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Motion Paths – Past, Present and Future

Original Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/tympanus/~3/NVxaS65ELcc/

Making animations that “feel right” can be tricky.

When I’m stuck, I find Disney’s 12 principles of animation useful. They’re from the book ‘The Illusion of Life’ and although the book was written about hand-drawn character animation, a lot of the principles are relevant for animation on the web.

The 7th principle of animation is about arcs:

Most natural action tends to follow an arched trajectory, and animation should adhere to this principle by following implied “arcs” for greater realism.

In other words, animating along a curved path can make movement feel more realistic.

Straight lines are what browsers do best though. When we animate an element from one place to another using a translation the browser doesn’t take realism into account. It’ll always take the fastest and most efficient route.

This is where motion paths can come in handy. Motion paths give us the ability to move an element along a predefined path. They’re great for creating trajectories to animate along.

Use the toggle to see the paths.

See the Pen Alien Abduction- toggle by Cassie Evans (@cassie-codes) on CodePen.default

As well as being useful, they’re quite a lot of fun to play around with.

See the Pen Loop by Cassie Evans (@cassie-codes) on CodePen.default

So, how do you animate along a motion path?

I use GreenSock (GSAP) for most of my SVG animation and I made these demos using the newly released GSAP 3 and their MotionPathPlugin. So, if you want to skip to that bit, go ahead!

Otherwise let’s take a little journey through the past, present and future of motion path animation.

(Did someone say CSS motion paths?)

First, a little setup tip.

Make sure to keep the path and element you’re animating in the same SVG and co-ordinate space, otherwise things get a bit messy.

<svg xmlns=”http://www.w3.org/2000/svg” viewBox=”0 0 1300 800″>
<path class=”path” d=”M1345.7 2.6l2.4-4.4″/>
<g class=”rocket”>


If you google “SVG motion path animation”, you’re going to get a lot of hits talking about SMIL.

SMIL was the original proposed method for SVG animation. It included the ability to animate along a path using the <animatemotion> element.

It’s nice and declarative and currently the browser support is surprisingly good, covering all modern browsers except Edge and Opera Mini.

But, and this is a big but, the future of SMIL is uncertain, and has been for a while.

It was deprecated by Chrome a few years back and although they’ve now suspended that deprecation, implementations still vary and there’s no clear path towards cross-browser support.

Although it’s fun to play around with, SMIL isn’t very future-proof, so I’m only going to touch on it.

In order to animate along a path with the animateMotion element, you reference the path you want to animate along using path=”…” and define the element you want to animate using xlink:href=”#…”:



See the Pen loop SMIL by Cassie Evans (@cassie-codes) on CodePen.default

With SMIL effectively out of the picture, browser vendors are now focused on supporting modern alternatives like the CSS Motion Path Module.

CSS Motion Path Module
Attention: As of the time of writing, the examples in this section are experimental and best viewed in Chrome.

You can check out which features your browser supports in the demo below.

See the Pen Browser Support – CSS motion path module by Cassie Evans (@cassie-codes) on CodePen.default

If you’ve got all green smiley faces, you’re good to go. But you may have a sad face for offset-anchor. This is because this property is currently still experimental. It’s behind a flag in Chrome, meaning it’s not turned on by default.

You can choose to enable it by going to this URL in Chrome:


and enabling experimental web platform features.

This module is joint work by the SVG and CSS working groups, so unlike SMIL, we’ll be able to use CSS motion paths to animate both, HTML and SVG DOM elements. I love a CSS-only solution, so although it’s not ready to use in production (yet), this is pretty exciting stuff.

The motion path module consists of five properties:

offset (shorthand property for the following)


offset-path defines the path that we can place our element on. There are a few proposed values but path() seems to be the only one supported right now.

.rocket {
offset-path: path(‘M1345.7 2.6l2.4-4.4’);

path() takes a path string with SVG coordinate syntax, which may look scary, but you don’t have to write this out. You can create a path in a graphics editing program and copy and paste it in.


offset-distance specifies the position along an offset-path for an element to be placed. This can be either in pixels or as a percentage of the length of the path.

See the Pen Rocket – CSS motion path – offset-distance by Cassie Evans (@cassie-codes) on CodePen.default


By default the element’s top left corner will be aligned with the path, but we can change this with offset-anchor.
offset-anchor behaves a lot like transform-origin. In fact if set to auto, it’s given the same value as the element’s transform-origin, so we can optionally use transform-origin for the same results.

Like transform-origin it accepts a position with x and y values, either as a percentage or a keyword like bottom or left.

Have a play with the values:

See the Pen Rocket – CSS motion path – offset anchor by Cassie Evans (@cassie-codes) on CodePen.default


offset-rotate defines the direction the element faces on the path.

By default it’s set to auto and will rotate with the path. You can pass in an optional second value in degrees in order to tweak the direction of this rotation.

See the Pen Rocket – CSS motion path – offset-rotate – auto deg by Cassie Evans (@cassie-codes) on CodePen.default

If you want your element to face the same direction throughout, and not rotate with the path, you can leave out auto and pass in a value in degrees.

See the Pen Rocket – CSS motion path – offset-rotate – deg by Cassie Evans (@cassie-codes) on CodePen.default

These properties were renamed from motion to offset since this spec was proposed. This is because alone, these properties just provide another way to set the position and rotation of absolutely positioned elements. But we can create motion by using them in conjunction with CSS animations and transitions.

