Understand CSS Border Corner Shape

Original Source: https://www.hongkiat.com/blog/css3-border-shape/

We have been seeing several new CSS3 features that are widely implemented, such as Rounded Corner, Box Shadow, and Text Shadow, just to name a few. Still, there are several features that are…

Visit hongkiat.com for full content.

50 Beautiful Nature Wallpapers For Your Desktop

Original Source: https://www.hongkiat.com/blog/100-absolutely-beautiful-nature-wallpapers-for-your-desktop/

Huge collection of high-quality and beautiful nature wallpapers.

The post 50 Beautiful Nature Wallpapers For Your Desktop appeared first on Hongkiat.

Visit hongkiat.com for full content.

Photoshop Alternatives for Designers

Original Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/1stwebdesigner/~3/DggnTxgLQEU/

One of the biggest hurdles to becoming a web or graphic designer is the cost. Professional design software takes time to learn and is expensive on top.

Photoshop may be the leader in graphics editing, but it has a price tag to match. With the Creative Cloud service on a monthly payment scheme, it can cost you a minimum of $120 per year, and you don’t even get a permanent license to use Photoshop.

If that’s just too expensive for you, or you want editing software with a perpetual licensing model, there are plenty of alternatives out there. Some are even free. Here are 6 design software alternatives with similar functions and feel to Photoshop.

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Affinity Photo

Example of Affinity Photo

Affinity Photo is one of the best and most similar Photoshop alternatives available. A one-time $50 fee gets you access to an advanced and affordable program for Mac or Windows, or you can get a cheaper version for your tablet.

The editor comes with support for RAW files, panoramas, vector drawing, and effective retouching tools. Its one downside is the limited plugin selection that leaves it not very extendable. But for a majority of designers, it can take Photoshop’s place pretty well.


Example of GIMP

You can’t beat free, and open source GIMP is a popular Photoshop competitor. A majority of Photoshop’s tools are available here, and it accepts a wide range of file formats including PSDs.

One of GIMP’s main features is its customizability. There are hundreds of third-party tools ranging from entire plugins to artistic brushes. However, its interface is less streamlined than Photoshop’s, and it’s missing some important tools like non-destructive editing and CMYK support.

But overall, it’s a solid choice for graphic designers if you don’t need certain advanced features.


Example of Sketch

Sketch is a vector graphics editor and web design tool for macOS, with multiple improvements over Photoshop in areas of UI design. It’s made for website prototyping and comes with grids built in, pixel perfect precision, and smart guide functionality.

The program is focused solely on UI and mockups, and comes with no features like bitmap brushes or photo editing. If you find yourself using Photoshop’s other artistic features frequently, you may want a more general-purpose editor. But UI/UX designers will quickly fall in love with this easy-to-use program.


Example of Photopea

For a free, entirely in-browser editor, Photopea comes with a surprising array of features. Its clean interface will feel very familiar to Photoshop fans, and you’ll be shocked at how much is packed into it.

That said, if you’re used to advanced or even mid-level Photoshop features, Photopea doesn’t yet hold up in all of these areas. It’s a great emergency editor, and perfect if you only need a basic set of tools. Some designers won’t need anything more, but don’t expect the raw power of a downloadable program from this.


Example of Krita

If your design work often involves painting and creating artwork or graphics, Krita would be a great choice. It’s free and open source, and has the power of Photoshop with an interface specialized for artists.

There are over 100 brushes included and ways to download more, a fully customizable interface, vector support, and HDR painting. Krita isn’t suitable for general editing and manipulation, but it’s perfect for illustrators and graphic designers.


Example of Figma

Figma is similar to Sketch in that it’s focused around prototyping and UI design, but it comes with its own host of features. The biggest is its support for live multi-user editing with your teammates. It works in the browser and has a free starter plan for up to two designers.

It also comes with vector editing, commenting, prototyping tools, and the ability to export as a PDF or image. If your focus is on collaboration, and you want to design alongside others, Figma is definitely one to consider.

Low-Cost Photoshop Alternatives

Photoshop is considered a staple of a designer’s toolkit, but it hardly has a monopoly on the industry. There are plenty of other programs out there that have similar functionality to Photoshop and a price tag as low as free.

Just remember that these programs only provide similar functionality to Photoshop. If you use other programs in the Creative Cloud suite, such as Lightroom, Illustrator, Dreamweaver, or InDesign, you’ll need to find alternatives for those as well.

