to study their meaning in depth, you can refer to the official documentation of $.ajax().

The settings Parameter

There are a lot of different options you can specify to bend $.ajax() to your needs. In the list below you can find their names and their description sorted in alphabetic order:

accepts: The content type sent in the request header that tells the server what kind of response it will accept in return.
async: Set this option to false to perform a synchronous request.
beforeSend: A pre-request callback function that can be used to modify the jqXHR object before it is sent.
cache: Set this option to false to force requested pages not to be cached by the browser.
complete: A function to be called when the request finishes (after success and error callbacks are executed).
contents: An object that determines how the library will parse the response.
contentType: The content type of the data sent to the server.
context: An object to use as the context (this) of all Ajax-related callbacks.
converters: An object containing dataType-to-dataType converters.
crossDomain: Set this property to true to force a cross-domain request (such as JSONP) on the same domain.
data: The data to send to the server when performing the Ajax request.
dataFilter: A function to be used to handle the raw response data of XMLHttpRequest.
dataType: The type of data expected back from the server.
error: A function to be called if the request fails.
global: Whether to trigger global Ajax event handlers for this request.
headers: An object of additional headers to send to the server.
ifModified: Set this option to true if you want to force the request to be successful only if the response has changed since the last request.
isLocal: Set this option to true if you want to force jQuery to recognize the current environment as “local”.
jsonp: A string to override the callback function name in a JSONP request.
jsonpCallback: Specifies the callback function name for a JSONP request.
mimeType: A string that specifies the mime type to override the XHR mime type.
password: A password to be used with XMLHttpRequest in response to an HTTP access authentication request.
processData: Set this option to false if you don’t want the data passed in to the data option (if not a string already) to be processed and transformed into a query string.
scriptAttrs: Defines an object with additional attributes to be used in a “script” or “jsonp” request.
scriptCharset: Sets the charset attribute on the script tag used in the request but only applies when the “script” transport is used.
statusCode: An object of numeric HTTP codes and functions to be called when the response has the corresponding code.
success: A function to be called if the request succeeds.
timeout: A number that specifies a timeout (in milliseconds) for the request.
traditional: Set this to true if you wish to use the traditional style of param serialization.
type: The type of request to make, which can be either “POST” or “GET”.
url: A string containing the URL to which the request is sent.
username: A username to be used with XMLHttpRequest in response to an HTTP access authentication request.
xhr: A callback for creating the XMLHttpRequest object.
xhrFields: An object to set on the native XHR object.

That’s a pretty long list, isn’t it? Well, as a developer, you probably stopped reading this list at the fifth or sixth element I guess, but that’s fine. The next section will be more exciting, because we’ll put the $.ajax() function and some of these options into action.

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How to Use jQuery’s $.ajax() for Asynchronous HTTP Requests
on SitePoint.

Simple Strategies for Winning the Positions Other Developers Want

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Simple strategies for getting positions other developers want

How do they do it?

“How is [insert developer name] able to attract the promotions and job offers they’re getting? Their work is trash; I’m a much better developer! I work twice as hard, write better code, and produce 2x more work than they do? This is completely unfair.”

You’re right, it is unfair.

This is a serious career problem, assuming that you’ve made an accurate assumption about your skills and performance. Seriously, what gives?

Why most developers optimize for the wrong goal

It’s a common mistake made by many employees in general. Here’s a quote from Reddit user Myidiotbox that encapsulates both the attitude of many employees and the response they receive in return.


This is the unspoken attitude lurking beneath for many people.

“I’m working really hard so I deserve X. I did my job well so I want Y.”

Here’s the problem with this attitude.

It takes you further away from the goals you want (such as being treated well, making more money, achieving significance, and so on). This perception is the primary reason so many developers fail to achieve the career goals they aspire to.

Here are the goals (if you can call them that) a healthy employer looks for.

Can I count on this developer to deliver amazing work consistently?
Is this developer loyal or will he betray me and jump ship as soon as he gets the chance?
How easy is it to replace these developers?
Could I replace them if they left?
How long would it take and how much would it cost me?
This developer is killing it, how do I help them produce more amazing work?