.rocket {
offset-path: path(‘M20.2…’);
offset-anchor: 50% 50%;
offset-rotate: auto;
/* if offset anchor isn’t supported we can use transform-origin instead */
transform-origin: 50% 50%;
animation: move 8s forwards linear;
transform-box: fill-box;

@keyframes move {
from {
offset-distance: 0%;
to {
offset-distance: 100%;

See the Pen Rocket – CSS motion path by Cassie Evans (@cassie-codes) on CodePen.default

Attention: SVG transform-origin quirks.

In this demo, I’m using a relatively new CSS property, transform-box.

This is to avoid a browser quirk that’s caught me out a few times. When calculating transforms and transform-origin, some browsers use the element’s bounding box as the reference box and others use the SVG viewbox.

If you set the value to fill-box the objects bounding box is used as the reference box.

And if you set the value to view-box the nearest SVG viewbox is used as the reference box.

You can see what happens to the center of rotation when we change it here:

See the Pen Rocket – CSS motion path – transform-box by Cassie Evans (@cassie-codes) on CodePen.default

GreenSock Animation Platform (GSAP)

While we wait for the CSS solution to be more widely implemented we’re in a bit of a motion path limbo. Thankfully there’s some JavaScript animation libraries that are bridging this gap.

I usually use GreenSock for SVG animation for a few reasons.

There are some cross browser quirks with SVG, especially with how transforms are handled. The folks at GreenSock go above and beyond to handle these inconsistencies.

Animation can also be a bit fiddly, especially when it comes to fine-tuning timings and chaining different animations together. GreenSock gives you a lot of control and makes creating complex animations fun.

They also provide some plugins that are great for SVG animation like DrawSVG, MorphSVG and MotionPathPlugin.

They’re all free to experiment with on Codepen, but some of the plugins are behind a membership fee. MotionPathPlugin is one of the free ones, and part of the new GSAP 3 release.

MotionPathPlugin gives you the ability to turn an SVG path into a motion path, or specify your own path manually. You can then animate SVG or DOM elements along that path, even if those elements are in a completely different coordinate space.

Here’s a demo with the necessary libraries added to start you off.

In order to use a plugin we have to register it, like this:


Then we can start animating. This is what a tween using the simplified GSAP 3 syntax looks like:

gsap.to(“.rocket”, {
motionPath: …
duration: 5,

The name ‘tween’ comes from the world of hand-drawn animation, too.

Tweening is the process of generating intermediate frames between two images to give the appearance that the first image evolves smoothly into the second image.

That’s pretty much what a GSAP tween does. You feed in the element you want to animate, the duration, and the properties you want to target and the tween will figure out the in-between states.

The motionPath attribute can be used shorthand, and passed a path:

gsap.to(“.rocket”, {
motionPath: “#path”,
duration: 5,

Or, if we want more control over the settings we can pass it an object of options:

gsap.to(“.rocket”, {
motionPath: {
path: “#path”,
align: “#path”,
autoRotate: true,
duration: 5,

See the Pen Rocket – GSAP motion path by Cassie Evans (@cassie-codes) on CodePen.default

Here are some of the properties we can control.


This defines the motion path we’re animating along, we can reference a path that exists in the document by using a selector,

motionPath: {
path: “#path”,

a string that contains SVG path data,

motionPath: {
path: ‘M125.7 655a9.4 9.4…’,

an object containing an array of x and y co-ordinates to move between,

motionPath: {
path: [{x: 100, y: 100}, {x: 300, y: 20}]

or a variable referring to one of these options:

const myPath = ‘M125.7 655a9.4 9.4…’

motionPath: {
path: myPath,

We can use this to align the element to the path, or other elements in the document by passing in a selector:

motionPath: {
path: “#path”,
align: “#path”

We can also align the element to itself if we want the animation to start from the element’s current position.

motionPath: {
path: “#path”,
align: “self”

In the next demo, the purple rocket is aligned to self and the green rocket is aligned to the path.

align: “self” is like moving the path to the element, rather than the element to the path.

See the Pen Rocket – GSAP motion path – align by Cassie Evans (@cassie-codes) on CodePen.default

By default, the element’s top left corner will be the center of rotation and alignment. In order to align the element accurately on the path you’ll need to set the element’s center of rotation, like this:

gsap.set(“.rocket”, {
xPercent: -50,
yPercent: -50,
transformOrigin: “50% 50%”

This is how we get our element to rotate along with the curvature of the path:

motionPath: {
path: “#path”,
align: “#path”
autoRotate: true,

We can also provide a number value. This will rotate along with the path, but maintain that angle relative to the path.

motionPath: {
path: “#path”,
align: “#path”
autoRotate: 90,
start & end

These properties let us define where on the path the motion should begin and end.

By default, it starts at 0 and ends at 1, but we can provide any decimal number:

motionPath: {
path: “#path”,
align: “#path”
autoRotate: true,
start: 0.25,
end: 0.75,

If you want the element to go backwards along the path, you can provide negative numbers.

See the Pen Rocket – GSAP motion path – align by Cassie Evans (@cassie-codes) on CodePen.default


If your element is starting off at a different position in the document and you want it to align with the path you might notice a jump as it moves from its position to the path.

See the Pen Rocket – GSAP motion path – align by Cassie Evans (@cassie-codes) on CodePen.default

You can fix force it to render immediately upon instantiation by adding immediateRender:true to the tween.

// animate the rocket along the path
gsap.to(“.rocket”, {
motionPath: {
path: “#path”,
align: “#path”,
autoRotate: true,
duration: 5,
ease: “power1.inOut”,
immediateRender: true,

Another super cool feature of the GSAP 3 release is the MotionPathHelper.

It enables you to edit paths directly in the browser! I found this really helpful, as I’m always going back and forth between the browser and my graphics editor.