How to Build a News App with Svelte

Original Source: https://www.sitepoint.com/svelte-news-app-build/?utm_source=rss

How to Build a News App with Svelte

Svelte is a new JavaScript UI library that’s similar in many ways to modern UI libraries like React. One important difference is that it doesn’t use the concept of a virtual DOM.

In this tutorial, we’ll be introducing Svelte by building a news application inspired by the Daily Planet, a fictional newspaper from the Superman world.

About Svelte

Svelte makes use of a new approach to building users interfaces. Instead of doing the necessary work in the browser, Svelte shifts that work to a compile-time phase that happens on the development machine when you’re building your app.

In a nutshell, this is how Svelte works (as stated in the official blog):

Svelte runs at build time, converting your components into highly efficient imperative code that surgically updates the DOM. As a result, you’re able to write ambitious applications with excellent performance characteristics.

Svelte is faster than the most powerful frameworks (React, Vue and Angular) because it doesn’t use a virtual DOM and surgically updates only the parts that change.

We’ll be learning about the basic concepts like Svelte components and how to fetch and iterate over arrays of data. We’ll also learn how to initialize a Svelte project, run a local development server and build the final bundle.


You need to have a few prerequisites, so you can follow this tutorial comfortably, such as:

Familiarity with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript (ES6+),
Node.js and npm installed on your development machine.

Node.js can be easily installed from the official website or you can also use NVM for easily installing and managing multiple versions of Node in your system.

We’ll be using a JSON API as a source of the news for our app, so you need to get an API key by simply creating an account for free and taking note of your API key.

Getting Started

Now, let’s start building our Daily Planet news application by using the degit tool for generating Svelte projects.

You can either install degit globally on your system or use the npx tool to execute it from npm. Open a new terminal and run the following command:

npx degit sveltejs/template dailyplanetnews

Next, navigate inside your project’s folder and run the development server using the following commands:

cd dailyplanetnews
npm run dev

Your dev server will be listening from the http://localhost:5000 address. If you do any changes, they’ll be rebuilt and live-reloaded into your running app.

Open the main.js file of your project, and you should find the following code:

import App from ‘./App.svelte’;

const app = new App({
target: document.body,
props: {
name: ‘world’

export default app;

This is where the Svelte app is bootstrapped by creating and exporting an instance of the root component, conventionally called App. The component takes an object with a target and props attributes.

The target contains the DOM element where the component will be mounted, and props contains the properties that we want to pass to the App component. In this case, it’s just a name with the world value.

Open the App.svelte file, and you should find the following code:

export let name;

h1 {
color: purple;

<h1>Hello {name}!</h1>

This is the root component of our application. All the other components will be children of App.

Components in Svelte use the .svelte extension for source files, which contain all the JavaScript, styles and markup for a component.

The export let name; syntax creates a component prop called name. We use variable interpolation—{…}—to display the value passed via the name prop.

You can simply use plain old JavaScript, CSS, and HTML that you are familiar with to create Svelte components. Svelte also adds some template syntax to HTML for variable interpolation and looping through lists of data, etc.

Since this is a small app, we can simply implement the required functionality in the App component.

In the <script> tag, import the onMount() method from “svelte” and define the API_KEY, articles, and URL variables which will hold the news API key, the fetched news articles and the endpoint that provides data:

export let name;

import { onMount } from “svelte”;

const URL = `https://newsapi.org/v2/everything?q=comics&sortBy=publishedAt&apiKey=${API_KEY}`;
let articles = [];


onMount is a lifecycle method. Here’s what the official tutorial says about that:

Every component has a lifecycle that starts when it is created and ends when it is destroyed. There are a handful of functions that allow you to run code at key moments during that lifecycle. The one you’ll use most frequently is onMount, which runs after the component is first rendered to the DOM.

Next, let’s use the fetch API to fetch data from the news endpoint and store the articles in the articles variable when the component is mounted in the DOM:

// […]

onMount(async function() {
const response = await fetch(URL);
const json = await response.json();
articles = json[“articles”];

Since the fetch() method returns a JavaScript Promise, we can use the async/await syntax to make the code look synchronous and eliminate callbacks.

The post How to Build a News App with Svelte appeared first on SitePoint.

