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Passkeys: A No-Frills Explainer On The Future Of Password-Less Authentication

Original Source: https://smashingmagazine.com/2023/10/passkeys-explainer-future-password-less-authentication/

Passkeys are a new way of authenticating applications and websites. Instead of having to remember a password, a third-party service provider (e.g., Google or Apple) generates and stores a cryptographic key pair that is bound to a website domain. Since you have access to the service provider, you have access to the keys, which you can then use to log in.

This cryptographic key pair contains both private and public keys that are used for authenticating messages. These key pairs are often known as asymmetric or public key cryptography.

Public and private key pair? Asymmetric cryptography? Like most modern technology, passkeys are described by esoteric verbiage and acronyms that make them difficult to discuss. That’s the point of this article. I want to put the complex terms aside and help illustrate how passkeys work, explain what they are effective at, and demonstrate what it looks like to work with them.

How Passkeys Work

Passkeys are cryptographic keys that rely on generating signatures. A signature is proof that a message is authentic. How so? It happens first by hashing (a fancy term for “obscuring”) the message and then creating a signature from that hash with your private key. The private key in the cryptographic key pair allows the signature to be generated, and the public key, which is shared with others, allows the service to verify that the message did, in fact, come from you.

In short, passkeys consist of two keys: a public and private. One verifies a signature while the other verifies you, and the communication between them is what grants you access to an account.

Here’s a quick way of generating a signing and verification key pair to authenticate a message using the SubtleCrypto API. While this is only part of how passkeys work, it does illustrate how the concept works cryptographically underneath the specification.

const message = new TextEncoder().encode(“My message”);

const keypair = await crypto.subtle.generateKey(
{ name: “ECDSA”, namedCurve: “P-256” },
[ ‘sign’, ‘verify’ ]

const signature = await crypto.subtle.sign(
{ name: “ECDSA”, hash: “SHA-256” },

// Normally, someone else would be doing the verification using your public key
// but it’s a bit easier to see it yourself this way
“Did my private key sign this message?”,
await crypto.subtle.verify(
{ name: “ECDSA”, hash: “SHA-256” },

Notice the three parts pulling all of this together:

Message: A message is constructed.
Key pair: The public and private keys are generated. One key is used for the signature, and the other is set to do the verification.
Signature: A signature is signed by the private key, verifying the message’s authenticity.

From there, a third party would authenticate the private key with the public key, verifying the correct pair of keys or key pair. We’ll get into the weeds of how the keys are generated and used in just a bit, but for now, this is some context as we continue to understand why passkeys can potentially erase the need for passwords.

Why Passkeys Can Replace Passwords

Since the responsibility of storing passkeys is removed and transferred to a third-party service provider, you only have to control the “parent” account in order to authenticate and gain access. This is a lot like requiring single sign-on (SSO) for an account via Google, Facebook, or LinkedIn, but instead, we use an account that has control of the passkey stored for each individual website.

For example, I can use my Google account to store passkeys for somerandomwebsite.com. That allows me to prove a challenge by using that passkey’s private key and thus authenticate and log into somerandomwebsite.com.

For the non-tech savvy, this typically looks like a prompt that the user can click to log in. Since the credentials (i.e., username and password) are tied to the domain name (somerandomwebsite.com), and passkeys created for a domain name are only accessible to the user at login, the user can select which passkey they wish to use for access. This is usually only one login, but in some cases, you can create multiple logins for a single domain and then select which one you wish to use from there.

So, what’s the downside? Having to store additional cryptographic keys for each login and every site for which you have a passkey often requires more space than storing a password. However, I would argue that the security gains, the user experience from not having to remember a password, and the prevention of common phishing techniques more than offset the increased storage space.

How Passkeys Protect Us

Passkeys prevent a couple of security issues that are quite common, specifically leaked database credentials and phishing attacks.

Database Leaks

Have you ever shared a password with a friend or colleague by copying and pasting it for them in an email or text? That could lead to a security leak. So would a hack on a system that stores customer information, like passwords, which is then sold on dark marketplaces or made public. In many cases, it’s a weak set of credentials — like an email and password combination — that can be stolen with a fair amount of ease.

Passkeys technology circumvents this because passkeys only store a public key to an account, and as you may have guessed by the name, this key is expected to be made accessible to anyone who wants to use it. The public key is only used for verification purposes and, for the intended use case of passkeys, is effectively useless without the private key to go with it, as the two are generated as a pair. Therefore, those previous juicy database leaks are no longer useful, as they can no longer be used for cracking the password for your account. Cracking a similar private key would take millions of years at this point in time.


Passwords rely on knowing what the password is for a given login: anyone with that same information has the same level of access to the same account as you do. There are sophisticated phishing sites that look like they’re by Microsoft or Google and will redirect you to the real provider after you attempt to log into their fake site. The damage is already done at that point; your credentials are captured, and hopefully, the same credentials weren’t being used on other sites, as now you’re compromised there as well.

A passkey, by contrast, is tied to a domain. You gain a new element of security: the fact that only you have the private key. Since the private key is not feasible to remember nor computationally easy to guess, we can guarantee that you are who you say we are (at least as long as your passkey provider is not compromised). So, that fake phishing site? It will not even show the passkey prompt because the domain is different, and thus completely mitigates phishing attempts.

There are, of course, theoretical attacks that can make passkeys vulnerable, like someone compromising your DNS server to send you to a domain that now points to their fake site. That said, you probably have deeper issues to concern yourself with if it gets to that point.

Implementing Passkeys

At a high level, a few items are needed to start using passkeys, at least for the common sign-up and log-in process. You’ll need a temporary cache of some sort, such as redis or memcache, for storing temporary challenges that users can authenticate against, as well as a more permanent data store for storing user accounts and their public key information, which can be used to authenticate the user over the course of their account lifetime. These aren’t hard requirements but rather what’s typical of what would be developed for this kind of authentication process.

To understand passkeys properly, though, we want to work through a couple of concepts. The first concept is what is actually taking place when we generate a passkey. How are passkeys generated, and what are the underlying cryptographic primitives that are being used? The second concept is how passkeys are used to verify information and why that information can be trusted.

Generating Passkeys

A passkey involves an authenticator to generate the key pair. The authenticator can either be hardware or software. For example, it can be a hardware security key, the operating system’s Trusted Platform Module (TPM), or some other application. In the cases of Android or iOS, we can use the device’s secure enclave.

