The New Features of GSAP 3

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In this article we will explore many of the new features available from GSAP 3. The GreenSock animation library is a JavaScript library many front-end developers turn to because it can be easy to get started and you can create powerful animations with a lot of control. Now with GSAP 3 getting started with GreenSock is even easier.

Some of the new features we will cover in this article are:

GreenSock’s smaller file size
A Simplified API which offers a newer syntax
Defaults in timelines
Easier to use with build tools and bundlers
Advanced stagger everywhere!
MotionPath and MotionPath plugin
use of Relative “>” and “<” position prefix in place of labels in Timelines
The new “effects” extensibility
Utility methods

…and more!

GreenSock’s smaller file size

First and foremost the GreenSock library is now even smaller. It still packs all the amazing features I love, plus more (50+ more to be exact). But it is now about half the size! We will see some of the reasons below like the new simplified API but at its core GSAP was completely rebuilt as modern ES modules.

A Simplified API

With the new version of GreenSock we no longer have to decide whether we want to use TweenMax, TweenLite, TimelineMax, or TimelineLite. Now, everything is in a single simplified API so instead of code that looks like this:‘.box’, 1, {
scale: 0.5,
y: 20,
ease: Elastic.easeOut.config( 1, 0.3)

We can write this instead:“.box1”,{
duration: 1,
scale: 0.5,
y: 20 // or you can now write translateY: 20,
ease: “elastic(1, 0.3)”,

Creating Timelines is easier too. Instead of using new TimelineMax() or new TimelineLite() to create a timeline, you now just use gsap.timeline() (simpler for chaining).

Here is an example of the first syntax change. Note that the old syntax still works in GSAP 3 for backward compatibility. According to GreenSock, most legacy code still works great.

See the Pen GreenSock New vs Old syntax by Christina Gorton (@cgorton) on CodePen.dark


Previously, the animation’s duration was defined as its own parameter directly after the target element. Like this:‘.box’, 1, {})

With the new version, duration is defined in the same vars object as the rest of the properties you animate and therefore is more explicit.“.box”,{
duration: 2,

This adds several benefits such as improved readability. After working with and teaching GSAP for a while now, I agree that having an explicit duration property is helpful for anyone new to GreenSock and those of us who are more experienced. This isn’t the only thing the new API improves though. The other benefits will become more obvious when we look at defaults in timelines and the new Keyframes.

Defaults in timelines

This new feature of GSAP is really wonderful for anyone who creates longer animations with gsap.timeline(). In the past when I would create long animations I would have to add the same properties like ease, duration, and more to each element I was animating in a timeline. Now with defaults I can define default properties that will be used for all elements that are animated unless I specify otherwise. This can greatly decrease the amount of code you are writing for each timeline animation.

Let’s take a look at an example:

This Pen shows a couple of the new features in GSAP 3 but for now we will focus on the defaults property.

See the Pen Quidditch motionPath by Christina Gorton (@cgorton) on CodePen.dark

I use defaults in a few places in this pen but one timeline in particular shows off its power. At the beginning of this timeline I set defaults for the duration, ease, yoyo, repeat, and the autoAlpha property. Now instead of writing the same properties for each tween I can write it one time.

const moving = () => {
let tl = new gsap.timeline({
defaults: {
duration: .02,
ease: “back(1.4)”,
yoyo: true,
repeat: 1,
autoAlpha: 1

return tl;

Without the defaults my code for this timeline would look like this:

const moving = () => {
let tl = gsap.timeline()‘.wing1’,{
duration: .02,
ease: “back(1.4)”,
yoyo: true,
repeat: 1,
autoAlpha: 1
duration: .02,
ease: “back(1.4)”,
yoyo: true,
repeat: 1,
autoAlpha: 1
duration: .02,
ease: “back(1.4)”,
yoyo: true,
repeat: 1,
autoAlpha: 1

return tl;

That is around a 10 line difference in code!

Use of Relative > and < position prefix in place of labels in Timelines

This is another cool feature to help with your timeline animations. Typically when creating a timeline I create labels that I then use to add delays or set the position of my Tweens.

As an example I would use tl.add() to add a label then add it to my tween along with the amount of delay I want to use relative to that label.

The way I previously used labels would look something like this:

.to(“.box1″, { … }, “s”)
.to(“.box2″, { … }, “s”)
.to(“.box3″, { … }, “s+=0.8″)
.to(“.box4”, { … }, “s+=0.8”);

See an example here.

With > and < you no longer need to add a label.

From the GreenSock docs:

“Think of them like pointers – “” points to the end (of the most recently-added animation).”

“<" references the most recently-added animation's START time
“>” references the most recently-added animation’s END time

So now a timeline could look more like this:

.to(“.box1″, { … })
.to(“.box2″, { … }, “<")
.to(“.box3", { … }, "<0.8")
.to(“.box4", { … }, "<”);

And you can offset things with numbers like I do in this example:

See the Pen MotionPath GreenSock v3 by Christina Gorton (@cgorton) on CodePen.dark

Stagger all the things

Previously in GSAP to stagger animations you had to define it at the beginning of a tween with either a staggerTo(), staggerFrom(), or staggerFromTo() method. In GSAP 3 this is no longer the case. You can simply define your stagger in the vars object like this:“.needle”,{
scale: 1,
stagger: 0.5 //simple stagger of 0.5 seconds

…or for a more advanced stagger you can add extra properties like this:“.needle”,{
scale: 1,
stagger: {
amount: 0.5, // the total amount of time (in seconds) that gets split up among all the staggers.
from: “center” // the position in the array from which the stagger will emanate

This animation uses staggers in several places. like the needles. Check out all the staggers in this pen:

See the Pen Cute Cactus stagger by Christina Gorton (@cgorton) on CodePen.dark

Easier to use with build tools and bundlers

When I have worked on Vue or React projects in the past working with GreenSock could be a little bit tricky depending on the features I wanted to use.

For example in this Codesandbox I had to import in TweenMax, TimelineMax and any ease that I wanted to use.

import { TweenMax, TimelineMax, Elastic, Back} from “gsap”;

Now with GSAP 3 my import looks like this:

import gsap from “gsap”;

You no longer have to add named imports for each feature since they are now in one simplified API. You may still need to import extra plugins for special animation features like morphing, scrollTo, motion paths, etc.


If you have ever worked with CSS animations then keyframes will be familiar to you.

So what are keyframes for in GreenSock?

