Integrate Your Wufoo Forms Everywhere

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At its heart, Wufoo is a form builder. If you need any type of form, you can build it super quickly by selecting and customizing the fields you need in Wufoo’s fantastically easy to use form builder. I can hardly imagine a more useful web app for web designers and developers.

But what is a form, at its essence? Just a means to collect data. The important part is what you do with that data. You can do all the obvious stuff. You can have entries emailed to you. You can build reports from the data. You can explore the data inside Wufoo, or use the API to access the data outside of Wufoo.

Those things are just the tip of the iceberg of what you can do with data you collect with your Wufoo forms. There are built-in integrations! For example, say you have a form that includes an email address field, and you’d like to ship that email address over to MailChimp or Campaign Monitor into a particular mailing list. That’s just a few clicks away. Or say the form has some element of lead generation and you want to send the details to Salesforce. Or you want to tweet data from the form upon submission. Same deal, just a few clicks.

One of my favorites is that Wufoo works tremendously well with Zapier. That’s the whole point of Zapier, you can use it to connect services together! For example, the Ask a Question form over on the ShopTalk website not only emails Dave and I but adds the question to a Trello board for us to organize into shows. We could easily have it integrate into Evernote, dump into Google Sheets, or work with any of hundreds of other services. Wufoo is such a great source of data for integrations, it begs for playing with.

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Integrate Your Wufoo Forms Everywhere is a post from CSS-Tricks

Desktop Wallpaper Calendars for June 2012

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June is here and that means it’s time laying out by the pool, catching lightning bugs, grilling out, and downloading some awesome new desktop wallpaper calendars. These wallpapers have been hand-picked from talented artists and designers that you’ve come to know over the last few months. Feel free to share your favorites and check back next month for some great new desktop calendars. As always, if you’d like to include your own design in future roundups, let me know.

 6 Summer Fun Wallpaper Calendars for your Desktop
Wallpaper by Dave Hornsby

A vibrant and bright calendar with sun flares to boot. This beautiful design is available for download from Dribbble.

June 2012 Desktop Wallpaper Calendar

Wallpaper by iBrandStudio

This illustrated wallpaper design  shows off a fun color palette that is sure to brighten your desktop.

June 2012 Calendar Wallpaper

Wallpaper by Paper Leaf

A more contemporary and minimal design makes this calendar perfect for the clean desktop enthusiasts. Nothing but the view of the rolling hills disappearing into the horizon.

Wallpaper by Webgranth

Another illustrated wallpaper, this time with an important message. If you’re into conservation or just like the color blue, this might be your calendar of choice for June.

June 2012 Calendar Wallpaper

Wallpaper by Studio of Mae

Studio of Mae keeps rolling out the simple yet beaufitful wallpapers with what looks like “literally” wallpaper. Crafty indeed!

June 2012 Calendar Wallpaper

Wallpaper by Kriegs

Thinking of the beach? This purple-shaded wallpaper reminds us of one of the best joys of summer. Now if only we can get out from behind our desks for a few days.

That’s the roundup. Please let us know which calendar is your favorite by leaving a comment below.

The post Desktop Wallpaper Calendars for June 2012 appeared first on Visual Swirl Design Resources.

20 Great Examples of the Flat Trend in Web Design

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The flat trend in web design has recently gained a lot of popularity and we started noticing lots of website and interface designs springing up with this design style.

Flat design is a label the community has adopted for designs leaving behind drop shadows, subtle textures, and gradients in favor of solid colors, clean layouts and sharp typography, somewhat similar to the design of Windows 8 and the Metro UI.

This post showcases 20 great website designs that all exhibit popular traits of the flat trend in web design.

Want more? Check out these flat design freebies you can download!

Hell’o Baby

This is an interactive cross-platform baby album with additional services such as measurements, stickers, video stories, printed albums, postcards. They use a dynamic, flat design on their website, which we love!

Hell'o Baby flat trend in web design

It’s a Shape Christmas

Shape Christmas is an Interactive Advent Calendar themed raising money for charity. They use a dynamic flat style design for their website, with lots of subtle animations and transitions.

