Crisol Empanadas’ Vibrant Branding and Visual Identity Unveiled

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Crisol Empanadas’ Vibrant Branding and Visual Identity Unveiled
Crisol Empanadas’ Vibrant Branding and Visual Identity Unveiled


Uncover the vibrant branding and visual identity of Crisol Empanadas, crafted by Un Barco. Explore the cultural authenticity and design elements that bring Argentina’s culinary heritage to life.

Un Barco has brilliantly crafted the visual identity for Crisol, an Argentinian empanadas project located in Bussum, Netherlands. This design project stands out by seamlessly integrating Argentina’s rich cultural and culinary heritage into its brand.

Crisol’s branding journey begins with a unique typeface inspired by the undulations of the repulgue, the traditional crimping of empanadas. This bespoke typeface not only adds a distinctive visual flair but also pays homage to the artisanal quality of the product. The typography exudes a sense of authenticity, mirroring the handmade nature of the empanadas.

The color palette is another noteworthy aspect, featuring deep, inviting tones that evoke the richness of Argentina. This choice of colors, combined with organic shapes and patterns, creates a visually engaging experience that draws customers in. The brand’s visual elements are cohesive, reinforcing Crisol’s commitment to authenticity and quality.

Un Barco’s approach to Crisol’s visual identity goes beyond mere aesthetics. The design effectively communicates the brand’s story and values. Each element, from the logo to the packaging, is meticulously designed to reflect Argentina’s melting pot society. This thoughtful design process ensures that every interaction with the brand feels like a journey through Argentina’s diverse regions and culinary traditions.

The branding extends to the packaging, which is both functional and visually appealing. The use of traditional Argentine motifs and contemporary design elements bridges the old and the new, making the brand appealing to a broad audience. This blend of tradition and modernity is a testament to Un Barco’s design prowess.

Overall, Crisol’s branding and visual identity are a masterclass in how design can enhance a brand’s narrative and customer experience. By focusing on cultural authenticity and visual coherence, Un Barco has created a compelling and engaging brand that resonates with customers and celebrates Argentina’s rich culinary heritage.

Branding and visual identity artifacts

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For more information make sure to check out Un Barco at

15 Best New Fonts, May 2024

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Every month we put together this collection of the best new fonts we’ve found online in the previous weeks.

3 Essential Design Trends, June 2024

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Summer is off to a fun start with some highly dramatic website design trends showing up in projects. Let’s dive in!

How to Build an Ecommerce Website in 2024

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Having an ecommerce website is the first step to starting your entrepreneurial journey. It’s your digital store, the place where customers can shop for the items you’re selling.

Building an ecommerce website is just the first step; you’ll have to personalize it over time to really match the look and feel of your brand.

Most successful ecommerce websites share a few similar features: they allow users to jump seamlessly between product listings, have lots of informative and educational content, and allow for easy sharing on social media platforms.

In this guide, I’m going to take you through the process of setting up an ecommerce website that best fits the service or product that you want to sell.

Step 1: Identify your Business Model

Before we really get into the weeds, it’s important that you have a clear definition of the business model that you want to follow. You may already know about these two:

B2C (Business-to-customer): Arguably the most popular ecommerce model, where businesses sell directly to end-consumers. Amazon’s a good example (though they also have a B2B arm).

B2B (Business-to-business): This is when a business sells goods and services to another business. Salesforce, for instance, offers an array of services to help other businesses.

There are other models too, such as C2C (Customer-to-customer), which are basically online marketplaces. Craigslist, for example, is a good platform to sell goods to other customers.

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Step 2: Select your Ecommerce Platform

While you still have the option to hire a developer and code your site from scratch, it’s just not a good use of time (and money).

Instead, you can choose an ecommerce platform and build your site within a few hours. Here are some of the best ecommerce website builders chosen by our experts:


When I think of a robust and user-friendly ecommerce platform, Shopify always comes to mind first. We ranked it as the best ecommerce platform, and here are just a few reasons why:

Easy to use: You don’t need to be a tech whiz to get started. All it takes is a few clicks to get started and launch your store.