See the problem?

There’s a mismatch here. The vast majority of people are struggling with Dunning-Kruger effect and are prone to overestimate their competence. They believe they’re doing a better job relative to their peers.

But they’re not.

Here’s why this is an issue. This mismatched thinking puts you at odds with your employer. This creates significant problems down the line, too, because it turns employees (you) in to mercenaries over time.

If this sounds harsh, it’s not intended to be.

Here are some simple strategies web developers can use to attract the positions other developers want with minimal effort.

Strategy #1: Become a patriot, stay a patriot

In 2013, Gallup worked with then Nationwide CEO Steve Rasmussen to improve employee engagement. In the course of their relationship, Rasmussen shared a surprising observation.

Employees are either patriots or mercenaries.

Not because they want to be but because they have to be.

Patriots totally identify with their company, and mercenaries are more likely to focus on personal outcomes.

Patriot employees are engaged. They have ownership, they believe in their firm and their firm believes in them. Instead of looking out for themselves, they’re focused on looking out for their firm.

On the other hand, mercenaries are focused on themselves. They tend to rely on serial job-hopping, power hoarding, and social climbing to get what they want. Mercenaries are focused on getting as much value as they can for themselves; they don’t care much about their company.

It’s no surprise then that they’re disengaged.

If the interests of the firm happen to align with their own interests, they’ll do what’s best for the firm. But they’re not really focused on putting their firm ahead of themselves.

Most of the time they can’t.

Why? Because their employer is a mercenary: these employers are focused on squeezing as much value as they can out of their employees. Then, they’re tossed aside once they’re burned out and used up.

You’ll want to stay a patriot.

This means you continue to buy in to your company’s vision. You continue to believe in your employer or co-workers and you look out for them. The instant you can’t do that, you start looking for another job. Here’s why it’s important to remain a patriot.

Intention has a smell.

The exceptional opportunities, benefits, and rewards go overwhelmingly to people who like, trust, and believe in you. These people can smell your intentions, partially due to the fact that humans communicate chemically.

Additionally, there’s a certain kind of tone, inflection, attention, and posture that’s communicated when we’re actually interested and engaged in something. If you’re like most humans on planet Earth, you know what that looks like. The better you are at remaining invested in your employer and co-workers — helping them solve tough problems, sticking with them through bad times — the easier it is win these coveted positions.

Continue reading
Simple Strategies for Winning the Positions Other Developers Want
on SitePoint.

This Week In Web Design – May 1, 2020

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Can you believe it’s May already? Not only is it a new month, but it’s the first Friday of the new calendar page, and Fridays around here mean it’s time for another edition of “This Week In Web Design”! Every week we scan the internet for newly published articles related to web design and development, then bring them here to you all in one spot. This week in web design and development we’ve found new articles about various CSS tricks and tutorials, WordPress, fonts, React, some JavaScript frameworks, and more. Let’s dive in!

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SVG, Favicons, and All the Fun Things We Can Do With Them

One very new trick is the ability to use SVG as a favicon. It’s something that most modern browsers support, with more support on the way.

How to Make a CSS-Only Carousel

There’s no JavaScript here, whatsoever! No jQuery plugins. No trickiness. Just a couple of new-ish CSS properties.

Best of the web for Design and Web Development April 2020

This is another great roundup certainly worth reading through to conclude April.

How to Pick a Font (For Any Design): 10 Tips & Principles

Some timeless rules you can follow when deciding how to pick a font.

Spread the Word: Beautiful Testimonial UI Examples

Take a look at some examples that will give your testimonials a place to shine.

Latest Research for Web Designers April 2020

A variety of topics, from 2020 holiday shopping predictions to missed opportunities in SEO.

Speed Up WordPress With a Free Performance Plugin

How to install and configure the WP-Optimize plugin and explain how it will help speed up your WordPress website.

Getting Started With Nuxt

Learn how to create server-side rendered applications by using Nuxt.js, how to configure your application for development, and how to deploy to Heroku.