Give it a go in the demo below. When you’re done, click “copy motion path” to copy the SVG path data to your clipboard. Paste the new path data into the d=”” attribute in the SVG code to update your path.

There are instructions on how to edit the path in the GSAP docs.

See the Pen Rocket – GSAP motion path – helper by Cassie Evans (@cassie-codes) on CodePen.default

GreenSock is a ton of fun to play around with!

There are a bunch of other features and plugins that when paired with motion path animation can be used to create really cool effects.

In this demo, DrawSVG is progressively showing the text path as some staggered elements animate along the path using MotionPathPlugin:

See the Pen Squiggle text animation by Cassie Evans (@cassie-codes) on CodePen.default

If you’ve had fun with these examples and want to explore GreenSock some more, Christina Gorton has written The New Features of GSAP 3 providing a practical overview.

GreenSock also have a great getting started guide.

Happy animating!

Motion Paths – Past, Present and Future was written by Cassie Evans and published on Codrops.

10 Awesome Cyber Monday Deals That You Should Check Out (Up to 94% Off)

Original Source: https://www.webdesignerdepot.com/2019/12/10-awesome-cyber-monday-deals-that-you-should-check-out-up-to-94-off/

It’s that time of the year again. If you skipped Black Friday there’s still Cyber Monday.

And there are tools and resources out there that you’ll find only once a year at this great price. We’ve gathered the best of them in this article.

Bookmarking this page isn’t a solution. Don’t let a slow decision ruin your chance of getting these products or resources at a discounted rate. Act fast and don’t let them slip by.

1. Brizy Cloud Website Builder

In addition to the Cyber Monday savings you could realize, Brizy has lots of free stuff to offer as well, including the website builder itself. This premium product enables designers to create multipage websites fast, easily, and efficiently. Thanks to the 150+ customizable layouts and more than 700 design blocks that come with the package, coding is not necessary.

There is a small catch. You should sign up for a free account to be able to save what you build. You have full control over what you build and how your websites and those of your clients will appear on responsive devices.

Where does the Cyber Monday deal come in? Aside from the Free Forever plan, there are two annual paid plans (Personal and Studio). These are very affordable plans that have much more to offer than the free plan and can be yours at a 40% discount if you order 2 December or 3 December. You might check out Brizy before that date to see if a paid plan is the preferred choice for you. Use discount code CM40OFF.

2. Smart Slider 3 Pro

Smart Slider Pro 3 features a free plan and three paid plans (Single Domain, Business, and Unlimited). Give it a test drive for free. Yes, you can demo it for free. And if you like it, you can buy one of the paid plans at a discount until December 3.

Smart Slider 3 Free allows you to build beautiful responsive sliders. The paid plans provide additional special effects such as parallax animation and the popular Ken Burns effect.

You won’t get bogged down with extraneous features you have no use for. There are two different editing modes (content and canvas) to work with. In the content mode the slide acts as a page builder, in the canvas mode you can work with layers unobstructed.

Features include 180+ sample sliders (one click installation), a layer animation builder, and an astonishing array of animations and special effects. Any of the pro plans can be yours at a Cyber Monday discount of 40%. Use code SAVE4019.

3. Paymo

Paymo is a work management software application teams can use to plan their workflow, track time, and invoice clients. Having all these functions managed by a single app ensures that everything is kept in sync. Project managers will know exactly how much time (including billable hours) is spent on each task, making it easy to send accurate reports and charge clients correctly and fairly.

Paymo integrates with Adobe to allow you to track work time directly on Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator, and Premier.

Live, up-to-date reports can be generated for sharing with team members and project stakeholders. Paymo also helps team management with task planning, tracking expenses, performing leave management tasks, and more. Other important features include Gantt charting, Kanban Boards, and a resource scheduler.

Upon subscribing, use code GVX233 for a 30% Paymo discount.

4. TheGem – Creative Multi-Purpose High-Performance WordPress Theme

TheGem is a bold and beautiful WordPress theme that is regarded by many, including its 40K satisfied customers, as featuring the most complete designer’s toolkit of any theme on the market. WPBakery ensures easy and intuitive front-end page editing, plus more than 90 pre-built complete websites, installable with one click, allows you to get off to a quick start.

Premade templates and design elements are easily combinable. This premier theme is yours at a 50% discount Cyber Monday.

5. Beaver Builder

Beaver Builder is drag and drop website building plugin that enables you to separate page building from your theme, giving you total control over your content. Beaver Builder works with any theme, and you can even switch themes without any loss of content. 30+ landing pages come with the package, no coding is necessary, and Beaver Builder is SEO friendly and mobile responsive. No discount code is required. The 25% discount is automatically applied during checkout from Black Friday through Cyber Monday.

6. Kalium

Kalium is a superior choice for beginners and advanced WordPress users alike. It is easy to use and easy to maintain, it includes several of the most popular WordPress plugins, and it supports all the better known ones. This creative multipurpose theme is an award winning top seller. It’s trusted by 30,000+ clients and provides top customer support.

Normally selling for $60, Kalium can be yours Cyber Monday for $30; a 50% discount and a great deal.

7. Mobirise Website Builder

Mobirise is an offline website building app for Windows and Mac that features an extremely easy to use interface. It’s mobile friendly, it’s free for both commercial and non-profit use, and you can build fast, responsive, Google-friendly websites in minutes. Mobirise’s Website Builder Kit, normally priced at $2,654, features all premium themes, 200+ blocks, and 66 Mobirise themes and extensions.

On Monday you can purchase this all-in-one Kit for $149, a whopping 94% discount!