In the past if you wanted to animate the same set of targets to different states sequentially (like “move over, then up, then spin”), you would need to create a new tween for each part of the sequence. The new keyframes feature lets us do that in one Tween!

With This property you can pass an array of keyframes in the same vars objects where you typically define properties to animate and the animations will be nicely sequenced. You can also add delays that will either add gaps (positive delay) or overlaps (negative delay).

Check out this example to see the keyframes syntax and the use of delays to overlap and add gaps in the animation.

See the Pen GreenSock Keyframes by Christina Gorton (@cgorton) on CodePen.dark

MotionPath and MotionPath helper plugin

One of the features I am most excited about is MotionPathPlugin and the MotionPathHelper. In the past I used MorphSVGPlugin.pathDataToBezier to animate objects along a path. Here is an example of that plugin:

See the Pen MorphSVGPlugin.pathDataToBezier with StaggerTo and Timeline by Christina Gorton (@cgorton) on CodePen.dark

But the MotionPathPlugin makes it even easier to animate objects along a path. You can create a path for your elements in two ways:

With an SVG path you create
Or with manual points you define in your JavaScript

The previous Quidditch pen I shared uses MotionPathPlugin in several places. First you need to register it like this:

//register the plugin

Note: the MotionPathHelper plugin is a premium feature of GreenSock and is available to Club GreenSock members but you can try it out for free on CodePen.

I used an SVG editor to create the paths in the Quidditch animation and then I was able to tweak them directly in the browser with the MotionPathHelper! The code needed to add the MotionPathHelper is this


Screen Shot 2019-11-13 at 4.52.09 PM

I then clicked “COPY MOTION PATH” and saved the results in variables that get passed to my animation(s).

Paths created with the MotionPathPlugin helper
const path = “M-493.14983,-113.51116 C-380.07417,-87.16916 -266.9985,-60.82716 -153.92283,-34.48516 -12.11783,-77.91982 129.68717,-121.35449 271.49217,-164.78916 203.45853,-70.96417 186.21594,-72.24109 90.84294,-69.64709 “,
path2 =”M86.19294,-70.86509 C64.53494,-36.48609 45.53694,-13.87709 -8.66106,-8.17509 -23.66506,-40.23009 -30.84506,-44.94009 -30.21406,-88.73909 6.79594,-123.26109 54.23713,-91.33418 89.94877,-68.52617 83.65113,-3.48218 111.21194,-17.94209 114.05694,18.45191 164.08394,33.81091 172.43213,34.87082 217.26913,22.87582 220.68213,-118.72918 95.09713,-364.56718 98.52813,-506.18118 “,
path3 = “M-82.69499,-40.08529 C-7.94199,18.80104 66.81101,77.68738 141.56401,136.57371 238.08201,95.81004 334.60001,55.04638 431.11801,14.28271 “,
path4 = “M126.51311,118.06986 C29.76678,41.59186 -66.97956,-34.88614 -163.72589,-111.36414 -250.07922,-59.10714 -336.43256,-6.85014 -422.78589,45.40686 “;
Example of a path passed in to animation
const hover = (rider, path) => {
let tl = new gsap.timeline();, {
duration: 1,
ease: “rider”,
path: path,
return tl

In this timeline I set up arguments for the rider and the path so I could make it reusable. I add which rider and which path I want the rider to follow in my master timeline.

.add(hover(“#cho”, path3),’start+=0.1′)
.add(hover(“#harry”, path4),’start+=0.1′)

If you want to see the paths and play around with the helper plugin you can uncomment the code at the bottom of the JavaScript file in this pen:

See the Pen Quidditch motionPath by Christina Gorton (@cgorton) on CodePen.dark

Or, in this pen you can check out the path the wand is animating on:

See the Pen MotionPath GreenSock v3 by Christina Gorton (@cgorton) on CodePen.dark


According the the GreenSock Docs:

Effects make it easy for anyone to author custom animation code wrapped in a function (which accepts targets and a config object) and then associate it with a specific name so that it can be called anytime with new targets and configurations

So if you create and register an effect you reuse it throughout your codebase.

In this example I created a simple effect that makes the target “grow”. I create the effect once and can now apply it to any element I want to animate. In this case I apply it to all the elements with the class “.box”

See the Pen GreenSock Effects by Christina Gorton (@cgorton) on CodePen.dark

Utility methods

Lastly, I’ll cover the utility methods which I have yet to explore extensively but they are touted as a way to help save you time and accomplish various tasks that are common with animation.

For example, you can feed any two similarly-typed values (numbers, colors, complex strings, arrays, even multi-property objects) into the gsap.utils.interpolate() method along with a progress value between 0 and 1 (where 0.5 is halfway) and it’ll return the interpolated value accordingly. Or select a random() value within an array or within a specific range, optionally snapping to whatever increment you want.

Most of the 15 utility methods that can be used separately, combined, or plugged directly into animations. Check out the docs for details.

Below I set up one simple example using the distribute() utility which:

Distributes an amount across the elements in an array according to various configuration options. Internally, it’s what advanced staggers use, but you can apply it for any value. It essentially assigns values based on the element’s position in the array (or in a grid)

See the Pen GreenSock Utility Methods by Christina Gorton (@cgorton) on CodePen.dark

For an even more impressive example check out Craig Roblewsky’s pen that uses the distribute() and wrap() utility methods along with several other GSAP 3 features like MotionPathPlugin:

See the Pen MotionPath Distribute GSAP 3.0 by Craig Roblewsky (@PointC) on CodePen.dark

That wraps up the features we wanted to cover in this article. For the full list of changes and features check out this page and the GreenSock docs. If you’d like to know what old v2 code isn’t compatible with v3, see GreenSock’s list. But there’s not much as GSAP 3 is surprisingly backward-compatible given all the improvements and changes.


All of the Pens from this article can be found in this collection.

For more examples check out GreenSock’s Showcase and Featured GSAP 3 Pens collection.

The New Features of GSAP 3 was written by Christina Gorton and published on Codrops.

10 Beautifully Clean Websites with Minimalist Designs

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Minimalism is always in. The universally appealing, clean web design trend has dominated the internet for many years, and will certainly continue for many years to come. While there’s plenty of bright, flashy, experimental web design emerging as well, nothing beats simplistic, clean, and beautiful.

Looking for some inspiration for your own designs? We’ve collected these elegant, minimalistic web designs for you today. Take a look at these websites and their own spins on the trend.