To connect to an authenticator, we use what’s called the Client to Authenticator Protocol (CTAP). CTAP allows us to connect to hardware over different connections through the browser. For example, we can connect via CTAP using an NFC, Bluetooth, or a USB connection. This is useful in cases where we want to log in on one device while another device contains our passkeys, as is the case on some operating systems that do not support passkeys at the time of writing.

A passkey is built off another web API called WebAuthn. While the APIs are very similar, the WebAuthn API differs in that passkeys allow for cloud syncing of the cryptographic keys and do not require knowledge of whom the user is to log in, as that information is stored in a passkey with its Relying Party (RP) information. The two APIs otherwise share the same flows and cryptographic operations.

Storing Passkeys

Let’s look at an extremely high-level overview of how I’ve stored and kept track of passkeys in my demo repo. This is how the database is structured.

Basically, a users table has public_keys, which, in turn, contains information about the public key, as well as the public key itself.

From there, I’m caching certain information, including challenges to verify authenticity and data about the sessions in which the challenges take place.

Again, this is only a high-level look to give you a clearer idea of what information is stored and how it is stored.

Verifying Passkeys

There are several entities involved in passkey:

The authenticator, which we previously mentioned, generates our key material.
The client that triggers the passkey generation process via the navigator.credentials.create call.
The Relying Party takes the resulting public key from that call and stores it to be used for subsequent verification.

In our case, you are the client and the Relying Party is the website server you are trying to sign up and log into. The authenticator can either be your mobile phone, a hardware key, or some other device capable of generating your cryptographic keys.

Passkeys are used in two phases: the attestation phase and the assertion phase. The attestation phase is likened to a registration that you perform when first signing up for a service. Instead of an email and password, we generate a passkey.

Assertion is similar to logging in to a service after we are registered, and instead of verifying with a username and password, we use the generated passkey to access the service.

Each phase initially requires a random challenge generated by the Relying Party, which is then signed by the authenticator before the client sends the signature back to the Relying Party to prove account ownership.

Browser API Usage

We’ll be looking at how the browser constructs and supplies information for passkeys so that you can store and utilize it for your login process. First, we’ll start with the attestation phase and then the assertion phase.

Attest To It

The following shows how to create a new passkey using the navigator.credentials.create API. From it, we receive an AuthenticatorAttestationResponse, and we want to send portions of that response to the Relying Party for storage.

const { challenge } = await (await fetch(“/attestation/generate”)).json(); // Server call mock to get a random challenge

const options = {
// Our challenge should be a base64-url encoded string
challenge: new TextEncoder().encode(challenge),
rp: {
id: window.location.host,
name: document.title,
user: {
id: new TextEncoder().encode(“my-user-id”),
name: ‘John’,
displayName: ‘John Smith’,
pubKeyCredParams: [ // See COSE algorithms for more: https://www.iana.org/assignments/cose/cose.xhtml#algorithms
type: ‘public-key’,
alg: -7, // ES256
type: ‘public-key’,
alg: -256, // RS256
type: ‘public-key’,
alg: -37, // PS256
authenticatorSelection: {
userVerification: ‘preferred’, // Do you want to use biometrics or a pin?
residentKey: ‘required’, // Create a resident key e.g. passkey
attestation: ‘indirect’, // indirect, direct, or none
timeout: 60_000,

// Create the credential through the Authenticator
const credential = await navigator.credentials.create({
publicKey: options

// Our main attestation response. See: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/AuthenticatorAttestationResponse
const attestation = credential.response as AuthenticatorAttestationResponse;

// Now send this information off to the Relying Party
// An unencoded example payload with most of the useful information
const payload = {
kid: credential.id,
clientDataJSON: attestation.clientDataJSON,
attestationObject: attestation.attestationObject,
pubkey: attestation.getPublicKey(),
coseAlg: attestation.getPublicKeyAlgorithm(),

The AuthenticatorAttestationResponse contains the clientDataJSON as well as the attestationObject. We also have a couple of useful methods that save us from trying to retrieve the public key from the attestationObject and retrieving the COSE algorithm of the public key: getPublicKey and getPublicKeyAlgorithm.

Let’s dig into these pieces a little further.

Parsing The Attestation clientDataJSON

The clientDataJSON object is composed of a few fields we need. We can convert it to a workable object by decoding it and then running it through JSON.parse.

type DecodedClientDataJSON = {
challenge: string,
origin: string,
type: string

const decoded: DecodedClientDataJSON = JSON.parse(new TextDecoder().decode(attestation.clientDataJSON));
const {
} = decoded;

Now we have a few fields to check against: challenge, origin, type.

Our challenge is the Base64-url encoded string that was passed to the server. The origin is the host (e.g., https://my.passkeys.com) of the server we used to generate the passkey. Meanwhile, the type is webauthn.create. The server should verify that all the values are expected when parsing the clientDataJSON.

Decoding TheattestationObject

The attestationObject is a CBOR encoded object. We need to use a CBOR decoder to actually see what it contains. We can use a package like cbor-x for that.

import { decode } from ‘cbor-x/decode’;

enum DecodedAttestationObjectFormat {
none = ‘none’,
packed = ‘packed’,
type DecodedAttestationObjectAttStmt = {
x5c?: Uint8Array[];
sig?: Uint8Array;

type DecodedAttestationObject = {
fmt: DecodedAttestationObjectFormat;
authData: Uint8Array;
attStmt: DecodedAttestationObjectAttStmt;

const decodedAttestationObject: DecodedAttestationObject = decode(
new Uint8Array(attestation.attestationObject)

const {
} = decodedAttestationObject;

fmt will often be evaluated to “none” here for passkeys. Other types of fmt are generated through other types of authenticators.

Accessing authData

The authData is a buffer of values with the following structure:

Length (bytes)

This is the SHA-256 hash of the origin, e.g., my.passkeys.com.

Flags determine multiple pieces of information (specification).

This should always be 0000 for passkeys.

This will contain credential data if it’s available in a COSE key format.

These are any optional extensions for authentication.

It is recommended to use the getPublicKey method here instead of manually retrieving the attestedCredentialData.

A Note About The attStmt Object

This is often an empty object for passkeys. However, in other cases of a packed format, which includes the sig, we will need to perform some authentication to verify the sig. This is out of the scope of this article, as it often requires a hardware key or some other type of device-based login.

