Grid Layout with Motion Hover Effect and Content Preview

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Today we’d like to share a little grid layout with you. We use CSS Grid and a playful hover effect on the grid items which are composed of different wildly placed elements. When an item is clicked, we slide in a content preview overlay and animate the grid items out and the preview items in. For the animations we use TweenMax by Greensock.


The demo is kindly sponsored by Get your team on the same playbook!. If you would like to sponsor one of our demos, find out more here.

Attention: We’ve made this layout with modern browsers in mind.

Here’s how the grid looks like:


The content preview overlay looks like this:


We hope you enjoy this little layout and find it useful!

References and Credits

TweenMax by Greensock
Images from
imagesLoaded by Dave DeSandro
Cross icon designed by Freepik

Grid Layout with Motion Hover Effect and Content Preview was written by Mary Lou and published on Codrops.

Turn Conventional Web Forms Into Conversations with This Script

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If you’ve ever wanted to humanize your web forms then you’ll adore the Conversational Form script created by SPACE10. This script automatically converts all your input fields into Q&A…

Visit for full content.

How to excel at everything

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Product design, packaging design, branding and book publishing are all well-established disciplines, filled with plenty of specialist, single-focus agencies. So for a relatively small studio to excel in all of them at once is rather impressive, but Here Design has managed it.

East London agency Here is also notable in the male-dominated realm of creative directors in that two of its three co-founders are women. Driven by a shared passion for creativity in all its forms, Caz Hildebrand, Kate Marlow and Mark Paton continue to fly the flag for multidisciplinary design. We asked Paton and Marlow to tell us more…

How was Here Design founded?

Mark Paton: We didn’t have a written ethos, or any precise definition of what to do. We just shared a broad interest in food and drink, and sharing knowledge. Caz wanted to do furniture design; Kate was interested in textiles; I was doing other things. Initially it was about sharing infrastructure. We had an accountant in common, and just wanted a nice, creative environment to work in. It was really unstructured.

Kate Marlow: It was 12 years ago now. We left our respective jobs: Mark and I were in branding; Caz in publishing, in book design. We wanted to work together in a small environment, designing for brands we believed in. 

As Mark says, there was no master plan, no big idea. We got on well, and had a shared ethos about what good ideas were, and how to articulate them.

How did the studio evolve?

MP: It’s been super-organic, and a huge learning curve: we’ve had to learn about all of decisions we should have made at the beginning. Early on, we pitched to rebrand an organic food shop, and surprisingly we won. That suddenly gave us a body of work that we were working on together, which crystallised the nature of the studio and how we could share our experience. 

KM: As it went on, we got more jobs in than we could cope with just three of us. So, we slowly employed people to help us and it grew very, very slowly. For a very long time, we did all our own project management, finance, everything. We were the receptionists too.We learnt what we could and couldn’t do very well. Thankfully we now have experts in areas like finance, and a head of studio. They do a much better job than we ever did.

Here has published several books including a playful book on punctuation entitled This is Me, Full Stop

How have you structured the agency?

MP: This year we’ve employed a new tier of designer in the studio: design associates. We have four now, each with a portfolio of clients.

We’ve struggled a bit to create a structure without being very hierarchical. We don’t buy into certain job titles. For us, it was important to create our own definition. T

he design associates will take more of a lead on certain projects, while the partners focus on developing the business, thinking about new sectors, and also some smaller projects. It may seem a bit counter-intuitive, but we still want to design, so are happy to pick up speculative work that’d be a burden for the studio to do.

Here’s rebrand of Barcardi taps into the brand’s rich heritage

Have you struggled to stay hands-on?

KM: No, in fact we’ve probably struggled to be hands off. We need to learn to do that more, so the other designers can work their way up. 

We’re passionate about all our projects, and as partners we lead teams and are really collaborative with the design associates and senior designers, right through to the juniors. 

How have you stayed multi-disciplinary?

MP: We have had conversations about whether we need to specialise, but I think part of what makes Here interesting is that we work on such different topics. We very pragmatically believe that if a designer works across a book, a pack, an identity and a digital application, they will become a better designer. 

Here translated the physical geography of the streets around adidas Originals stores into architectural models

How do you choose who works on a project?

KM: Sometimes, one of us is just a really good fit for a client. That might be based on personality, or previous experience – or it might be that one of us actually hasn’t got much experience in that field, and that’s what we find exciting. They could come up with things you wouldn’t necessarily think to do, because they don’t know that genre so well. 