8. Simple Author Box

The Simple Author Box plugin’s features give you the ability to add guest authors and multiple authors to your posts, add links to author’s social networks, and select specific post types where you want your author box to show up. Simple Author Box is Gutenberg block compatible.

Although a free version is available, signing up for a subscription plan is recommended. The Cyber Monday offer of a 30% discount on all lifetime licenses is valid until 4 December.

9. MyThemeShop

This is for the designer who wants to be able to choose among a huge variety of premium themes, domain licenses, plugins, and memberships in conversion tracking, user behavior, and social media platform tool usage and more.

For Cyber Monday, MyThemeShop’s annual fee is discounted to $99.47. This Cyber Monday special is valid from 1 December to 7 December.

10. WordLift

As you write content, WordLift is busy adding semantic markups to feed to search engine crawlers with the intent of helping you reach a broader audience. This semantic SEO tool uses natural language processing, analyzes content, and transforms any text into machine-friendly content.

A quality SEO tool like WordLift makes a great investment as it produces greatly superior results as compared to attempting to create SEO friendly content on your own. Cyber Monday features a 50% discount on your first subscription.


Cyber Monday will fall on the 2nd of December you can witness some of the biggest online deals of the year on tech-related items. Many of these deals are available in physical stores as well. However, online shopping is generally much more convenient, especially if all you have to do is confirm your order and perhaps press “Download”. As far as comparisons with Black Friday are concerned, Cyber Monday discounts are at least as large, and often larger.


[– This is a sponsored post on behalf of BeTheme –]


p img {display:inline-block; margin-right:10px;}
.alignleft {float:left;}
p.showcase {clear:both;}
body#browserfriendly p, body#podcast p, div#emailbody p{margin:0;}

Wacom Cyber Monday 2019: New deals just added!

Original Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/CreativeBloq/~3/9m0UcSMh1Y8/wacom-black-friday-and-cyber-monday-deals

Hoping to pick up a hot deal in the Wacom Cyber Monday sale? Read on… In this article, we'll be bringing you the best Wacom Cyber Monday deals as soon as they go live. Wacom has long ruled the roost then it comes to graphics tablets, and the holiday sales are a great time to tick one up for a bargain price. Scroll down to check out the biggest savings available right now. 

The holiday offers kicked off early this year, but as usual the biggest deals have been saved for Black Friday and Cyber Monday themselves. The event is almost over, but there's still time to snag a good Cyber Monday Wacom deal if you're quick.

If you've been on the hunt for a bargain Wacom product then you'll know that it's not always easy to find a decent discount. That's not to say there aren't great deals to be had, you just need to know where to look and when to hit the Buy button. This time of year offers up probably one of the best chances you'll get at making a worthy saving on one of Wacom's popular products, and we've curated the strongest offers in this article for you to browse. 

Not sure which Wacom is the best choice for you? Check out our guide to the best drawing tablets for more information to help you make your selection. Alternatively, if you're thinking about buying one of Apple's tablets, see our iPad Black Friday deals hub.

Browse all Wacom Cyber Monday deals

There are many retailers offering Wacom Cyber Monday deals. If you'd rather check out the offers yourself, use the following links. If not, scroll down to read our curated list of the best deals available in the US and UK.

Amazon: Discounts on Wacom run up to 41%Walmart: Great deals across tablets including accessoriesBest Buy: Plenty of deals that include Creative Cloud subscriptions Park Cameras: Some tidy discounts on tabletsB&H: Save on the Wacom Cintiq Pro

The Cintiq family has expanded in the last 12 months, so we're seeing older models for a reduced price. Check out today's best deals below.

Wacom Cintiq Cyber Monday deals: US
Wacom Cintiq Cyber Monday deals: UK

The Cintiq Pro has some fantastic top-of-the-range tablets, and we've seen some fantastic discounts so far. Check out today's offers below.

Wacom Cintiq Pro Cyber Monday deals: US
Wacom Cintiq Pro Cyber Monday deals: UK

The Wacom Intuos family sits at the lower end of the company's price range, but that doesn't mean there aren't discounts. Acting as Wacom's perfect jumping on point for digital artists, a Wacom Intuos Black Friday discount would be a smart way for more creatives to get to grips with its products. Below are all the best Wacom Intuos Black Friday deals.

Wacom Intuos Cyber Monday deals: US
Wacom Intuos Cyber Monday deals: UK

Last year the Intuos Pro range enjoying a reduced price to celebrate Wacom's 35th anniversary, and this year we're already seeing discounts. See below for the hottest prices on these capable creative tablets.

Wacom Intuos Pro Cyber Monday deals: US
Wacom Intuos Pro Cyber Monday deals: UK
Wacom Bamboo deals: UK
Wacom Cyber Monday: What happened last year?

Last year, the Wacom Intuos Pro Black Friday and Cyber Monday discounts proved to be the most popular offer, so it makes sense for Wacom to attempt to repeat this success. However, we're also keeping out eyes out for any Wacom Cintiq Pro Black Friday discounts. Other items that flew off the digital shelves include the Bamboo Slate and the accompanying Bamboo Sketch, so be sure to keep these in mind over the shopping season too.

Wacom Black Friday and Cyber Monday: product predictions 

Based on last year's trading, we can make a number of predictions around the kind of Wacom Black Friday and Cyber Monday discounts we'll see in 2019. We've separated them into products below to make it easier to find the kind of device you're looking for, what savings you could potentially make, as well as any good deals available right now. 

If you see a Wacom tablet you like at a price to suit your budget, be sure to buy it quickly. The best Wacom Black Friday deals usually go fast, especially because graphics tablets discounts are some of the most hotly anticipated offers around Black Friday and Cyber Monday.

