3D Animal Portraits by Maxim Shkret

Original Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/abduzeedo/~3/fPwHVlkUkJw/3d-animal-portraits-maxim-shkret

3D Animal Portraits by Maxim Shkret
3D Animal Portraits by Maxim Shkret

AoiroStudioMar 23, 2020

This is the best opportunity to share some colours into your feed. Nothing to bring joy and inspiration than the work of Maxim Shkret with our constant admiration of his 3D animal series. Maxim is a digital artist that is super-talented and it’s always refreshing. We pleasurably featured his work before and it’s what we all needed right now, at this time in the World.

About Maxim Shkret

Maxim is a digital artist that has more than 10+ years in the industry of advertising, graphic design and art directing. His work is filled of 3D works made with AutoDesk 3Ds and more.

Personal Site

Photos of the Week – Lake Tahoe and Oakland

Original Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/abduzeedo/~3/UQHoAbMs2eg/photos-week-lake-tahoe-and-oakland

Photos of the Week – Lake Tahoe and Oakland
Photos of the Week - Lake Tahoe and Oakland

abduzeedoMar 23, 2020

Continuing with our series of free high-resolution photos I have been taking and sharing on Unsplash. This week I’d like to share some photos I took in the Bay Area and Lake Tahoe.

The photos were taken with the Sony A7 III with the cheap (not so great) Sony FE 50mm F1.8 as well as with the amazing Sony FE 85mm F1.8. I will talk a bit more about these lenses in a future post.

For more information make sure to visit my Unsplash page at https://unsplash.com/@abduzeedo


Creating Sortable Tables With React

Original Source: https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2020/03/sortable-tables-react/

Creating Sortable Tables With React

Creating Sortable Tables With React

Kristofer Giltvedt Selbekk


Table sorting has always been a pretty hard issue to get right. There’s a lot of interactions to keep track of, extensive DOM mutations to do and even intricate sorting algorithms, too. It’s just one of those challenges that are hard to get right. Right?

Instead of pulling in external libraries, let’s try to make stuff ourselves. In this article, we’re going to create a reusable way to sort your tabular data in React. We’ll go through each step in detail, and learn a bunch of useful techniques along the way.

We won’t go through basic React or JavaScript syntax, but you don’t have to be an expert in React to follow along.

Creating A Table With React

First, let’s create a sample table component. It’ll accept an array of products, and output a very basic table, listing out a row per product.

function ProductTable(props) {
const { products } = props;
return (
<caption>Our products</caption>
<th>In Stock</th>
{products.map(product => (
<tr key={product.id}>

Here, we accept an array of products and loop them out into our table. It’s static and not sortable at the moment, but that’s fine for now.

Sorting The Data

If you’d believe all the whiteboard interviewers, you’d think software development was almost all sorting algorithms. Luckily, we won’t be looking into a quick sort or bubble sort here.

Sorting data in JavaScript is pretty straightforward, thanks to the built-in array function sort(). It’ll sort arrays of numbers and strings without an extra argument:

const array = [‘mozzarella’, ‘gouda’, ‘cheddar’];
console.log(array); // [‘cheddar’, ‘gouda’, ‘mozzarella’]

If you want something a bit more clever, you can pass it a sorting function. This function is given two items in the list as arguments, and will place one in front of the other based on what you decide.

Let’s start by sorting the data we get alphabetically by name.

function ProductTable(props) {
const { products } = props;
let sortedProducts = […products];
sortedProducts.sort((a, b) => {
if (a.name < b.name) {
return -1;
if (a.name > b.name) {
return 1;
return 0;
return (
{/* as before */}

So what’s going on here? First, we create a copy of the products prop, which we can alter and change as we please. We need to do this because the Array.prototype.sort function alters the original array instead of returning a new sorted copy.

Next, we call sortedProducts.sort, and pass it a sorting function. We check if the name property of the first argument a is before the second argument b, and if so, return a negative value. This indicates that a should come before b in the list. If the first argument’s name is after the second argument’s name, we return a positive number, indicating that we should place b before a. If the two are equal (i.e. both have the same name), we return 0 to preserve the order.

Making Our Table Sortable

So now we can make sure the table is sorted by name — but how can we change the sorting order ourselves?

To change what field we sort by, we need to remember the currently sorted field. We’ll do that with the useState hook.

A hook is a special kind of function that lets us “hook” into some of React’s core functionality, like managing state and triggering side effects. This particular hook lets us maintain a piece of internal state in our component, and change it if we want to. This is what we’ll add:

const [sortedField, setSortedField] = React.useState(null);

We start by not sorting anything at all. Next, let’s alter the table headings to include a way to change what field we want to sort by.

const ProductsTable = (props) => {
const { products } = props;
const [sortedField, setSortedField] = React.useState(null);
return (
<button type=”button” onClick={() => setSortedField(‘name’)}>
<button type=”button” onClick={() => setSortedField(‘price’)}>
<button type=”button” onClick={() => setSortedField(‘stock’)}>
In Stock
{/* As before */}

Now, whenever we click a table heading, we update the field we want to sort by. Neat-o!

