Four Common Font Types and When to Use Them

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When you’re first learning the nuances of typography, all those different font types can be confusing. You might know the difference between serif and sans-serif, but do you know the right time to use them? And what about the dozens of subtypes?

There are four main types of fonts you can use in web design, each with their own distinctive look. Not sure where to begin? We’ll give you a little typography guidance so you can design a website that perfectly conveys the mood you’re going for.

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Serif Font Examples

Serif fonts are the go-to for elegant and professional designs. These stylish typefaces are marked by the little dashes extending from the stroke of each letter. Serifs have long been used for extensive passages in print. They give websites an old-fashioned, sophisticated tone.

In general, serif fonts are suitable for almost any situation: headers, body text, small to large sizes, and short or long copy – they should only be avoided in very small sizes. Some also claim that serifs are less screen-legible.

Old Style: Going back to the 1400s, these serifs are marked by low line contrast and diagonal stress.
Transitional: Transitional styles bridge the gap between traditional and modern serifs. You begin to see more line contrast and stylistic additions.
Didone: These modern serifs have dramatic line contrast, and are very commonly used in print pieces.
Slab Serif: Wide, bold, and instantly eye-catching, slab serifs make great display fonts.


Sans-Serif Font Examples

Throughout history sans-serifs were rejected in favor of their more elegant cousins, but the bold and legible typeface is now used to represent modernity, simplicity, and efficiency.

Sans-serif fonts lack the small strokes at the end of letters, and as a result are more legible on screens and at smaller sizes. These fonts are a jack of all trades, and look great at any size and in any length of text. Use them when you’re shooting for a modern or minimalist vibe.

Grotesque: The earliest sans-serifs, these fonts are simple and bold, often with a square shape to them.
Neo-Grotesque: Neo-Grotesques less resemble early serifs, with a more minimalistic style.
Geometric: Composed of simple shapes like circles and squares, these have an appealing simplicity but are a little less legible in body type.
Humanist: Inspired by calligraphy and old-style serifs, humanist fonts are unique with highly varied line widths.


Script Font Examples

Script fonts are defined by their handwritten, cursive- or calligraphy-like style. They bring the elegance of serifs with a more authentic and beautiful design.

Unlike serifs, however, scripts aren’t made for legibility. They shouldn’t be used as body text or passages longer than a paragraph or two. They look great as headers, logos, or short quotes. If you need something a little more unique, try a script font.

Due to its unique nature, this typeface is hard to classify, but there are a few distinctive categories.

Formal: Inspired by handwriting from the 1600s-1800s, formal scripts often have large, dramatic loops and antiquated styling, and appear to be drawn with a quill or pen.
Casual: Casual scripts are just as beautiful but less formal, looking more like fancy modern handwriting. Often, they look as if drawn with brush strokes.


Decorative and Display Font Examples

The last font type, and the hardest to pin down, is decorative/display typefaces. These fonts are the most unique and come in any kind of style you can think of, from graffiti to abstract to three-dimensional font types.

You may be able to get away with using a script font in a paragraph if you’re feeling adventurous, but decorative fonts belong only in single sentences and as header text. They’re designed for style, not legibility.

There’s also symbol fonts, which display letters as various ornaments like faces or objects. This can have some use as decoration.

Display and decorative fonts are optimized for use at very large sizes. Use them anywhere but your body text.

Create Better Font Palettes

Now that you know how to use every type of font, it’s time to put together a font palette for your design project. Most websites use two or three main typefaces, a header and body font.

Remember to use the rule of contrasts. You could use a script header font and match it with an elegant serif, or serif body text with an eye-catching sans-serif title. You could even try two of the same types of fonts, but pick a bolder display typeface and contrast it with a clean body font.

Your choices are unlimited, so experiment with various flavors of fonts and see what happens.

15 Questions To Ask Your Next Potential Employer

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15 Questions To Ask Your Next Potential Employer

15 Questions To Ask Your Next Potential Employer

Robert Hoekman Jr


In my book “Experience Required”, I encourage in-house UX professionals to leave companies who refuse to advance their UX intelligence and capability. There are far too many companies these days who understand the value of UX to waste your time being a martyr for one who will only frustrate you. Your best chance of doing a good job is to avoid a bad position.