These fake AirPods are utterly ludicrous

Original Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/CreativeBloq/~3/xhZSkN2t6R4/fake-airpods

Apple AirPods have become the absolute must-have accessory for iPhone, iPad and iPod since their launch in 2016. They have a lot of brilliant tech packed into them, and although they looked a bit weird when they first came out, it's now impossible to walk down the street without passing loads of people with those telltale AirPod arms hanging out of their ears.

AirPods aren't without their drawbacks, though. For starters, they're expensive; even if you search out the best Apple AirPod deals, you're talking over £150 for a pair, and that's before you've factored in the essential wireless charging case. That's a lot to pay for something that you're more likely to lose than you are a traditional pair of wired earphones.

Apple Black Friday deals: What to expect in 2019

And of course, you need an Apple device to go with them; no AirPods for you, Android owners. Amazon's just announced its own Echo Buds, which appear to be a strong AirPod alternative with many similar features at a less hefty price, but do they look as cool as actual AirPods? 'Cool' is very much a subjective thing, but we feel that many would think that no, they do not.

Fake AirPods: ASOS site

From a distance, who’s going to know?

However, if you want that distinctive, "Hey, look at me, I've got some AirPods!" look, here's ASOS with a solution that'll give you instant street cred at a tiny fraction of the price. It's launched its own fake AirPods – that's ASOS DESIGN faux headphone ear piece in silver tone to you – and they're absolutely ideal for looking like you're wearing AirPods. At least from a distance.

Like real AirPods, they're not quite perfect. For one thing, they're not that unmistakable AirPod white. Instead they're 100 per cent zinc with a silver-tone finish, which isn't likely to fool anyone, but you could always claim that you have a cousin who works at Apple who gave you a secret silver pair that isn't even going to be out until next year. Definitely worth a shot.

Fake AirPods: close-up

No, they don’t work. And yeah, you only get one.

Oh, and for another thing, they don't actually work. All they're for is making it look a bit like you're wearing AirPods. You may laugh, but we're absolutely certain there's a market for this. Admittedly, though, if being able to listen to music or podcasts is a deal-breaker for you then you might want to pass on these.

And for a third and final thing, we think you only get one faux headphone ear piece. So if you want to achieve the full effect then you'll probably have to order two of them. But at £6 a shot you're not exactly going to break the bank; you could buy at least 25 of them for what you'd pay for some actual functional AirPods!

ASOS, we salute your chutzpah. Please send us some.

Related articles:

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Popular Design News of the Week: September 16, 2019 – September 22, 2019

Original Source: https://www.webdesignerdepot.com/2019/09/popular-design-news-of-the-week-september-16-2019-september-22-2019/

Every week users submit a lot of interesting stuff on our sister site Webdesigner News, highlighting great content from around the web that can be of interest to web designers. 

The best way to keep track of all the great stories and news being posted is simply to check out the Webdesigner News site, however, in case you missed some here’s a quick and useful compilation of the most popular designer news that we curated from the past week.

Note that this is only a very small selection of the links that were posted, so don’t miss out and subscribe to our newsletter and follow the site daily for all the news.

Don’t Make the Same Design Fail as the Chicago Bulls Logo


15 Unique Website Layouts


Where to Put Buttons on Forms


Free Collection of Amazing PNG Images


5 Soft Skills Every Product Designer Should Master


Microsoft’s New Font for Devs is Very Aesthetically Pleasing (and Free)


7 CTA Button Design Guidelines


Sticky Positioning with Nothing but CSS (Thanks to CSS Position: Sticky)


Typography Basics: Terminology, Examples, And Infographics


AI UI Pattern Library


Inconsistent Behavior Among Browsers When Clicking on Buttons


(Why) Some HTML is “Optional”


A Love Letter to Personal Websites




Dark Mode – Working with Color Systems


‘Intent’ Should Be Every Marketer’s #1 Obsession


Four Tips from my First Year as a UX Developer


UX Design — Question Everything


This Typeface Hides a Secret in Plain Sight. And that’s the Point


10 Best Sites for Vector Illustrations


Storybook 5.2


To do Better Work, Change your Environment


100,000 AI-Generated Faces – Free to Use!


