WordPress Dashboard: Removing Unwanted Widgets

Original Source: https://1stwebdesigner.com/wordpress-dashboard-remove-widgets/

Your website’s command center, the WordPress dashboard, arrives with several widgets that enhance functionality. However, not all of these may be beneficial for every user. As plugins introduce more widgets over time, your dashboard may start to feel crowded and less straightforward to navigate. WordPress offers the ability to remove these unnecessary widgets, either manually or programmatically. We’ll guide you through both of these methods, aiding in decluttering your dashboard and promoting better website management.

Understanding Widgets

Widgets are elements you can include in your WordPress site’s sidebars or other widget-ready areas. WordPress includes default widgets, and plugins may introduce more. All these widgets can be managed through the Appearance » Widgets screen in your WordPress dashboard. However, an excess of unused widgets can lead to a messy widget screen. To make your dashboard more navigable, consider disabling those you don’t need. For an in-depth look at managing widgets, you can explore the WordPress official documentation.

Manual Widget Removal from WordPress Dashboard

For the quick and temporary cleanup of your dashboard, WordPress allows you to hide widgets that you don’t frequently use. Follow these steps to hide widgets:

Log into your WordPress Dashboard.
Locate the “Screen Options” button at the top right corner of the screen and click on it.
Uncheck the boxes beside the widgets you want to hide.

While this method doesn’t eliminate the widgets entirely, it does make them invisible from your view. Other users can still enable these widgets from the Screen Options panel.

Programmatic Widget Removal from WordPress Dashboard

For a more lasting cleanup, WordPress provides a way to get rid of dashboard widgets completely, preventing other users from turning them back on. This involves adding a code snippet to your theme’s functions.php file or to the site-specific plugin you’re using. Here’s the code snippet:

function clear_dashboard_widgets() {
global $wp_meta_boxes;


add_action('wp_dashboard_setup', 'clear_dashboard_widgets' );

The function above targets and removes the widgets listed. If there are certain widgets you wish to retain, simply remove the corresponding line from the code.

To customize this further, you can add the following function to the functions.php file to restrict the dashboard widget removal to only non-admin users:

if (!current_user_can('manage_options')) {
add_action('wp_dashboard_setup', 'clear_dashboard_widgets' );

Concluding Remarks

Having a neat and organized dashboard is a significant step towards more efficient WordPress management. Discarding unnecessary widgets tailors your dashboard to your exact needs, fostering a more effective and enjoyable user experience.

Aside from decluttering your dashboard, there are other optimization steps you can take to bolster your website’s performance and security. For instance, hiding your WordPress version can contribute to creating a more secure WordPress environment.

We hope these tweaks will help you maintain a clean and efficient dashboard, helping you focus on what truly matters: creating outstanding content.

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How to Optimize UX Design for Screen Readers

Original Source: https://1stwebdesigner.com/how-to-optimize-ux-design-for-screen-readers/

Achieving digital accessibility and optimizing your platform for screen readers, can be a strategic decision with multifaceted benefits. Not only does it reflect empathy and inclusivity for visually impaired users, but it also potentially expands your audience and the reach of your message.

Let’s delve into the importance of UX design for screen readers, practical adaptation strategies, and the continuing commitment toward digital accessibility.

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Screen Readers: Essential Instruments for Digital Accessibility

Screen readers act as interpreters between the digital content and the visually impaired users, transforming visual data into speech or Braille output. A well-crafted UX design for these tools acknowledges the linear and sequential content interpretation that screen readers follow. To put it simply, a screen reader reads the content line by line, from top to bottom, requiring designers to create logical and understandable content flow.

Practical Suggestions for Adapting UX Design for Screen Readers

Modifying your UX design for screen readers is an iterative process that requires planning, attention to detail, and ongoing enhancements. Let’s explore some actionable suggestions.

Consistent Layouts

The fundamental principles of accessibility are predictability and consistency. Applying these principles to your web page design, with uniform layouts, allows users to intuitively anticipate the positioning of elements. Consistent placement of menus and sidebars across various pages, for example, fosters efficient navigation, especially for those relying on screen readers.

Descriptive Labels

Pay attention to the labeling of interactive elements. A button labeled as “Download Tutorial” gives users a clear direction, as opposed to a vague “Click Here.” Descriptive labels significantly improve navigability, making your site more user-friendly for visually impaired users.

Comprehensive Image Alt Text

Make your visual content accessible to screen readers with comprehensive alt text. Alt text serves as a narrative for images, assisting screen readers in conveying the purpose and context. Alt text like “Pie chart showing website traffic sources” is a valuable nugget of information for users reliant on screen readers.