UNLIMITED DOWNLOADS: Email, admin, landing page & website templates



Example of Pitch

Pitch opens with a unique full screen intro that scrolls out and transitions into the rest of the site content. It uses clean, white design as a base but builds on it with plenty of colorful and lively animations. This is a great example of what you can do with a simple white base and a little creativity.

Hello Monday

Example of Hello Monday

Great animation has the power to make a simple website vivid and memorable. The intro animation alone will capture your eye, and all the beautiful transitions and hover effects round it out perfectly. This is the perfect portfolio for a branding company: one that leaves a lasting impact.


Example of OpenAI

Clean doesn’t have to mean boring. OpenAI uses vivid images and a gorgeous gradient background while still being efficient and elegant. Scrolling transitions to white to give you a break from the rich colors, and blog pages blend a simple background with interactive elements and bright images to keep things fresh.


Example of Outline

Check out this website if you’re aiming for minimalism and elegance balanced against vivid imagery. It introduces itself with a simple animated header, then drops you into softly scrolling sliders and bold full screen design. Product pages are intensely colorful with crisp HD pictures, and that same elegant aesthetic.


Example of StoryCode

A little innovation is all it takes to make a simple, clean UI interesting. StoryCode opens with a cool scroll animation that pulls away to reveal their branding tagline. The three-color palette of orange, black, and white provides consistency and contrast in this design.

Jamie McLellan

Example of Jamie McLellan

You’ll definitely remember this designer’s name, as it hovers boldly behind his project images. Click a picture to see its project page, and again to zoom in closer. The whole site is in black and white barring images, but the unique UI does more than enough to make it appealing.


Example of Okalpha

Minimalism doesn’t just mean a white background or a subtle two-toned palette. Okalpha goes all out, starting out with just a pop of color before plunging right into the bright, cartoonish hues. This definitely isn’t an easy aesthetic to pull off, but this site does it by consistently using only three bright colors to balance the intensity.

Good On You

Example of Good On You

If you’re going for a more sophisticated, muted design, look here for inspiration. This fashion website uses pale browns and blues, with each carefully picked image having just the right intensity of color to accent them.

Mozilla Dot Design

Example of Mozilla Dot Design

Clean design is all about the UI, and Mozilla Dot Design does it right with a bold and image-focused appearance. Its palette is striking and multi-toned, but it uses it to great effect on every single page.


Example of Bold

Bold uses fresh and professional design to create a stunning aesthetic. The site opens to black and white tones, with a crisp video that also begins in a monochromatic palette. The middle of the page is filled with bright and beautiful colors, before transitioning back into black and white as it reaches the footer. It’s an awesome effect and great for branding.

A Fresh Take on Minimalism

Minimalism is definitely a style can be overdone, but with a unique little twist, you can breathe life into this popular trend. Take note of how each of these websites include a fresh new spin on things. A pop of color, an intriguing intro, a beautiful scrolling animation – add your own touch to it, and your site will stand out.

Collective #565

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Inspirational Website of the Week: Bruno Arizio

An outstanding design with some very engaging and elegant interactions. Our pick this week.

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How TypeScript Makes You a Better JavaScript Developer

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What do Airbnb, Google, Lyft and Asana have in common? They’ve all migrated several codebases to TypeScript.

Whether it is eating healthier, exercising, or sleeping more, our humans love self-improvement. The same applies to our careers. If someone shared tips for improving as a programmer, your ears would perk.

In this article, the goal is to be that someone. We know TypeScript will make you a better JavaScript developer for several reasons. You’ll feel confident when writing code. Fewer errors will appear in your production code. It will be easier to refactor code. You’ll write fewer tests (yay!). And overall, you’ll have a better coding experience in your editor.

What Even Is TypeScript?

TypeScript is a compiled language. You write TypeScript and it compiles to JavaScript. Essentially, you’re writing JavaScript, but with a type system. JavaScript developers should have a seamless transition because the languages are the same, except for a few quirks.

Here’s a basic example of a function in both JavaScript and TypeScript:

function helloFromSitePoint(name) {
return `Hello, ${name} from SitePoint!`

function helloFromSitePoint(name: string) {
return `Hello, ${name} from SitePoint!`

Notice how the two are almost identical. The difference is the type annotation on the “name” parameter in TypeScript. This tells the compiler, “Hey, make sure when someone calls this function, they only pass in a string.” We won’t go into much depth but this example should illustrate the bare minimal of TypeScript.

How Will TypeScript Make Me Better?

TypeScript will improve your skills as a JavaScript developer by:

giving you more confidence,
catching errors before they hit production,
making it easier to refactor code,
saving you time from writing tests,
providing you with a better coding experience.

Let’s explore each of these a bit deeper.

The post How TypeScript Makes You a Better JavaScript Developer appeared first on SitePoint.

Elegant Branding Work for Red Circle by Oddone

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Elegant Branding Work for Red Circle by Oddone
Elegant Branding Work for Red Circle by Oddone

abduzeedoNov 13, 2019

My old friend Roger Oddone has been quiet for a long time and now I understand why, he’s been working on some killer branding projects and the latest one is for RedCircle, a platform designed to empower the podcaster community to grow, earn money and be heard through free podcast hosting and a cross-promotional marketplace.

Oddone and brand strategist, Caren Williams, worked together with the San Francisco-based startup to define its strategic brand platform and visual identity system. Drawing inspiration from a microphone, sound waves and a red recording icon, the visual identity was designed to be flexible and to convey a sense of sophistication, contemporaneity, and boldness.​​​​​​​



Visual identity system: Roger Oddone
Brand strategy: Caren Williams​​​​​​​

For more information make sure to check out Roger’s website and follow Oddone on Instagram

Premium Flat Business Icon Sets

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In the market for some high-quality icons to add to your business website, app, or infographic? Little graphics like these can go a long way in enhancing a design. They fill out the boring white space with visual appeal, and overall make your project look a lot more professional.

But even if they’re small, designing hundreds of little icons like this can take a long time. These minimalistic icons will fit into almost any kind of project. There’s no reason to waste hours meticulously creating tiny icons when there are thousands available online. Try some of these premium and free sets and add them to your project to instantly make it look a lot more interesting.