Do you work with external collaborators?

MP: A lot is done in-house. At college you didn’t have the option to commission someone: you had to get your paints out and do it. We advocate the guys having a go, but there are instances where it’s beyond us, so we commission out. But the lion’s share of illustration, for instance, is done in-house.

It’s partly a cultural choice: it’s nice to have people making marks and creating images. It makes for a richer experience.

Here created a beautiful wooden display box for Balvenie whisky 

How do you attract and retain the right talent?

MP: From the moment we started in Caz’s kitchen, we recognised the importance of the moments that weren’t designed. Making lunch together was a bonding experience, which sounds a bit cheesy, but it was important. 

We came from quite ordered environments, and wanted it to feel more homely and casual. When we were lucky enough to design this space, a creative kitchen was the first thing we set up. On a Friday, everyone tries to have lunch together and different people cook. 

The strength of the studio is the people within it. It’s not really us as partners – we are not necessarily the embodiment of the company. We’re just kind of trying to create a way of working that everyone can benefit from. 

Recognising people and allowing them to flourish –almost autonomously – is another thing that happens here that maybe doesn’t elsewhere. A junior designer can come in, be given a live project and see it through. We review things democratically too, so there’s an opportunity for everyone to speak up. I think that openness, and the fact that the opportunities are quite apparent and quite quick, makes people stick around. A lot of people have been here for a long time – we’re very lucky.   

This article originally appeared in issue 277 of Computer Arts magazine, the world's best-selling design magazine. Buy issue 277 or subscribe to Computer Arts.

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Does Your Ecommerce Store Need a Blog?

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It takes a significant investment of time and resources to run an ecommerce store as is. Setting up your store, regulating inventory, providing customer service and the like will take up the lion’s share of your attention. It makes sense to want to streamline your workload by focusing on the essential functions. The thought of […]

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Lessons Learned While Developing WordPress Plugins

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Lessons Learned While Developing WordPress Plugins

Lessons Learned While Developing WordPress Plugins

Jakub Mikita


Every WordPress plugin developer struggles with tough problems and code that’s difficult to maintain. We spend late nights supporting our users and tear out our hair when an upgrade breaks our plugin. Let me show you how to make it easier.

In this article, I’ll share my five years of experience developing WordPress plugins. The first plugin I wrote was a simple marketing plugin. It displayed a call to action (CTA) button with Google’s search phrase. Since then, I’ve written another 11 free plugins, and I maintain almost all of them. I’ve written around 40 plugins for my clients, from really small ones to one that have been maintained for over a year now.

Measuring Performance With Heatmaps

Heatmaps can show you the exact spots that receive the most engagement on a given page. Find out why they’re so efficient for your marketing goals and how they can be integrated with your WordPress site. Read article →

Good development and support lead to more downloads. More downloads mean more money and a better reputation. This article will show you the lessons I’ve learned and the mistakes I’ve made, so that you can improve your plugin development.

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1. Solve A Problem

If your plugin doesn’t solve a problem, it won’t get downloaded. It’s as simple as that.

Take the Advanced Cron Manager plugin (8,000+ active installations). It helps WordPress users who are having a hard time debugging their cron. The plugin was written out of a need — I needed something to help myself. I didn’t need to market this one, because people already needed it. It scratched their itch.

On the other hand, there’s the Bug — fly on the screen plugin (70+ active installations). It randomly simulates a fly on the screen. It doesn’t really solve a problem, so it’s not going to have a huge audience. It was a fun plugin to develop, though.

Focus on a problem. When people don’t see their SEO performing well, they install an SEO plugin. When people want to speed up their website, they install a caching plugin. When people can’t find a solution to their problem, then they find a developer who writes a solution for them.

As David Hehenberger attests in his article about writing a successful plugin, need is a key factor in the WordPress user’s decision of whether to install a particular plugin.

If you have an opportunity to solve someone’s problem, take a chance.

2. Support Your Product

“3 out of 5 Americans would try a new brand or company for a better service experience. 7 out of 10 said they were willing to spend more with companies they believe provide excellent service.”

— Nykki Yeager

Don’t neglect your support. Don’t treat it like a must, but more like an opportunity.

Good-quality support is critical in order for your plugin to grow. Even a plugin with the best code will get some support tickets. The more people who use your plugin, the more tickets you’ll get. A better user experience will get you fewer tickets, but you will never reach inbox 0.