 It's a Shape Christmas flat trend in web design


Buffalo is a small web design & development agency based in Brighton, UK. They use flat design elements on their website and a beautiful color palette.

flat trend in web design

Lorenzo Verzini

Lorenzo Verzini is an Italian designer & art director living in London, working in the field for more than 9 years and this is his portfolio website.

flat trend in web design website

This is a studio that helps to build creative products, investing in new ideas, and helping companies grow. They use a bold color palette, nice typography effects, and almost no images!

Oak Studios


This is the presentation website of a game that lets you find as many words as you can in a jumble of letters. It uses flat design elements and beautiful transitions.

 Flat Trend website design

The Gently Mad Podcast

The Gently Mad is a podcast about life, business & entrepreneurship. This monochromatic blog has a simple, minimalist, flat layout.

The Gently Mad Podcast Flat Trend


This website combines illustrations with the flat design trend. It is beautifully created and will surely inspire you.

Cybeer Bar - Pour Beer With Your Phone Flat Trend


This is another flat presentation website, this time for a digital-minded studio focused on designing high-end experiences. What we liked about this is the combo between the flat style and the dynamic video background.

Lunar Gravity Flat Trend

Helbak Ceramics

This is the combined brand site and web shop for the Danish ceramist Malene Helbak. Bold, flat colors blend beautifully with high-quality images in this website design.

Helbak Ceramics Flat design

450 GSM

This website helps you print online 450gsm business cards, flyers, leaflets, greeting cards, stickers, postcards, pull-up banners, and posters. It is a perfect example of how flat style can be used in web design.

450-GSM Flat design

Crafting Type

Crafting Type workshops teach font design beginners how to create their own original typefaces. This is their presentation website.

 Flat design

Friends of the Web

Friends of The Web designs and develops custom web and mobile applications with Ruby on Rails, React, Solidus, and Swift. They use a simple, clean, minimalist flat design for their website.

Friends of the Web

Dropbox Guide

This website helps you learn how to sync, share, and manage your files with Dropbox Business. It uses a simple but effective flat design with beautiful illustrations.



This website has a simple, responsive design with lots of flat design elements added to it.



This is a made-for-Windows software to access Twitter with simple Metro-style design and features. While the software itself is no longer available, the website can still be used as flat design inspiration.

View the full website design


This website design combines large typography with flat colors and flat design elements. Check it out!

Semplicelabs Flat design


This is the website of a small team of Designers and Developers who help startups build new products.

 Flat design inspiration


R+Co is a collective of some of the most forward-thinking, rule-bending hairstylists in the business and this is their awesome website.

The Culture of Hairdressing Flat design

Quincy Réquin & Associates, lawyers

This is the presentation website of an independent lawyers office based in Lyon and Paris.

Quincy Flat design

The post 20 Great Examples of the Flat Trend in Web Design appeared first on Line25.

New & Upcoming Course Highlights: Data Visualization in Excel & Using Create React App

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Every week, new courses and workshops are published to the growing Treehouse Library! Here’s a short list of what we’ve added recently, upcoming course highlights, and our weekly video update of What’s New at Treehouse.


Data Visualization in Excel– Michael Watson (60 minutes)

This overview of Data Visualization in Excel is designed for absolute beginners, but can also benefit people who have already been using Excel to create charts. You will learn about the fundamentals of data visualization, how create types of charts in Excel, and tips on how to get the most of the charts you make.



Using Create React App– Guil Hernandez (22 minutes)

Create React App is a tool built by developers at Facebook to help you build React applications. It saves you from time-consuming setup and configuration. You simply run one command and create react app sets up the tools you need to start your React project. Learn to quickly set up React projects using Create React App.



Data Visualization with Bokeh– (July 2017)

Learn how to use the Bokeh library to generate interactive charts, graphs, and other visualizations using Python. We’ll explore a world population data set and see how to generate different charts using this powerful library.

.NET Core CLI Quick Start– (July 2017)

In this quick start workshop, you’ll learn how to use the .NET Core CLI to create a simple .NET Core console application.

Start learning to code today with your free trial on Treehouse.

The post New & Upcoming Course Highlights: Data Visualization in Excel & Using Create React App appeared first on Treehouse Blog.

3 Reasons Why Customer Satisfaction and a Well Designed Website Are Related

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You may think of your website as something that’s a promotional tool and a representation of you or your business but might not have stopped to think about how it’s directly associated with customer service. Keep reading to learn about that important connection and why it matters when you’re building a well-designed website.