UNLIMITED DOWNLOADS: 1,500,000+ Icons & Design Assets


Ultraviolet: 60 Business Icons

Example of Ultraviolet: 60 Business Icons

Free Ecommerce Icon Pack

Example of Free Ecommerce Icon Pack

Business Collection Icon Pack

Example of Business Collection Icon Pack

Referral Business Icons

Example of Referral Business Icons

30 Isometric Icon Set

Example of 30 Isometric Icon Set

Smashicons: 80 Material Office Icons

Example of Smashicons: 80 Material Office Icons

Business and office icons set

Example of Business and office icons set

120 Business and Finance Pixel Perfect Icons

Example of 120 Business and Finance Pixel Perfect Icons

Capitalist Icons – Free Sample

Example of Capitalist Icons – Free Sample

Thin Line Business Icons

Example of Thin Line Business Icons

Graph Icon Pack

Example of Graph Icon Pack

Magicons: 100 Business Icons

Example of Magicons: 100 Business Icons

Seo Icons Icon Pack

Example of Seo Icons Icon Pack

Smashicons: 170 Retro Business Icons

Example of Smashicons: 170 Retro Business Icons

Minimalist Business Icons

The great thing about flat, minimalistic icons is that they look great in almost any situation. Their simplicity pairs well with many styles. And since vector icons are small but scalable, you can pop them into uninteresting white space to make it look more interesting, or even scale them up and make them the centerpiece of your graphics.

Whether you go with free or paid icon packs, there are thousands of them online. If you’re short on time, you should definitely download a few instead of wasting time making your own graphics. Enhancing your project with beautiful flat icons is just a few clicks away, so don’t hesitate to test out one of these packs.

Getting Started with the React Native Navigation Library

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Getting Started with the React Native Navigation Library

One of the most important aspects of React Native app development is the navigation. It’s what allows users to get to the pages they’re looking for. That’s why it’s important to choose the best navigation library to suit your needs.

If your app has a lot of screens with relatively complex UI, it might be worth exploring React Native Navigation instead of React Navigation. This is because there will always be performance bottlenecks with React Navigation, since it works off the same JavaScript thread as the rest of the app. The more complex your UI, the more data has to be passed to that bridge, which can potentially slow it down.

In this tutorial, we’ll be looking at the React Native Navigation library by Wix, an alternative navigation library for those who are looking for a smoother navigation performance for their React Native apps.


Knowledge of React and React Native is required to follow this tutorial. Prior experience with a navigation library such as React Navigation is optional.

App Overview

In order to demonstrate how to use the library, we’ll be creating a simple app that uses it. The app will have five screens in total:

Initialization: this serves as the initial screen for the app. If the user is logged in, it will automatically navigate to the home screen. If not, the user is navigated to the login screen.
Login: this allows the user to log in so they can view the home, gallery, and feed. To simplify things, the login will just be mocked; no actual authentication code will be involved. From this screen, the user can also go to the forgot-password screen.
ForgotPassword: a filler screen, which asks for the user’s email address. This will simply be used to demonstrate stack navigation.
Home: the initial screen that the user will see when they log in. From here, they can also navigate to either the gallery or feed screens via a bottom tab navigation.
Gallery: a filler screen which shows a photo gallery UI.
Feed: a filler screen which shows a news feed UI.

Here’s what the app will look like:

React Native Navigation demo gif

You can find the source code of the sample app on this GitHub repo.

Bootstrapping the App

Let’s start by generating a new React Native project:

react-native init RNNavigation –version react-native@0.57.8

Note: we’re using a slightly older version of React Native, because React Native Navigation doesn’t work well with later versions of React Native. React Native Navigation hasn’t really kept up with the changes in the core of React Native since version 0.58. The only version known to work flawlessly with React Native is the version we’re going to use. If you check the issues on their repo, you’ll see various issues on version 0.58 and 0.59. There might be workarounds on those two versions, but the safest bet is still version 0.57.

As for React Native version 0.60, the core team has made a lot of changes. One of them is the migration to AndroidX, which aims to make it clearer which packages are bundled with the Android operating system. This essentially means that if a native module uses any of the old packages that got migrated to the new androidx.&ast; package hierarchy, it will break. There are tools such as jetifier, which allows for migration to AndroidX. But this doesn’t ensure React Native Navigation will work.

Next, install the dependencies of the app:

react-native-navigation — the navigation library that we’re going to use.
@react-native-community/async-storage — for saving data to the app’s local storage.
react-native-vector-icons — for showing icons for the bottom tab navigation.

yarn add react-native-navigation @react-native-community/async-storage react-native-vector-icons

In the next few sections, we’ll be setting up the packages we just installed.

Setting up React Native Navigation

First, we’ll set up the React Native Navigation library. The instructions that we’ll be covering here are also in the official documentation. Unfortunately, it’s not written in a very friendly way for beginners, so we’ll be covering it in more detail.

Note: the demo project includes an Android and iOS folders as well. You can use those as a reference if you encounter any issues with setting things up.

Since the name of the library is very long, I’ll simply refer to it as RNN from now on.

Android Setup

In this section, we’ll take a look at how you can set up RNN for Android. Before you proceed, it’s important to update all the SDK packages to the latest versions. You can do that via the Android SDK Manager.


Add the following to your android/settings.gradle file:

include ':react-native-navigation'
project(':react-native-navigation').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, '../node_modules/react-native-navigation/lib/android/app/')

Gradle Wrapper Properties

In your android/gradle/wrapper/, update Gradle’s distributionUrl to use version 4.4 if it’s not already using it:



Next, in your android/build.gradle file, add mavenLocal() and mavenCentral() under buildscript -> repositories:

buildscript {
repositories {

// add these:

Next, update the classpath under the buildscript -> dependencies to point out to the Gradle version that we need:

buildscript {
repositories {


dependencies {
classpath ''


Under allprojects -> repositories, add mavenCentral() and JitPack. This allows us to pull the data from React Native Navigation’s JitPack repository:

allprojects {
allprojects {

repositories {
mavenCentral() // add this
maven { url '' } // add this


Next, add the global config for setting the build tools and SDK versions for Android:

allprojects {


ext {
buildToolsVersion = "27.0.3"
minSdkVersion = 19
compileSdkVersion = 26
targetSdkVersion = 26
supportLibVersion = "26.1.0"

Lastly, we’d still want to keep the default react-native run-android command when compiling the app, so we have to set Gradle to ignore other flavors of React Native Navigation except the one we’re currently using (reactNative57_5). Ignoring them ensures that we only compile the specific version we’re depending on:

ext {


subprojects { subproject ->
afterEvaluate {
if ((subproject.plugins.hasPlugin('android') || subproject.plugins.hasPlugin('android-library'))) {
android {
variantFilter { variant ->
def names = variant.flavors*.name
if (names.contains("reactNative51") || names.contains("reactNative55") || names.contains("reactNative56") || names.contains("reactNative57")) {