Apparently We’ve been Doing Logos Wrong all this Time


Light Theme, Redeemed


Want more? No problem! Keep track of top design news from around the web with Webdesigner News.


p img {display:inline-block; margin-right:10px;}
.alignleft {float:left;}
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body#browserfriendly p, body#podcast p, div#emailbody p{margin:0;}

Floral Tattoos: Exquisite Black and Grey work by Vanessa Dong

Original Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/abduzeedo/~3/1s41lhuU_c8/floral-tattoos-exquisite-black-and-grey-work-vanessa-dong

Floral Tattoos: Exquisite Black and Grey work by Vanessa Dong
Floral Tattoos: Exquisite Black and Grey work by Vanessa Dong

GisMullrSep 27, 2019

Who doesn’t like a beautiful tattoo? I’m talking about those pieces that get your attention. Artworks that make your turn your head to see more of it and check the details. And yes, I’m the kind of person that will start a conversation if I like a tattoo. I know, weird. There are several different styles of tattoo out there. But I’m always drawn to black and grey pieces with beautiful outline and minimal design. And I believe this is why I simply love Vanessa’s work. The tattoos she creates are delicate and beautiful. Masterpieces on skin. The pictures she posts of her work are breathtaking and totally inspiring. She specializes in floral/botanical work and you will see plenty of lines, geometric shapes and negative space on her pieces. Since I’m a sucker for black and grey tattoos and I basically stalk Vanessa on Instagram I decided to get in touch with her and publish some of her work here.

Tattoo artists have the privilege of drawing permanent artworks on people’s skin. And I admire them for that. They listen to your idea and create a concept that will be inked on your skin for good. And oh boy, we all love beautiful timeless tattoo pieces like the ones you will see here. Vanessa is based in Vancouver, BC and she keeps her followers informed about her books on Instagram. So stay tuned to her account if you want to get inked. This is certainly a great excuse to visit Vancouver. 😉

Vanessa is a tattoo artist based in Vancouver, BC. She specializes in floral/botanical black and grey work. She is currently based out of a private studio in East Vancouver. Her work has been featured on Hypebae, Daily Hive Vancouver, Narcity Canada as well as The Mix Society. Vanessa graduated with a Bachelors Degree at Emily Carr University for Communication Design. She did her apprenticeship with Katia at Rainfire Tattoo in 2012-2013. Vanessa loves creating pieces for her clients that are one of a kind.

Exquisite Black and Grey Floral Tattoos by Vanessa DongExquisite Black and Grey Floral Tattoos by Vanessa DongExquisite Black and Grey Floral Tattoos by Vanessa DongExquisite Black and Grey Floral Tattoos by Vanessa DongExquisite Black and Grey Floral Tattoos by Vanessa DongExquisite Black and Grey Floral Tattoos by Vanessa DongExquisite Black and Grey Floral Tattoos by Vanessa DongExquisite Black and Grey Floral Tattoos by Vanessa DongExquisite Black and Grey Floral Tattoos by Vanessa DongExquisite Black and Grey Floral Tattoos by Vanessa DongExquisite Black and Grey Floral Tattoos by Vanessa DongExquisite Black and Grey Floral Tattoos by Vanessa DongExquisite Black and Grey Floral Tattoos by Vanessa DongExquisite Black and Grey Floral Tattoos by Vanessa DongExquisite Black and Grey Floral Tattoos by Vanessa DongExquisite Black and Grey Floral Tattoos by Vanessa DongExquisite Black and Grey Floral Tattoos by Vanessa DongExquisite Black and Grey Floral Tattoos by Vanessa Dong

More links:


Is It Time to Embrace AMP?

Original Source: https://www.webdesignerdepot.com/2019/09/is-it-time-to-embrace-amp/

If you own a website, you should have at least heard the term AMP before. If you haven’t, it’s likely you will hear more about it very soon.

Google’s Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) Project has impacted the user experience of millions of mobile web users since its initial launch in 2015. Though primarily used to help website owners build interactive sites that load fast on mobile devices, this project never fails to impress with new and improved features, despite some people’s inability to keep up.

Google recently announced one such feature – Swipe to Visit – in late July of this year. Designed to make it faster and easier than ever for users to view images on mobile devices, this feature also makes accessing those images’ webpages a cinch. All you have to do is search for an image, view the website header preview, and swipe up to be redirected to the website.

This begs the question: Is all of this really necessary?

Of course, Google claims that this is dedicated to improving the user experience, but is having to support projects such as AMP something that should be required by all website owners looking for higher search engine results pages (SERPs)? Or is this just another excuse for Google to control what happens on the Internet?