Every time someone posts a message in a support forum, I get an email notification immediately, and I respond as soon as I can. It pays off. The vast majority of my good reviews were earned because of the support. This is a side effect: Good support often translates to 5-star reviews.

When you provide excellent support, people start to trust you and your product. And a plugin is a product, even if it’s completely free and open-source.

Good support is more complex than about writing a short answer once a day. When your plugin gains traction, you’ll get several tickets per day. It’s a lot easier to manage if you’re proactive and answer customers’ questions before they even ask.

Here’s a list of some actions you can take:

Create an FAQ section in your repository.

Pin the “Before you ask” thread at the top of your support forum, highlighting the troubleshooting tips and FAQ.

Make sure your plugin is simple to use and that users know what they should do after they install it. UX is important.

Analyze the support questions and fix the pain points. Set up a board where people can vote for the features they want.

Create a video showing how the plugin works, and add it to your plugin’s main page in the repository.

It doesn’t really matter what software you use to support your product. The’s official support forum works just as well as email or your own support system. I use’s forum for the free plugins and my own system for the premium plugins.

3. Don’t Use Composer

Composer is package-manager software. A repository of packages is hosted on, and you can easily download them to your project. It’s like NPM or Bower for PHP. Managing your third-party packages the way Composer does is a good practice, but don’t use it in your WordPress project.

I know, I dropped a bomb. Let me explain.

Composer is great software. I use it myself, but not in public WordPress projects. The problem lies in conflicts. WordPress doesn’t have any global package manager, so each and every plugin has to load dependencies of their own. When two plugins load the same dependency, it causes a fatal error.

There isn’t really an ideal solution to this problem, but Composer makes it worse. You can bundle the dependency in your source manually and always check whether you are safe to load it.

Composer’s issue with WordPress plugins is still not solved, and there won’t be any viable solution to this problem in the near future. The problem was raised many years ago, and, as you can read in WP Tavern’s article, many developers are trying to solve it, without any luck.

The best you can do is to make sure that the conditions and environment are good to run your code.

4. Reasonably Support Old PHP Versions

Don’t support very old versions of PHP, like 5.2. The security issues and maintenance aren’t worth it, and you’re not going to earn more installations from those older versions.

The Notification plugin’s usage on PHP versions from May 2018. (Large preview)

Go with PHP 5.6 as a minimal requirement, even though official support will be dropped by the end of 2018. WordPress itself requires PHP 7.2.

There’s a movement that discourages support of legacy PHP versions. The Yoast team released the Whip library, which you can include in your plugin and which displays to your users important information about their PHP version and why they should upgrade.

Tell your users which versions you do support, and make sure their website doesn’t break after your plugin is installed on too low a version.

5. Focus On Quality Code

Writing good code is tough in the beginning. It takes time to learn the “SOLID” principles and design patterns and to change old coding habits.

It once took me three days to display a simple string in WordPress, when I decided to rewrite one of my plugins using better coding practices. It was frustrating knowing that it should have taken 30 minutes. Switching my mindset was painful but worth it.

Why was it so hard? Because you start writing code that seems at first to be overkill and not very intuitive. I kept asking myself, “Is this really needed?” For example, you have to separate the logic into different classes and make sure each is responsible for a single thing. You also have to separate classes for the translation, custom post type registration, assets management, form handlers, etc. Then, you compose the bigger structures out of the simple small objects. That’s called dependency injection. That’s very different from having “front end” and “admin” classes, where you cram all your code.

The other counterintuitive practice was to keep all actions and filters outside of the constructor method. This way, you’re not invoking any actions while creating the objects, which is very helpful for unit testing. You also have better control over which methods are executed and when. I wish I knew this before I wrote a project with an infinite loop caused by the actions in the constructor methods. Those kinds of bugs are hard to trace and hard to fix. The project had to be refactored.

The above are but a few examples, but you should get to know the SOLID principles. These are valid for any system and any coding language.

When you follow all of the best practices, you reach the point where every new feature just fits in. You don’t have to tweak anything or make any exceptions to the existing code. It’s amazing. Instead of getting more complex, your code just gets more advanced, without losing flexibility.

Also, format your code properly, and make sure every member of your team follows a standard. Standards will make your code predictable and easier to read and test. WordPress has its own standards, which you can implement in your projects.

6. Test Your Plugin Ahead Of Time

I learned this lesson the hard way. Lack of testing led me to release a new version of a plugin with a fatal error. Twice. Both times, I got a 1-star rating, which I couldn’t turn into a positive review.