People Get Frustrated When They Can’t Find What They Need

Think back to the last time you were in a grocery store and had trouble finding a certain item you wanted to buy. That event caused you to waste time and may have even made you so fed up that you were close to deciding not to shop there again.

The same thing could happen if you build a website that’s poorly designed and badly organized. If people go to your website to fulfill a certain purpose and are not able to accomplish that task, they’re likely to leave quickly before ever giving your website a chance and may not return to it.

Word Spreads Quickly Online

People are usually quick to tell others about especially good or bad experiences they’ve had. For example, they might rave to friends about good movies, tasty restaurants, and skilled hairdressers. However, if they have experiences they’d rather forget, they’ll often warn others so they don’t make the same mistakes.

If your website has lots of errors or isn’t optimized for mobile devices, those are two things that could cause people to tell their friends it’s not worthwhile to spend any time at your website. If you upset the customers who do decide to visit your site, it’ll be a lot harder to get new traffic because a lot of potential visitors will have probably heard from others that their time is better spent elsewhere.

Bad Websites Make It Hard to Build Long-Term Relationships

If you’re lucky, you may be able to entice people to stay on your website long enough to do one thing, such as read a blog post, look at your online portfolio, or purchase something, despite having a poorly designed website. However, it’s too risky and foolish to assume those people will keep coming back even though your site isn’t serving them well.

However, once you depend on a professional website builder to craft a site that meets your ideas and is representative of your goals, it’ll be much easier to enjoy long-term relationships with site visitors. Before long, they might bookmark your page so they can come back to it quickly and may even sign up for your newsletter or another type of periodic correspondence.

When your website looks nice and is easy to navigate, people are much more likely to return to it because they actually enjoy spending time there. Another way you could make it easier to create long-term relationships with visitors is to ask for feedback and actually listen to it. That’ll make people feel they’re truly valued.

Hopefully, you now understand the strong links between a beautiful, highly functional website and favorable levels of customer satisfaction. Without your customers, it’d be hard to thrive, so make sure your website accounts for their needs.

The post 3 Reasons Why Customer Satisfaction and a Well Designed Website Are Related appeared first on Colorburned.

How to Create a Spring Header in Adobe Muse

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Creating a Spring Header in Adobe Muse - Adobe Muse CC - Muse For You
How to Create a Spring Header in Adobe Muse. No Coding Skills Required.

 Muse For You - Adobe Muse CC Adobe Muse CC Logo

The warm weather is finally here! Being a resident of Wisconsin you have no idea how grateful I am for that. Yes the days can be muggy and humid at times but I’ll take that over 12 inches of snow any day :P. With that being said I’ll segue into today’s article.

Lately, I’ve been creating different headers in Adobe Muse to showcase how to use Adobe Muse and to give ideas for building your own headers. The theme of this week’s header is Spring.

Creating a Spring Header in Adobe Muse - Adobe Muse CC - Muse For You

The tutorial is composed of 8 steps. They are:

1. Setting Largest Breakpoint

2. Adding Spring Text 1

3. Adding Spring Text 2

4. Masking Image in Photoshop

5. Adding Paragraph Text

6. Adding Contact Button

7. Adding Logo and Menu

8. Finishing Touches

We use various tools in Adobe Muse to create this header. For the fonts we use the text panel to set the font type, size, alignment, tracking, leading, and line height. These options are very useful when getting the text just how you want it.

For the image we use Adobe Photoshop to mask the image within an abstract looking image. This lends itself to a unique visual for the header.

We also use other tools, like stroke, the built-in menu widget, along with the Adobe Muse pinning options.

Adobe muse is very powerful tool and my goal is to make it easier to use by demonstrating fun, easy to create headers :).


For more video tutorials and widgets for Adobe Muse visit

Happy Musing!

Read More at How to Create a Spring Header in Adobe Muse

The Worst Websites On The Internet. Ever.

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We may not judge a book by the cover, but we always judge a business by its website. This is the reality and we have to deal with it.

worst websites ever

Back in time, in the early days of the Internet, creating a website was something that only IT guys were capable of making. With today’s advancement of technology and increasing interest for better and easier solutions when designing websites, almost anyone can design websites without much effort or any coding know-how.

However, this also brings some inconveniences since not everyone understands the concepts and principles of website-building. Therefore, sometimes the creativity goes too far away either due to lack of knowledge or experience or simply laziness.