While there are good arguments on either side, one thing is for sure: Swipe to Visit will change the way people view images and access websites on their mobile devices. You’ll need to decide whether this is something you want to support or not, after you understand the good and the bad of AMP.

Why Is AMP So Important?

When your mobile webpages take forever to load, don’t work right, or force people to zoom, pinch, or rotate their devices, you risk losing a reader instantly. Poorly optimized mobile web design and clunky advertisements ruin the user experience. Google understands this.

In an effort to improve the performance of the mobile web, Google teamed up with Twitter to launch the AMP project. Has it worked?

One study suggests that webpages using AMP load four times faster and use eight times less data compared to traditional, mobile-optimized webpages. Another reveals that AMP can reduce bounce rates by as much as 40%. And let’s not forget about the Events Ticket Center that dropped their page loading times from five to six seconds to a blazing-fast, one-second loading time.

If you’re a publisher that relies on advertisements, you stand to generate up to three times the ad revenue each day and see your ads load five seconds faster by implementing AMP pages.

More than 31 million domains have adopted Google AMP pages since then.

Why Swipe To Visit Is A Good Thing

Whether you’re a fan of Google AMP or not, there’s no denying that the Swipe to Visit feature is a good thing. 

Every person out there with a website is vying for the first page in Google SERPs. However, Google has made it increasingly hard for websites to rank organically, seeing as paid ads and featured snippets are dominating the first page these days.

On tiny mobile devices, this means your website isn’t initially seen much of the time, even if it’s on the first page.

What if we told you that appearing in specialized Google image searches would allow your website to rank higher? Using Google AMP and Swipe to Visit does just that.

Thanks to the unique way people can instantly access your website with a simple swipe, you can not only expect better search rankings, but higher clickthrough rates and lower bounce rates.

Swipe to Visit makes it simple for site visitors to scan images, compare offers, and make better purchasing decisions, all of which are considered by Google to be best practices (and award your higher SERPs). This means that anyone adopting Google AMP pages will automatically enjoy more site traffic from image searches.

The Criticism of AMP

The other side of the coin is that there are a lot of problems associated with AMP.

The truth is that implementing AMP pages is not that easy. Even some websites that do enable Google AMP pages don’t get the results they expected simply because they didn’t do a thorough enough job implementing AMP throughout the entire website.

Criticism from experts centers on the fact that AMP mainly works because it’s so restrictive. Imposing limits is ultimately how AMP reduces load times and bandwidth use. 

Further, a good amount of third-party software doesn’t yet work well with AMP, which can hinder functions like data tracking.

To utilize Google Analytics tracking, AMP requires that every single AMP page uses a unique analytics tag, which can be a burdensome task from the start for large websites, if the tags are added manually.

There are also other things to think about, such as:

There are still branding limitations since JS and CSS aren’t used
AMP only works if users click your AMP-enabled webpage
Even WordPress-specific AMP plugins aren’t always easy to use or compatible with other plugins

Lastly, development has been relatively slow-paced in the AMP world. While 30+ million domains have adopted AMP pages, that’s nowhere near recognizable enough for the average mobile user to realize they’re using (and benefiting from) AMP pages.

Final Thoughts: To Adopt AMP or Not?

The Google AMP project is a great concept with the goal of improving the user experience and helping website owners reap the benefits of said user experiences. When it comes to helpful features like Swipe to Visit, this project becomes even more valuable. However, until AMP pages become more mainstream in mobile results, the time and effort it will take to overhaul your site and implement AMP may not be worth it right now.

In the end, every website owner has a different set of circumstances. This means that enabling AMP on an entire website, on just certain pages, or not at all, might be your best solution.

As the competition continues to stiffen in the online world, it’s going to become more important than ever to consider all the tools available at your disposal, including AMP pages, and determine how these tools can be used to help you achieve your goals.


Featured image via DepositPhotos.


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body#browserfriendly p, body#podcast p, div#emailbody p{margin:0;}

5 Popular Freelancing Advice You Should Ignore

Original Source: https://www.hongkiat.com/blog/popular-freelancing-advices/

No matter what your freelance niche is, there’s tons of advice out there that’s considered gospel. Just as there’s popular blogging advice that doesn’t always work,…

Visit hongkiat.com for full content.