Retrieving The Encoded Public Key

The getPublicKey method can retrieve the Subject Public Key Info (SPKI) encoded version of the public key, which is a different from the COSE key format (more on that next) within the attestedCredentialData that the decodedAttestationObject.attStmt has. The SPKI format has the benefit of being compatible with a Web Crypto importKey function to more easily verify assertion signatures in the next phase.

// Example of importing attestation public key directly into Web Crypto
const pubkey = await crypto.subtle.importKey(
{ name: “ECDSA”, namedCurve: “P-256” },

Generating Keys With COSE Algorithms

The algorithms that can be used to generate cryptographic material for a passkey are specified by their COSE Algorithm. For passkeys generated for the web, we want to be able to generate keys using the following algorithms, as they are supported natively in Web Crypto. Personally, I prefer ECDSA-based algorithms since the key sizes are quite a bit smaller than RSA keys.

The COSE algorithms are declared in the pubKeyCredParams array within the AuthenticatorAttestationResponse. We can retrieve the COSE algorithm from the attestationObject with the getPublicKeyAlgorithm method. For example, if getPublicKeyAlgorithm returned -7, we’d know that the key used the ES256 algorithm.


ECDSA w/ SHA-512

ECDSA w/ SHA-384

ECDSA w/ SHA-256

RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 using SHA-512

RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 using SHA-384

RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 using SHA-256




Responding To The Attestation Payload

I want to show you an example of a response we would send to the server for registration. In short, the safeByteEncode function is used to change the buffers into Base64-url encoded strings.

type AttestationCredentialPayload = {
kid: string;
clientDataJSON: string;
attestationObject: string;
pubkey: string;
coseAlg: number;

const payload: AttestationCredentialPayload = {
kid: credential.id,
clientDataJSON: safeByteEncode(attestation.clientDataJSON),
attestationObject: safeByteEncode(attestation.attestationObject),
pubkey: safeByteEncode(attestation.getPublicKey() as ArrayBuffer),
coseAlg: attestation.getPublicKeyAlgorithm(),

The credential id (kid) should always be captured to look up the user’s keys, as it will be the primary key in the public_keys table.

From there:

The server would check the clientDataJSON to ensure the same challenge is used.
The origin is checked, and the type is set to webauthn.create.
We check the attestationObject to ensure it has an fmt of none, the rpIdHash of the authData, as well as any flags and the signCount.

Optionally, we could check to see if the attestationObject.attStmt has a sig and verify the public key against it, but that’s for other types of WebAuthn flows we won’t go into.

We should store the public key and the COSE algorithm in the database at the very least. It is also beneficial to store the attestationObject in case we require more information for verification. The signCount is always incremented on every login attempt if supporting other types of WebAuthn logins; otherwise, it should always be for 0000 for a passkey.

Asserting Yourself

Now we have to retrieve a stored passkey using the navigator.credentials.get API. From it, we receive the AuthenticatorAssertionResponse, which we want to send portions of to the Relying Party for verification.

const { challenge } = await (await fetch(“/assertion/generate”)).json(); // Server call mock to get a random challenge

const options = {
challenge: new TextEncoder().encode(challenge),
rpId: window.location.host,
timeout: 60_000,

// Sign the challenge with our private key via the Authenticator
const credential = await navigator.credentials.get({
publicKey: options,
mediation: ‘optional’,

// Our main assertion response. See: <https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/AuthenticatorAssertionResponse>
const assertion = credential.response as AuthenticatorAssertionResponse;

// Now send this information off to the Relying Party
// An example payload with most of the useful information
const payload = {
kid: credential.id,
clientDataJSON: safeByteEncode(assertion.clientDataJSON),
authenticatorData: safeByteEncode(assertion.authenticatorData),
signature: safeByteEncode(assertion.signature),

The AuthenticatorAssertionResponse again has the clientDataJSON, and now the authenticatorData. We also have the signature that needs to be verified with the stored public key we captured in the attestation phase.

Decoding The Assertion clientDataJSON

The assertion clientDataJSON is very similar to the attestation version. We again have the challenge, origin, and type. Everything is the same, except the type is now webauthn.get.

type DecodedClientDataJSON = {
challenge: string,
origin: string,
type: string

const decoded: DecodedClientDataJSON = JSON.parse(new TextDecoder().decode(assertion.clientDataJSON));
const {
} = decoded;

Understanding The authenticatorData

The authenticatorData is similar to the previous attestationObject.authData, except we no longer have the public key included (e.g., the attestedCredentialData ), nor any extensions.

Length (bytes)

This is a SHA-256 hash of the origin, e.g., my.passkeys.com.

Flags that determine multiple pieces of information (specification).

This should always be 0000 for passkeys, just as it should be for authData.

Verifying The signature

The signature is what we need to verify that the user trying to log in has the private key. It is the result of the concatenation of the authenticatorData and clientDataHash (i.e., the SHA-256 version of clientDataJSON).

To verify with the public key, we need to also concatenate the authenticatorData and clientDataHash. If the verification returns true, we know that the user is who they say they are, and we can let them authenticate into the application.

Here’s an example of how this is calculated:

const clientDataHash = await crypto.subtle.digest(
// For concatBuffer see: <https://github.com/nealfennimore/passkeys/blob/main/src/utils.ts#L31>
const data = concatBuffer(

// NOTE: the signature from the assertion is in ASN.1 DER encoding. To get it working with Web Crypto
//We need to transform it into r|s encoding, which is specific for ECDSA algorithms)
// For fromAsn1DERtoRSSignature see: <https://github.com/nealfennimore/passkeys/blob/main/src/crypto.ts#L60>’
const isVerified = await crypto.subtle.verify(
{ name: ‘ECDSA’, hash: ‘SHA-256’ },
fromAsn1DERtoRSSignature(signature, 256),

Sending The Assertion Payload

Finally, we get to send a response to the server with the assertion for logging into the application.

type AssertionCredentialPayload = {
kid: string;
clientDataJSON: string;
authenticatorData: string;
signature: string;

const payload: AssertionCredentialPayload = {
kid: credential.id,
clientDataJSON: safeByteEncode(assertion.clientDataJSON),
authenticatorData: safeByteEncode(assertion.authenticatorData),
signature: safeByteEncode(assertion.signature),

To complete the assertion phase, we first look up the stored public key, kid.