How to get the best Wacom Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals

If you're on the lookout for a Wacom Black Friday deal, be sure to bookmark this page. We're updating this page live with the best offers on Wacom products. Another good place to keep an eye on is the Wacom Store itself, which is sure to promote its biggest discounts. Of course, other online retailers such as Amazon, Best Buy and John Lewis will also be getting in on the action with their own deals.

Remember, getting a Wacom tablet with add-ons is a great way to save even more money, and refurbished models can be another way to bring the price down even further.

94% Off: Get the Complete Facebook Ads Course: Beginner to Advance for Only $11

Original Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Designrfix/~3/Kv5jDXJskJA/complete-facebook-ads-course-deal

There are billions of people who use Facebook on a daily basis. Many of them check their accounts several times a day. Placing a highly targeted ads on the platform can help you reach your target audience. It is a tremendous way to increase traffic and exposure for your business, generate leads and sales, and […]

The post 94% Off: Get the Complete Facebook Ads Course: Beginner to Advance for Only $11 appeared first on designrfix.com.

Black Friday MacBook deals: the best MacBook Pro and Air offers right now

Original Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/CreativeBloq/~3/XvDqBHOrqF0/best-macbook-deals-black-friday-cyber-monday

Black Friday MacBook deals have arrived. If you’ve been holding out, waiting for the best MacBook Pro Black Friday deals, a big MacBook Air price cut or even a huge discount on the older 2018 Macbook – today is your day. We’re working around the clock to bring you the very best MacBook Black Friday deals on all models, as soon as they drop (and you’ll find the best MacBook Cyber Monday deals here on this page next week, too).

We’re seeing some fantastic discounts on the 2019 MacBook models at the moment. There are also some great 2018 MacBook Pro deals, as retailers look to shift their stock after the launch of the new 16-inch MacBook Pro. Read on for our pick of the best Black Friday MacBook deals right now – and once you’ve found the lowest price, have a browse of our best Apple Black Friday deals too. 

The best Black Friday and Cyber Monday MacBook Pro deals: US
Jump to: UK Macbook Pro Black Friday deals
The best Black Friday and Cyber Monday MacBook Pro deals: UK
The best Black Friday and Cyber Monday MacBook Air deals: US
Jump to: UK Macbook Air Black Friday deals
The best Black Friday and Cyber Monday MacBook Air deals

Can't see exactly what you want in the deals above? The widget below will pull in the best prices across a range of MacBook models, in your region. We'll also be updating the section above with any good new offers as soon as they appear, so bookmark this page and check back. 

Alternatively, browse our ultimate guide to the Apple Black Friday sale, or our general Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals page, or check out our product-specific guides for the best Black Friday iPad deals, AirPod deals, Apple Pencil deals and Apple Watch deals. 

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Black Friday and Cyber Monday MacBook deals 2019: Our predictions

Black Friday and Cyber Monday MacBook deals 2018: MacBook

Don’t expect to see many serious price cuts on the standard MacBook

The standard MacBook is a popular choice, and it's easy to see why. If portability is your thing, it's worth noting that the most up-to-date 12-inch MacBook is both thinner and lighter than the old 13-inch MacBook Air, with better specs and a Retina display.

What this popularity means, though, is that you're unlikely to see much in the way of massive Black Friday or Cyber Monday MacBook deals on the standard models. However the introduction of new 2019 models means there may well be great bargains to be had on last year's still highly capable models. Keep your eyes peeled, and be prepared to act fast, as these deals are likely to get snapped up quickly.

Black Friday and Cyber Monday: MacBook Pro predictions

Black Friday and Cyber Monday MacBook deals 2018: MacBook Pro with Touch Bar

The MacBook Pro is available with a Touch Bar, for a price

It usually a safe bet that the biggest bargains will be on slightly older models. The good news is that Apple has just launched a brand new 16" MacBook Pro, which means we're likely to see some price drops on the previous 15" MacBook Pro (2019) as retailers seek to shift stock.

The MacBook Pro's high price – especially on, say, the Touch Bar models – means it's easier for retailers to deliver a huge temporary price cut and still turn a profit, so if you're looking for a powerful creative laptop it's worth bearing in mind. You'll still be paying out quite a bit for it, but it'll be worth the expense.

Black Friday and Cyber Monday: MacBook Air predictions

Black Friday and Cyber Monday MacBook deals 2018: MacBook Air

It’s getting on a bit, but the older MacBook Air could be a good bargain option

The MacBook Air was refreshed in July 2019, which means we'll likely be seeing some offers on older models. We expect there to be some fantastic Black Friday MacBook Air deals on offer this year as retailers clear out their old stock. 

The downside to choosing an older Air is that it's the least powerful MacBook you can get… it's not even the thinnest and lightest any more. However if you simply have to have a MacBook but you're on a budget, it's a strong choice. These are the best savings we saw last year…

How to get the best MacBook deals on Black Friday

The best advice we have for you is this: be sure to decide just how much you want to spend on a Black Friday MacBook deal (or a MacBook on Cyber Monday, of course), and if you see one within that budget, go for it. The best deals can be gone in minutes, so don't waste time if you know you're looking at a solid gold bargain. Bookmark this page and check back to make sure you know what to expect and you can jump on the best Black Friday MacBook deals before they sell out.

Preparation is key when it comes to getting good Black Friday MacBook deals, or picking up a MacBook Cyber Monday bargain, especially when you bear in mind that a lot of retailers can't wait for Black Friday, and so start shipping their bargains well in advance of the big day. In the run-up to Black Friday and Cyber Monday we'll be keeping tabs on new deals as they appear, so keep checking back for offers that you won't want to miss.