Creating Tables In Figma

Original Source: https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2019/09/creating-tables-in-figma/

Creating Tables In Figma

Creating Tables In Figma

Sasha Belichenko


In this tutorial, we will talk about how tables can be created in Figma by using components and Atomic Design methodology. We will also take a look at the basic elements of the table layout and how components can be included in the component library so that they can become part of the design system you are using.

To make it easy for you, I’ve prepared a mockup example that uses all of the components we need for this tutorial.

To follow along, you will need to have at least some understanding of the basic Figma concepts, its interface, and how to work with Figma components. However, if you’re new to Figma and working with table data, I recommend watching the “Getting Started” video to help you better understand Figma end-to-end, as well as the article “How To Architect A Complex Web Table” that was published not too long ago here on Smashing Magazine.

To simplify the scope of this tutorial, let’s assume that the colors, fonts, and effects already exist as styles in the Figma project you’re about to begin. In terms of Atomic Design, they are atoms. (To learn more, the folks at littleBits wrote a great article on the topic.)

The target audience for this tutorial are designers (UX, UI) who have either already adopted Figma into their workflows or are planning to try Figma in their next design projects but aren’t sure how to get started.

So, without further ado, let’s dig in!

Quick Note: While writing this article, Figma introduced plugins. At the time of publishing, there weren’t any good ones for working with tables, but things might change fast. Who knows, maybe this article will actually help an aspiring Figma plugin developer to create a really neat Figma Tables plugin, or at least, I hope it will. ?


Imagine the table as an organism. The table cell is then a molecule which is comprised of individual atoms. In design terms, they’re cell properties.

So, let’s start with the cell. It has three properties:


Now we’ll take a closer look at each one of them.


The background will be a separate component in Figma. The size doesn’t really matter since we can stretch the component as we need, but let’s begin with setting the size to 100×36 pixels.

In this component, add a rectangle of the same size as the component itself. It will be the only object inside the component. We need to attach the rectangle’s borders to the component’s borders by using constraints (set constraints to “Left & Right” and “Top & Bottom” at the right panel in the Constraints section), so that the rectangle stretches automatically to the size of the component.

If you’d like to see this in action, watch this tutorial on how the constraints work in Figma.

The Background Component

The Background Component (the ‘atom’) (Large preview)

The fill color of the rectangle will determine the background color of the cell. Let’s pick the white color for it. I recommend choosing that color from the color styles that are configured at the beginning of the project.

Background colorChanging the background color (Large preview)


This one is a bit trickier than the background. You can’t just create one rectangle with a stroke. We may need different kinds of borders: one for the separate cells (with borders around), one for the whole row of cells with only top and bottom borders, or one for the table header that we might want to separate from the rest with a wider line. There are many options.

Border properties:

Border line (left, right, top, bottom, or absence of any of them)
Line width
Line color
Line style

Each line within the cell border might havea different width, color, and style. For example, the left one could be a continuous red line, and the top one a dotted grey line.

Let’s create a component with a size of 100×36 pixels (the same as we did before). Inside the component, we need to add 4 lines for each border. Now pay attention to how we are going to do this.

Add a line for the bottom border with the length of the component width;
Set its position to the bottom border and constraints to stretch horizontally and stick to the bottom border;
For the top border, duplicate the line for the bottom border, rotate it by 180 degrees and stick to the top of the component. (Don’t forget to change its constraints to stick to the top and stretch horizontally.);
Next, for the left border, simply rotate by -90 degrees and set its position and constraints to be at the left side sticking to the left border and stretching vertically;
Last but not least, you can create the right border by rotating it by 90 degrees and setting its position and constraints. Set stroke color and stroke width for each line to gray (select from the color styles) and 1 pixel respectively.

Note: You may be asking yourself why we rotated the line for the bottom border. Well, when you change the stroke width for a line in Figma, it will rise. So we had to set this “rise” direction to the center of the component. Changing the line’s stroke width (in our case it is the border size) won’t expand outside the component (cell).

Now we can hide or customize the styles separately for every border in the cell.

The Border Component

A border component with 1px stroke (Large preview)

If your project has several styles for table borders (a few border examples shown below), you should create a separate component for each style. Simply create a new master component as we did before and customize it the way you need.

Border Styles

A few extra examples of border styles. Note that the white background is not included in the component. (Large preview)

The separate stroke component will save up lots of your time and add scalability. If you change the stroke color inside the master component, the whole table will adjust. Same as with the background color above, each individual cell can have its own stroke parameters.