Next, we verify the following:

clientDataJSON again to ensure the same challenge is used,
The origin is the same, and
That the type is webauthn.get.

The authenticatorData can be used to check the rpIdHash, flags, and the signCount one more time. Finally, we take the signature and ensure that the stored public key can be used to verify that the signature is valid.

At this point, if all went well, the server should have verified all the information and allowed you to access your account! Congrats — you logged in with passkeys!

No More Passwords?

Do passkeys mean the end of passwords? Probably not… at least for a while anyway. Passwords will live on. However, there’s hope that more and more of the industry will begin to use passkeys. You can already find it implemented in many of the applications you use every day.

Passkeys was not the only implementation to rely on cryptographic means of authentication. A notable example is SQRL (pronounced “squirrel”). The industry as a whole, however, has decided to move forth with passkeys.

Hopefully, this article demystified some of the internal workings of passkeys. The industry as a whole is going to be using passkeys more and more, so it’s important to at least get acclimated. With all the security gains that passkeys provide and the fact that it’s resistant to phishing attacks, we can at least be more at ease browsing the internet when using them.

The Fight For The Main Thread

Original Source: https://smashingmagazine.com/2023/10/speedcurve-fight-main-thread/

This article is a sponsored by SpeedCurve

Performance work is one of those things, as they say, that ought to happen in development. You know, have a plan for it and write code that’s mindful about adding extra weight to the page.

But not everything about performance happens directly at the code level, right? I’d say many — if not most — sites and apps rely on some number of third-party scripts where we might not have any influence over the code. Analytics is a good example. Writing a hand-spun analytics tracking dashboard isn’t what my clients really want to pay me for, so I’ll drop in the ol’ Google Analytics script and maybe never think of it again.

That’s one example and a common one at that. But what’s also common is managing multiple third-party scripts on a single page. One of my clients is big into user tracking, so in addition to a script for analytics, they’re also running third-party scripts for heatmaps, cart abandonments, and personalized recommendations — typical e-commerce stuff. All of that is dumped on any given page in one fell swoop courtesy of Google Tag Manager (GTM), which allows us to deploy and run scripts without having to go through the pain of re-deploying the entire site.

As a result, adding and executing scripts is a fairly trivial task. It is so effortless, in fact, that even non-developers on the team have contributed their own fair share of scripts, many of which I have no clue what they do. The boss wants something, and it’s going to happen one way or another, and GTM facilitates that work without friction between teams.

All of this adds up to what I often hear described as a “fight for the main thread.” That’s when I started hearing more performance-related jargon, like web workers, Core Web Vitals, deferring scripts, and using pre-connect, among others. But what I’ve started learning is that these technical terms for performance make up an arsenal of tools to combat performance bottlenecks.

The real fight, it seems, is evaluating our needs as developers and stakeholders against a user’s needs, namely, the need for a fast and frictionless page load.

Fighting For The Main Thread

We’re talking about performance in the context of JavaScript, but there are lots of things that happen during a page load. The HTML is parsed. Same deal with CSS. Elements are rendered. JavaScript is loaded, and scripts are executed.

All of this happens on the main thread. I’ve heard the main thread described as a highway that gets cars from Point A to Point B; the more cars that are added to the road, the more crowded it gets and the more time it takes for cars to complete their trip. That’s accurate, I think, but we can take it a little further because this particular highway has just one lane, and it only goes in one direction. My mind thinks of San Francisco’s Lombard Street, a twisty one-way path of a tourist trap on a steep decline.

The main thread may not be that curvy, but you get the point: there’s only one way to go, and everything that enters it must go through it.

JavaScript operates in much the same way. It’s “single-threaded,” which is how we get the one-way street comparison. I like how Brian Barbour explains it:

“This means it has one call stack and one memory heap. As expected, it executes code in order and must finish executing a piece of code before moving on to the next. It’s synchronous, but at times that can be harmful. For example, if a function takes a while to execute or has to wait on something, it freezes everything up in the meantime.”

— Brian Barbour

So, there we have it: a fight for the main thread. Each resource on a page is a contender vying for a spot on the thread and wants to run first. If one contender takes its sweet time doing its job, then the contenders behind it in line just have to wait.

Monitoring The Main Thread

If you’re like me, I immediately reach for DevTools and open the Lighthouse tab when I need to look into a site’s performance. It covers a lot of ground, like reporting stats about a page’s load time that include Time to First Byte (TTFB), First Contentful Paint (FCP), Largest Contentful Paint (LCP), Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS), and so on.

I love this stuff! But I also am scared to death of it. I mean, this is stuff for back-end engineers, right? A measly front-end designer like me can be blissfully ignorant of all this mumbo-jumbo.

Meh, untrue. Like accessibility, performance is everyone’s job because everyone’s work contributes to it. Even the choice to use a particular CSS framework influences performance.

Total Blocking Time

One thing I know would be more helpful than a set of Core Web Vitals scores from Lighthouse is knowing the time it takes to go from the First Contentful Paint (FCP) to the Time to Interactive (TTI), a metric known as the Total Blocking Time (TBT). You can see that Lighthouse does indeed provide that metric. Let’s look at it for a site that’s much “heavier” than Smashing Magazine.

There we go. The problem with the Lighthouse report, though, is that I have no idea what is causing that TBT. We can get a better view if we run the same test in another service, like SpeedCurve, which digs deeper into the metric. We can expand the metric to glean insights into what exactly is causing traffic on the main thread.

That’s a nice big view and is a good illustration of TBT’s impact on page speed. The user is forced to wait a whopping 4.1 seconds between the time the first significant piece of content loads and the time the page becomes interactive. That’s a lifetime in web seconds, particularly considering that this test is based on a desktop experience on a high-speed connection.

One of my favorite charts in SpeedCurve is this one showing the distribution of Core Web Vitals metrics during render. You can see the delta between contentful paints and interaction!

Spotting Long Tasks

What I really want to see is JavaScript, which takes more than 50ms to run. These are called long tasks, and they contribute the most strain on the main thread. If I scroll down further into the report, all of the long tasks are highlighted in red.

Another way I can evaluate scripts is by opening up the Waterfall View. The default view is helpful to see where a particular event happens in the timeline.

But wait! This report can be expanded to see not only what is loaded at the various points in time but whether they are blocking the thread and by how much. Most important are the assets that come before the FCP.