Accessible Forms

Think about how your form controls can be understood by screen readers. Accurate labeling of each form field, such as indicating “Enter your name” in a name field, can improve interaction for users relying on screen readers.

Logical Content Structure

Well-structured, logically ordered content is crucial when designing for screen readers. As these tools interpret content from top to bottom, it’s essential to place significant messages and calls to action strategically for maximum impact.

An insightful study by the Nielsen Norman Group illustrates the hurdles that screen reader users encounter, especially on mobile devices. The study emphasizes that although third-party solutions can be part of the answer, solely relying on them may fall short. While they might tick the boxes for standard accessibility requirements, these tools don’t necessarily account for the specific needs of your users.

Thus, integrating accessibility improvements within your design process provides a more inclusive and tailored user experience. The goal is to create a balanced approach, incorporating third-party tools as a starting point while continuously refining your design based on user feedback and evolving accessibility standards.

Final Thoughts

Optimizing your UX design for screen readers isn’t a task you complete and forget. It’s an ongoing process, driven by user feedback and the changing landscape of accessibility standards.

Taking on this task presents the potential to cater to a wider audience, delivering both ethical and commercial benefits. The strategy of improving website accessibility can also foster business value, extending your reach to a more diverse user base.

Ensuring digital accessibility is a commitment to understanding and learning from the experiences of all users. It’s not just about compliance but about providing a seamless user experience irrespective of abilities.

How to Limit Post Revisions in WordPress

Original Source: https://1stwebdesigner.com/limit-post-revisions-wordpress/

Optimizing your WordPress workflow often involves tweaking a few settings and functions. One of these features is post revisions. This built-in functionality can be a lifesaver, especially when you want to revert changes or restore an earlier version of a post. However, having an excessive number of revisions can be overwhelming and may clutter your database.

We’ll guide you through the steps to limit post revisions in WordPress, without turning to specific plugins.

Understanding WordPress Post Revisions

Post revisions, a core feature of WordPress, allows you to undo changes and revert to previous versions of your posts or pages. For every draft in progress, WordPress automatically generates a temporary revision (known as an auto-save) every 60 seconds. It supersedes older versions with these new auto-saves.

Alongside auto-saves, WordPress creates permanent revisions each time a user hits save, update, or publish. These permanent revisions are stored in the WordPress database and can be managed from the post-edit screen.

Why Would You Limit Post Revisions?

Limiting post revisions does not necessarily mean you’re capping your site’s performance. WordPress intelligently excludes post revisions from the database calls on the front end, only including them on the post-edit screen or while browsing revisions.

However, having a large number of post revisions can cause your WordPress database to become bulky, and although it won’t affect your site’s performance, it may make you feel a bit disorganized. Keeping your database clean and neat is good practice and can make your backend operations smoother.

The Manual Approach

Now, let’s jump into how you can limit post revisions manually in WordPress without the use of plugins.

Restricting the Number of WordPress Post Revisions

WordPress enables you to control the number of revisions retained for an article. To set a limit, you’ll need to add a specific line of code to your WordPress site’s wp-config.php file.

define( 'WP_POST_REVISIONS', 7 );

In the above code snippet, replace “7” with the desired number of revisions you wish to store for each post. Remember to save and close the file after making your adjustments.

How to Completely Turn Off WordPress Post Revisions

If your objective is to entirely disable post revisions, WordPress allows for this as well. By incorporating the following line of code into your wp-config.php file, you can turn off the post revision functionality:

define('WP_POST_REVISIONS', false );

Specifically, this command will deactivate the post revisions feature on your website. However, it’s crucial to understand that WordPress will continue to preserve one auto-save and one browser-stored revision despite this change.

Wrapping Up

Fine-tuning how post revisions are handled in WordPress can lead to a tidier database and a more streamlined content production process. It’s worth noting that manipulating core files requires a basic level of comfort with code or additional guidance. For related WordPress management topics, feel free to check out our guide on managing widgets in your WordPress dashboard.

Best Backend as a Service (BaaS) in 2023

Original Source: https://www.sitepoint.com/best-backend-as-a-service-baas-in-2023/?utm_source=rss

Best Backend as a Service (BaaS) in 2023

Learn about the best BaaS solutions, including free and open-source options, their pros and cons, how to choose the best one for your project.

Continue reading
Best Backend as a Service (BaaS) in 2023
on SitePoint.

Making an Underwater CSS Text Effect

Original Source: https://1stwebdesigner.com/underwater-css-text-effect/

Web design can serve as a playful exploration ground for learning new techniques. In today’s guide, we’ll dive into the creation of an underwater CSS text effect, not just for the visual outcome, but to deepen our understanding of how different CSS properties harmonize to create dynamic text effects.

