Internal SEO Package
There is a significant amount of SEO that is required to be processed internally on the website via back-end and on-page as well. If your website designer neglected to invoice you for SEO, the odds are that either it was overlooked or auto-generated. Auto-generated SEO is better than NO SEO, however you are still on the bottom end of the SEO point system.
As of recently, we have started to include internal SEO free of charge if you have obtained our website design services.
Please do note, that after the internal process has been completed. Clients are encouraged to continue updating their website content. Keeping your users engaged will help facilitate your overall SEO score.
- Existing SEO Site Analysis
- Keyword Research
- Competitor Analysis
- On Page OptimizationImplementation of proper Title and Description.
- Content OptimizationImplementation of H1/H2 & Bold tags to Content, correcting coding errors, etc.
- XML Sitemap CreationSubmission & Authentication on Google, and Bing.
- Robots.txt Optimization
- Google Analytics Installation
- Monthly Ranking & Traffic ReportsIf provided access to Google Analytics.
- One-Time Package Cost$550.00Click to Order
Visual Representation (Internal)

Full report on 3 major competitors is provided
Keywords that your potential customers are using on a search engine to find your competitors.
Current SEO analysis of your website is provided. You will receive both “before” and “after” SEO analysis.
Every one of your main heading pages will be optimized. That includes title, and description.
Any sort of on body tags will be optimized which includes H1 and H2 tags. Any on-page errors will be corrected.
Fresh XML map will be created and re-submitted to Google, and Bing.
Robots.txt will be modified to compliment any SEO changes and modifications that were made.
An account will be opened and properly connected. A monthly email notification system will be created for monthly email reports.
External SEO Package
Externally there are multiple elements that could effect your websites SEO. Imagine our external package as booster shot into your exterior SEO. Our package below covers 6 months of manual maintenance. After 6 months, you can subscribe to our monthly package of $50.00 per month. There is absolutely no obligation to go on monthly terms thereafter. Many clients are happy with the initial boost, and others want to prolong that boost. It’s all up to the individual client.
- PageRank Boost
- Social Media Boost
- AdWords Advertising Campaign
- World Wide Back Linking
- Article Linking12 articles will be written about your company, and your industry. The articles will be disclosed to the client.
- Domain / Page Authority Boost
- One-Time Package CostPlease contact us for pricing. Some companies are in a very competitive industry, and these would cost more than those who are not. Every company is different and no quote is exaclty the same.
Visual Representation (External)

We will boost your current PageRank Score
Likes, Shares and Comments about your Domain will be increased via Social Media boost.
We will fully setup your AdWords campaign.
12 Professionally written articles about your company, services/products, and industry.
External linking to your website will be implemented.
Domain and Page Authority Boost strategy will be implemented.