You'll need to decide whether it's a standard MacBook you want, an Air or a full-fat MacBook Pro. If you're planning to use your new MacBook as an all-round work machine then it's worth holding out for a good deal on a Pro as it'll be able to cope with just about everything you throw at it. If you're less of a power user then the ordinary MacBook should suit your needs, and while the older Air's more limited it should be the one to go for if you want a MacBook at rock-bottom prices. The latest Air may also be for you if you prioritise a portable and thin machine over screen size.

Beware of older models – they're likely to see the biggest discounts but they'll be packing less power than more up-to-date machines. Although you could consider getting an SSD to speed things up. And of course, use a bit of common sense while shopping; look out for cashback offers, always check the guarantee and make sure you keep your receipt in case of faults or buyer's remorse.

MacBook, MacBook Pro and MacBook Air features and specs that creatives should look out for

Black Friday and Cyber Monday MacBook deals 2018: features and specs

Many MacBooks are severely lacking in ports; bear that in mind when make your choice

There might only be three main models of MacBook to choose from, but there are plenty of variations in the line that are well worth noting when you're looking for Black Friday MacBook deals. 

Firstly, the CPU: the MacBook Air's is the least powerful of the lot, although the most recent 2019 version improves things with an 8th-generation Core i5 processor, with Turbo Boost up to 3.6GHz. Older models feature an old Intel Broadwell chipset running at 1.6GHz, or 1.8GHz for more recent models. 

Both the MacBook and MacBook Pro boast beefier 8th and 9th generation chipsets; with the latest Pro really turning up the heat: up to 2.7GHz quad-core Core i7 in the 13-inch Touch Bar model,  while the 15-inch Touch Bar version goes up to a 2.9GHz six-core Core i9.

Lower end MacBooks – the older Air and the 13-inch MacBook Pro – only give you 128GB SSD, which is likely to mean that you'll need to invest in some external storage; the new MacBook Air starts with 128GB but can be specced up to a whopping 1.5TB SSD if you have the budget. All other MacBook models feature 256GB SSD; bear in mind that if you work with large files then you'll probably burn through that pretty quickly.

If you're going to need to plug peripherals into your new MacBook, check the number of available ports; the standard MacBook only has one USB-C port, while most MacBook Pros have four. The latest MacBook Air features a pair of Thunderbolt 3 ports, while the older model has three ports: they're USB 3.0 and Thunderbolt 2, and while they shouldn't give you any problems, bear in mind you might need an adapter for more recent peripherals.

Display-wise, all the MacBooks apart from the original Air feature crisp Retina displays. And they'll all serve you well in terms of battery, but watch out for MacBook Pros with a Touch Bar; Apple claims that this makes no difference but our friends at TechRadar have found that the Touch Bar can take a fair toll on battery life.

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The best Black Friday and Cyber Monday MacBook Pro deals: US

Free Bootstrap Website Templates Worth Checking Out

Original Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/1stwebdesigner/~3/VVUDQinsiic/

Web developers have long been using Bootstrap to create unique, beautiful websites. The HTML, CSS, and JavaScript framework offers an easy-to-use and even easier to implement toolkit for designers and developers to create responsive websites.

And where there’s a framework, there will always be free templates built by developers for anyone to use. Here are some of the best general-purpose Bootstrap themes online, totally free to download and edit for your own websites.

UNLIMITED DOWNLOADS: Email, admin, landing page & website templates



Example of Creative

This simple yet beautiful one-page theme is made for small businesses. With a full-screen header, clean design, and working lightbox gallery, it makes a perfect mini-portfolio for any creative startups.


Example of Grayscale

Grayscale is an elegant multipurpose theme with a minimal dark palette. The template would work well to show off a project or introduce your brand. A beautiful header with a call to action button scrolls you right down into a small portfolio, followed by a newsletter subscription box and social media links.


Example of Freelancer

If you’re a freelancer, you’ll like this portfolio template. The flat, cartoony design is very appealing and will certainly make you stand out. And the portfolio section includes popup lightbox windows with room to describe all your projects, plus a contact form you can get working with a few PHP tweaks.


Example of Resume

Professional and elegant, this template is perfect for an online resume. The clean theme features fixed side navigation and sections to list experiences and skills, with a design that gets to the point while still being aesthetically pleasing. A great way to impress future bosses and clients.

New Age

Example of New Age

Need a template with a pop of color? New Age is filled with bright and vivid designs, including a beautiful header gradient that’s sure to capture attention. The modern one-page design was made to showcase your app, product, or anything else.


Example of Tabler

Looking for a build-your-own Bootstrap admin panel with a clean dashboard interface? There are plenty of interface pieces and useful components already made for you. Just put them all together to create a unique template.

Coming Soon

Example of Coming Soon

Got a big project but aren’t quite ready to reveal it? Coming Soon is a great landing page, with room for a short blurb, newsletter sign-up, social icons, and a huge video background. The video includes a fallback image for mobile users so you don’t need to worry about performance.


Example of NewBiz

This professional business template comes with everything a startup will need. Eye-catching scroll and hover animations keep users interested, while each section has something unique like a lightbox portfolio or a scrolling slider. This is definitely a more feature-packed theme.


Example of Regna

Regna is a business-oriented template that opens with a beautiful header and transitions to a clean, professional look. There are plenty of animated effects, useful sections, and even a sortable portfolio gallery. The pro version comes with a working contact form and removed attribution.


Example of CoreUI

Every business needs a good admin panel, and CoreUI lets you build your own. Use their customizable components to put together a dashboard that has everything you want. Widgets, charts, cards and popups – and the pro version comes with even more elements.