You can test manually or automatically. Travis CI is a continuous testing product that integrates with GitHub. I’ve built a really simple test suite for my Notification plugin that just checks whether the plugin can boot properly on every PHP version. This way, I can be sure the plugin is error-free, and I don’t have to pay much attention to testing it in every environment.

Each automated test takes a fraction of a second. 100 automated tests will take about 10 minutes to complete, whereas manual testing needs about 2 minutes for each case.

The more time you invest in testing your plugin up front, the more it will save you in the long run.

To get started with automated testing, you can use the WP-CLI \`wp scaffold plugin-test\` command, which installs all of the configuration you need.

7. Document Your Work

It’s a cliche that developers don’t like to write documentation. It’s the most boring part of the development process, but a little goes a long way.

Write self-documenting code. Pay attention to variable, function and class names. Don’t make any complicated structures, like cascades that can’t be read easily.

Another way to document code is to use the “doc block”, which is a comment for every file, function and class. If you write how the function works and what it does, it will be so much easier to understand when you need to debug it six months from now. WordPress Coding Standards covers this part by forcing you to write the doc blocks.

Using both techniques will save you the time of writing the documentation, but the code documentation is not going to be read by everyone.

For the end user, you have to write high-quality, short and easy-to-read articles explaining how the system works and how to use it. Videos are even better; many people prefer to watch a short tutorial than read an article. They are not going to look at the code, so make their lives easier. Good documentation also reduces support tickets.


These seven rules have helped me develop good-quality products, which are starting to be a core business at BracketSpace. I hope they’ll help you in your journey with WordPress plugins as well.

Let me know in the comments what your golden development rule is or whether you’ve found any of the above particularly helpful.

Smashing Editorial
(il, ra, yk)

Questions to Ask Clients Before Starting a Project

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Graphic design clients come in a wonderful variety, but every designer has their tales of horror to tell about the treatment they’ve received from some clients. Much of the time trouble originates from misunderstandings, so if the potential for this can be reduced from the start, it will help avoid the resultant problems.

Knowing what to ask is important, and then actually asking the necessary questions is even more important. In this article we’ll share the first part of that task, and it will be up to you to implement it when the time comes.

1. What is your budget for the project?

This is the most important question of all. Many clients have unrealistic expectations, and they may expect a fixed cost to cover everything they request. Asking this question up front lets the client know your costs may be not quite so fixed, and that they’ll need to adjust their expectations to suit their budget.

You will also be able to provide your client with better advice this way. When you know what the client can spend, you can begin calculating what options to suggest. For example, on-location photography is more expensive than stock photography, but gives much better results. You’ll be able to give advice that helps the client make the right decisions.

gif illustration by R A D I O

2. When do you need the project completed by?

Clients also may have unrealistic expectations about the creative process, not realizing it can take time to produce quality work, and expecting you to work like you’re on a production line.

Creative work is a process that normally takes time. We may have moments of intense inspiration which drive us to produce a masterpiece in record time, but normally there are many steps to complete: conceptualizing, research, drafting, editing, rendering, and so on.

If the client gives a tight deadline, get them to justify it. Sometimes clients just want the job done within a certain time frame, and there are times that they won’t really have a reason. Clients with a reason should get priority because they know what they want and why they want it.

3. Who is the intended audience for this work?

It’s very important not to waste your time going down the wrong path. You can’t make assumptions about who the client is attempting to appeal to. Also, having this knowledge, you can make suggestions that the client hadn’t thought of. This makes the client feel secure that they have chosen a professional who can help them make the right decisions.

illustration by Olia & Roma

4. What features in this work do you want to have emphasis?

Clients need to identify the image they want to project to their audience. If they don’t have a strong sense of identity and purpose, you’ll be wandering aimlessly with no reference point to begin from.

What may happen then is you’ll spend time designing something that the client may not necessarily like, and that happens because you’re not sharing a common vision.

The best designs happen when you and your client are in harmony about what the finished work should look like and what goals it should achieve.

5. What similar items appeal to you?

You may need to clarify this question. For example, if it is a website design project, you should ask the client which websites they like best and why they like those sites. If it is a logo design project, ask which logos of other companies are their favorites and why. And so on and so forth.

Asking this kind of question helps establish what the client finds appealing. That may not necessarily be what’s best for them, and you can advise them if you have knowledge that can help them make a better decision, but it also helps you avoid a situation where the client is not satisfied with what you produce.

When you know what the client already likes, you job becomes far easier, because you can design appropriately. Just make sure you get a decent number of favorites so you can find what the examples have in common.