Border’s width and colorChanging border’s width and color (Large preview)


This is the most complex component of all.

We need to create all possible variations of the table content in the project: plain text, a text with an icon (left or right, different alignment), checkboxes, switches, and any other content that a cell may possibly contain. To simplify this tutorial, please check the components in the mockup file. How to create and organize components in Figma is a topic for another article.

However, there are a few requirements for content components:

Components should stretch easily both vertically and horizontally to fit inside a cell;
The minimum size of the component should be less than the default cell size (especially height, keep in mind possible cell paddings);
Avoid any margins, so the components can align properly inside a cell;
Avoid unnecessary backgrounds because a cell itself has it already.

Content components examples

Examples of cell content in components. This is not a complete list; you can use most of the components of your design system inside a table. (Large preview)

Content components can be created gradually: start with the basic ones like text components and add new ones as the project grows in size.

The reason we want the content to be in components is the same as with other elements — it saves uptime. To change the cell’s content, we just need to switch it in the component.

Changing the component inside the cellEditing the table using cells components (Large preview)

Creating A Cell Component

We created all the atoms we need: background, border, content. It’s time to create a cell component, i.e. the molecule made from atoms. Let’s gather all the components in a cell.

The cell component

The cell component (the ‘molecule’) (Large preview)

Set the background component as the bottom layer and stretch it to the whole cell size (set constraints to “Left & Right” and “Top & Bottom”).

Add the border component with the same constraints as the background component.

Now to the most complicated part — the content content.

The cell has paddings, so you need to make a frame with the component’s content. That frame should be stretched to the whole cell size except for the paddings. The content component should also be stretched to the whole frame size. The content itself needs to be deprived of any margins, so all paddings will be set by the cell.

At the end of the day, cell paddings are the only property in a component that we will set only once without an opportunity to change it later. In the example above, I made it 4px for all sides.

Note: As a fix, you can create columns with empty cells (with no content and width of 16px for example) left and right to the column where extra margin is needed. Or if your table’s design allows, you can add horizontal paddings inside the cell component. For example, cells in Google Material Design have 16px paddings by default.

Don’t forget to remove the “Clip content” option for the cell and frame (this can be done at the right-hand panel in the Properties section). The cell’s content can go out of its borders; for example, when a dropdown is inside your cell and you want to show its state with a popup.

Note: We’ll be using this cell style as the main one. Don’t worry if your table has additional styles — we’ll cover that in the Table States and Components, Not Overrides sections.

Cell Options For A Standard Table

This step could be optional but if your table needs states then you can’t go without it. And even more so if there is more than one border style in the table.

So let’s create additional cell components from which it’d be easier to build up a table. When working with a table, we will select the appropriate component depending on its position in the table (e.g. depending on the type of borders).

In order to do that, let’s take our cell component and create eight more masters from it. We also need to disable the appropriate layers responsible for borders. The result should look like the image below.

Cell options

The cell options we need to build a table. Note that there could be a few extra depending on your table borders styles. (Large preview)

The top row is for the cells on top and in the middle of the table. The bottom row is only for the cells at the bottom. This way we’ll be able to put the cells one after another with no gaps and keep the same stroke width.

A few examples:

The First example

If each cell in the table has a border, we’d only need cells 1, 4, 5 and 8. (Large preview)

The Second example

If there are merged cells or border absence, we must apply the rest 2 and 3 cells as well as 6 and 7 to the bottom row. (Large preview)

The Third example

If the table design considers the absence of vertical borders, cells 2 and 6 would be enough. (Large preview)

Note: For each border style created above, it’d be good to add master components like the ones described earlier.

So we have excluded the necessity of overriding cell’s instances (disabling the appropriate layers, to be precise). Instead of that, we use various components. Now if, for example, a column uses a different style from the default (the fill color or border), you can choose this column and simply change the relative component. And everything will be alright. On the opposite side, changing a border of each cell manually (disabling the appropriate borders) is a pain you don’t want to bother with.

Now we are ready to create tables (in terms of Atomic Design — organisms) from the various cell components (molecules) we made.

Customizing The Table

Changing the row’s height in the whole table is relatively easy: highlight the table, change the element height (in this case, the cell’s height, H in the right-hand panel in the Properties section), and then change the vertical margin from the element to 0. That’s it: changing the line height took two clicks!