We’re not doing any actual sorting yet though, so let’s fix that. Remember the sorting algorithm from before? Here it is, just slightly altered to work with any of our field names.

const ProductsTable = (props) => {
const { products } = props;
const [sortedField, setSortedField] = React.useState(null);
let sortedProducts = […products];
if (sortedField !== null) {
sortedProducts.sort((a, b) => {
if (a[sortedField] < b[sortedField]) {
return -1;
if (a[sortedField] > b[sortedField]) {
return 1;
return 0;
return (

We first make sure we’ve chosen a field to sort by, and if so, we sort the products by that field.

Ascending vs Descending

The next feature we want to see is a way to switch between ascending and descending order. We’ll switch between ascending and descending order by clicking the table heading one more time.

To implement this, we’ll need to introduce a second piece of state — the sort order. We’ll refactor our current sortedField state variable to keep both the field name and its direction. Instead of containing a string, this state variable will contain an object with a key (the field name) and a direction. We’ll rename it to sortConfig to be a bit clearer.

Here’s the new sorting function:

sortedProducts.sort((a, b) => {
if (a[sortConfig.key] < b[sortConfig.key]) {
return sortConfig.direction === ‘ascending’ ? -1 : 1;
if (a[sortConfig.key] > b[sortConfig.key]) {
return sortConfig.direction === ‘ascending’ ? 1 : -1;
return 0;

Now, if the direction is ‘ascending’, we’ll do as we did previously. If it’s not, we’ll do the opposite, giving us descending ordering.

Next up, we’ll create a new function — requestSort — which will accept the field name, and update the state accordingly.

const requestSort = key => {
let direction = ‘ascending’;
if (sortConfig.key === key && sortConfig.direction === ‘ascending’) {
direction = ‘descending’;
setSortConfig({ key, direction });

We’ll also have to change our click handlers to use this new function!

return (
<button type=”button” onClick={() => requestSort(‘name’)}>
<button type=”button” onClick={() => requestSort(‘price’)}>
<button type=”button” onClick={() => requestSort(‘stock’)}>
In Stock
{/* as before */}

Now we’re starting to look pretty feature-complete, but there’s still one big thing left to do. We need to make sure that we only sort our data when we need to. Currently, we’re sorting all of our data on every render, which will lead to all sorts of performance issues down the line. Instead, let’s use the built-in useMemo hook to memoize all the slow parts!

const ProductsTable = (props) => {
const { products } = props;
const [sortConfig, setSortConfig] = React.useState(null);

React.useMemo(() => {
let sortedProducts = […products];
if (sortedField !== null) {
sortedProducts.sort((a, b) => {
if (a[sortConfig.key] < b[sortConfig.key]) {
return sortConfig.direction === ‘ascending’ ? -1 : 1;
if (a[sortConfig.key] > b[sortConfig.key]) {
return sortConfig.direction === ‘ascending’ ? 1 : -1;
return 0;
return sortedProducts;
}, [products, sortConfig]);

If you haven’t seen it before, useMemo is a way to cache — or memoize — expensive computations. So given the same input, it doesn’t have to sort the products twice if we re-render our component for some reason. Note that we want to trigger a new sort whenever our products change, or the field or direction we sort by changes.

Wrapping our code in this function will have huge performance implications for our table sorting!

Making It All Reusable

One of the best things about hooks is how easy it is to make logic reusable. You’ll probably be sorting all types of tables throughout your application, and having to reimplement the same stuff all over again sounds like a drag.

React has this feature called custom hooks. They sound fancy, but all they are are regular functions that use other hooks inside of them. Let’s refactor our code to be contained in a custom hook, so we can use it all over the place!

const useSortableData = (items, config = null) => {
const [sortConfig, setSortConfig] = React.useState(config);

const sortedItems = React.useMemo(() => {
let sortableItems = […items];
if (sortConfig !== null) {
sortableItems.sort((a, b) => {
if (a[sortConfig.key] < b[sortConfig.key]) {
return sortConfig.direction === ‘ascending’ ? -1 : 1;
if (a[sortConfig.key] > b[sortConfig.key]) {
return sortConfig.direction === ‘ascending’ ? 1 : -1;
return 0;
return sortableItems;
}, [items, sortConfig]);

const requestSort = key => {
let direction = ‘ascending’;
if (sortConfig && sortConfig.key === key && sortConfig.direction === ‘ascending’) {
direction = ‘descending’;
setSortConfig({ key, direction });

return { items, requestSort };

This is pretty much copy and paste from our previous code, with a bit of renaming thrown in. useSortableData accepts the items, and an optional initial sort state. It returns an object with the sorted items, and a function to re-sort the items.