6. What designs in this category are your least favorite?

This question is probably just as important, because it helps you recognize what things you’ll need to avoid. Nothing kills a project faster than not knowing what your client does not like to see in a design.

Again, you’ll need a decent handful of examples to get some idea of the common features that the client isn’t interested in. You can ask them why, of course, but the answers may be too vague to be really helpful.

What you’re trying to gain is insight into the client’s mind, and very few clients know themselves well enough to provide that insight directly. Seeing their likes and dislikes visually in front of you is far more useful in most cases.

gif by Tim Constantinov

7. Do you have an existing design or style?

One of the most surprising things is clients sometimes forget to mention they already have a design or style theme that they need you to comply with. The more you understand about the existing corporate culture of your client, the easier it is to design for them.

Sometimes clients just expect you to know about them. They’re sure you will have heard of their business before and that you’ll know all about it. So they don’t tell you the vital information you need to know in order to produce the best results for them.

Getting that information is your job. You can’t leave it up to the client to tell you, because they almost never will.

Wrapping up

Asking these essential questions before you get started on the project is going to help you avoid problems and will also help you do your job more efficiently and effectively.

Nobody likes wasting time on a project and then not getting paid for their efforts. As creatives, it can be especially rough on you when a client rejects your work, and that can affect your confidence as you go to start on the next project.

If you ask the right questions, you’ll know the right way to go about the task, and the result is better for everyone involved.

header image courtesy of Matt Chase

The post Questions to Ask Clients Before Starting a Project appeared first on Inspired Magazine.

Using Angular Augury to Debug Your Code

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Augury is an open-source tool allowing developers to profile and debug Angular 2 and 4 applications.

Modern web browsers provide developer consoles to inspect various elements on the page, which is really handy when trying to debug markup, styles, and scripts. However, this console isn’t enough to debug Angular applications that usually have lots of components, events, attributes, and a separate routing system.

Augury is a tool designed specifically for Angular apps. It’s an open-source debugging and profiling tool for Angular 2+ applications.

Augury is just a Chrome extension that’s quite simple to use, so you won’t need to spend hours and hours learning how to utilize this tool. We’re going to build a sample Angular app and then see Augury in action by exploring various parts of our project. So, let’s get started!

Hello, Augury!

Augury visualizes your app’s structure in a form of a tree, showing how components and their dependencies relate to each other. It also allows you to inspect properties of your objects and change them on the fly. On top of that, you can easily view the source code of a specific component, insert breakpoints as needed, work with events, and more. Lastly, you can browse the application’s routing system, as well as view the full list of all utilized modules.

Augury is only available as a Chrome extension (there’s no Firefox support yet, unfortunately) and installing it is as simple as going to this page and pressing the Install button. After that, you may open the developer tools by pressing Ctrl + Shift + I (Windows/Linux) or Cmd + Opt + I (macOS). You’ll note that a new tab called Augury has appeared. After switching to this tab, you’ll either see the application’s structure or the phrase “This application is not an Angular application”. I’ve noticed that sometimes it may be required to re-open the Developer Console in order for Augury to analyze the page properly, so watch out.

Now that we have Augury installed, let’s proceed to the next section and prepare the sample application that we’ll use as a playground!

Building a Sample App

In order to see Augury in action, we need something to debug, right? In this section, I’m going to quickly guide you through the process of creating a very simple application (loosely based on the sample app from the Angular’s official tutorial) listing some users and allowing you to edit them. Alternatively, you may grab the source code from my GitHub repo.

Before getting started, install Angular CLI on your machine if you don’t have it yet:

npm install -g @angular/cli

Next, create the skeleton of our new project:

ng new sitepoint-augury

Change the application’s title by tweaking the src/app/app.component.ts file:

// …

export class AppComponent {
title = ‘Augury Demo’;

Tweak the src/app/app.component.html by removing all the links to documentation added automatically by code generator and add an <app-users></app-users> line:

<div style=”text-align:center”>
Welcome to {{ title }}!