Flexibility in design: With 100s of design templates (themes) available, you can customize your store to match your brand’s aesthetic. Many are just plug and play too!

Integrations: You get access to thousands of apps to further improve your store’s functionality, from marketing tools to inventory management solutions.


You may have already heard of BigCommerce. It’s commonly used by ecommerce businesses that want to rapidly scale, and is also used by many enterprise-level organizations.

Here’s why we like BigCommerce:

Scalability: BigCommere was purpose-built to help small businesses create a professional-looking store that they can scale.

Lots of features: It offers a host of built-in features, from analytical reporting to multi-channel selling.

No transaction fees: Unlike Shopify, BigCommerce doesn’t charge transaction fees. That’s a huge bonus in my book, especially for stores that sell lots of products.


Squarespace has found its own niche in the ecommerce space, with many business owners preferring it because of its unique design aesthetics.

Personally, I’ve seen some amazing sites built using this ecommerce platform.

Here’s why I like it:

Gorgeous templates: We love the diversity of the templates that Squarespace offers right out of the box.

Content and email marketing function: Squarespace includes built-in blogging and email marketing tools too, so you don’t have to spend extra.

Trial length: One of the best things about Squarespace is just how simple it is. You get a 14-day free trial, which is great in my opinion. That’s more than enough time to really understand the platform and understand its strengths.


If you want to go with a self-hosted option, WooCommerce is your best bet. It’s free to use, and it’s ideal for those who have experience with WordPress.

It’s very different from other hosted platforms on the list, obviously. Here’s why I recommend it:

Free: As I mentioned, the WooCommerce plugin itself is entirely free to use. However, that means you’ll have to pay for hosting, the themes, and other plugins to fully flesh out your store.

Control: You have full control over your website and all related data. For privacy-focused businesses, this is a significant advantage.

Customization: It’s highly customizable too, thanks to the wide range of plugins and themes that you can tap into in the WordPress ecosystem.

Step 3: Start Building Your Site

As you can probably tell, I prefer hosted ecommerce platforms, simply because they are so easy to start with.

I’ll use Shopify as an example for this section:

1: Sign Up for a Shopify Account

Go to Shopify’s website and click on Start free trial. You get the first three days free, and only have to pay $1 for the first month.

Now, you have to create an account. Just enter your email address, create a password, and enter your store name. Click “Create your store” and let Shopify work its magic.

2: Set Up Your Store

The next step requires you to add your business information. Fill the dialogue boxes with relevant information that Shopify requires, including your address. Shopify uses this information to calculate shipping rates and taxes.

On the next screen, you’ll be prompted to select a Shopify plan that fits your needs. There are three popular plans, but I recommend starting with the Basic ($29/month).

3: Customize Your Store’s Design

Go to the Shopify Theme Store and choose a theme that suits your brand. I recommend starting with a free theme first before upgrading to a premium one later on.

Remember, you can always customize the theme to your liking using the Shopify Theme Editor. You can change colors, fonts, and layout to create the brand and feel you prefer.

4: Add Products

In your Shopify admin, click on “Products” and then “Add product”. You’ll have to enter details for all the products you want to list.

Fill in the product title, description, price, and other relevant details. Make sure to also add high-quality product images.

Also, you’ll see an option for “Collections,” which are basically categories. It’s a great way to organize your products and make sure everything’s grouped accordingly.

5: Set Up Payments

This step is important to ensure that you’re able to receive payments from your customers. Go to Settings > Payments in the sidebar to select your preferred payment gateway. Shopify Payments is the default option, and it lets you save on transaction fees.

This is also a good time to set up additional payment methods such as PayPal, Amazon Pay, or manual payments like bank transfers. The more payment options you support, the easier it is to get customers.

6: Set Up Shipping

Shopify can automatically calculate shipping rates, but it requires a bit of a setup. Go to Settings > Shipping and Delivery and you’ll see a host of options. This is where you can set up shipping zones and rates based on your location and shipping preferences.

Shopify also lets you configure different shipping carriers. If you want to offer carrier shipping, you can integrate with carriers like USPS, UPS, or FedEx. This is useful, as it lets your customers get shipping quotes in real-time.