First & Third Party Scripts

I can see right off the bat that Optimizely is serving a render-blocking script. SpeedCurve can go even deeper by distinguishing between first- and third-party scripts.

That way, I can see more detail about what’s happening on the Optimizely side of things.

Monitoring Blocking Scripts

With that in place, SpeedCurve actually lets me track all the resources from a specific third-party source in a custom graph that offers me many more data points to evaluate. For example, I can dive into scripts that come from Optimizely with a set of custom filters to compare them with overall requests and sizes.

This provides a nice way to compare the impact of different third-party scripts that represent blocking and long tasks, like how much time those long tasks represent.

Or perhaps which of these sources are actually render-blocking:

These are the kinds of tools that allow us to identify bottlenecks and make a case for optimizing them or removing them altogether. SpeedCurve allows me to monitor this over time, giving me better insight into the performance of those assets.

Monitoring Interaction to Next Paint

There’s going to be a new way to gain insights into main thread traffic when Interaction to Next Paint (INP) is released as a new core vital metric in March 2024. It replaces the First Input Delay (FID) metric.

What’s so important about that? Well, FID has been used to measure load responsiveness, which is a fancy way of saying it looks at how fast the browser loads the first user interaction on the page. And by interaction, we mean some action the user takes that triggers an event, such as a click, mousedown, keydown, or pointerdown event. FID looks at the time the user sparks an interaction and how long the browser processes — or responds to — that input.

FID might easily be overlooked when trying to diagnose long tasks on the main thread because it looks at the amount of time a user spends waiting after interacting with the page rather than the time it takes to render the page itself. It can’t be replicated with lab data because it’s based on a real user interaction. That said, FID is correlated to TBT in that the higher the FID, the higher the TBT, and vice versa. So, TBT is often the go-to metric for identifying long tasks because it can be measured with lab data as well as real-user monitoring (RUM).

But FID is wrought with limitations, the most significant perhaps being that it’s only a measure of the first interaction. That’s where INP comes into play. Instead of measuring the first interaction and only the first interaction, it measures all interactions on a page. Jeremy Wagner has a more articulate explanation:

“The goal of INP is to ensure the time from when a user initiates an interaction until the next frame is painted is as short as possible for all or most interactions the user makes.”
— Jeremy Wagner

Some interactions are naturally going to take longer to respond than others. So, we might think of FID as merely a first impression of responsiveness, whereas INP is a more complete picture. And like FID, the INP score is closely correlated with TBT but even more so, as Annie Sullivan reports:

Thankfully, performance tools are already beginning to bake INP into their reports. SpeedCurve is indeed one of them, and its report shows how its RUM capabilities can be used to illustrate the correlation between INP and long tasks on the main thread. This correlation chart illustrates how INP gets worse as the total long tasks’ time increases.

What’s cool about this report is that it is always collecting data, providing a way to monitor INP and its relationship to long tasks over time.

Not All Scripts Are Created Equal

There is such a thing as a “good” script. It’s not like I’m some anti-JavaScript bloke intent on getting scripts off the web. But what constitutes a “good” one is nuanced.

Who’s It Serving?

Some scripts benefit the organization, and others benefit the user (or both). The challenge is balancing business needs with user needs.

I think web fonts are a good example that serves both needs. A font is a branding consideration as well as a design asset that can enhance the legibility of a site’s content. Something like that might make loading a font script or file worth its cost to page performance. That’s a tough one. So, rather than fully eliminating a font, maybe it can be optimized instead, perhaps by self-hosting the files rather than connecting to a third-party domain or only loading a subset of characters.

Analytics is another difficult choice. I removed analytics from my personal site long ago because I rarely, if ever, looked at them. And even if I did, the stats were more of an ego booster than insightful details that helped me improve the user experience. It’s an easy decision for me, but not so easy for a site that lives and dies by reports that are used to identify and scope improvements.

If the script is really being used to benefit the user at the end of the day, then yeah, it’s worth keeping around.

When Is It Served?

A script may very well serve a valid purpose and benefit both the organization and the end user. But does it need to load first before anything else? That’s the sort of question to ask when a script might be useful, but can certainly jump out of line to let others run first.

I think of chat widgets for customer support. Yes, having a persistent and convenient way for customers to get in touch with support is going to be important, particularly for e-commerce and SaaS-based services. But does it need to be available immediately? Probably not. You’ll probably have a greater case for getting the site to a state that the user can interact with compared to getting a third-party widget up front and center. There’s little point in rendering the widget if the rest of the site is inaccessible anyway. It is better to get things moving first by prioritizing some scripts ahead of others.

Where Is It Served From?

Just because a script comes from a third party doesn’t mean it has to be hosted by a third party. The web fonts example from earlier applies. Can the font files be self-hosted instead rather than needing to establish another outside connection? It’s worth asking. There are self-hosted alternatives to Google Analytics, after all. And even GTM can be self-hosted! That’s why grouping first and third-party scripts in SpeedCurve’s reporting is so useful: spot what is being served and where it is coming from and identify possible opportunities.

What Is It Serving?

Loading one script can bring unexpected visitors along for the ride. I think the classic case is a third-party script that loads its own assets, like a stylesheet. Even if you think you’re only loading one stylesheet &mdahs; your own — it’s very possible that a script loads additional external stylesheets, all of which need to be downloaded and rendered.

Getting JavaScript Off The Main Thread

That’s the goal! We want fewer cars on the road to alleviate traffic on the main thread. There are a bunch of technical ways to go about it. I’m not here to write up a definitive guide of technical approaches for optimizing the main thread, but there is a wealth of material on the topic.

I’ll break down several different approaches and fill them in with resources that do a great job explaining them in full.

Use Web Workers

A web worker, at its most basic, allows us to establish separate threads that handle tasks off the main thread. Web workers run parallel to the main thread. There are limitations to them, of course, most notably not having direct access to the DOM and being unable to share variables with other threads. But using them can be an effective way to re-route traffic from the main thread to other streets, so to speak.