Of course, we need a User component, so generate it now by running:

ng generate component users

Change the src/app/users/user.component.ts file in the following way:

import { Component, OnInit } from ‘@angular/core’;
import { User } from ‘./user.model’; // <— 1
import { UserService } from ‘./user.service’; // <— 2

selector: ‘app-users’,
templateUrl: ‘./users.component.html’,
styleUrls: [‘./users.component.css’]
export class UsersComponent implements OnInit {
users: User[];

selectedUser: User;

onSelect(user: User): void { // <— 3
this.selectedUser = user;

constructor(private userService: UserService) { } // <— 4

ngOnInit() {
this.getUsers(); // <— 5

getUsers(): void { // <— 6
this.users = this.userService.getUsers();


Main things to note here:

We are importing a User model that will be created in a moment.
We’re also importing a UserService. It will simply return a list of hardcoded users, but let’s pretend they’re being fetched from some remote location.
We’re allowing the users to be selected by clicking on them. The currently selected user is stored in a separate selectedUser attribute.
Hook up the userService using the dependency injection mechanism.
Load the list of users once the component is initialized.
In order to get users, we’re utilizing our userService.

That’s pretty much it for this component.

Next, let’s create a model in a src/app/users/user.model.ts file. Each user is going to have an ID, a first and a last name:

export class User {
id: number;
first: string;
last: string;

Nothing complex.

Now let’s proceed to the UserService that’s going to be defined in the app/src/users/user.service.ts file:

import { Injectable } from ‘@angular/core’;
import { User } from ‘./user.model’;

export class UserService {

constructor() { }

getUsers(): User[] {
return [
id: 1,
first: ‘John’,
last: ‘Doe’
id: 2,
first: ‘Margaret’,
last: ‘Brown’

The getUsers method simply returns an array of users with hardcoded data.

Now let’s display our users with the help of ngFor. Also, we’re going to add a click event listener and fire onSelect whenever a user is clicked on. When this happens, a form to edit the chosen user should be displayed (which is going to be done with the help of ngIf). Modify the src/app/users/user.component.html file like this:

<div *ngFor=”let user of users” (click)=”onSelect(user)”
[class.selected]=”user === selectedUser”>
<p>{{user.last}}, {{user.first}} (ID: {{}})</p>

<div *ngIf=”selectedUser”>
<label for=”first”>First</label>
<input [(ngModel)]=”selectedUser.first” placeholder=”First name” id=”first”>

<label for=”last”>Last</label>
<input [(ngModel)]=”selectedUser.last” placeholder=”Last name” id=”last”>

We’re assigning a .selected CSS class to the chosen user, so let’s add some simple styling for it inside the src/app/users/user.component.css file:

.selected {
font-weight: bold;

Lastly, we have to import FormsModule and UserService inside the src/app/app.module.ts file:

import { BrowserModule } from ‘@angular/platform-browser’;
import { NgModule } from ‘@angular/core’;
import { FormsModule } from ‘@angular/forms’; // <—
import { UserService } from ‘./users/user.service’; // <—

import { AppComponent } from ‘./app.component’;
import { UsersComponent } from ‘./users/users.component’;

FormsModule should be listed in the imports section in the app.module.ts, whereas UserService goes to the providers:

declarations: [
imports: [
FormsModule // <—
providers: [
UserService // <—
bootstrap: [AppComponent]

That’s it! Our sample application is finished, and you can open it by running the following command:

ng serve –open

Continue reading %Using Angular Augury to Debug Your Code%

23 amazing free Google web fonts

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Looking to start your next digital project? Be it a website, app or other screen-based venture, there’s an abundance of high-quality and (best of all) free web fonts out there. Let’s take a look at some of the best options. You’ll find them all, and many more, at

For a wider range of options, take a look at our round-up of the greatest free web fonts.

01. Spectral

Spectral comes in seven weights for all your typographical moods

Commissioned by Google Fonts for use in Google Docs, Sheets and Slides, but suitable for any project, Spectral is a versatile serif face created by Production Type in Paris that's available with seven weights of Roman and Italic, from Extra-Light through to Extra-Bold, with small caps included. Inspired by six centuries of French-type design, it's designed to look good on-screen, making even the most text-heavy pages easier to read.

02. Bubblegum Sans

For friendly type that really pops, give Bubblegum Sans a go

Relentlessly upbeat with friendly brushed glyphs, Bubblegum Sans is a big and bouncy font designed by Angel Koziupa of Sudtipos and produced by Ale Paul. It's something of a 21st century tribute to the sort of lettering you'd see in 1930s advertising, with, we reckon, just a hint of Dr Seuss madcap charm.

03. Anton

Step away from the Impact!

If you're after an eye-catching sans serif display font, it's terribly easy to go for the ubiquitous Impact, especially if you don't have Compacta Bold to hand, but if you want something a little more suitable for modern use then Vernon Adams' Anton is a smart pick. Anton has been reworked from traditional advertising sans serifs, then digitised and reshaped for use as a webfont, with the counters opened up and the stems optimised for use on-screen.