7: Set Up Taxes

As an ecommerce store owner, you’re liable to collect sales tax. Thankfully, you can sidestep those confusing calculations with Shopify.

Go to Settings > Taxes: Configure your tax settings based on your business location and where you sell. Shopify can automatically calculate taxes for most regions globally, and you can always set up custom rates too.

8: Create Legal Pages

Legal pages protect your business in case of liability. With Shopify, you can auto-generate these pages, though we recommend that as your store grows, you have a lawyer build those out for you.

To start off, go to Online Store > Pages: Create essential pages like Terms of Service, Privacy Policy, and Refund Policy. You can use Shopify’s template generator for these pages.

Note: Make sure to add links to these legal pages in your store’s footer for easy access.

9: Set Up a Custom Domain

Now, you need a domain name before launching the store. Shopify is a domain registrar, so you can buy a domain name directly through the platform. Conversely, you can also transfer an existing domain.

Just make sure to set your newly purchased domain as the default one for your store.

10: Test Your Store

Just one last thing before you launch: checking to ensure everything is as it should be. You can use Shopify’s Bogus Gateway to place a test order and gauge the experience for your potential customers.

I recommend that you check all the main pages. Navigate through your store to ensure all links, images, and functionalities work correctly before moving on to the next step!

11: Launch Your Store

Before you launch, it’s imperative that you remove password protection so that your store’s accessible by the general public. To do this, go to Online Store > Preferences and disable the password page to make your store live.

Now, it’s time to make some (digital) noise! Announce your new store launch on social media, send out emails, and start running ads!

Tips to Improve Sales on Your Ecommerce Website

As I stated at the start of this piece, launching your store is just the first step. If you’re new to the ecommerce space, I want to make sure that you have the tools and the information to succeed.

We work with ecommerce stores of various sizes, helping them grow their business by implementing different strategies that best fit their needs. Here are a few tips that can position you for success from the get-go:

Focus on the User Experience

My most important tip would be for new entrepreneurs to focus on enhancing the user experience. Ideally, you’d want your website to be easy to navigate, mobile-friendly, and of course, ensure that it loads fast.

A seamless experience keeps customers on the site longer and reduces bounce rates. I’ve seen conversion rates improve significantly just by streamlining the checkout process, making it as straightforward as possible, with minimal steps and clear calls to action.

Create High-Quality Product Listings

Another crucial aspect is the quality of product listings. High-quality images, detailed descriptions, and customer reviews can make a big difference.

When consulting with clients, we review and make sure each product page provides all the necessary information a customer might need, reducing any hesitation they might have about making a purchase.

People have become incredibly careful and selective when buying online, and it’s imperative that you provide as much detail as possible, both through written descriptions and through images, to help potential customers convert.

Don’t Sleep on Social Proof

We’ve seen conversion rate jumps of over 10-20% just by adding social proof to smaller ecommerce stores.

Showcasing customer testimonials and reviews can reassure potential buyers about the credibility and quality of your products. Additionally, offering a solid return policy can also go a long way in fostering trust between your audience.

Diversify your Marketing Efforts

Running ads on your site is a good way to start generating sales instantly, but it’s not enough. When working with ecommerce clients, we always recommend that they diversify their marketing efforts.

I’ve found success by employing a mix of email marketing, social media promotions, and search engine optimization (SEO). Personalized email campaigns that offer special discounts or highlight new products can drive lots of repeat business.

Now, I know a lot of ecommerce entrepreneurs who simply prefer running ads because of the instant gratification, but it’s just not a long-term approach. If you want to really build a brand, it’s important to produce engaging content and promote it on multiple platforms.


A well-designed ecommerce website could be the launchpad for success for your online business. Plus, with so many ecommerce platforms now available, it’s no longer difficult to “build” a site from scratch like in the old days.

Once your site is live, you can then begin to focus on promotion and marketing. Just remember, ecommerce sites are quite iterative.

If you feel something isn’t working, you can always change things around and gauge the impact!