Changing the row heightChanging the row height for the whole table (Large preview)

Changing the column width: highlight the column and change the width size. After moving the rest of the table close up, select the whole table by using the Tide Up option in the Alignment panel as well as the first item in the dropdown list under the rightmost icon.

Changing the column widthChanging the column width. (Large preview)

Note: I wouldn’t recommend grouping rows and columns. If you change the column size extending the elements, you’ll get fractional values for width and height. If you don’t group them and snap to the pixel grid, the cell size will remain an integer number.

The background color, stroke type, and content data can be changed in the appropriate component or in one of the eight cells master components (cells that had different stroke styles). The only parameter that can’t be changed right away is the cell margins, e.g. content paddings. The rest are easily customizable.

Components, Not Overrides

Looking at what we got in the end, it might seem like overkill. And it is if there is only one table in your project. In this case, you can simply create one cell component and leave the background and stroke components off. Simply include them in the cell component, create the table and do the necessary customization for each separate cell.

But if components are included in a library that is used by a number of other files, here comes the most interesting stuff.

Note: *I do not recommend changing the background color and stroke in components’ instances. Change them only in the master. By doing so, those instances with overrides won’t get updated. This means you would have to do that manually and that’s what we’re trying to avoid. So let’s stick to the master components.*

If we need to create an additional type of table cells (e.g. the table header), we add the necessary set of master components for cells with the appropriate styles (just like we did above with the eight cells that had different stroke styles), and use it. Yes, it takes longer than overriding components’ instances but this way you will avoid the case when changing the masters will apply those changes to all layouts.

Table States

Let’s talk about the states of the table’s elements. A cell can have three states: default, hover, and selected. Same for columns and rows.

If your project is relatively small, all states can be set by overrides inside instances of your table components. But if it’s a big one, and you’d want to be able to change the look of the states in the future, you’ll have to create separate components for everything.

You’ll need to add all eight cells with different stroke variants for each of the states (maybe less, depends on the stroke style). And yes, we’ll need separate components for the background color and the stroke for the states as well.

In the end, it’ll look similar to this:

Hover and Selected

The cells’ states (hover and selected) (Large preview)

Here’s where a bit of trouble comes in. Unfortunately, if we do everything as described above (when changing the component’s state from one to another), there is a risk of losing the cell’s content. We’ll have to update it apart from the case when the content type is the same as in the master cell. At this point, we can’t do anything about it.

Table with rows’ states

Table with various rows’ states. (Large preview)

I added tables in the mockup file that were made in a few different ways:

Using this tutorial (separate components for cells’ styles);
Using the cell component (components for borders, background, and content);
Using the cell component that unites everything (with only content components in addition).

Try to play around and change the cell’s styles.

Changing the stateChanging the state of the row. (Large preview)


If you’re using the same components library in several projects and you’ve got a reasonable number of tables in each of them, you can create a local copy of components (cells components with stroke styles and, if needed, cells components with different states), customize them, and use them in the project. The cell content can be set based on local components.

Also, if you’re using the table for one large project with different kinds of tables, all the above-mentioned components are easily scaled. The table components can be improved to infinity and beyond, like creating the cell states when hovering and other kinds of interactions.

Questions, feedback, thoughts? Leave a comment below, and I’ll do my best to help you!

Figma Table Mockup Download

As promised, I created a complete version of the Figma table mockup that you’re welcome to use for learning purposes or anything else you like. Enjoy!

Tables in Figma mockup design

Here’s a Figma table mockup that you can use for learning purposes — let the creativity begin!

Related Reading

“Atomic Design,” Brad Frost
“How To Architect A Complex Web Table,” Slava Shestopalov, Smashing Magazine
“Creating Atomic Components In Figma,” Design & Engineering team, littleBits
“Figma Tables: Data Grid Design By A Single Cell-Component,” Roman Kamushken, Setproduct

Useful Resources

Figma YouTube Channel
The official Figma channel on YouTube — it’s the first thing to watch if you are new to Figma.
Google Sheets Sync
A Figma plugin that helps you get data from Google Sheets into your Figma file. This should work fine with the techniques from this tutoria, but you’ll need to invest some time into renaming all the text layers for this to work properly.

Smashing Editorial
(mb, yk, il)