Smartly, during a recent Q&A about the book, an audience member asked how we can avoid taking these jobs in the first place. What kinds of questions, he wondered, can you ask during an interview to spot red flags before the company stabs the whole flagpole into your sacred UX heart?

Know What You Want To Know

There’s the usual stuff, sure, such as asking why the position you’re applying for is currently open. What the company’s turnover rate is like. Why that turnover rate is so low or high. A little Googling will easily enough net you a decent list of broad questions you can ask any employer.

But what you really want is to get UX-specific. You want to hone in on precisely what your life might be like should you take the position.

Your best chance of doing a good job is to avoid a bad position.

Sadly, I lacked a great answer at the time to the question about interview questions, so I let it eat at me until I woke up at three a.m two days later and started writing notes. That morning, I emailed my reply to the moderator.

Ask A Great Question, Then Shut Up

To devise the list below, I considered what kinds of things I’d wish a company knew and understood about UX prior to working with them. I can operate in all kinds of situations—as a UX and process innovation consultant, this has been my job, and pleasure, for nearly 13 years now—but I want to know from the start, every time, that the effort will be set up for success. These questions aim to uncover the dirty details that will tell me what I’m walking into.

Much like a good validation session or user interview, these questions are open-ended and designed to draw out thoughtful, long-winded responses. (One-word answers are useless.) I strongly recommend that when and if you ask them, you follow each question with a long, stealthy vow of silence. People will tell you all about who they are if you just shut up long enough to hear them do it. Stay quiet for at least ten seconds longer than you think is reasonable and you’ll get the world.

People will tell you all about who they are if you just shut up long enough to hear them do it.

I’d ask these questions of as many individuals as possible. Given that tech interviews are often hours-long and involve many interviewers, you should be able to grab yourself a wealth of good answers before you head out the door to process and sleep.

If, on the contrary, you are given too little time to ask all these questions, prioritize the ones you’re personally most concerned about, and then consider that insufficient interview time might be a red flag.

Important: The key to the answers you receive is to read between the lines. Listen to what is said, note what is not said, and decide how to interpret the answers you get. I’ve included some red flags to watch out for along with each question below.

The Questions

Let’s get right to it.

1. How does this company define UX? As in, what do you believe is the purpose, scope, and result of good UX work?


Literally every person on Earth who is asked this question will give a slightly, or wildly, different answer than you expect or hope for. At the very least, the person interviewing you should have an opinion. They should have a sense of how the company views UX, what the various UX roles have to offer, and what effect they should have.

Red Flag(s)

The UX team has a very limited role, has no real influence, and the team, for the most part, is stretched so thin you could put them on a cracker.

2. How do the non-UX people on your product team currently participate in UX decisions?

Follow-ups: Describe a recent example of this kind of participation. What was the UX objective? How was that objective vetted as a real need? What did you do to achieve the objective, step-by-step? How did it turn out? What did you learn?


Find out how the entire product team approaches UX and how collaborative and supportive they might be in acquiring and acting on good research insights.

Red Flag(s)

They don’t participate in UX decisions.

3. What UX roles exist in the organization, and what do they do?


Determine where you’ll fit in, and how difficult it might be for you to gain influence, experience, or mentorship (depending on what you’re after). Also, build on the previous question about who does what and how.

Red Flag(s)

UX people at the company are heavily skilled in graphic design, and not so skilled in strategy. The current team members have limited influence. Your role will be similar. Strategy is handled by someone else, and it trickles down to the UX team for execution.

4. Who is your most experienced UX person and in what ways does that experience separate them from others?


Determine the range of UX intelligence on the team from highest to lowest. Is the person at the top whip-smart and a fantastic leader? Does that person mentor the others and make them better?

Red Flag(s)

The interviewer cannot articulate what makes that person better or more compelling than others. If they can’t answer this question, you’re speaking to someone who has no business making a UX hiring decision. Ask to speak to someone with more inside knowledge.