Note: there are four other flavors of RNN that currently exist. These are the ones we’re ignoring above:



On your android/app/build.gradle file, under android -> compileOptions, make sure that the source and target compatibility version is 1.8:

android {
defaultConfig {


compileOptions {
sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8

Then, in your dependencies, include react-native-navigation as a dependency:

dependencies {
implementation fileTree(dir: "libs", include: ["*.jar"])
implementation "${rootProject.ext.supportLibVersion}"
implementation "com.facebook.react:react-native:+"
implementation project(':react-native-navigation') // add this

Lastly, under android -> defaultConfig, set the missingDimensionStrategy to reactNative57_5. This is the version of RNN that’s compatible with React Native 0.57.8:

defaultConfig {
applicationId "com.rnnavigation"
minSdkVersion rootProject.ext.minSdkVersion
targetSdkVersion rootProject.ext.targetSdkVersion
missingDimensionStrategy "RNN.reactNativeVersion", "reactNative57_5" // add this
versionCode 1
versionName "1.0"
ndk {
abiFilters "armeabi-v7a", "x86"

The post Getting Started with the React Native Navigation Library appeared first on SitePoint.

Fins: Harley Earl, the Rise of General Motors, and the Glory Days of Detroit

Original Source:

Fins: Harley Earl, the Rise of General Motors, and the Glory Days of Detroit
Fins: Harley Earl, the Rise of General Motors, and the Glory Days of Detroit

abduzeedoNov 12, 2019

Here I am talking book recommendations after a long hiatus, not that I haven’t read any but simply none I felt worth sharing my thoughts here on Abduzeedo. A couple of weeks ago a co-worker recommended a book about the car industry in the US, pretty much the beginning of it, the book title is Fins: Harley Earl, the Rise of General Motors, and the Glory Days of Detroit by William Knoedelseder. At first, I was a bit skeptical but after a few minutes, I got totally hooked and I’ll be happy to tell you why. 

Fins tell the story of the rise of Harley Earl as one of the most important figures of the car industry from the beginning – around the 20s – all the way to the 60s. He was designated head of design at General Motors and later became vice president. The most amazing thing for me as a designer is that he was the first top executive ever appointed coming from the design side of things of a major corporation in American history. 

There are amazing tales of Detroit in the golden age in addition to some information/trivia that I was surprised to know. For example, Harley Earl pioneered the use of freeform sketching and hand-sculpted clay models as automotive design techniques. He subsequently introduced the “concept car” as both a tool for the design process and a clever marketing device.

This book is simply amazing and got me thinking in ways that were quite eerie in the sense that Detroit in those days reminds me of how San Francisco and the Silicon Valley is today. The most important center of one of the most important industries in constant innovation. We could trace more than a few parallels between that and today, but I will let you take the time to read it and make your own conclusions. 

Harley Earl Car Design Style

Book Description

Harleys Earl’s story qualifies as a bona fide American family saga. It began in the Michigan pine forest in the years after the Civil War, traveled across the Great Plains on the wooden wheels of a covered wagon, and eventually settled in a dirt road village named Hollywood, California, where young Harley took the skills he learned working in his father’s carriage shop and applied them to designing sleek, racy-looking automobile bodies for the fast crowd in the burgeoning silent movie business.

As the 1920s roared with the sound of mass manufacturing, Harley returned to Michigan, where, at GM’s invitation, he introduced art into the rigid mechanics of auto-making. Over the next thirty years, he functioned as a kind of combination Steve Jobs and Tom Ford of his time, redefining the form and function of the country’s premier product. His impact was profound. When he retired as GM’s VP of Styling in 1958, Detroit reigned as the manufacturing capital of the world and General Motors ranked as the most successful company in the history of the business.

Knoedelseder tells the story in ways both large and small, weaving the history of the company with the history of Detroit and the Earl family as Fins examines the effect of the automobile on America’s economy, culture, and national psyche.

Buy it now

Adapting Agile For Part-Time Teams

Original Source:

Adapting Agile For Part-Time Teams

Adapting Agile For Part-Time Teams

Philip Kiely


<p>The formal notion of the Agile software development method is about as old as I am (the Agile Manifesto was published in February 2001). I point this out not to <a href="">make you feel old</a>, but instead to demonstrate that Agile has had a long time to infiltrate software development. While the methodology advocates for &ldquo;co-located, dedicated teams,&rdquo; in its ubiquity Agile is frequently applied to teams partially or fully composed of part-time workers. While there are lessons to be taken from the practice, Agile must be adapted to support, rather than hinder, part-time teams.</p>

<p>In this article, we’ll consider applying Agile to a team of 5-10 people each working 20 hours per week on a project. We’ll further consider the frequent intersection of remote work with part-time teams and discuss situations where contributors work as few as 5 hours per week on a project. We’ll also hear from professors Armando Fox at the University of California, Berkeley and Barbara Johnson at Grinnell College with their thoughts on part-time Agile teams.</p>

<h3 id="why-does-part-time-work-happen">Why Does Part-Time Work Happen?</h3>

<p>While the &ldquo;5 developers for 20 hours&rdquo; example may seem contrived, many situations lead to the scenario. You may have:</p>

<li>Developers assigned to multiple clients, projects, or teams within a single company,</li>
<li>A team with contractors or co-op interns,</li>
<li>Volunteers working on an open-source or community project, or</li>
<li>An after-hours team working on a startup or product.</li>

<p>While we will examine the many challenges involved in managing teams under these constraints, usually the alternative to working part-time with someone isn’t their full-time efforts, the alternative is not being able to work with them at all. While part-time workers and teams often require extensive compromises, with clear and effective management they can still be a huge net positive to a team and business.</p>

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<h3 id="tenets-of-agile">Tenets Of Agile</h3>

<p>Given its prevalence in the software development industry, everyone understands Agile slightly differently. To get through adapting the framework together, we need a shared vocabulary to define &ldquo;regular&rdquo; Agile, you know, the kind that advocates for &ldquo;dedicated, co-located teams.&rdquo; Agile implements practices, rituals, and roles to promote effective work.</p>