Our table code now looks like this:

const ProductsTable = (props) => {
const { products } = props;
const { items, requestSort } = useSortableData(products);
return (
<table>{/* … */}</table>

A Last Touch

There’s one tiny piece missing — a way to indicate how the table is sorted. In order to indicate that in our design, we need to return the internal state as well — the sortConfig. Let’s return that as well, and use it to generate styles we can apply to our table headings!

const ProductTable = (props) => {
const { items, requestSort, sortConfig } = useSortableData(props.products);
const getClassNamesFor = (name) => {
if (!sortConfig) {
return sortConfig.key === name ? sortConfig.direction : undefined;
return (
onClick={() => requestSort(‘name’)}
{/* … */}
{/* … */}

And with that, we’re done!

Wrapping Up

As it turns out, creating your own table sorting algorithm wasn’t an impossible feat after all. We found a way to model our state, we wrote a generic sorting function, and we wrote a way to update what our sorting preferences are. We made sure everything was performant and refactored it all into a custom hook. Finally, we provided a way to indicate the sort order to the user.

You can see a demo of the table in this CodeSandbox:

Smashing Editorial
(ra, yk, il)

Illustrator gives free drawing lessons to inspire kids stuck at home

Original Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/CreativeBloq/~3/op7OtP-7trk/free-kids-drawing-lessons

With children now stuck at home across the world, parents will be wondering how to keep them busy over the coming weeks. That's why illustrator Rob Biddulph has taken to Twitter to offer a series of draw-along videos for kids.

Using the hashtag #DrawWithRob, budding young artists can share their responses to Biddulph's tutorials, which he plans to share every Tuesday and Thursday at 10am GMT on Twitter. We love a good drawing lesson (check out our list of the best how to draw tutorials), and Biddulph's animal designs are a super fun example.

Sausage Dog

From tutorial 2: ‘Sausage dog’

"[Draw-alongs] are something I have been doing for years at my live events," Biddulph told BBC Breakfast, but with so many kids now stuck at home, "this is something I can do for those parents and those kids." As well as being posted to Twitter, the videos will have a permanent home on the illustrator's website. Below is the first tutorial, 'Gregosaurus'.

Biddulph is quick to point at that the draw-along is not a competition. "I've seen thousands [of entries] now, and every single picture is different and charming in its own way." We completely agree – here are some delightful #DrawWithRob examples from Twitter:

While the world is a strange place right now, we're seeing lots of heartening examples of community in the world of art online. These include Noel Fielding's online art club and French artists creating a giant collaborative artwork. 

Visit Biddulph's Twitter page on Tuesday and Thursday mornings for the latest draw-alongs. "All you need," he says, "is a piece of paper and a pencil, and maybe some colouring pencils". And with that, we're off to draw Gregosaurus. 

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Drawings of mythical Amabie flood social mediaArt terms: The ultimate artist's glossary4 tips for your first year as a freelance illustrator

Get $50 off the Wacom One until 22 March

Original Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/CreativeBloq/~3/ezOyQD35awU/get-dollar50-off-the-wacom-one-until-22-march

Are you looking to upgrade your digital art arsenal? Well, you're in luck as Wacom has launched its spring sale in the US, and it includes some pretty tidy discounts. With offers covering top tablets and accessories, you could get kitted out for the new season at a lower price. 

To kick things off, Wacom is offering $50 off the Wacom One for its US customers. With a 13.3-inch screen, the ability to connect to Android devices and compatibility with other styluses, this amazing graphics tablet features in our guide to the best drawing tablets of 2020. 

The usual price of $399.99 is knocked down to $349.99, which is not to be sniffed at. But you'll want to hurry as the deal ends on 22 March.

And UK customers don't need to miss out. They can get 10 per cent off the Wacom One, which brings the price down from £359.99 to £323.99 until 29 March. Hardly earth-shattering but nice, nonetheless. 

Get Creative Cloud

Other US offers include up to $200 off the Wacom MobileStudio Pro 16 and discounts on the Intuos Pro models, too. You can shop the US sale here.

Not in the US? Check out these Wacom deals near you.

Read more:

The best computer for graphic design in 2020Graphic design history: 25 landmark design events16 essential tools for graphic designers

ABACERIA Branding and Visual Identity

Original Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/abduzeedo/~3/QHIRa4bZ1LY/abaceria-branding-and-visual-identity

ABACERIA Branding and Visual Identity
ABACERIA Branding and Visual Identity

abduzeedoMar 19, 2020

Brand Identity design for the artisanal food store and restaurant in Goiânia, Goiás. The founders of the reputed Las Nenas Bistro in Goiania, idealized bringing innovation in the production and presentation of artisan foods, creating Abaceria. With a different vision about the market and the segment, they were inspired by South American Gastronomy, bringing a blend of kitchens to Abaceria without sticking to an image of “thematic cuisine”. 