The post How to Build an Ecommerce Website in 2024 appeared first on Ecommerce Platforms.

Best Practices For Naming Design Tokens, Components And Variables

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Naming is hard. As designers and developers, we often struggle finding the right name — for a design token, colors, UI components, HTML classes, and variables. Sometimes, the names we choose are too generic, so it’s difficult to understand what exactly is meant. And sometimes they are too specific, leaving little room for flexibility and re-use.

In this post, we want to get to the bottom of this and explore how we can make naming more straightforward. How do we choose the right names? And which naming conventions work best? Let’s take a closer look.

Inspiration For Naming

If you’re looking for some inspiration for naming HTML classes, CSS properties, or JavaScript functions, Classnames is a wonderful resource jam-packed with ideas that get you thinking outside the box.

The site provides thematically grouped lists of words perfect for naming. You’ll find terms to describe different kinds of behavior, likeness between things, order, grouping, and association, but also themed collections of words that wouldn’t instantly come to one’s mind when it comes to code, among them words from nature, art, theater, music, architecture, fashion, and publishing.

Naming Conventions

What makes a good name? Javier Cuello summarized a set of naming best practices that help you name your layers, groups and components in a consistent and scalable way.

As Javier points out, a good name has a logical structure, is short, meaningful, and known by everyone, and not related to visual properties. He shares do’s and don’ts to illustrate how to achieve that and also takes a closer look at all the fine little details you need to consider when naming sizes, colors, groups, layers, and components.

Design Tokens Naming Playbook

How do you name and manage design tokens? To enhance your design tokens naming skills, Romina Kavcic created an interactive Design Tokens Naming Playbook. It covers everything from different approaches to naming structure to creating searchable databases, running naming workshops, and automation.

The playbook also features a naming playground where you can play with names simply by dragging and dropping. For more visual examples, also be sure to check out the Figma template. It includes components for all categories, allowing you to experiment with different naming structures.

Flexible Design Token Taxonomy

How to build a flexible design token taxonomy that works across different products? That was the challenge that the team at Intuit faced. The parent company of products such as Mailchimp, Quickbooks, TurboTax, and Mint developed a flexible token system that goes beyond the brand theme to serve as the foundational system for a wide array of products.

Nate Baldwin wrote a case study in which he shares valuable insights into the making of Intuit’s design token taxonomy. It dives deeper into the pain points of the old taxonomy system, the criteria they defined for the new system, and how it was created. Lots of takeaways for building your own robust and flexible token taxonomy are guaranteed.

Naming Colors

When you’re creating a color system, you need names for all its facets and uses. Names that everyone on the team can make sense of. But how to achieve that? How do you bring logic to a subjective topic like color? Jess Satell, Staff Content Designer for Adobe’s Spectrum Design System, shares how they master the challenge.

As Jess explains, the Spectrum color nomenclature uses a combination of color family classifier (e.g., blue or gray) paired with an incremental brightness value scale (50–900) to name colors in a way that is not only logical for everyone involved but also scalable and flexible as the system grows.

Another handy little helper when it comes to naming colors is Color Parrot. The Twitter bot is capable of naming and identifying the colors in any given image. Just mention the bot in a reply, and it will respond with a color palette.

Common Names For UI Components

Looking at what other people call similar things is a great way to start when you’re struggling with naming. And what better source could there be than other design systems? Before you end up in the design system rabbit hole, Iain Bean did the research for you and created the Component Gallery.

The Component Gallery is a collection of interface components from real-world design systems. It includes plenty of examples for more than 50 UI components — from accordion to visually hidden — and also lists other names that the UI components go by. A fantastic resource — not only with regards to naming.

Variables Taxonomy Map

A wonderful example of naming guidelines for a complex multi-brand, multi-themed design system comes from the Vodafone UK Design System team. Their Variables Taxonomy Map breaks down the anatomy and categorization of a design token into a well-orchestrated system of collections.

The map illustrates four collections required to support the system and connections between tokens — from brand and primitives to semantics and pages. It builds on top of Nathan Curtis’ work on naming design tokens and enables everyone to gather insight about where a token is used and what it represents, just from its name.