04. Rubik

Rubik features subtle, rounded corners

A sans-serif family with five weights – Light, Regular, Medium, Bold and Black, all with italics – Rubik has subtle, rounded corners and is ideal for both body copy and headlines. It was designed by Philipp Hubert and Sebastian Fischer at Hubert and Fischer. 

05. Monoton

Monoton is a contemporary take on metalpress fonts

A display font (recommended to be used above 30pt) much in the style of Alex Trochut, Monoton is a contemporary take on metalpress fonts, is another font designed by Vernon Adams. It's perfect for a quirky headline on your site – as the estimated 320,000 websites it has been used on proves. Pair it with a modern serif for a contemporary yet classic feel.

06. Karla

Karla comes in Regular and Bold, along with italics

Karla is a grotesque sans-serif typeface in Regular and Bold (along with italics) with some rather nice quirks – check out the subtle, curved descenders on the ‘q’ and ‘y’, for instance. Designed by Jonny Pinhorn, it's equally appealing at over 40pt right down to body copy sizes. It supports Latin and Tamil scripts. 

07. Baloo

You can use Baloo in nine Indian scripts, if you so wish

According to its Google Fonts description, Baloo is "a perfect blend of pointy paws in a coat of fur". While we're not sure it's quite that animalistic, we think it's an intriguing rounded display face, that’s also available in nine Indian scripts along with a Latin counterpart. It's versatile and, well, rather beautiful.

08. Neuton

Neuton is a versatile, Dutch-style face

Neuton is hugely versatile Dutch-inspired face by designer Brian Zick. It's a little like Times in structure, with its large height, short extenders, and compact width and is perfect for body copy. It's available in Extra-Light, Light, Regular, Regular Italic, Bold and Extra Bold. 

09. Alegreya SC

This all-caps face creates impact for headlines

If you’re looking for an all-caps typeface for a bit of impact in your headlines or supporting text, Alegreya SC may be just the ticket. Pair it with the rest of the Alegreya family for elegant consistency across your screen projects.

10. Lilita One

Use Lilita One at 40pt or over for maximum impact

A little bit condensed, a little bit rounded, and a little bit quirky in its rounded terminals and soft appearance, Lilita One is a fun display font for headlines and shorter text (perhaps navigational elements). It's best used at 40pt and above, we reckon.

11. EB Garamond

Worth checking out, even though it’s currently only available in Regular

EB Garamond is an open source revival of Claud Garamond’s classic typeface from the mid-16th century, and we can’t really explain it in any more detail. A sublime and elegant body font, even if it is only available in Regular at this point. It’s worth checking out Cormorant Garamond, as well.

12. Lora

Lora is ideal for large chunks of body text

Available in Regular, Regular Italic, Bold and Bold Italic, Lora is a serif font particularly suited to reams of body text. Google says "the overall typographic voice of Lora perfectly conveys the mood of a modern-day story, or an art essay". We particularly like the way the stem flows into the tittle on the lowercase ‘i’ in Regular Italic.

Next page: more great Google web fonts

13. Space Mono

This sci-fi-style face comes in Regular and Bold versions

Geometric fuses with grotesque in this sci-fi-esque design. A fixed-width family in Regular and Bold (with italics – Regular Italic being our favourite, thanks to its wonderful descenders and serifs), Space Mono is one cool display face. As well as in headlines, use the Regular weight sparingly for short passages of text.

14. Kaushan Script

This calligraphic font purposefully avoids typographic perfection

The calligraphic, energetic Kaushan is a script font that deliberately avoids typographic perfection, with slight variation in angles between verticals in characters and uneven positioning along the baseline. For a script font it’s very readable, even at small sizes – but of course we’d only recommend it for headlines, used in moderation.

15. Julius Sans One

Try Julius Sans One for subtle headlines that still make an impact

There's more than a hint of Roman here, with a modern twist to some of the legs, making Julius Sans One a thin display font perfect for subtle, yet still impactful, headlines. Pair it with the likes of Lato Light, maybe, for a refined, low-key style.

16. Courgette

Use this medium-contrast italic-only font larger than 40pt

A brush script with flourishing impact, Courgette is a medium-contrast italic-only font. Yes, you’ll want to use it larger than 40pt, but it was designed so that the low stroke contrast can even work in body text (although we’d suggest you are cautious if you take that advice).