Brand Identity

Even though the name and processes refer to Argentine meat consumption (Parrilha), the brand also produces and sells handcrafted products such as seasonings, sauces, breads and cheeses. BR /BAUEN challenge was to unify this whole experience through one identity, making it cohesive with the idea of creating a unique, pleasant and different environment.

We materialized the brand positioning in its assets, with an identity characterized by handcrafted elements and applications. The almost aggressive looking logotype is based on the font family “Cortez” and carries most of the personality need to convey the place’s approach to food. A blackletter inspired monogram was also created for smaller signatures, joining “A” + “B” + “C” and applied with rustic and strong visual memories that the brand carries throughout all its applications in applications on wood, embroidery and overall store front and interior usage.

Branding and Visual Identity


Design Direction: Rodrigo Francisco
Brand Research & Strategy: Luís Feitoza
Design Development: Rodrigo Francisco, Felipe Carneiro, Luís Feitoza
Storefront & Food Photography: Emmanuel Gonçalves
Agency: Traço Negócios
Follow us: facebook.com/brbauen  |  instagram.com/brbauen

Dave Pollot: Bringing New Life to Old Art

Original Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/abduzeedo/~3/-DLxd9hloXg/dave-pollot-bringing-new-life-old-art

Dave Pollot: Bringing New Life to Old Art
Dave Pollot: Bringing New Life to Old Art

ibbyMar 19, 2020

As we’re all living in a current reality that feels more like a fictional book or movie we’re doing our best to share content that we hope will help uplift spirits, if even for a brief moment. We’re amongst those sheltering in place here in the Bay Area and concurrently I’ve been researching more good news to share with our readers. Thanks to my friend Erica over at HonestlyWTF I came across the work of a unique artistic talent named Dave Pollot, a former software engineer bringing new life to old art. Dave finds inspiration by way of unwanted thrift shop art, bringing a whole new meaning to the piece oftentimes influenced by pop culture or current events. For example, Dave uses popular food items inserted into still life paintings to represent the distractions (both mental and material) that prevent us from being present and focused on where we are and what we’re doing. Please enjoy just a smattering of this creative talent’s work here.

“Painting has always been something of a hobby to me, but it wasn’t until I started repurposing thrift art in 2012 that I did it with any real consistency.  The idea actually began as a joke between my wife (who loves to shop at thrift stores) and I, but it quickly evolved into an attempt to answer a question: Could I take a piece of unwanted art, and without changing its aesthetic, change its meaning by painting into it some bit of pop culture/nostalgia and make it desirable in the modern world?

About Dave Pollot 

Dave Pollot is a New York based artist who is known for his altered thrift art paintings.  He finds unwanted artwork and adds his own touch – most often pop culture parodies – and in doing so, bridges the divide between classic and pop art.

His artwork has been displayed and found homes in galleries, businesses, and private collections in all 50 states and in over 40 countries around the globe.  His work has attracted attention from the media both in the U.S. and abroad, including Business Insider, Instagram, and the SyFy Channel, and his corporate clients include SONY, Instagram, and Troegs Brewing Company among others.   When he’s not painting, he can be found spending time with his wife and two dogs.

Cyber crime is on the rise: how can you protect your business?

Original Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Designrfix/~3/qavNuIqiqaA/cyber-crime-is-on-the-rise-how-can-you-protect-your-business

Free image taken from https://unsplash.com/photos/y-wjLDbPNGM  Statistically, 70% of senior business managers rate cybersecurity as a high priority but only 30% have a solid cybersecurity policy in place and most businesses invest less than $500/year in security products. If you’re worried that your business is vulnerable, the time to act is now because the numbers don’t […]

The post Cyber crime is on the rise: how can you protect your business? appeared first on designrfix.com.

Enhance Your Business with a Professional Website

Original Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Designrfix/~3/dn4PUMDXhs0/enhance-your-business-with-a-professional-website

In this world of social and online media significance, it is a must for organizations to have an online presence to be noticed and taken seriously  by potential clients. Despite the significance of an online presence, shockingly, a huge number of independent ventures are yet to get on the web. They are passing up a […]

The post Enhance Your Business with a Professional Website appeared first on designrfix.com.

Creative Sound Design For Music

Original Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Designrfix/~3/3V_T9rXx0Sc/creative-sound-design-for-music

Important points in sound design Sounds surround us everywhere: everyday business, film, television or radio broadcasting. Sound is one of the most important parts of our perception of the environment, our picture of the world. Sound is an integral part of any movie, promotional video, presentation or clip. Dialogues, specially selected music background, sound effects, […]

The post Creative Sound Design For Music appeared first on designrfix.com.