In order to solve this problem, some companies have created website builder apps. Most of them have pretty nice templates, responsive designs, many options for customizing them, and can be used to create attractive websites with a few clicks of a button. But what most people tend to forget is that a website builder is merely a tool. If you don’t have the right vision and you don’t know the design principles, then you will most likely fail to make your site eye-catching, functional, and efficient.

Instead of having a website conveying the right message to your audience, you will get something that will either make people laugh or ask what was in the designer’s mind. Either way, your visitors will leave your web page without giving you any second chance.

Before listing the worst websites I have found on the Internet, let me be clear about some things:

– Firstly, I don’t mean to cause any trouble or pain to anyone, and I am certainly not making fun of web designers. Therefore, I beg the developers of the listed sites not to take offense at my remarks. I am quite sure some of these sites are designed by beginner designers. We all have to start somewhere. Besides, mistakes easily occur if you don’t have any experience.

– Secondly, I’m not talking about those websites that are just too old and haven’t been updated since their inception. Those sites may look unappealing to us now, but surely, they were created while considering the design principles of their time. But if it happens to display some old designs, it may also be because there is something in the design that’s plainly terrible and hideous.

I have listed these websites keeping in my mind several design principles:

Easy to understand navigation;
Proper use of color;
Right use of animation;
An easy-to-use layout;
An aesthetically-pleasing model;
Appropriate to the topic;
The design elements do not hinder content;
Great content that’s easy to find, navigate, consume, and share.

Simply put, the main idea is that I don’t want to shame anyone. Taking into consideration that we are all used to finding and appreciating the best website designs, I think we should also analyze awful designs and learn from such painstaking mistakes.

With that being said, let’s take a look at some websites that are hilariously terrible:

1. Penny Juice (link to

Penny Juice is a fruit juice concentrate that’s made specifically for childcare centers, preschools, etc. When you get to the website, the first thing you need to do is to choose which version you want to use: either HTML or Flash. Choose wisely!

Once you have chosen the version you want to use, you get to the next page with a simple menu structure and flashy colors that irreversibly hurt your retina. You will also find a copyright notice since 2001-2002. That should explain the horror, but I wouldn’t bet on it.

All of this looks pretty innocent until you click to visit a particular page on the site. That’s when your monitor bursts out. The color scheme is completely overwhelming and drowns the little information left about the product. It is also extremely challenging to navigate through this website, with small links hidden at the bottom of the page.

2. Yale University School Of Art (link to

You would expect a college art school to have a lovely website that reflected the kind of education you could get from there. Therefore, you would assume Yale’s site was more appealing to your visual senses. Instead of this, the website leaves you wondering if you are really in the right place.

It uses Ruby on Rails, and it is updated by the faculty and students quite often. But the tiled images in the background and the horrible font choices are just inexcusable. The navigation is pretty user-friendly, but the ghastly use of animated backgrounds is enough to put you off.

3. Patimex (link to

This website looks and sounds bad from the very beginning – starting with allowing running Adobe Flash player if you want to enter. OK, maybe if you take each element separately, that wouldn’t be too terrible. But if you put them all together and add the music, then YES – it’s THAT bad. If you go to their actual site (, it looks quite normal. But this only makes you wonder: “Why is the devil grilling himself in a floating BBQ? What’s with that music? Why? Seriously… Why?”

4. Ling’s Cars (link to

Ling Valentine, the owner of Ling’s Cars, first appeared on the BBC program Dragon’s Den in 2006. The Metro named as “the worst and weirdest website on the internet” and taking a look at it, I can understand why. It’s filled with flashing graphics, gaudy patterns, and bubble writing.

5. ARNGREN (link to

OK, this is probably the ugliest and most confusing website I have ever seen. The enormous quantity of tiny pictures and links does not help us understand the purpose of this web page. When designing your site, remember that less is more. And this is the best example.

6. Uglytub (link to

Are you thinking of replacing your old bath tub? Then you should do it because this website doesn’t really convince you to do otherwise. A combination of flashing poor quality imagery, tiny fonts, and garish colors in conjunction with the limiting frames minimizing the site to a small window in the center of the screen sure makes this the worst offenders on the web.