If you want to explore more approaches to naming design tokens, Vitaly compiled a list of useful Figma kits and resources that are worth checking out.

Design Token Names Inventory

Romina Kavcic created a handy little resource that is bound to give your design token naming workflow a power boost. The Design Token Names Inventory spreadsheet not only makes it easy to ensure consistent naming but also syncs directly to Figma.

The spreadsheet has a simple structure with four levels to give you a bird’s-eye view of all your design tokens. You can easily add rows, themes, and modes without losing track and filter your tokens. And while the spreadsheet itself is already a great solution to keep everyone involved on the same page, it plays out its real strength in combination with the Google Spreadsheets plugin or the Kernel plugin. Once installed, the changes you make in the spreadsheet are reflected in Figma. A real timesaver!

Want To Dive Deeper?

We hope these resources will come in handy as you tackle naming. If you’d like to dive deeper into design tokens, components, and design systems, we have a few friendly online workshops and SmashingConfs coming up:

Design Token and UI Component Architecture with Nathan Curtis, June 6–14
Creating and Maintaining Successful Design Systems with Brad Frost, Aug 27 — Sept 10
Figma Workflow Masterclass
with Christina Vallaure, Nov 14–22
SmashingConf Freiburg 2024 🇩🇪 — The Web, Sep 9–11
SmashingConf New York 2024 🇺🇸 — Front-End & UX, Oct 7–10
SmashingConf Antwerp 2024 🇧🇪 — Design & UX, Oct 28–31

We’d be absolutely delighted to welcome you to one of our special Smashing experiences — be it online or in person!

Enhancing DevSecOps Workflows with Generative AI: A Comprehensive Guide

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The advent of generative AI is set to revolutionize DevSecOps practices by addressing the manual aspects of the development lifecycle

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Enhancing DevSecOps Workflows with Generative AI: A Comprehensive Guide
on SitePoint.

How Freelancers Can Prevent Chargebacks (7 Effective Strategies)

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We all know the financial challenges freelancers face when finding new clients, preserving existing income sources, maintaining cash flow during slow times, handling income taxes, and more. Unfortunately, there is another financial hurdle you could face as a freelancer: chargebacks.

A chargeback is a forced credit card refund. Chargebacks are a form of consumer protection, originally created to protect people from fraud and unauthorized transactions. The merchant bears the burden of proof. All the cardholder (freelance client) has to do is contact the bank and ask for their money back.

If you accept credit card as a form of payment, even if you are freelancing, credit card companies will deem you a merchant, which means that a freelance client can dispute a payment they’ve made to you. The money will be removed from your bank account, without warning or your consent, and you will be left with an extra chargeback fee you’ll have to pay.

As you can see, chargebacks open the door for fraudsters, which may include clients of questionable character looking to cheat the system. So here are some financial tips for freelancers to prevent chargebacks.

10 Tips to Invoice Your Clients Professionally

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10 Tips to Invoice Your Clients Professionally

Let’s face it – getting paid is great, but invoicing can be a real headache for freelancers, especially… Read more

Accepting Credit Cards As Payment

The first solution that might come to mind is to avoid accepting credit cards as payment altogether. However, other forms of payment come with risks too: check fraud, counterfeit checks, and bouncing checks are some unpleasant side effects of accepting checks as payment.

credit card paymentcredit card payment

Bitcoin and other virtual currencies aren’t widely accepted yet, and wiring money or providing direct deposits are risks many clients aren’t usually willing to take. In the end, credit card payments are usually the lesser evil. Chargebacks are unpleasant but with proper management, they are preventable. Taking manageable risks is the only way to ensure growth and success.

Best Ways To Prevent Chargebacks

A determined fraudster or a lazy client is bound to slip through the cracks on occasion, but there are plenty of ways to reduce the risk of these unnecessary profit losses.

1. Consider Using A Moderator

Technically, you can find freelance jobs anywhere. It should also be noted that anyone can post these jobs. Unless there is a screening process of some sort, you could end up working with some real sketchy characters. Consider using freelance job coordinators like oDesk, Upwork, or Guru.