Noteworthy, but not necessarily a red flag: If you learn that the most experienced person on the team is actually someone with a very sleight skill set, this can mean either there’s room for you to become an influencer, or the company puts so little value on UX that they’ve selected only employees with a small view of UX. The latter could mean you’ll spend all your time trying to prove the value of bigger UX involvement and more strategic work. You may like that sort of thing. I do. This would not be a red flag for me. It might be for you.

5. What are the company’s plans for UX long-term? (Expand it? Reduce it? How so, and why? Is there a budget for its expansion? Who controls it and how is it determined?)


Map out your road for the next couple of years. Can you rise into the role you want? Or will you be stuck in a cul-de-sac with zero chance of professional growth?

Red Flag(s)

We plan to keep doing exactly what we do now, and what we do now is pretty boring or weak. Also, we have no budget—like, ever—so if you want to bring in a consultant, attend a seminar, hire another person, or run a comprehensive usability study with outside customers, well, good luck with that.

6. How do UX professionals here communicate their recommendations?

Follow-up: How could they improve?


Learn how they do it now, and more importantly, whether or not it works.

Red Flag(s)

The interviewer has no answer, or—far worse—has an anti-answer that involves lots of arm-waving and ideas falling on deaf ears. The former can, again, mean the interviewer has no business interviewing a UX candidate. The latter can mean the UX team is terrible at communicating and selling its ideas. While this can be overcome with your much better communication skills, it will almost certainly mean the company has some baggage to wade through. Poor experiences in the past will put other product team members on defense. You’ll have to play some politics and work extra heard on building rapport to get anywhere.

7. Who tends to offer the most resistance to UX recommendations and methods and why?

Follow-up: And how much power does that person have?


This person will either give you the most grief or will give you the great opportunity to improve your communication skills (remember: design is communication!). Knowing who it is up front and how that person operates can tell you what the experience will be like.

Red Flag(s)

Executives, because they distrust UX. If you lack support at the top, it will be a daily struggle to achieve anything substantive.

8. What do UX practitioners here do to advance their values and methods beyond project work? Please be specific.


See how motivated the UX team is to perpetuate UX values to the rest of the company and improve how the team works.

Red Flag(s)

They don’t.

9. What do you think they should do differently? Why?


Discover how your interviewer feels about UX. This is, after all, a person who has a say in hiring you. Presumably, this person will be a big factor in your success.

Red Flag(s)

Keep their noses out of product development, stop telling the engineers what to do (speaks to perception of pushy UX people).

10. Describe a typical project process. (How does it start? What happens first? Next? And then?)


Find out if there is a process, what it looks like, and how well it aligns with your beliefs as a UX professional.

Red Flag(s)

You’ll be assigned projects from the top. You’ll research them, design a bunch of stuff in a vacuum with no way to validate and without any iteration method, and then you’ll hand all your work to the Engineering team, who will then have a thousand questions because you never spoke to each other until just now.

Bonus Question

How and when does the team try to improve on its process? (If it doesn’t, let’s call that a potential red flag as well.)

11. How has your company learned from its past decisions, and what have you done with those learnings?


UX is an everlasting experiment. Find out if this company understands it’s supposed to learn from the work and become smarter as a result.

Red Flag(s)

No examples, no thoughts.

12. If this is an agency who produces work for clients: What kind of support or backup does this agency provide for its UX recommendations, and how much power does the UX group have to push back against wrongheaded client ideas?

Follow-ups: How does the team go about challenging those ideas? Provide a recent example.


Find out how often you’ll be thrown under the proverbial bus when a client pushes back against what you know to be the right approach to a given problem. Your job will be to make intelligence-based recommendations; don’t torture yourself by working with people who refuse to hear them.

Red Flag(s)

The interviewer says the agency does whatever the clients demand. You will be a glorified wireframe monkey with no real power to change the world for the better.

13. How does the company support the UX group’s work and methods?


Determine how the company as a whole thinks about UX, both as a team and a practice. Is UX the strange alien in the corner of the room, or is it embraced and participated in by every product team member?

Red Flag(s)

UX is a strange alien. Good luck getting anyone to listen to you.

14. What design tools (software) does your team use and why?

Follow-ups: How receptive are people to trying new tools? How does evolution happen?