7. Jamilin (link to

Jami Lin “Love Love, LOVES helping you to evolve” but maybe she could use a little of her own advice to revamp her website. Collages of images, videos, links, adverts, and copy are all crammed into the center of the site. This surplus of images and text is a little overwhelming and blocks the clear navigation

8. Gatesnfences (link to

At first glance, this Florida-based company has a website that’s stuck in the past. And taking into consideration that you will find a copyright notice of 2004-2008, I think I’m right. At the same time, they’ve decided that the best way to increase the user engagement is to bombard them with A LOT (and I mean A LOT) of information straight on the homepage. Some small, low-quality images are scattered throughout the page, but nothing to break up the huge amount of text. It hurts. Badly. Maybe they should learn that sometimes less is more.

9. James Bond Museum (link to

For decades, James Bond has been gracing the silver screen as a charismatic, charming and ultra-slick secret agent. Yet, the website for the James Bond museum is SOOO FAR AWAY from the classy image of the secret agent that it’s offensive. Its stark background and Times New Roman typeface make it obnoxious. Barely expressing the character of Bond himself, the homepage is an overwhelming, sour and incomprehensible mix of menus, hyperlinks, and random imagery.

10. Rudgwick Steam & Country Show (link to

Although this may not be the worst website, it’s still terrible. I think the developers tried to have a responsive design, but they failed miserably. If you visit the website using a phone, it doesn’t look that bad, but if you use a laptop or a desktop, the website looks like an image placed in the center of the screen. What’s more, they’ve chosen a design packed with primary colors and a collage of random images. The relevant information is there, but it is confusing due to the busy layout.

11. (link to

In contrast to many websites listed here, this one lacks not just a catchy title, but also text. Larger pictures, a new layout, and functional links would help make this website more inviting and visually-appealing.

12. Constellation 7 (link to

OK, I think this is one of the ugliest websites I have ever seen. I’m not kidding. They use a blend of conspicuously bright colors throughout the entire site, bold and colorful typography, and some animations that are making you run as far as you can. Fortunately, they don’t have any music.

13. Mojo Yogurt (link to

Again, this is a website built using Flash. The whole design wouldn’t be that terrible, had it not been for that horrible, annoying background music, and sound effect that you can’t pause. Just to let you know, dearest Mojo Yogurt, people who visit your website are trying to look for your product, not listen to that awful music.

14. Industrial Painter (link to

This company has chosen to have irritating music in the background with no option for you to turn it off. Along with Flash-based, horrible design and low-quality images you get the idea of a terrible-terrible site. I really don’t know how they plan on attracting customers with such a website.1

15. Superior Web Solutions (link to

This is the company’s website that built Industrial painter. Taking into consideration that it’s a web design company, I can say it’s even worse than Industrial Painter. That’s mainly because you expect a web design company to know about the latest trends and design. Instead, we find annoying music, along with a non-responsive, flash based, and horrible homepage design. I cannot overstate how horrific this website looks.

Read More at The Worst Websites On The Internet. Ever.

From Waiter to Programmer & Digital Content Manager: Jonathan Borteij’s Story

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In his early 20s, Jonathan Borteij found himself without a college degree, working in a restaurant. It was a badly paid, stressful job that Jonathan didn’t enjoy, and he knew it was time to pursue an entirely new career path. That’s when Jonathan discovered Treehouse and began learning. This experience introduced him to the tech industry, which was a perfect fit for him.

Since then, Jonathan has worked as a programmer and now works as a digital content manager at one of the world’s largest ferry operators. Using his Treehouse knowledge, he has also earned 5 certifications from Google. With such a diverse resume of skills alongside his knowledge of digital strategies, Jonathan is starting out on an exciting career path, an opportunity that he credits Treehouse for helping him achieve.

We asked Jonathan to share his story.


What first encouraged you to learn to code and pursue a career as a web developer?

I started programming when I was about 11 years old. I didn’t take it seriously, but it did establish my interest in the web and web development. I was curious about how the technology of the web worked and how I could use it to build things that I could use with my friends. However, at the time, there weren’t any platforms like Treehouse to learn how to code.

A few years ago, with the help of Treehouse, I began seriously learning to code and received my first job as a programmer. I was able to use all of the knowledge I had learned both in practice and in job interviews. Today I work at one of the world’s largest ferry operators companies as a digital content manager.

