How to Bring Spring Colors to Life with 9 PicsArt Effects

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Spring doesn’t just bring out the colors in nature, it brings them out in us. This is a time of year when we really want our photography to sing and feel alive, but touching up a photo can be a fragile process. Knowing which effects to use and how far to push them is critical to finding that sweet spot where we’re getting the most out of our colors.

This guide will show you how to make your colors pop using the PicsArt photo editor, and introduce you to some really fun and useful photo effects. Each of these effects has the potential to breathe life into a particular situation. The key to getting this right is understanding how to further the color story already being told in your shot. Let’s get started. 

1. Warm Color


The Warm Color Effect does as advertised, it warms up your shot! It’s often best used with a light touch, like blowing a gentle warm breeze through a cold background. It also has a way making skin look lush and healthy. A good tip is keeping the effect just under the point where skin starts to look like an orange spray tan, so that your photo will keep its natural beauty.

2. Dodger


Dodger puts an ocean deep blue hue in your black shadows. The most interesting alterations from this effect, however, are not where there is already blue but where there was none to begin with. Just look at how the blueish shadows create a beautiful interplay with the red tones in this young woman’s face.

3. Sunny


The best way to describe the difference between Sunny and Warm Color, is that the Sunny effect is hot. You can feel the temperature change, and the heat becomes a defining trait of your photo. It can add a lot of character to harsh midday light, and create a really immersive sensation of being in the thick of a sizzling hot day.

4. Cinerama


Cinerama is perhaps one of the most useful effects in the PicsArt library. It has an amazing way of letting in the light without drastically altering the temperature or over intensifying the bright spots. Cinerama is like pulling back the curtains on your photo, or stepping out of the shade.

5. Vibrant

If every color had a slider, the Vibrant effect has a way of turning up the juice on all of them. This effect is best avoided in photos with really diverse multicolor pallets, and is most effective when you have three or four bold colors sectioned off in well-defined chunks.

6. Drama


Lighting and color are inseparable, because they help define each other. The Drama Effect creates darker shadows and brighter light, defining the shape and tonal range of your image. Here, the added pale brightness around this woman’s mouth creates a starker contrast with her deep lipstick. It makes that red pop and creates a stronger image.

7. Seafoam


Seafoam has a way of bleaching your light with a pearly veneer. In a photo with a lot of bright diverse colors, this can wash them out into a pale fog, but if most of your colors are stuck in the darker spaces, washing out the boring bright spaces is a good thing. The warmly lit t-shirt in the original image above blends in too much with the red wall behind it. With Seafoam, suddenly you can appreciate those colors in the background.

8. HDR 1


HDR 1 is a really handy basic enhancer, but it works better with wide shots. It brings out the textures in an image, and create a steeper and harsher color pallette. That kind of definition can really bring out the attitude in a photo. The soft pink of the original photo above is intensified with hot pink highlights for example.

9. HDR 2


By @averydalessandro

HDR 2 is also a good go-to enhancer, but it’s much softer so it plays better up close. It also has a saturation slider that lets you juice up your colors, which is great for some of your more wild shots.

To breathe life into your spring colors, Download the PicsArt app for free on Android, iOS or Windows Phone.

This post was provided by PicsArt, a mobile photo editing app that provides people with a canvas for creating, collaborating, and exploring. With a full creative suite for photo editing, PicsArt makes it easy to create beautiful images, no matter where you are.


The post How to Bring Spring Colors to Life with 9 PicsArt Effects appeared first on Colorburned.

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