Know what software you should be familiar with, why the team uses it, and how you might go about introducing new tools that could be better in some situations.

Red Flag(s)

Gain insight into how the team thinks about the UI portion of the design process. Does it start with loose ideas drawn on napkins and gradually move toward higher-quality? Or does it attempt to start with perfection and end up throwing out a lot of work? (See the next question for more on this.)

15. Does a digital design start low-fi or high-fi, and what is the thinking behind this approach?

Follow-up: If you start lo-if, how does a design progress?


You can waste a lot of hours on pixel-perfect work you end up throwing out. A company who burns through money like that is also going to be the first one to cut staff when things get tight. No idea should be carried through to its pixel-perfect end until it’s been collaborated on and vetted somehow, so you want to know that the company is smart enough to start lo-fidelity and move gradually to hi-fidelity. Hi-fi work should be the result of validation and iteration, not the start of it. A lo-fi > hi-fi process mitigates risk.

Red Flag(s)

All design work starts and ends in Photoshop or Sketch, and is expected to be 100% flawless and final before anyone sees what you’ve produced.

Running The Interview

In an unrelated Q&A years ago, a hiring manager asked how to spot a good UX professional during an interview. I answered that he should look for the person asking all the questions. I repeated this advice in Experience Required.

Now you can be the one asking all the questions.

And in doing so, not only will you increase your odds of being offered the gig, you’ll know long before the offer shows up whether to accept it.

If you, dear reader, have more ideas on how to scavenger-hunt a company’s red flags, we’re all ears. Tell us about it in the comments below.

Smashing Editorial
(cc, il)

Brand Identity for Cargobot Inspired by Classical Modernism

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Brand Identity for Cargobot Inspired by Classical Modernism
Brand Identity for Cargobot Inspired by Classical Modernism

abduzeedoSep 20, 2019

h3l © shared a super cool brand identity project for Cargobot. The development of Cargobot’s identity is inspired by classical modernism. His functionalist personality alludes to the simplicity of movement as the main identity axis. The briefing and corporate requirement raised design slogans based on concepts such as “friendly”, “close”, “direct” and “digital”, among others.

The development of the brand identity project covered diverse thematic axes based on the most specific attributes of the business covered by the company. Abstract triggers as symbolism coming from the territory of settlement and gestation, their projective interests; more figurative axes such as roads and routes, to truck operators and distribution plants; the philosophy of life, its consumer behavior, ideals and its various elements related to the industry. From the synthesis and its subsequent conceptualization, the project was debugging towards the simple a recognizable symbol enhancing from the present its behavior towards the future.

Being a brand born in the digital scene, from its first sketches to its mastering, the universe of applications responds to an ON LINE base. In response to the requirement and in the search for innovation in the development of brands, cargobot elevates its pregnancy and recognition in the manipulation of the identity system, the personality of the language emerges in repetition and rotation operations, a unique and comprehensive territory, capable of support with absolute versatility the ON LINE and OFF LINE requirements and even more dialogue in the market with full autonomy and recall. These results present Cargobot within a development mechanism conceived by h3l as the future of brands, symbols that cease to be unique ways to transform into concepts–Cargobot is a pregnant and metaphorical brand with a language based on movement represented by static forms.

For more information check out:

Brand Identity


Inertia is the resistance, of any physical object, to any change in its velocity. This includes changes to the object’s speed, or direction of motion. 

An aspect of this property is the tendency of objects to keep moving in a straight line at a constant speed when no forces are upon them — and this aspect, in particular, is also called inertia.


 In mathematics, a sequence is an enumerated collection of objects in which repetitions are allowed. Like a set, it contains members (also called elements, or terms). … Unlike a set, the same elements can appear multiple times at different positions in a sequence, and order matters.

Trippy CSS Distortion Effects

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Sometimes a cool glitchy, distorted effect is the perfect addition to your web design. Maybe you’re creating a tech site, a developer’s portfolio, or something completely experimental. Distortion effects are an unconventional but interesting way to grab visitors’ attention with a unique animation.

We’ve collected some glitchy CSS effects for you to use today. They’re free to copy or study as a learning tool, and they range from text and image glitch effects to hover distortions to trippy background animations. Whatever you’re looking for, one of these effects has the inspiration you need.