<p>Agile, as implemented, involves certain practices:</p>

<li>&ldquo;Sprints&rdquo; are discrete units of time, often 2 weeks, that determine the cycle of work for Agile teams.</li>
<li>&ldquo;Stories&rdquo; or &ldquo;user stories&rdquo; are well-scoped units of work that a single team member can complete in some fraction of the sprint.</li>
<li>Often, teams organize their stories on &ldquo;kanban boards&rdquo; or similar methods of tracking story state: to do, in progress, in review, and done in a given sprint.</li>

<p>Agile revolves around four rituals:</p>

<li><strong>Sprint Planning</strong><br />
This is a meeting that opens each sprint with writing, estimating, prioritizing, and assigning stories that the team intends to complete for the sprint.</li>
<li><strong>Daily Stand-Up</strong><br />
A chance for teams to meet every day to discuss the previous day’s progress, discuss the day’s work, and raise any roadblocks. Ideally, the meeting is very short (5-15 minutes) and is near the start of the workday to minimize the interruption of dedicated work time.</li>
<li><strong>Sprint Review</strong><br />
This is part of a meeting which ends each sprint with a review of work accomplished, new backlog items, missed estimates, and other quantifiers of team progress.</li>
<li><strong>Sprint Retrospective</strong><br />
A discrete meeting or block of time for discussing what went well and what to improve about how the team operates in qualitative terms.</li>

<p>Agile teams usually have distinct, cross-functional roles. Common roles include:</p>

<li>The &ldquo;project manager/team lead&rdquo; manages the team, assigns work, reports to management, assists team members, and performs other managerial duties.</li>
<li>The &ldquo;scrum master&rdquo; is responsible for leading Agile rituals.</li>
<li>A &ldquo;product owner/product manager&rdquo; represents the client or end-user to the team. They have an active hand in writing stories, reviewing product functionality, and communicating progress to clients and expectations to the team.</li>
<li>An &ldquo;individual contributor&rdquo; is any member of the team whose main responsibility is building the product. Developers, designers, QA specialists and writers are all examples of individual contributors.</li>

<p>While these definitions are important for our shared understanding, the major theme of this article is that achieving your team’s goals is more important than implementing &ldquo;proper&rdquo; Agile. If this doesn’t exactly match your setup, common elements should help apply upcoming recommendations to your experience.</p>

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srcset=",q_auto/w_400/ 400w,,q_auto/w_800/ 800w,,q_auto/w_1200/ 1200w,,q_auto/w_1600/ 1600w,,q_auto/w_2000/ 2000w"
alt="'Scrum Board' by İrfan Simsar on Unsplash"


<figcaption class="op-vertical-bottom">
(Image credit: ‘İrfan Simsar’ on <a href=''>Unsplash</a>) (<a href=''>Large preview</a>)


<h3 id="constraints-of-part-time-work">Constraints Of Part-Time Work</h3>

<p>Immediately, we see how the constraints of part-time work cut into standard Agile. First off, in a given two-week sprint, each employee may spend 2 hours in sprint planning, 10 times 15 minutes in stand-up, 1 hour in sprint review, and 30 minutes in sprint retrospective, for a total of 6 hours in Agile meetings. For a full-time employee, that’s only 7.5% of their 80-hour fortnight, for a half-time employee it doubles to 15%. Add in other meetings and account for context switching and suddenly your individual contributors have very little time left each week to individually contribute.</p>

<p>Thus, part-time work exacerbates the need for good capacity estimation and up-front planning while reducing the time available for it. Fortunately, Agile’s notion of story points applies well. Story points estimate effort rather than time and thus stay constantly effective between full-time and part-time workers, though of course part-time workers will take longer to achieve the same amount of story points, which you can account for by measuring the team’s velocity.</p>

<p>Even if your development team is part-time, your clients may not be. Customer support, emergency bug fixes, outage repairs, and even regular communication can be more difficult with part-time work adding additional overhead.</p>

<figure class="


<a href="">

srcset=",q_auto/w_400/ 400w,,q_auto/w_800/ 800w,,q_auto/w_1200/ 1200w,,q_auto/w_1600/ 1600w,,q_auto/w_2000/ 2000w"
alt="'Man in a watch typing' by Brad Neathery on Unsplash"


<figcaption class="op-vertical-bottom">
(Image credit: ‘Brad Neathery’ on <a href=''>Unsplash</a>) (<a href=''>Large preview</a>)


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<h3 id="frequently-intersecting-constraints">Frequently Intersecting Constraints</h3>

<p>While not all part-time teams will experience these additional challenges, in my experience part-time work often overlaps with remote work, different time zones and availabilities, and classification of workers as temporary, contractors, or interns instead of employees. This is not an article about any of these things, but they bear mentioning.</p>

<p>Part-time work adds significant overhead to the already difficult task of finding a regular time when everyone is available to meet. If some team members work in the mornings and others in the evenings or are located across the world from each other, scheduling quickly becomes impossible. GitLab has published <a href="">extensive documentation on remote communication</a> that might be helpful.</p>

<p>Working with contractors, student interns, temporary hires, or other non-permanent teams or team members brings its own advantages and challenges. That said, however, someone got to the table, the Agile framework treats them as an equal member of the team and stakeholder in the project.</p>

<figure class="


<a href="">

srcset=",q_auto/w_400/ 400w,,q_auto/w_800/ 800w,,q_auto/w_1200/ 1200w,,q_auto/w_1600/ 1600w,,q_auto/w_2000/ 2000w"
alt="'Untitled' (Meeting) by You X Ventures on Unsplash."


<figcaption class="op-vertical-bottom">
(Image credit: ‘You X Ventures’ on <a href=''>Unsplash</a>) (<a href=''>Large preview</a>)


<h3 id="redefining-rituals-for-part-time-teams">Redefining Rituals For Part-Time Teams</h3>

<p>Now that we’ve framed the challenges that part-time work creates, let’s focus on solutions. While I’ve seen a number of successful modifications to Agile rituals for part-time teams, I reached out to Professor Armando Fox, co-author of <em>Engineering Software as a Service: An Agile Approach Using Cloud Computing</em> with David Patterson. In an email interview, he emphasized two key goals of agile rituals to retain:</p>

<blockquote>“The reason Agile is a good fit [for part-time teams] is the idea of using user stories as the unit of work. The key to doing this successfully is up-front planning and continuous check-ins.”<br /><br />&mdash; Armando Fox</blockquote>