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Setting up the Structure

Our journey into the deep sea starts with a simple HTML structure: a div element with the class underwater, wrapping around an h1 tag.

<div class="underwater">

Achieving the Underwater Effect

For our underwater CSS text effect, we introduce a range of CSS properties such as background-image, animation, and -webkit-background-clip.

@import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Maven+Pro:wght@700&amp;display=swap');

/* Using a dark background color for optimal contrast */
background-color: #000;
font-family: 'Maven Pro', sans-serif;

.underwater h1{
/* Font settings: sizing and a semi-transparent color */
font-size: 2.5rem;
color: #2c3e5010;

/* Assigning an underwater image as the background */
background-image: url('https://w7.pngwing.com/pngs/183/509/png-transparent-under-water-scenery-sunlight-underwater-ray-star-ocean-atmosphere-cloud-computer-wallpaper.png');

/* Clipping the background image to the outline of the text */

/* Setting a 10s infinite animation for a dynamic effect */
animation: waterEffect 10s infinite;

/* Animation to simulate flowing water */
@keyframes waterEffect {
0% { background-position: left 0 top 0; }
100% { background-position: left 100% top 0; }

Explaining Key CSS Properties and Values

Breaking down our CSS code, the first point of interest is the background-image property. By setting an underwater image as the background, we immediately set the tone for our effect.

The -webkit-background-clip:text property clips the background image to the shape of the text. It allows the underwater image to fill the text, setting the stage for our effect.

The color property plays a vital role as well. We’re using a semi-transparent color (color: #2c3e5010;), where the last two digits 10 represent the alpha channel in hexadecimal format, controlling the transparency. This enables the background image to shine through, enhancing the underwater illusion.

The animation property sets our waterEffect animation into motion. Defined by the @keyframes rule, it continuously shifts the background-position from left 0 top 0 to left 100% top 0, creating the illusion of water flowing over the text.

The Result

See the Pen
Underwater Text Effect by 1stWebDesigner (@firstwebdesigner)
on CodePen.0

Exploring Other Methods

Different methods can achieve similar effects. An alternate approach involves utilizing the clip-path property with CSS animations, yielding a wavy text appearance akin to an underwater CSS text effect. This method manipulates the clip region of an element over time, evoking a dynamic sense of movement reminiscent of water’s rhythmic flow. In addition, the technique doesn’t necessitate a background image, instead, it transforms the appearance of the text directly. By turning to this method, you’re exposed to yet another aspect of CSS and its potential for dynamic text effects.

Brown Branding Mockup Series: A Designer's Dream Come True

Original Source: https://abduzeedo.com/brown-branding-mockup-series-designers-dream-come-true

Brown Branding Mockup Series: A Designer’s Dream Come True
Brown Branding Mockup Series: A Designer's Dream Come True


As someone who has been in the design world for 20 years, I can testify to the importance of having the right tools at your disposal. The latest offering that has captured my professional interest is the Brown Branding Mockup Series by Showcase Mockups. I’m thrilled to share some insights into why this series is a must-have for any serious designer, regardless of their specialization.

The Brown Branding Mockup Series is an array of elegantly crafted mockups that showcase various objects including paper bags, boxes, envelopes, letterhead, and business cards. These items are integral to building and representing a brand’s identity, and what better way to present them than with highly realistic and customizable mockups?

Versatility: The series caters to a broad spectrum of design needs, be it branding for a start-up or rebranding for an established organization. The different objects provided allow for a complete and cohesive presentation.
Quality: Created by Showcase Mockups, the team behind renowned design resources, the quality is impeccable. Every detail, texture, and shadow has been meticulously crafted to produce a lifelike replica of the real thing.
Ease of Use: Even though I have two decades of experience, I appreciate tools that simplify my workflow. These mockups are easy to work with and allow for quick adjustments, making them suitable for designers at any stage of their career.

Including the Brown Branding Mockup Series in your portfolio isn’t just about aesthetics; it’s about demonstrating your ability to create cohesive brand identity across various mediums. It exhibits your understanding of how each element, from business cards to packaging, plays a role in brand perception.

I wholeheartedly recommend taking advantage of this offering by Showcase Mockups. Whether you’re presenting a concept to a client or enhancing your portfolio, the Brown Branding Mockup Series is an invaluable asset that highlights the nuanced craft of branding.

In my extensive career, I have rarely come across a set of mockups so finely tuned to the needs of modern designers. Don’t miss out on this exceptional opportunity to elevate your work. Visit showcasebh.com  and enrich your design toolkit today.

Branding mockup examples

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