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Pure CSS Glitch Effect

See the Pen
Pure CSS Glitch Effect by Felix Rilling (@FelixRilling)
on CodePen.

CodePen Challenge: Color Pop

See the Pen
CodePen Challenge: Color Pop by Johan Lagerqvist (@lgrqvst)
on CodePen.

Trippy CSS Effect

See the Pen
Trippy CSS effect by kryo (@kryo2k)
on CodePen.

Glitch Photo Filters CSS

See the Pen
Glitch Photo Filters CSS by Sergey (@canti23)
on CodePen.

Perspective Split Text Menu Hover

See the Pen
Perspective Split Text Menu Hover by James Bosworth (@bosworthco)
on CodePen.

Clean CSS Glitch

See the Pen
Clean CSS Glitch by Piotr Galor (@pgalor)
on CodePen.

Creepy Squiggly Text Effect with SVG

Example of Creepy Squiggly Text Effect with SVG

Text Shuffle & Distort

See the Pen
Text shuffle & distort fx by Blaz Kemperle (@blazicke)
on CodePen.

Glitch CSS

See the Pen
Glitch CSS by Iliuta Stoica (@iliutastoica)
on CodePen.

Infinite SVG Triangle Fusion

See the Pen
Infinite SVG Triangle Fusion by Rob DiMarzo (@robdimarzo)
on CodePen.

Glitch Effect in CSS

See the Pen
Glitch effect in CSS by Thomas Aufresne (@origine)
on CodePen.

Buttons with Trippy Background Animation on Hover

Example of Buttons with Trippy Background Animation on Hover

Trippy – CSS only

See the Pen
Trippy – CSS only by Emmanuel Lainas (@RedGlove)
on CodePen.

Laser Text Animation

Example of Laser Text Animation

Glitch Text

See the Pen
Glitch Text by Chase (@chasebank)
on CodePen.

Oddly Satisfying CSS Only Triangle Animation

See the Pen
Oddly satisfying CSS Only triangle animation by eight (@eight)
on CodePen.

Paint on Heat Distortion

See the Pen
Paint on Heat Distortion by Matt Popovich (@mpopv)
on CodePen.

Trippy Squares – Left to Right Wave

See the Pen
Trippy Squares – Left to Right Wave! by Praveen Puglia (@praveenpuglia)
on CodePen.

Glitch Clock

See the Pen
Glitch Clock by Constantine (@museum404)
on CodePen.

Glitchy and Psychedelic CSS Effects

There’s something simply awesome about an unusual distortion effect. Using them correctly can help you make an awesome website that people will love to explore. Too much distortion can be an eyestrain, but a cool trippy background animation or some glitchy text can pull the whole design together.

You also should be careful with implementing too many CSS effects onto your website. Too many animations can lead to a slowdown. If you find your website loading slowly, this guide can help you cut down on bloat and let you keep your awesome new effects.

Next time you’re making a dark website, a site with tech or programming focus, or a page you want to be unconventional and unique, try out one of these free glitchy CSS effects. You’ll love the character it can bring to a design.

Collective #550

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Inspirational Website of the Week: Déplacé Maison

A refreshing design with lots of character and perfect details. Our pick this week.

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Create consistent monochromatic color palettes and export them to Figma or Sketch.

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A wonderful wavy letter demo by Adam Kuhn.

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A wonderful magnifying list experiment by Hakim El Hattab.

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Upside down

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A rain effect that realistically interacts with elements on a page. By Neal Agarwal.

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Nullish coalescing

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Typing Animation.. with Puns!

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Collective #550 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops.

3 Best Ways To Boost The Speed Of Magento Software

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The success of your online stores depends on how fast and smooth it operates. If the site performance is not up to par with others in the industry, then you will lose a lot of potential customers. If that is the case with your online store, then you will need to monetize the Magneto software. […]

The post 3 Best Ways To Boost The Speed Of Magento Software appeared first on

How to Build Your First Telegram Chatbot with Node.js

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So, this morning you woke up with the idea to develop a way to store and label interesting articles you’ve read. After playing with the idea, you figure a Telegram chatbot is the most convenient solution for this problem.