18 Free & Premium Business Icon Sets

Free & premium business icon sets that take the guesswork out of what collections are best and allows you to focus more on building an effective site.

Variable Fonts: A 101 Introduction (+ Free Variable Fonts to Try)

If you’re still wondering what these variable fonts really are, we’ll help you get a basic understanding of it.

30 Stunning Examples of Drop-Down Menu Design

This drop down menu design inspiration will hopefully help your brainstorming process speed up.

Morphing Gooey Text Hover Effect

Three gooey morphing hover effects using SVG filters for menu links based on a demo by Graham Pyne.

How To Change The Excerpt Length In WordPress (With And Without A Plugin)

In certain situations you may wish to have more control of how your WordPress posts are displayed, such as changing the excerpt length. Here is how to change the excerpt length with or without a plugin.

The Most Popular List Of 30+ Web Tools And Services

We spent good time during COVID-19 to create the most popular list of 30+ web tools and services.

Implementing Dark Mode In React Apps Using styled-components

Learn how to efficiently implement dark mode in a React app on a simple web page, using the styled-components library and leveraging some React features like hooks.

Using Formik to Handle Forms in React

Start with a React component then integrate Formik while demonstrating the way it handles state, validation, and submissions.

Using Git Subtree for WordPress Projects

Why Git Subtree was necessary for my (much loved) Git Push to WP Engine deployment system.

Supercharge Your Facebook Ads: How to Add Facebook Pixel to WordPress

In this article, we’ll be exploring exactly what Facebook Pixel has to offer you.

How to Build a Simple Toggle Switch Component With the CSS Checkbox Hack

Learn how to build a CSS-only switch component by taking advantage of the “CSS checkbox hack technique”.

How to Determine a Target Market for Your Web Design Business

In today’s post we look at some items to consider when deciding where you want your web design business to go.

18 Tips to Improve Website Design Legibility

Let us see the factors that contribute to good looking and readable content.

Alpine.js: The JavaScript Framework That’s Used Like jQuery, Written Like Vue, and Inspired by TailwindCSS

It’s like a replacement for jQuery and JavaScript, but with declarative rendering.

How to Contribute to Open Source TypeScript Projects

Practical ways for you to get involved in open source TypeScript projects. We’ll first cover assessing your level then jump into how you can find opportunities.

12 Home Office Setup Ideas for Web Designers and Developers

Some of the cleanest, most comfortable, and most unique home office setup ideas for you while you work from home.

Using CSS to Control Text Selection

CSS lets you control how text selection behaves and appears on your pages.

Learn CSS min(), max(), and clamp()

Set a min and max font-size in seconds!

35 Nice Examples of Flat Web Design

For your inspiration we’ve assembled a beautiful collection of flat web designs.

Mirage JS Deep Dive: Understanding Mirage JS Models And Associations (Part 1)

Take a closer look at what Mirage JS models and associations are and the roles they play in crafting out production-ready frontend without an actual backend with Mirage JS.

How To Succeed In Wireframe Design

Learn what wireframes are, why we need to design them, how to get the most out of the designs, and how to take it to the next level.

Immersive Transition Effect

In this tutorial, we will show you how to create an immersive transition effect between sections.

The Hero Generator
How To Create Customized WordPress HTTP Error Pages

Creating a custom error page will leave a visitor fulfilled, returning later, and (hopefully) keep their shirt on.

10 Top Ecommerce Themes For WordPress In 2020

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In this collection of top ecommerce themes for WordPress we have selected 10 of the best we could find. Each theme in this list is part of the massive collection of assets on Envato Elements, so instead of having to buy each theme separately at a price of anywhere from $20-$100 apiece, you can get these themes and thousands more for a low subscription price starting at only $16.50 per month! This is just a small sample size of what’s available, so be sure to go check out the full selection to get a grasp of what a huge savings subscribing to Envato Elements can bring you.

All of these WordPress themes are responsive, easily customizable, and ready for you to quickly build your ecommerce business website. So let’s have a look!