In addition to facilitating work opportunities through the job board, these companies act as a payment moderator between the client and freelancer. There are checks and balances in place to help make the payment process as safe as possible. Some even go so far as to guarantee payment. Chargebacks are much less likely to occur in these “safe” environments.

2. Meticulously Research The Potential Client

Even if you do use one of these freelancing agencies – and especially if you don’t – it is important to do your own research. An honest client who has every intention of paying for quality work will have a better online reputation than a scammer who is determined to get something for free.

talk to client onlinetalk to client online

Go online and learn everything you can about a new or potential client.

Check out their website (the design can tell you a lot about the company’s legitimacy).
See if there are any reviews on the client’s Google+ account.
Be sure to check out scam websites like Ripoff Report.
If the company has brick-and-mortar presences, you can see how they stand with the Better Business Bureau.
In addition to your online research, conduct a phone or Skype interview.
Also, if the client does business in the “real world,” stop in during business hours (if they are local).

3. Take Extra Precautions

Many chargebacks are filed because of unauthorized transactions. A fraudster could get hold of credit card information and buy a design on someone else’s dollar. Make sure you really are working for the person who will be footing the bill.

If possible, ask for a photocopy (or scan) of both the face of the credit card and the client’s photo ID. Make sure the names match. A thief probably wouldn’t have access to both the credit card and ID. In fact, if the credit card account number has been hacked from somewhere, they might not even have access to the actual card. You can also compare the signature on the ID to the signature on the contract.

4. Address Payment Details In Writing

Your contract might be your best chargeback prevention tool. Disputing a chargeback is difficult – and rarely successful. The only way to prove your case (and get your money back) is to have written documentation supporting your claims.

contract with clientcontract with client

Since a contract would act as this dispute proof, it also acts as a deterrent for anyone who might be looking for ways to cheat the system. So make sure you plug any holes from the get-go. This article on freelance contract clauses can help you draft a fail-proof contract; pay careful attention to the tips regarding rates, invoicing, kill fees, and deadlines. These will be most helpful in preventing chargebacks.

Designers: Know Your Rights! 4 Must-Have Clauses In A Contract

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Designers: Know Your Rights! 4 Must-Have Clauses In A Contract

Freelancers, you have learned to never start work without a written contract, but it’s hard to like contracts…. Read more

5. Clearly Outline Copyright Ownership

Another important tip to note is copyright issues. Copyright laws are another valuable chargeback prevention tool. Imagine the following situation. You design a killer website for a client. He accepts the design. He pays you via credit card. Life goes on.

Later, you receive notice of a chargeback, but your design is still on the client’s site. If you worded your contract right, you can go after the thieving client. How? Put the following phrase in your contract: copyright transfers to the client only upon payment in full. If the client filed a chargeback, he hasn’t paid you, and therefore is in violation of copyright laws by continuing to use your design.


If you threaten the client with a DMCA takedown, he is likely to cancel the chargeback quickly. If he doesn’t pay, follow through with the takedown. This action won’t get you your money back, but it will give you a little satisfaction!

Understanding and Reviving Unused Designs

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Understanding and Reviving Unused Designs

In the past, wars were won through smart strategies and skilled soldiers. Just like in those battles, the… Read more

6. Comply With All Deadlines

Not all chargebacks come from scammers. There is a real possibility the chargeback filed against you is valid and brought about by your own actions. There are many acceptable reasons why a cardholder would file a chargeback. For example, one chargeback reason code that could influence your freelance income is “services not provided.”

If you don’t adhere to deadlines, it is understandable that a client might consider a chargeback. The client shouldn’t have to pay for something he didn’t receive. If there is a chance you’ll miss a deadline, let the client know as soon as possible and offer an alternate submission schedule.

meeting deadlinemeeting deadline

Additionally, make sure you provide excellent customer service. Answer your client’s phone calls and emails promptly and professionally. If there is a lag in communication, the client might think you went MIA and pull the plug on payments that have already been rendered.