In this guide, we’ll walk you through everything you need to know to build your first Telegram chatbot using JavaScript and Node.js.

To get started, we have to register our new bot with the so-called Botfather to receive our API access token.

Bot Registration with @BotFather

The first step towards our very own Telegram bot is registering the bot with the BotFather. The BotFather is a bot itself that makes your life much easier. It helps you with registering bots, changing the bot description, adding commands, and providing you with the API token for your bot.

The API token is the most important step, as this allows you to run the code that can perform tasks for the bot.

1. Finding the BotFather

The BotFather can be found on Telegram by searching for ‘BotFather’. Click on the official BotFather, indicated with the white checkmark icon in the blue circle.

2. Registering a New Bot

Now we’ve found BotFather, let’s talk to him! You can start the conversation by typing /newbot. BotFather will ask you to choose a name for your both. This name can be anything and doesn’t have to be unique. To keep things simple, I named my bot ArticleBot.

Next, you will be prompted to input a username for the bot. The username must be unique and end in bot. Therefore, I chose michiel_article_bot, as that username was not yet taken. This will also be the username you use for looking up the bot in Telegram’s search field.

FatherBot will return a success message with your token to access the Telegram HTTP API. Make sure to store this token safely, and certainly don’t share it with anyone else.

3. Modifying the Bot

We can further modify the bot by adding a description or setting the commands we wish the bot to know. You can message the bot with the text /setcommands. It will show you how to input the commands with the format command1 – Description.

The post How to Build Your First Telegram Chatbot with Node.js appeared first on SitePoint.

Use Quantity Queries to Make Your CSS Quantity-Aware

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Quantity queries are specially set-up CSS selectors that allow developers to make their code quantity-aware. In responsive design, we usually use media queries to adapt our design to different…

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Web design turns nasty in Labour's snarky 404 page

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It's a funny old time in British politics. If you've not been keeping up with the latest developments (and we can't blame you if you haven't), the Conservatives recently hit out at Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn with a KFC branding-themed stunt. Now it's Labour's turn to strike back, and they've done so via the medium of website error pages.

If you've already checked out our list of the best 404 pages, you'll know that they're a great way to inject a bit of humour into a website. And the Labour party has used its website's error page to make a pointed joke about the Conservative Prime Minister, Boris Johnson.

When you head over to the Labour site's 404 page, you'll see the familiar 'Oops! Page not found' message used in one form or another by plenty of online platforms. But underneath there's the catty message "Just like the Prime Minister, this page appears to be missing." Ouch.

Labour 404 page

Sssh, nobody mention Brexit

This is in reference to a recent event in Luxembourg City, where Johnson failed to take to his podium at a press conference amid booing protestors. Luxembourg's Prime Minister, Xavier Bettel, was left to speak for himself and made some pretty cutting remarks about the Conservative leader in the process.

And lo and behold, a GIF of Xavier Bettel gesturing to the empty press conference podium has been inserted on Labour's 404 page; his endlessly looping expression only adding insult to injury.

As far as political burns go, this one is brutal but classy. While the Conservative's Jeremy Corbyn KFC stunt got kind of exhausting with its heavy-handedness, this 404 page is at least useful as it helps redirect visitors to the Labour homepage and the party's manifesto.

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How to Build Unique, Beautiful Websites with Tailwind CSS

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Build Unique and Beautiful Web Sites with Tailwind CSS

When thinking about what CSS framework to use for a new project, options like Bootstrap and Foundation readily jump to mind. They’re tempting to use because of their ready-to-use, pre-designed components, which developers can use with ease right away. This approach works well with relatively simple websites with a common look and feel. But as soon as we start building more complex, unique sites with specific needs, a couple of problems arise.

At some point, we need to customize certain components, create new components, and make sure the final codebase is unified and easy to maintain after the changes.

It’s hard to satisfy the above needs with frameworks like Bootstrap and Foundation, which give us a bunch of opinionated and, in many cases, unwanted styles. As a result, we have to continuously solve specificity issues while trying to override the default styles. It doesn’t sound like a fun job, does it?