Web Workers (HTML Living Standard)
“The Difference Between Web Sockets, Web Workers, and Service Workers,” Aisha Bukar
Using Web Workers (MDN)
“Use Web Workers to Run JavaScript Off the Browser’s Main Thread,” Dave Surma
“Managing Long-Running Tasks In A React App With Web Workers,” Chidi Orji
“Exploring The Potential Of Web Workers For Multithreading On The Web,” Sarah Oke Okolo
“The Basics of Web Workers,” Malte Ubl and Eiji Kitamura

Split JavaScript Bundles Into Individual Pieces

The basic idea is to avoid bundling JavaScript as a monolithic concatenated file in favor of “code splitting” or splitting the bundle up into separate, smaller payloads to send only the code that’s needed. This reduces the amount of JavaScript that needs to be parsed, which improves traffic along the main thread.

“Reduce JavaScript Payloads With Code Splitting,” Houssein Djirdeh and Jeremy Wagner
“What Is Code Splitting?,” Next.js
“Improving JavaScript Bundle Performance With Code-Splitting,” Adrian Bece
“Code Splitting With Vanilla JS,” Chris Ferdinandi
“Supercharged Live Stream Blog — Code Splitting,” Dave Surma

Async or Defer Scripts

Both are ways to load JavaScript without blocking the DOM. But they are different! Adding the async attribute to a <script> tag will load the script asynchronously, executing it as soon as it’s downloaded. That’s different from the defer attribute, which is also asynchronous but waits until the DOM is fully loaded before it executes.

“How And When To Use Async And Defer Attributes,” Zell Liew
“Eliminate Render-Blocking JavaScript With Async And Defer,” (DigitalOcean)
“Optimize Long Tasks,” Jeremy Wagner
“Efficiently Load Third-party JavaScript,” Milica Mihajlija
Scripts: async, defer (JavaScript.info)

Preconnect Network Connections

I guess I could have filed this with async and defer. That’s because preconnect is a value on the rel attribute that’s used on a <link> tag. It gives the browser a hint that you plan to connect to another domain. It establishes the connection as soon as possible prior to actually downloading the resource. The connection is done in advance, allowing the full script to download later.

While it sounds excellent — and it is — pre-connecting comes with an unfortunate downside in that it exposes a user’s IP address to third-party resources used on the page, which is a breach of GDPR compliance. There was a little uproar over that when it was found out that using a Google Fonts script is prone to that as well.

“Establish Network Connections Early to Improve Perceived Page Speed,” Milica Mihajlija and Jeremy Wagner
“Prioritize Resources,” Sérgio Gomes
“Improving Perceived Performance With the Link Rel=preconnect HTTP Header,” Andy Davies
“Experimenting With Link Rel=preconnect Using Custom Script Injection in WebPageTest,” Andy Davies
“Faster Page Loads Using Server Think-time With Early Hints,” Kenji Baheux
rel=preconnect (MDN)

Non-Technical Approaches

I often think of a Yiddish proverb I first saw in Malcolm Gladwell’s Outliers; however, many years ago it came out:

To a worm in horseradish, the whole world is horseradish.

It’s a more pleasing and articulate version of the saying that goes, “To a carpenter, every problem looks like a nail.” So, too, it is for developers working on performance. To us, every problem is code that needs a technical solution. But there are indeed ways to reduce the amount of work happening on the main thread without having to touch code directly.

We discussed earlier that performance is not only a developer’s job; it’s everyone’s responsibility. So, think of these as strategies that encourage a “culture” of good performance in an organization.

Nuke Scripts That Lack Purpose

As I said at the start of this article, there are some scripts on the projects I work on that I have no idea what they do. It’s not because I don’t care. It’s because GTM makes it ridiculously easy to inject scripts on a page, and more than one person can access it across multiple teams.

So, maybe compile a list of all the third-party and render-blocking scripts and figure out who owns them. Is it Dave in DevOps? Marcia in Marketing? Is it someone else entirely? You gotta make friends with them. That way, there can be an honest evaluation of which scripts are actually helping and are critical to balance.

Bend Google Tag Manager To Your Will

Or any tag manager, for that matter. Tag managers have a pretty bad reputation for adding bloat to a page. It’s true; they can definitely make the page size balloon as more and more scripts are injected.

But that reputation is not totally warranted because, like most tools, you have to use them responsibly. Sure, the beauty of something like GTM is how easy it makes adding scripts to a page. That’s the “Tag” in Google Tag Manager. But the real beauty is that convenience, plus the features it provides to manage the scripts. You know, the “Manage” in Google Tag Manager. It’s spelled out right on the tin!

“Best Practices For Tags And Tag Managers,” Katie Hempenius and Barry Pollard
“Techniques on How to Improve Your GTM,” Ryan Rosati
“Keeping Websites Fast when Loading Google Tag Manager,” Håkon Gullord Krogh
“Optimizing Page Speed with Google Tag Manager,” Charlie Weller
Custom event trigger (Tag Manager Help)

Wrapping Up

Phew! Performance is not exactly a straightforward science. There are objective ways to measure performance, of course, but if I’ve learned anything about it, it’s that subjectivity is a big part of the process. Different scripts are of different sizes and consist of different resources serving different needs that have different priorities for different organizations and their users.

Having access to a free reporting tool like Lighthouse in DevTools is a great start for diagnosing performance issues by identifying bottlenecks on the main thread. Even better are paid tools like SpeedCurve to dig deeper into the data for more targeted insights and to produce visual reports to help make a case for performance improvements for your team and other stakeholders.

While I wish there were some sort of silver bullet to guarantee good performance, I’ll gladly take these and similar tools as a starting point. Most important, though, is having a performance game plan that is served by the tools. And Vitaly’s front-end performance checklist is an excellent place to start.

5 Best CRM Tools with Facebook Messenger Integration

Original Source: https://www.hongkiat.com/blog/crm-facebook-messenger-integration/

Businesses need to stay connected with their customers in the most efficient way possible, and one way to achieve this is by integrating customer relationship management (CRM) tools with widely-used chat tools, like Facebook Messenger. This article will serve as your guide to understanding this integration better. We will delve into five CRM tools, discussing their unique features, how they integrate with Facebook Messenger, and their pricing structures.

CRM tools and Facebook MessengerCRM tools and Facebook Messenger

Screenshot: PipeDrive

Whether you’re a small business owner trying to manage customer interactions, a marketer aiming to generate leads, or simply someone interested in the digital communication landscape, this is for you. We aim to provide a comprehensive overview that will help you make informed decisions about using CRM tools with Facebook Messenger. Let’s get started.