17. Wire One

This condensed sans is sharp and stylish

Wire One is so thin you’re not going to want to use it at anything below 12pt – and even that may be pushing legibility. It’s a lovely condensed sans, nonetheless, and its minuscule dot terminals are quite beautiful. 

18. Cormorant

Cormorant was inspired by Claude Garamond

This is one behemoth of a free typeface. It comprises Roman, Italic, Infant, Infant Italic, Garamond, Garamond Italic, Upright Cursive, Small Caps, and Unicase; and five weights – Light, Regular, Medium, SemiBold and Bold. You could easily build a whole style around this Claude Garamond-inspired number.

19. Righteous

Righteous’ lowercase ‘e’ will divide opinion

There’s a touch of avant-garde in this display font, inspired by the capital letterforms from the deco posters of Hungarian artist Robert Berény for Modiano. While the lowercase ‘e’ may be a little sharp for some, it’s without doubt an arresting font when used at large point sizes.

20. Bungee Shade

Bungee celebrates urban signage

If you want ultimate impact with your headlines – and even a start for your graphic projects – Bungee Shade is a great shout. Bungee is a celebration of urban signage, and Shade is just one of five variants. Check out the regular Bungee for a less extravagant, yet still impactful display font (and Bungee Inline for a lovely reversal of Shade).

21. Amatic SC

Open source face Amatic SC has a hand-drawn aesthetic

‘Hand-drawn’ and ‘web fonts’ don’t often go together in the same sentence, but Amatic SC (small caps) is undoubtedly one of the better open source offerings out there. Use it sparingly in both headlines and shorter measures of text for a crafty feel.

22. Roboto

Roboto is used on over 16 million sites worldwide

Roboto is one of the most common open source web fonts out there (used on over 16,000,000 sites worldwide), and for good reason. It's a surprisingly rhythmic sans that can be used alongside Roboto Condensed and Roboto Slab for a consistent, contemporary style.

23. Arvo

Geometric slab Arvo works as well in print as it does on screen

A geometric slab, Arvo is equally at home in print as it is on screen – as long as you’re using it for headlines, that is. Arvo is hugely legible at any size over 30pt, and – particularly in the Bold weight – a font that will stop your viewers in their tracks.

Related articles:

50 best free fonts for designers4 modern brands flying the flag for script fontsThe rules of responsive web typography

Collective #417

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Collective #417 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops.

Developer Economics Survey: Your Chance to Win Prizes & Voice Opinions

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Is JavaScript giving you headaches? Do you wish other developers knew how important Swift and Rust will be in the coming years? It’s your chance to turn your opinions into a tool of change! The new Developer Economics survey is open starting from April 30, calling out all software developers to take part. Start right away.

Don’t miss a chance to join over 40,000 developers from 160+ countries who take part in the Developer Economics surveys every year to tell the world where software development is going next.

Who can take the survey?

Pretty much everyone writing code and getting their hands on software development in Mobile, Desktop, IoT, AR/VR, Machine Learning & Data Science, Web, Backend and Games. It doesn’t matter if you’re a hobbyist, a startupper or an enterprise dev – the survey is open for all real developers out there!

What sort of questions are they asking?

The survey is designed to dive into real-life developer issues, from coding skills and favorite tools to satisfaction with learning resources and communities.

Expect questions like:

Which are your favorite tools and platforms?
What’s going up and what’s going down in the software industry?
Are you working on the projects you would like to work on?
Where do you think development time should be invested?

There are also deep-dive questions based on your area of expertise, like Machine Learning, IoT, web development and more where you can really show you’re a pro and answer more complex questions about your favorite frameworks and vendors.

Read to take the survey?

Why should you take the survey?

It’s fun, for starters! The survey is designed to reveal your sci-fi profile, so the more you engage, the closer you get to finding out your place in the galaxy far far away.

Then there’s prizes. This time, devs who take part and complete the survey can win stuff like iPhone X, Samsung S9 Plus, HTC Vive Pro, GitHub Developer Plan, Amazon vouchers and other useful things to help you test your work or just play around.

You can also take part in the referral program, which allows you to win up to $700 in cash by referring other developer friends to take the survey.

Last but not least, everyone who takes the survey will get a insights with key findings from the survey as well as free report with the highlights and up-and-coming trends.

If you have a few minutes to spare and want to have a quality time, then this survey is for perfect for you! You can start right here. Extra tip: if you need to take a break, just click to save your responses and then you can come back and continue where you left off.

Good luck!

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