None of this would happen if it wasn’t for Treehouse, which is why I still used it a lot to grow my coding skills.

What were you doing when you first joined Treehouse and how did you integrate learning into your everyday life?

I worked at a restaurant. It was stressful and badly paid and I had to decide what I wanted to do with my life. I chose to learn computer programming so I could combine it with digital marketing. I don’t regret changing my career in my 20s. I earn a great salary each month and there aren’t many people my age in the same position without a college degree. But in the tech world, it’s possible.

There aren’t many people my age in the same position without a college degree. But in the tech world, it’s possible.

What has the value of a Treehouse education meant to you?

My Treehouse education has been extremely valuable to me, it has taught me all the basics, but it has also taught me how to create and build advanced skills. I also gained an extremely good understanding of SEO and have been able to help companies increase their revenues using digital strategies and SEO. One example is a wholesale company in Sweden that increased its turnover significantly in less than 2 years. So I guess my training at Treehouse has also meant a lot to the employers who have hired me!

What advice would you share with students who are just starting to learn to code?

The most important thing is to never to stop dreaming. Tech is the future, so invest in yourself and the knowledge, and keep on learning new technologies. Build a goal and make sure you reach it.

If you have a dream to start working as a web developer, be sure to follow your Treehouse lessons. Every time you get a notification email from Treehouse, make sure to complete the course. If you do not succeed with your quizzes and code challenges the first time, be sure to try again. You will find it difficult to understand syntax and code at the beginning, everybody does. But you will learn it, I promise.

The most important thing is to never to stop dreaming. Tech is the future, so invest in yourself and the knowledge, and keep on learning new technologies.

What are your plans for the future?

I will continue to work and keep learning new technologies. I have also received a lot of interest in my digital marketing skills. I plan to start a course at Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania in digital marketing. They have one of the world’s best digital marketing programs. I would never have been able to take on an educational opportunity like this if I wasn’t well-paid as a developer. I’ll also continue learning with Treehouse, particularly as they’re great at sharing the latest tech industry news.

Start learning to code today with your free trial on Treehouse.

How I Became a Self-Taught Developer in 3 Months: Chris Dabatos’s Story

The post From Waiter to Programmer & Digital Content Manager: Jonathan Borteij’s Story appeared first on Treehouse Blog.

Should I Learn Kotlin or Java?

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With Android officially adopting Kotlin as a supported language, there’s one question that every new Android developer should be asking themselves: should I learn Kotlin or Java?

Rather than burying the answer all the way at the bottom… in my mind, it’s definitely Kotlin.

Kotlin was introduced in 2011 by JetBrains (maker of IntelliJ IDEA, PyCharm, and many other top IDEs) who at the time were using almost entirely Java. They created Kotlin because, “First and foremost, it’s about our own productivity”.

kotlin island*Kotlin is named after Kotlin Island in St. Petersburg, Russia

So Kotlin was created explicitly to be better than Java, but JetBrains wasn’t about to rewrite their IDEs from scratch in a new language. Which is why they made Kotlin 100% interoperable with Java. Kotlin runs on the JVM and compiles down to Java bytecode; you can start tinkering with Kotlin in an existing Java or Android project and everything will work just fine.

That said, there aren’t yet many Android tutorials using Kotlin; most beginner stuff is in Java along with the Android docs (though we’re working on our first beginner-focused Kotlin for Android course, and it should be out before too long). So to figure out how the Android system works and what it looks like behind the scenes, you’ll have to spend some time with Java.

Now let’s get back to that productivity part. There are plenty of articles out there showcasing what Kotlin can do, and there’s even a really good Java/Kotlin comparison on the Kotlin website (which has excellent documentation). So rather than creating an exhaustive list of what makes Kotlin so awesome, I’m going to show you my favorite example of Kotlin superiority which I borrow from our Kotlin for Java Developers course.

Creating a Card Class

Let’s say we need a class to represent the state of a playing card. It would need 3 properties: the value of the card, the suit of the card, and whether or not the card is face up. Also, since we usually deal cards face down the ‘faceUp’ property will typically be false, so we shouldn’t need to specify it every time.

Here’s what that looks like in Java. We need three fields as well as associated getters/setters, along with two constructors.