HubSpot CRM: Ability to create a chatbot for the Facebook Business page.. See details ↓

Visit site for pricing. Has free plan.

Try for free

PipeDrive: Links Facebook Messenger conversations to PipeDrive contacts, deals, and leads is easy. See details ↓

Starts at $14.92/user/mth.

Try for free

Salesforce: Unify customer profiles for deeper connections, enhancing efficiency and conversion rates. See details ↓

Visit site for pricing.

Try for free

Kommo: Great when it comes to lead generation.. See details ↓

Starts at $15/user/mth.

Try for free

ChatSilo: Create Messenger funnels in minutes. See details ↓

Starts at $29/mth.

Try for free

1. HubSpot CRM

HubSpot CRM stands as a comprehensive tool in the realm of customer relationship management. Its unique offering is the integration with Facebook Messenger, which empowers businesses to cultivate a Messenger experience directly on their Facebook Business page. This feature enables businesses to manage these interactions seamlessly from their Conversations inbox, creating a unified platform for customer engagement.

The features of HubSpot CRM are designed to optimize customer interactions and streamline communication processes. One standout feature is the Shared Inbox. This function allows businesses to manage interactions from their Conversations inbox, just as they would with live chat or email. This consolidation of communication channels enhances efficiency and ensures a consistent approach to customer engagement.

Another key feature of HubSpot CRM is Conversation Intelligence. This allows everyone, from Marketing to Sales and Service teams, to have a full context of conversations. By providing a comprehensive view of customer interactions, businesses can deliver more personalized and effective communication, enhancing customer relationships.

HubSpot CRM also offers the ability to create a chatbot for your Facebook Business Page. These automated response systems provide instant assistance to customers, improving response times and customer satisfaction.

Related: How to Create a HubSpot Chatbot

Lastly, the Integration feature connects the popular messaging app to HubSpot, offering businesses unified customer profiles for better in-depth connections. This integration enhances customer understanding, enabling businesses to deliver more personalized and effective communication.

Read more on: HubSpot-Facebook Messenger integration.

HubSpot’s Price:

HubSpot offers the following:

Starter CRM Suite that includes Marketing Hub Starter (with 1000 marketing contacts),
Sales Hub Starter (with 2 paid users),
CMS Hub Starter, and
Operations Hub Starter.

The pricing starts at $50 per month, but there’s a special offer for new customers at $30 per month if you commit annually. For more detailed information, you can visit their pricing page.

Visit HubSpot CRM

2. PipeDrive
PipeDrive CRM

PipeDrive is a CRM tool that is specifically designed with a sales focus. It offers an integration with Facebook Messenger, which is a platform where many people spend a significant amount of their time. This integration provides a direct and conversational way for individuals to take action, making it a highly effective tool for businesses.

One of the key features of PipeDrive’s integration with Facebook Messenger is the ability to unify all conversations. This means that all your interactions on Facebook Messenger can be brought together in PipeDrive, making them both accessible and shareable. This feature allows for a seamless flow of communication and ensures that no important messages are missed.

Another significant feature is the ease with which Facebook Messenger conversations can be linked with PipeDrive contacts, deals, and leads. This feature is designed to boost productivity and manage communications with your leads and clients on Facebook Messenger more effectively. It simplifies the process of keeping track of various conversations and ensures that all relevant information is readily available.

PipeDrive also allows you to select the app extension visibility for your connection with Facebook Messenger. You can choose between private visibility settings, where only the user who installed the app can see and reply to Facebook Messenger conversations in the Messaging Inbox and link them to contacts, leads, or deals in PipeDrive, and shared visibility settings, where any user in the company account can do the same. This flexibility allows you to customize the integration to best suit your business needs.

Learn more about: Pipedrive Integration with Facebook Messenger.

PipeDrive’s Price:

As for the pricing, PipeDrive offers various pricing plans. You are encouraged to visit their pricing page for more detailed information. They also offer a free 14-day trial with no credit card required.

Visit PipeDrive

3. Salesforce
SalesForce CRMSalesForce CRM

As one of the world’s largest CRM platform, Salesforce has made a significant stride in integrating Facebook Messenger into its system. This integration aims to provide businesses with unified customer profiles, fostering better in-depth connections and creating a customer-centric environment.

The integration of Salesforce and Facebook Messenger offers businesses a unified view of their customer profiles. This feature allows for better in-depth connections, providing a comprehensive understanding of each customer’s journey. It creates a customer-centric environment where consumers can freely navigate their shopping journey, whether on social media or any other platforms they decide to switch to halfway through.

One of the key benefits of this integration is its ability to shorten sales cycles. By leveraging instant messaging, businesses can close deals faster, thereby increasing efficiency. Furthermore, the integration can boost conversions, particularly from customers who prefer to use Facebook Messenger for their interactions.

Salesforce CRM goes a step further by using tools like Facebook lead ads, click-to-messenger ads, and comment auto-replies to strengthen the customer database. This feature not only enhances the quality of the customer database but also streamlines the cross-channel customer experience.

Related: How to integrate Facebook lead ads data with Salesforce

In terms of work efficiency, the integration boosts productivity with a two-way sync of Salesforce contacts, leads, and opportunities. This feature ensures that all customer data is up-to-date and easily accessible. Moreover, with the Salesforce lead stage positioned right next to the chatbox, the integration significantly upgrades the quality of customer service.

To integrate Salesforce with Facebook Messenger, certain requirements need to be met. These include having a Salesforce account with API access, a Facebook account, a Facebook Business Page, and admin access to the Facebook page. This ensures a seamless and effective integration process.

Learn how to: Set Up Facebook Messenger in Salesforce Service Cloud.

Salesforce’s Price:

Salesforce offers various pricing plans for different business needs. However, the specific pricing details are not directly listed on their website. You are encouraged to contact their sales team or visit their pricing page for more detailed information.

They also offer a free trial with no software to install and no credit card required.

Visit Salesforce

4. Kommo
Kommo CRMKommo CRM

Kommo, previously known as amoCRM, has carved a niche for itself as a conversational sales tool specifically tailored for small businesses. It holds the distinction of being the world’s first Sales CRM based on Messenger, offering a suite of custom-tailored messenger features and automations. These features are designed to enhance your communication with customers, making Kommo a powerful tool in your CRM arsenal.