<p>Sprint planning condenses up-front planning to a single high-value meeting. For part-time teams, the product owner, scrum master, and team lead (who may be only one or two people, more on that later) should do as much pre-meeting work as possible to define well-scoped tickets for the individual contributors to estimate and take. Fox said &ldquo;if stories are tightly-circumscribed, branches are short-lived, stories require modest amounts of code that can be delivered with good test coverage, and code quality is maintained through continuous code review (pull requests) as well as the use of code quality measurement tools, the team can successfully divide-and-conquer even if they’re not always working at the same time.&rdquo; That’s definitely a lot of &ldquo;if&rdquo; statements, working in this manner will take dedicated effort from the entire team, but should result in a quality product.</p>

<p>The other half of the equation is continuous check-ins. Agile’s daily stand-ups work great for co-located full-time teams, if everyone’s in the office by 9 or 10 AM the meeting happens more or less naturally. It’s tempting to replace this with an asynchronous check, like status-report emails, but Fox advocates that teams stick to the ritual. &ldquo;The team needs to check-in frequently &mdash; we recommend daily 5-minute stand-ups &mdash; so that any red flags can be spotted early. Even part-time teams can find 5 minutes a day that the whole team is available. Email isn’t good for this; an interactive meeting, where people can also mention blocking items and others can immediately speak up with suggestions, is the best format,&rdquo; he wrote.</p>

<p>For a part-time team, it may also be tempting to do away with regular meetings entirely and rely solely on the start and end of sprint check-ins. Fox warns that &ldquo;every team [that he has] coached at Berkeley has said that they quickly realized that once-a-week team meetings were nowhere near enough to keep everyone on the same page.&rdquo;</p>

<p>Sprint reviews and retrospectives are important components of Agile. If teams do not regularly evaluate their working practices and performance, bad interactions will continue unchecked and discontent will grow. However, the velocity measurement and end-of-sprint re-assignment tasks can be handled by the scrum master outside of meeting times, and the team leader can use one-on-one meetings and their perception of team mood in stand-ups and sprint planning to reduce the need for sprint review and retrospective.</p>

<p>If you absolutely need to cut back on the number and duration of Agile meetings, cut review and retrospective first. That said, it is important to celebrate the team’s progress each sprint and give people space to air grievances. A decent compromise can be to extend the last stand-up of each sprint to accomplish this communication within the team.</p>

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<h3 id="defining-roles-on-a-part-time-agile-team">Defining Roles On A Part-Time Agile Team</h3>

<p>This section depends entirely on the composition of the team. However, there are a few useful heuristics for assigning roles. Responsibilities assigned should minimize communication overhead (which scales worse-than-linearly with team size), fit individual contributors&rsquo; abilities, and account for team members&rsquo; schedules and availability.</p>

<p>For this section, I turned to Professor Barbara Johnson, who teaches a team software development course that I am currently enrolled in at Grinnell College. She wrote &ldquo;I have sometimes seen teams come to rely upon what might be called a &lsquo;chief organizer&rsquo; who combines the roles of not only a scrum master (who organizes the team) but also the product owner (who coordinates and documents the client’s needs and feedback). This lessens the cognitive overhead of the rest of the team, who then can focus more on moving the project’s code and testing suite forward with each iteration.&rdquo; This matches my experience with part-time teams.</p>

<p>If possible, condense the managerial positions (team lead, product manager, scrum master) into a single role and assign that role to the &ldquo;fullest-time&rdquo; team member. If you have a team of 10 where only 1 person is full-time or otherwise has greater availability, that person should have as many organizational and communication responsibilities as feasible. Part-time teams require just as much communication as full-time teams and an even greater logistical effort, so concentrating that work in one person massively reduces communication overhead.</p>

<p>However, frequently this isn’t possible, either because no one has extra availability or because those people are better suited to individual contributor roles. In that case, I still advocate for condensing managerial responsibilities as much as possible but breaking the product owner back out into its own role. In this case, it’s important to be realistic when estimating how much further work these people will be able to do on user stories considering their other work for the team and client.</p>

<p>Most of the members of the part-time team will be individual contributors. There are two competing philosophies for individual contributors: generalist teams and teams of specialists. Imagine that your team is developing a web application. A generalist team would be composed of entirely full-stack developers. These developers would never be blocked on others&rsquo; work as, in theory, they are equally comfortable on anything from design to deployment. Alternately, if a designer, front-end engineer, back-end engineer, and site reliability engineer comprise a team, they will be fast and effective at their own work because they only spend their time on the thing that they’re best at.</p>

<p>As a team organizer, you may find yourself with a team of generalists, a team of specialists, or a mix. Putting together a part-time team of solid performers is hard enough without restricting yourself to one type of individual contributor, so, fortunately, both types bring something useful to the table. If you can recognize which of your individual contributors are generalists and which are specialists, you can assign tasks more effectively to maximize the impact of their limited work time.</p>

<p>Finally, on teams where people are working ten or fewer hours per week, it is tempting to throw out roles entirely and just say &ldquo;do what you can.&rdquo; Per our theme, these super-part-time teams need even more structured communication but have even less time for it. If everyone has such limited, scattered availability that you cannot justify assigning roles at all, it’s probably worth re-examining the structure, goals, and feasibility of the project.</p>

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alt="'At the bustling Times Square' by Saulo Mohana on Unsplash"


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(Image credit: ‘Saulo Mohana’ on <a href=''>Unsplash</a>) (<a href=''>Large preview</a>)


<h3 id="client-communication">Client Communication</h3>

<p>Software development is slow, complex work, and part-time teams only magnify that truth. Agile includes the client in the process by writing user stories, rapid prototyping, a quick release schedule, and consistent communication.</p>

<p>As a part-time team, communicate reasonable expectations to the client. For a half-time team, remember that development time is cut by more than half, build an extra buffer into doubled estimates. As development time is limited, it is critical to solicit complete, accurate specifications when meeting with the client or end-users to avoid wasting your efforts.</p>

<p>Don’t let part-time work make you fall behind on client communication. Even if there is very little progress to report, soliciting regular feedback and posting updates at a reasonable cadence should increase the client’s patience with the slow development pace.</p>

<h3 id="conclusion-goals-methods">Conclusion: Goals &gt; Methods</h3>

<p>You can get a lot done in a part-time schedule. Outside of coding, 10-20 hours per week is enough time to train for a first marathon. With a strong team and good working practices, it is enough time to bring a great product to the market. Using Agile to encourage up-front planning and continuous check-ins with user stories, regular stand-ups, and well-defined roles will allow even part-time teams to overcome communication barriers and work effectively towards a shared goal.</p>