Example of Rapid

Rapid offers a light and sophisticated template made for businesses of any kind. Elegant animations are found on every scroll, and the theme includes all the sections you’ll need to present your brand. There’s a filterable portfolio, pricing section, contact form, and plenty more.

Beautiful Bootstrap Templates

Thanks to Bootstrap template designers, you don’t need to build a website from scratch. Just install one of these themes and tweak the images and text, or build on them to add your own elements. It’s a real timesaver. Try one of these beautiful, functional Bootstrap themes and make them work for you.

Collective #569

Original Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/tympanus/~3/UoTk2HT2ZkE/


Inspirational Website of the Week: Limnia

A true masterpiece that brings together modern elegance and sophisticated interactions.

Get inspired


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Remote teams? Get on Clubhouse.

Easily collaborate with anyone in your organization and focus on what matters: building products that customers love, together.

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Case Study: lynnandtonic.com 2019 refresh

An excellent case study by Lynn Fisher on the process behind the 2019 redesign of her portfolio.

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How to Overlap Images in CSS

A great article by Bri Camp Gomez where she shows how to overlap images with CSS Grid and provide a fallback for non-supportive browsers.

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Alyssa X made this minimal JavaScript library for creating beautiful flowcharts.

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How I created 488 “live images”

Ire Aderinokun shares how she created “live images” for each feature on caniuse.com.

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Pawel Grzybek recaps some new and interesting features that are available in CSS.

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The Third Generation of Interfaces

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Using CSS custom properties to reduce the size of your CSS

Learn how to use CSS custom properties to create abstractions and optimize your CSS in this article by Sebastiano Guerriero.

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CSS Architecture for Modern JavaScript Applications

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Checklist to avoid the most common accessibility errors

Bruce Lawson gives some practical tips on how to avoid the most common accessibility errors.

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Machine Learning Systems Design

A booklet on machine learning systems design with practical exercises.

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Accessibility drives aesthetics

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From Milliseconds to Millions: The Numbers Driving Web Perf

At this talk Harry Roberts takes a look at some of the numbers powering the web performance industry.

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Peekobot is a simple choice-driven chatbot framework in less than 100 lines of JavaScript. Made by Ross Wintle.

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The Benefits of Orthogonal React Components

Learn how striving for orthogonality in React component design can help make a system flexible and adaptable to change.

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Who Can Use

Find out who can use your color combination by checking the WCAG grading and contrast ratio.

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Animated CSS Background Generator

Vincent Will created this neat customizer of animated CSS backgrounds.

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Realistic 3D Photo Cards (Hover Effect, Vue.Js)

A beautiful demo by Jouan Marcel.

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From Our Blog
Creating a Distorted Mask Effect on an Image with Babylon.js and GLSL

Learn the basics of GLSL while creating a distorted mask effect on images using Babylon.js.

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Collective #569 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops.

75% Off: Get the E-Commerce Bootcamp for Only $29

Original Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Designrfix/~3/CoYcSLZ5dT4/75-off-get-the-e-commerce-bootcamp-for-only-29

There is money to be made online. As more and more people prefer the convenience of online shopping, more and more businesses are putting their products online. If you’re interested in being your own boss and selling products you are passionate about, now would be the best time to start an e-commerce business. Even as […]

The post 75% Off: Get the E-Commerce Bootcamp for Only $29 appeared first on designrfix.com.

Transform Your Design with Unified UX

Original Source: https://www.webdesignerdepot.com/2019/11/transform-your-design-with-unified-ux/

Unless you’ve been hiding under a tinfoil hat for the last few years, you probably know that UX and UI are not the same thing because “UX is more ergonomic”, or some such nonsense. But what about the unified part? Normally speaking, I’ve got very little patience for hipster acronyms and nit-picking, but actually it turns out there’s more to this than fake specs and chai latte.

Imagine you’re standing outside two different coffee shops. They both sell pretty much the same coffee at pretty much the same price. How do you choose? Well I’ll bet you a unicorn frappe it’s not one specific thing that sways you, more a general “feeling” that “it’s better”. And you know what? That’s UX.

It’s probably time to rethink everything

It’s probably time to rethink everything. Experience has become much more important to users than product, and from a design perspective, this puts software in pretty much the same space as coffee shops.

For the service industry, each user-brand interaction is a touchpoint. It’s not important where or how that interaction happens: seeing the shop, opening the door, speaking to someone at the counter, whatever. The aim is to create a feeling of familiarity, ease and comfort for the target user.

Now imagine scaling that experience. Say you wanted to take your coffee shop into a mobile vending unit. How can you make sure that your users get the same feeling of comfort and familiarity that they had in the high street? That’s Unified UX.

The Broader Context

Unified UX is much more than a DLS or style guide. In fact, you’d be better off thinking about tools like Atlassian and Sketch as…well, tools, to help you achieve the broader aim of unity.

It’s more than responsive design and digital ecosystem too. If you’re still thinking in terms of “mobile”, “tablet” and “desktop” configurations, you’d do well to heed the words of design guru Cameron Moll who urges us to recognise that, for today’s users:

The best interface is the one within reach

Take the Galaxy Fold, for example: Phone, tablet, phablet or plain old monstrous? What about Echo, Dot and Alexa with no screen at all? Or Apple Watch? As Cameron points out in the same talk, the concept of “TV” has also become pretty loose. Do we mean the content, or the device it’s viewed on? Is “mobile” a noun, a verb or an adjective? How is a native app different from a mobile browser experience?

The point is, from a unified UX perspective, it doesn’t matter. The job of the UX team is to create that “brand feeling” across all platforms and in all facets of the design.