Ready-to-use solutions are easy to implement, but inflexible and confined to certain boundaries. On other hand, styling web sites without a CSS framework is powerful and flexible, but isn’t easy to manage and maintain. So, what’s the solution?

The solution, as always, is to follow the golden middle. We need to find and apply the right balance between the concrete and abstract. A low-level CSS framework offers such a balance. There are several frameworks of this kind, and in this tutorial, we’ll explore the most popular one, Tailwind CSS.

What Is Tailwind?

Tailwind is more than a CSS framework, it’s an engine for creating design systems. — Tailwind website

Tailwind is a collection of low-level utility classes. They can be used like lego bricks to build any kind of components. The collection covers the most important CSS properties, but it can be easily extended in a variety of ways. With Tailwind, customization isn’t pain in the neck anymore. The framework has great documentation, covering every class utility in detail and showing the ways it can be customized. All modern browsers, and IE11+, are supported.

Why Using Utility-first Framework?

A low-level, utility-first CSS framework like Tailwind has a plenty of benefits. Let’s explore the most significant of them:

You have greater control over elements’ appearance. We can change and fine-tune an element’s appearance much more easily with utility classes.
It’s easy to manage and maintain in large projects, because you only maintain HTML files, instead of a large CSS codebase.
It’s easier to build unique, custom website designs without fighting with unwanted styles.
It’s highly customizable and extensible, which gives us unlimited flexibility.
It has a mobile-first approach and easy implementation of responsive design patterns.
There’s the ability to extract common, repetitive patterns into custom, reusable components — in most cases without writing a single line of custom CSS.
It has self-explanatory classes. We can imagine how the styled element looks only by reading the classes.

Finally, as Tailwind’s creators say:

it’s just about impossible to think this is a good idea the first time you see it — you have to actually try it.

So, let’s try it!

Getting Started with Tailwind

To demonstrate Tailwind’s customization features, we need to install it via npm:

npm install tailwindcss

The next step is to create a styles.css file, where we include the framework styles using the @tailwind directive:

@tailwind base;

@tailwind components;

@tailwind utilities;

After that, we run the npx tailwind init command, which creates a minimal tailwind.config.js file, where we’ll put our customization options during the development. The generated file contains the following:

module.exports = {
theme: {},
variants: {},
plugins: [],

The next step is to build the styles in order to use them:

npx tailwind build styles.css -o output.css

Finally, we link the generated output.css file and Font Awesome in our HTML:

<link rel=”stylesheet” type=”text/css” href=”output.css”>
<link rel=”stylesheet” href=””>

And now, we’re ready to start creating.

Building a One-page Website Template

In the rest of the tutorial, we’ll build a one-page website template using the power and flexibility of Tailwind’s utility classes.

Here you can see the template in action.

I’m not going to explain every single utility (which would be boring and tiresome) so I suggest you to use the Tailwind cheatsheet as a quick reference. It contains all available utilities with their effect, plus direct links to the documentation.

We’ll build the template section by section. They are Header, Services, Projects, Team, and Footer.

We firstly wrap all section in a container:

<div class=”container mx-auto”>
<!– Put the sections here –>

Header (Logo, Navigation)

The first section — Header — will contain a logo on the left side and navigation links on the right side. Here’s how it will look:

The site header

Now, let’s explore the code behind it.

<div class=”flex justify-between items-center py-4 bg-blue-900″>
<div class=”flex-shrink-0 ml-10 cursor-pointer”>
<i class=”fas fa-drafting-compass fa-2x text-orange-500″></i>
<span class=”ml-1 text-3xl text-blue-200 font-semibold”>WebCraft</span>
<i class=”fas fa-bars fa-2x visible md:invisible mr-10 md:mr-0 text-blue-200 cursor-pointer”></i>
<ul class=”hidden md:flex overflow-x-hidden mr-10 font-semibold”>
<li class=”mr-6 p-1 border-b-2 border-orange-500″>
<a class=”text-blue-200 cursor-default” href=”#”>Home</a>
<li class=”mr-6 p-1″>
<a class=”text-white hover:text-blue-300″ href=”#”>Services</a>
<li class=”mr-6 p-1″>
<a class=”text-white hover:text-blue-300″ href=”#”>Projects</a>
<li class=”mr-6 p-1″>
<a class=”text-white hover:text-blue-300″ href=”#”>Team</a>
<li class=”mr-6 p-1″>
<a class=”text-white hover:text-blue-300″ href=”#”>About</a>
<li class=”mr-6 p-1″>
<a class=”text-white hover:text-blue-300″ href=”#”>Contacts</a>

As you can see, the classes are pretty self-explanatory as I mentioned above. We’ll explore only the highlights.