<h4><span class="rh">Further Reading</span> on SmashingMag:</h4>

<li><a title="Read 'Bringing A Healthy Code Review Mindset To Your Team'" href="" rel="bookmark">Bringing A Healthy Code Review Mindset To Your Team</a></li>
<li><a title="Read 'Creating Authentic Human Connections Within A Remote Team'" href="" rel="bookmark">Creating Authentic Human Connections Within A Remote Team</a></li>
<li><a title="Read 'Building Diverse Design Teams To Drive Innovation'" href="" rel="bookmark">Building Diverse Design Teams To Drive Innovation</a></li>
<li><a title="Read 'The Case For Brand Systems: Aligning Teams Around A Common Story'" href="" rel="bookmark">The Case For Brand Systems: Aligning Teams Around A Common Story</a></li>

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<span>(dm, yk, il)</span>

Mobile App Website Inspiration: 20 Application Websites And Tips To Design One

Original Source:

App websites are sometimes neglected by app owners. The owners or developers set up everything in place for the app to go ballistic on the market, except doing the basic marketing step: designing an app website that converts your visitors to users.

But is it enough to create a random website for an app?


If you do a rushed job, your website will be just as good as not having one. You’ll end up having visitors come to your site that you’ve been promoting and they’ll close the tab as fast as they’ve clicked on your link.

You can avoid this unfortunate situation if you take the time to create eye-catching and engaging app websites designed to consistently convert visitors into users.

It’s really not all that difficult when you follow these 5 simple steps.

5 Simple Steps to Creating the Best App Websites
Step 1: Choose a Mesmerizing Color Palette

Not everyone will necessarily agree with your idea of what a mesmerizing color palette would be. Maybe you’re not even sure what it should look like.

Not a problem. Stick to these 3 simple rules and your selection should be spot on every time:

Your palette should feature colors that immediately attract visitors’ attention.
Make sure it’s on brand so as not to detract from the message.
It needs to be visually supportive of the message as well.

Notice how the use of pastel color touches in this Headspace example are every bit as effective as bold, brash colors. Much more so in fact. They give the site a friendly, lighthearted look that helps to convey the message.

You can create a similar colorful app website with this Be Theme pre-built website that puts an eye-catching palette of bold colors to good use.

Magpie illustrates the result of creating a color palette that aligns perfectly with its brand – in this case, visually memorable pastels.

Muse’s subtle use of a natural, neutral color palette reinforces the message that their product line makes users more mindful and connected as they go about their daily lives.

On the other hand, the vibrancy of the BeApp2 color palette is designed to perfectly appeal to a large audience of physically active users.

Step 2: Feature Crystal-Clear Product Photos and Images

People don’t want clever hints as to what the app looks like. Anytime visitors have to try to figure things out you’ll likely loose them. They want to be able to clearly understand how easy or how difficult using the app will be; and above all how it differs from the other 400 similar ones on the market.

Bite for example, clearly displays how the app appears on a smartphone while giving the user a sense of how easy it is to work with.

You can create a similar app website with BeWallet. This pre-built website provides an excellent starting point for building a website designed for financial apps. Financial apps are in great demand; especially those that are both helpful and straightforward to work with.

BeSoftware provides an excellent foundation for creating a website that allows a visitor to navigate through the inner workings of the app.

The use of before and after examples is a simple yet highly credible way to demonstrate what an app is capable of. JibJab applies this tactic to near perfection.

Step 3: Give Visitors A Clear Picture Of How The App Works

Showing visitors what an app does is a necessary step, but it’s not enough. You need to show how the app works as well. One of the most effective sales drivers lies in the ability of an app website to allow visitors to imagine themselves as actual users of the app.

Video is one of the easiest ways to accomplish this. PeekCalendar’s hero section includes such a video.

BePolyglot may not have been initially created only for presenting an app, but its product in use hero section is exactly what you need to offer the users a preview of your app.

The best way to present a video is to invite the visitor to watch it (not everyone enjoys watching a video that automatically runs). BePay’s video is opened with a CTA button above the fold.

Tunity’s website uses a slider in the hero section to show several examples of how the product works. In fact, the entire website brilliantly presents the various workings of the app in great detail.

Step 4: Don’t Be Afraid To (Over)Use “White” Space On App Websites

An overly generous use of white space often does more good than harm, while sparse usage can have the opposite effect. Use just enough white space to highlight the main message on the page. Add a little bit more, and you’ll be in great shape. White space makes it easier for visitors to focus on a single message or element, or on several.

Curio utilizes a clean, fresh design that makes it ever-so-easy for the eye to focus on what’s most important.

The BeProduct4 or BeHosting2 pre-built websites can be used to create an app website that has the same, clean and fresh effect. Dark “white space” is used effectively in one example; white and pale blue in the other. The message is clearly presented in both examples.

SpellTower is an extreme example of white space usage. 90% or more of the page is white space, yet it is by no means excessive. The user clearly knows where to go or what to do next.

Step 5: Use CTA Designs That Will Grab Visitors By The Eyeballs

The very worst thing you can do with a CTA button (with the possible exception of causing it to send a visitor to the wrong place) is to make it hard to locate. The simple fact is, you want to make it virtually impossible to miss and make your visitor feel compelled to click on it.

Bright and bold are the operative parameters.

The Splitwise CTA button clearly stands out. A visitor will first be drawn to the headline, next to the sub-headline, and the flow naturally extends to the CTA button which is easy to see.

BeERP uses a bright green color to draw attention to the primary CTA button and a somewhat plainer color (black) to highlight the secondary button.

As the BeKids example illustrates, it can be perfectly OK to use the same color for the CTA button as is used in other visual elements; in this case blue. Rather than being lost in the shuffle, the button stands out.


Follow these 5 surefire steps and you should have little problem creating an app website that’s designed to turn visitors into customers. Your mesmerizing color palette and clean imagery will attract attention. Clearly illustrating what the app does and enabling a potential user to visualize how to work with it keeps visitors engaged. White space helps to make the user experience a pleasant one, and bright bold CTA buttons lead to conversions.

It’s important however to remember that the website presentation should be geared to making the intended audience want to use the app.

If you really intend to create as many app websites as possible (while avoiding Christmas Every Day or Groundhog Day issues) you might want to check out Be Theme’s gallery of more than 450 customizable pre-built websites. They’re functional and visually impressive, and they have intuitive navigation and everything else you need to create one attention-getting app website after another.


[– This is a sponsored post on behalf of Be Theme –]


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