10 Things Your Clients Hate Hearing

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10 Things Your Clients Hate Hearing

With a quick search on Google, you will discover that the Internet is filled with the rage of… Read more

7. Do The Work, And Do It Well!

Chargebacks filed when services are “not as described or defective” is also a legitimate grievance. If your client hired you to do X and you delivered Y, isn’t it understandable that a chargeback could be in your near future?

One way to ensure the quality of your work is to limit the number of projects you accept at a given time. If you are stretched too thin, it will show in the quality of your work. Take pride in your work. Deliver completed projects that represent your very best effort.

Juggling Deadlines and Priorities 101 for Freelancers

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Juggling Deadlines and Priorities 101 for Freelancers

Deadlines can be a nasty thorn for many freelancers. I feel that deadlines make me more concerned with… Read more

And there you have it. There is nothing to fear about chargebacks once you understand how to prevent or at least minimize the possibility of it happening on your watch. Don’t threaten the success of your design career by failing to take a few preventative steps before work begins.

The post How Freelancers Can Prevent Chargebacks (7 Effective Strategies) appeared first on Hongkiat.

Switching It Up With HTML’s Latest Control

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The web is no stranger to taking HTML elements and transforming them to look, act, and feel like something completely different. A common example of this is the switch, or toggle, component. We would hide a checkbox beneath several layers of styles, define the ARIA role as “switch,” and then ship. However, this approach posed certain usability issues around indeterminate states and always felt rather icky. After all, as the saying goes, the best ARIA is no ARIA.

Well, there is new hope for a native HTML switch to catch on.

Safari Technology Preview (TP) 185 and Safari 17.4 released with an under-the-radar feature, a native HTML switch control. It evolves from the hidden-checkbox approach and aims to make the accessibility and usability of the control more consistent.

<!– This will render a native checkbox –//>
<input type=”checkbox” />

<!– Add the switch attribute to render a switch element –//>
<input type=”checkbox” switch />
<input type=”checkbox” checked switch />

Communication is one aspect of the control’s accessibility. Earlier in 2024, there were issues where the switch would not adjust to page zoom levels properly, leading to poor or broken visibility of the control. However, at the time I am writing this, Safari looks to have resolved these issues. Zooming retains the visual cohesion of the switch.

The switch attribute seems to take accessibility needs into consideration. However, this doesn’t prevent us from using it in inaccessible and unusable ways. As mentioned, mixing the required and indeterminate properties between switches and checkboxes can cause unexpected behavior for people trying to navigate the controls. Once again, Adrian sums things up nicely:

“The switch role does not allow mixed states. Ensure your switch never gets set to a mixed state; otherwise, well, problems.”

— Adrian Roselli

Internationalization (I18N): Which Way Is On?

Beyond the accessibility of the switch control, what happens when the switch interacts with different writing modes?

When creating the switch, we had to ensure the use of logical CSS to support different writing modes and directions. This is because a switch being in its right-most position (or inline ending edge) doesn’t mean “on” in some environments. In some languages — e.g., those that are written right-to-left — the left-most position (or inline starting edge) on the switch would likely imply the “on” state.

While we should be writing logical CSS by default now, the new switch control removes that need. This is because the control will adapt to its nearest writing-mode and direction properties. This means that in left-to-right environments, the switch’s right-most position will be its “on” state, and in right-to-left environments, its left-most position will be the “on” state.

See the Pen Safari Switch Control – Styling [forked] by @DanielYuschick.

Final Thoughts

As we continue to push the web forward, it’s natural for our tools to evolve alongside us. The switch control is a welcome addition to HTML for eliminating the checkbox hacks we’ve been resorting to for years.

That said, combining the checkbox and switch into a single input, while being convenient, does raise some concerns about potential markup combinations. Despite this, I believe this can ultimately be resolved with linters or by the browsers themselves under the hood.

Ultimately, having a native approach to switch components can make the accessibility and usability of the control far more consistent — assuming it’s ever supported and adopted for widespread use.

Collective #840

Original Source:

Introducing the CSS anchor positioning API * Superior Range Syntax * Best intention barriers (ARIA edition)