First, we create a flex container and center its items horizontally and vertically. We also add some top and bottom padding, which Tailwind combines in a single py utility. As you may guess, there’s also a px variant for left and right. We’ll see that this type of shorthand is broadly used in many of the other utilities. As a background color, we use the darkest blue (bg-blue-900) from Tailwind’s color palette. The palette contains several colors with shades for each color distributed from 100 to 900. For example, blue-100, blue-200, blue-300, etc.

In Tailwind, we apply a color to a property by specifying the property followed by the color and the shade number. For example, text-white, bg-gray-800, border-red-500. Easy peasy.

For the logo on the left side, we use a div element, which we set not to shrink (flex-shrink-0) and move it a bit away from the edge by applying the margin-left property (ml-10). Next we use a Font Awesome icon whose classes perfectly blend with those of Tailwind. We use one of them to make the icon orange. For the textual part of the logo, we use big, light blue, semi-bolded text, with a small offset to the right.

In the middle, we add an icon that will be visible only on mobile. Here we use one of the responsive breakpoint prefixes (md). Tailwind, like Bootstrap and Foundation, follows the mobile-first approach. This means that when we use utilities without prefix (visible), they apply all the way from the smallest to the largest devices. If we want different styling for different devices, we need to use the breakpoint prefixes. So, in our case the icon will be visible on small devices, and invisible (md:invisible) on medium and beyond.

At the right side we put the nav links. We style the Home link differently, showing that it’s the active link. We also move the navigation from the edge and set it to be hidden on overflow (overflow-x-hidden). The navigation will be hidden (hidden) on mobile and set to flex (md:flex) on medium and beyond.

You can read more about responsiveness in the documentation.


Let’s now create the next section, Services. Here’s how it will look:

The Services section

And here’s the code:

<div class=”w-full p-6 bg-blue-100″>
<div class=”w-48 mx-auto pt-6 border-b-2 border-orange-500 text-center text-2xl text-blue-700″>OUR SERVICES</div>
<div class=”p-2 text-center text-lg text-gray-700″>We offer the best web development solutions.</div>
<div class=”flex justify-center flex-wrap p-10″>
<div class=”relative w-48 h-64 m-5 bg-white shadow-lg”>
<div class=”flex items-center w-48 h-20 bg-orange-500″>
<i class=”fas fa-bezier-curve fa-3x mx-auto text-white”></i>
<p class=”mx-2 py-2 border-b-2 text-center text-gray-700 font-semibold uppercase”>UI Design</p>
<p class=”p-2 text-sm text-gray-700″>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean ac est massa.</p>
<div class=”absolute right-0 bottom-0 w-8 h-8 bg-gray-300 hover:bg-orange-300 text-center cursor-pointer”>
<i class=”fas fa-chevron-right mt-2 text-orange-500″></i>


We create a section with light blue background. Then we add an underlined title and a subtitle.

Next, we use a flex container for the services items. We use flex-wrap so the items will wrap on resize. We set the dimensions for each card and add some space and a drop shadow. Each card has a colored section with a topic icon, a title, and a description. And we also put a button with an icon in the bottom-right corner.

Here we use one of the pseudo-class variants (hover, focus, etc.). They’re used in the same way as responsive breakpoints. We use the pseudo-class prefix, followed by a colon and the property name (hover:bg-orange-300).

You can learn more about pseudo-class variants in the documentation.

For brevity, I show the code only for the first card. The other ones are similar. You have to change only the colors, icons, and titles. See the final HTML file on GitHub repo for a reference.

The post How to Build Unique, Beautiful Websites with Tailwind CSS appeared first on SitePoint.