Take a look at Southwest Airlines’ “Virtual Booking Desk” from — wait for it — 1998; laugh all you want, but remember that back then, most people were completely new to the internet. Seeing a familiar scene gave users a sense of confidence, which is (still) integral to the Southwest brand.

What Goes in to Unified UX?


It starts with deep awareness of the needs, expectations and current experience of the user. Watch people using your stuff. Talk to them afterwards about what it felt like. You’ll definitely learn something. If it’s a new project, do focus groups, then do some more. Co-create if you can.

From there, develop a design principles framework. The key concerns of your user group should shine through in every single aspect of their brand experience.

Broadly, there are two key concepts to unify:

Form and Function – Yes, you need both!
Data Symmetry – Data should follow users.

Here are some questions to consider:

Available Media

How do your users want to interact with the brand?

Android/iOS app;
Voice Interface;
Live Chat;
SMS integration (very popular in the US);
Print Media;
Face to Face.

A website doesn’t work for everyone!

Look and Feel

Does your framework include:

art direction;

Do your choices work everywhere? How do you balance unity of UX and compatibility? How do you merge native OS elements with brand-specific ones?


Guide users to the content they’re looking for. Will their needs change across:

user journey?

How do you balance usability and unity of UX on small screens?


Are some features device specific?

Location Services;

If so, is this what users want? How will interactive behavior transfer?

Responsive Behaviour

Remember the device continuum – it’s usually best to think in terms of


(Not specific devices.)


Important for:

Written copy;
Voice Interface;
Phone Help;
Face to Face;
Text or Automated Chat.

Does the tone need to change in certain situations:

call to action;
specific user groups?

Are you using dated words like “click” when “tap” would be a better choice?


If the user starts an interaction on one device and transfers to another, does their data follow them? If shopping cart items, elapsed time, favourites etc are consistent across interfaces, you’re doing it right!

Single Sign-On is one of those features that’s bound to make your users smile. With this in mind, are your protocols up to scratch? If you’ve got a native app, you need LDAP or similar, for example. Don’t try and use cookies! Is the backend architecture able to handle the load?

Development Environment

As you probably see by now, unified UX isn’t something you can do by yourself. The better organised your resource repository, the easier it will be to onboard new team members and maintain consistency. Consider:

Coding and File Naming Conventions;
Standard Elements Repo.

Upgrades and Integration

How will you update legacy material and add new elements as the design evolves?

Who’s Doing it Well?

Yes, unified UX can be a pretty large and expensive undertaking, and even the giants still get it wrong. That said, here are some nice little highlights from a few unexpected places:


No surprises here in terms of the company’s size, and sure, their UX is (arguably) pretty slick no matter where you find it. But what really caught my eye today is their commitment to their backend and support for third party developers.

This gives Spotify users enormous scope to enjoy a highly integrated, reliable and ever-expanding ecosystem that always feels the same.


Not only do they have great cross device, cross platform consistency, their famously chirpy tone and loveable mascot are instantly relatable. What’s even cooler is that, when something goes wrong, the tone subtly changes.

This isn’t surprising because they have a really extensive style guide for new writers.


Primarily a web-based translation application, their iOS app is a real favourite of mine. It not only offers dictionary-style definitions, but use-in-context translations as well, which really helps to avoid the classic google translate failures. It’s understandable at a glance on both small and large screens… and it’s free!

Good evidence that simplicity and functionality often win out.

Conclusion – Why Bother?!

Well, in a nutshell, because it’s what your users want. Yes, to really nail a unified experience is a big undertaking, particularly if you’re coming into an old project and dealing with legacy code, but the fact is, it’s the future.

The range of available devices is growing rapidly, and users want whichever one is closest. At the same time, we’re becoming more and more sensitive to experience, and less tolerant of inconsistency or nuisance. Smaller companies must find ways to provide the kind of unified experience that customers expect, or face being swallowed by giants.

As independent developers, it’s in our interests, and within our ability, to find ways to make UX unified.


Featured image via DepositPhotos.


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.alignleft {float:left;}
p.showcase {clear:both;}
body#browserfriendly p, body#podcast p, div#emailbody p{margin:0;}

That 90s Look is Coming Back: Work of Dylan Levionnois

Original Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/abduzeedo/~3/Wde0fAr0atU/90s-look-coming-back-work-dylan-levionnois

That 90s Look is Coming Back: Work of Dylan Levionnois
That 90s Look is Coming Back: Work of Dylan Levionnois

abduzeedoNov 22, 2019

For the past few years, or I dare to say decade, we saw a resurgence of the 80s in fashion, movies/TV and design in a way. Look at the work of amazing people like James White for example. However, I have noticed a slow shift to a new trend. We are moving ahead and beginning to see an influx of 90s inspiration. There are a ton of references already in plain site. There’s an amazing movie called the Mid 90s, the blockbuster Captain Marvel is supposed to take place in the 90s and of course, I started to see more projects on Behance, especially from students, capturing the style of that incredible decade. That’s the case of the projects that Dylan Levionnois have been sharing on his profile.

Dylan Levionnois is a graphic designer from Vire, France and his projects definitely have a lot of 90s references. From the dirty/grunge look using some patterns or texture, to probably the most classic reference, the typography. Dark looking images and simple color palettes, white on black, perhaps with a pop of red. The 90s had a lot of the David Carson, End of Print look and Dylan brings that back on projects like Print – NIKE x BSMNT x ALCH.

One of biggest criticisms of some of the 90s look in terms of graphic design was how difficult things were to read. There was definitely an accessibility issue there. I hope the new designers that take that style and are capable to solve this problem and create a totally inclusive design, yet with that awesome 90s look.

Graphic Design Examples