Here’s what it looks like in Kotlin:

class Card(val value: Int, val suit: String, var faceUp: Boolean = false)

33 lines down to 1! Not bad, right? But it gets better. In Java (and Kotlin), if you try to print out an object, instead of seeing the properties of the object you see the object reference:

And if you try to compare these two cards, you’ll end up comparing object references, and it’ll be false:

println(card1 == card2); // false
println(card1.equals(card2)); // false

In Java, if you want to test for equality between objects you need to override the ‘equals’ method:

And if you want to see something useful when you print the object, you need to override the ‘toString’ method:

But in Kotlin, all you have to do is add the word ‘data’ in front of your class:

data class Card(val value: Int, val suit: String, var faceUp: Boolean = false)

Here it is in action:

We’ve now got 51 lines of Java, and still just 1 line of Kotlin!


In summary, learn Kotlin. But if you’re completely new to programming, start with Java first. Most Android code is still written in Java, and at the least, understanding Java will be a boon for understanding the docs. Once you’ve got the basics of Java, you’ll be able to pick up Kotlin that much faster and will have a greater appreciation for the benefits that Kotlin brings. On the other hand, if you’re an experienced developer check out our Kotlin for Java Developers course. It teaches you everything you need to know about Kotlin by building a headless solitaire app!

Ps. If you’re looking for a list of reasons Kotlin is better than Java, Magnus Vinther does a great job of breaking it down in this medium post. 

The post Should I Learn Kotlin or Java? appeared first on Treehouse Blog.

Interview with Julie Anixter, Executive Director of AIGA

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Below is an interview with Julie Anixter, Executive Director of AIGA, on the topic of career development, which is the topic of the this year’s annual AIGA Design Conference in Minneapolis, Minnesota on October 12-14, 2017.

Also see the free Podcast / YouTube interview with Julie and Ram Castillo here.


1. Why is career development so important to AIGA?

Careers in design are morphing constantly alongside an evolving industry, which presents a challenge for all designers, new and established. The AIGA community draws from a wealth of experience to help provide foresight on those changes and the other challenges that come with building a career – whether you are trying to find a path forward or grow in your current position.

2. Have you taken any unusual jobs that led to remarkable experiences?

Honestly, making the decision to lead the AIGA was a different path for me. It has introduced me to so many remarkable people and experiences. It’s privilege to serve designers and the design community – which represents unending inspiration and possibility. We want to make sure to harness our members’ and chapters’ extraordinary energy and share it across the US. I’m especially keen on sharing new design experiences at our upcoming Design Conference in October, where we’re focusing on the connecting power of design.

3. Best advice you’ve ever been given regarding your career/or the worst

Don’t waste time in the wrong job, regardless of the temptations that might drive you to accept one or stay longer than necessary. Find a place that provides a good fit for your talents and the opportunity to bring as much of your experience as possible.

4. What advice can you offer those just starting off in design?

When you’re starting off, the best thing you can do is immerse yourself in work from a wide variety of projects, disciplines and designers. A good way to do that is joining organizations or groups such as AIGA which allows you to take advantage of the association’s resources and the membership’s collective knowledge.

Amazing Things

5. What is the most important lesson you’ve learned in your career to date?

Courage is stronger than fear.

When you let fear be your main driver, you miss out on life experience, but when you live courageously new opportunities are always on the horizon.

6. How has mentorship made a difference in your professional or personal life?

My mentors travel with me in my head, heart and instincts. (See here for how to get a mentor guaranteed) They make me smile and show up like guides when the going gets rough. Chief among them: my father, Tom Peters, Seth Godin, Admiral Joseph Dyer and Gyongy Laky.

7. How does AIGA help designers looking to move along their desired path?

AIGA helps designers along their career paths through connection and community, first and foremost. It takes resources and the support of a strong network to become a successful designer, and AIGA members have a network of mentors built in. Our members go past just connecting to help each other find answers or jobs, and provide inspiration and stimulation at every point of the journey.

8. What do you want AIGA to accomplish in the next year/five years?

For more than 30 years, AIGA has served as an epicenter for our diverse community of professionals to meet, exchange ideas, and grow the design industry. Our community is our most valuable asset. The strength within our community is fueled by making sure that designers have the competencies to make an impact on business, industry, and society. Over the course of the next couple of years, we are really focusing on career journeys and the myriad of possibilities evolving out of design’s ever-changing landscape.

Do you have any further questions to ask Julie? Let us know below.