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Adiva – eCommerce WordPress Theme

Adiva is a unique and modern looking eCommerce Theme. It is an extremely Flexible WordPress Theme with powerful Shop functionality. All these amazing features are blended together in Adiva – a powerful, stylish and attractive responsive WordPress Theme. Compatible With Visual Composer, WooCommerce, Bootstrap.

Adiva - Best Ecommerce Themes For WordPress


Seese – Responsive eCommerce Theme

Seese offers a modern and minimal design fully focused on the products you are selling. With 5 different shop layouts (including the masonry option shown below), this ecommerce theme for WordPress is compatible with Visual Composer, WooCommerce, Bootstrap, and more.

Seese - Ecommerce Themes For WordPress


EOVO – Creative & eCommerce WordPress Theme

With 3 Shop page variations and 11 Home page layouts, EOVO provides a unique and modern aesthetic in an ecommerce theme for WordPress. This responsive theme is compatible with WPML, WooCommerce, Visual Composer, Bootstrap, and more.

EOVO - Ecommerce Themes for WordPress


Gem — Luxury eCommerce Responsive WordPress Theme

Gem is a clear, easy to customize template built on Warp 7 Framework with many features. This template is suitable for selling all things, such as: fashion, furniture, electronics, cosmetics, accessories. This clean and fresh looking responsive theme is compatible with WooCommerce and WPML.

Gem - Ecommerce Themes for WordPress


Maison – Minimalist eCommerce WordPress Theme

Maison is a modern and minimalist theme with a proper attention to the details. It was built for your furniture store, clothing store, digital store, watch store, men store, women store, accessories store, cosmetics shop, bookstore, hi-tech store, and more. With 5 home page layouts, this flexible and responsive theme is compatible with Bootstrap, Gutenberg, Visual Composer, WPBakery Page Builder, WPML, and WooCommerce.

Maison - Ecommerce Theme for WordPress


Raboda – eCommerce Responsive WordPress Theme

With many great features like product quick view, ajax shopping cart, wishlist, compare, zoom, and fancybox, Raboda is a robust theme. Raboda includes 7 pre-defined home page layouts, multiple blog layouts, is powered by the Redux framework, and is compatible with Visual Composer, WPML, WooCommerce, and Bootstrap.

Raboda - Ecommerce Theme for WordPress


Javenist – Multipurpose eCommerce WordPress Theme

Javenist is a bright and colorful option with 7 pre-defined home page layouts, powered by the Redux framework, multiple blog layouts, mega menu options, and much more. It is compatible with Visual Composer, WooCommerce, WPML, and Bootstrap.

Javenist - Ecommerce Theme for WordPress



Stylista is a clean & minimal Fashion WooCommerce WordPress Theme for online fashion stores with minimal design and focused on products. Stylista is an outstanding contemporary solution if you want to build more than just a simple WooCommerce store. Stylista is customizable and easy to use, fully responsive, Retina ready, with powerful theme options, good support and much more. This theme is well suited for a lot of e-commerce websites such as a fashion store, a clothing boutique, and more! It is compatible with Bootstrap, Gutenberg, WPBakery Page Builder, WPML, and WooCommerce.



Evon – Bag Store WooCommerce WordPress Theme

Evon is big, bold, modern, and completely focused on your products. With 16 home page layouts, you’re sure to find the look you’re going for in your ecommerce website. Evon is compatible with WPBakery Page Builder, WooCommerce, WPML, and Bootstrap.



June – Fashion WooCommerce WordPress Theme

June is a Shop Builder with Drag & Drop functionality and Front-end Editing as Live as it gets! With Premade Demos, hundreds of Blocks & Elements and a Tested & Practical Design, Build, Edit & Launch your Online Shop on the go with far fewer efforts. June comes with Best in Class UI/UX and Unmatched Shop Making Experience. Loaded with the juicy features & Best Practices of a combination of 50+ topmost Big & Small eCommerce Platforms, June is the winner when your search comes to a performing, detailed, well researched, user-friendly & intuitive Shop Building Solution. It is compatible with WPBakery Page Builder, WooCommerce, and WPML.