One of the standout features of Kommo is its lead generation capability. Whenever a new person sends you a message on Facebook, they are automatically added to your pipeline as an incoming lead. All you need to do is approve, and their lead profile is created instantly. This seamless process ensures you never miss out on potential customers.

Kommo also boasts a built-in chat feature within the lead profile. This means you can continue your Facebook conversation without ever having to leave Kommo. Every interaction is logged and visible in the profile’s feed, providing you with a comprehensive communication history at a glance.

Another innovative feature is the Salesbot. With Kommo, you can create the perfect Salesbot companion and integrate it with Facebook Messenger. The Salesbot takes over the conversation, saving your team valuable time and enhancing communication efficiency. It can even be equipped with AI responses that understand the intention behind questions and provide appropriate responses, including invoicing.

The integration of Facebook Messenger is built-in and designed by the Kommo team, ensuring a smooth and efficient process. Setting it up is as simple as navigating to the digital pipeline in the incoming leads column, scrolling down to the chats block, and clicking the connect button. With Kommo, integrating your CRM with Facebook Messenger is a breeze.

Learn more about: Kommo’s integration with Facebook Messenger.

Kommo’s Price:

Kommo offers three pricing plans:

Base: For small businesses that want to boost sales quickly. It includes a unified inbox, unlimited sales pipelines, task management, and more. It costs $15 USD per user/month.
Advanced: For growing companies that want to automate their work. It includes everything in the Base plan plus no-code Salesbot, pipeline automation. It costs $25 USD per user/month.
Enterprise: For larger businesses that keep up with a lot of leads. It includes everything in the Advanced plan plus an increased client database, advanced client profiles. It costs $45 USD per user/month.

You can try Kommo free for 14 days with no credit card required. For more detailed information, you can visit their pricing page.

Visit Kommo

5. ChatSilo
ChatSilo CRMChatSilo CRM

ChatSilo is a compact CRM tool designed specifically for Facebook Messenger. Its primary goal is to assist you in nurturing leads, managing projects, keeping track of crucial conversations, building strong relationships, following up with potential clients, and ultimately, achieving your sales objectives.

One of the key features of ChatSilo is its tagging (a.k.a labelling) system. This system, combined with canned responses, message templates, notes, reminders, and Google calendar integration, helps you organize and follow up with potential Facebook Messenger leads without getting lost in the sea of chats. It’s a comprehensive feature that streamlines your communication and ensures you never miss an opportunity.

Another powerful feature of ChatSilo is its bulk-messaging capability. By using the Chrome extension, you can send mass messages to all tagged contacts or friends on Facebook Messenger. You have the flexibility to set a limit on the number of messages to send at a particular time or the interval between messages. Plus, you can randomize the message content to maintain a natural and personalized feel.

The reminder system in ChatSilo is another feature that stands out. It uses both a browser reminder system and Google Calendar event notifications to keep you updated on when to follow up with your prospects. This ensures you never miss a crucial follow-up and helps maintain a consistent engagement with your leads.

Finally, ChatSilo provides the ability to export tagged contacts. With just a click of a button, you can export your tagged contacts into a Google Sheet. The sheet will contain the contacts’ first and last names, their profile URL, and the tag. This feature makes it easy to manage and analyze your contact data, providing valuable insights for your business.

ChatSilo’s Price:

ChatSilo offers a simple pricing plan at $29 per month. This includes unlimited custom tags, unlimited tag colors, unlimited notes, support for Facebook Marketplace and Facebook Page, unlimited follow-up reminders, unlimited message templates, Google Calendar integration, lifetime automatic updates, access to ChatSilo web app, and more.

They also offer a 7-day free trial. For more detailed information, you can visit their pricing page.

Visit ChatSilo

5 Best CRM with WhatsApp Integration

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5 Best CRM with WhatsApp Integration

Discover top 5 CRM tools with seamless WhatsApp integration for efficient customer service and outreach. Read more

The post 5 Best CRM Tools with Facebook Messenger Integration appeared first on Hongkiat.

Pearl: The New Epoch in Branding and Visual Identity

Original Source: https://abduzeedo.com/pearl-new-epoch-branding-and-visual-identity

Pearl: The New Epoch in Branding and Visual Identity
Pearl: The New Epoch in Branding and Visual Identity


Dive deep into Pearl’s branding and visual identity crafted by Kallan & Co, symbolizing the democratization of creativity in the Web3 arena.

Pearl, a Web3-inspired social platform, is transforming the digital sphere by empowering creators. The intent behind Pearl is commendable, striving to give creators the autonomy to focus on genuine creativity, rather than succumbing to the influence of advertisers and the tyranny of algorithms. In a digital age dominated by advertising, Pearl stands as a beacon of hope for unadulterated creativity.

The design team at Kallan & Co took on the challenge of encapsulating Pearl’s ethos into its branding and visual identity. The outcome was an identity that resonates vibrancy and a celebration of the symbiotic relationship between creators and their patrons. The design philosophy adopted was both intentional and strategic. Aware of the limited brand exposure once users delve into the app’s interface, the team emphasized crafting an indelible and simplistic logo mark.

What makes Pearl’s logo exemplary is its inherent flexibility. At its core, it’s crisp, clean, and oozes professionalism. Yet, it doesn’t shy away from embracing playful nuances when the context demands. This duality ensures that while the logo stands firm in professional settings, it can seamlessly adapt to more light-hearted scenarios. In essence, it’s a mark that dances gracefully between the realms of seriousness and play, reflecting the platform’s commitment to genuine creativity.

Kallan & Co’s approach to Pearl’s branding is a testament to the evolving landscape of design in the Web3 world. It emphasizes the importance of simplicity, adaptability, and resonance with the target audience. Pearl’s visual identity is not just a design; it’s a narrative, a statement, and a vision for a world where creators are celebrated and not chained.

In the panorama of branding and visual identity, Pearl, with the expertise of Kallan & Co, has set a new benchmark. It’s an embodiment of how thoughtful design can amplify a brand’s essence and create a lasting impression in the digital consciousness.

Branding and visual identity artifacts 

Branding and visual identity crypto nft social media UI/UX brand identity design logo visual identity brand identityBranding and visual identity crypto nft social media UI/UX brand identity design logo visual identity brand identityBranding and visual identity crypto nft social media UI/UX brand identity design logo visual identity brand identityBranding and visual identity crypto nft social media UI/UX brand identity design logo visual identity brand identityBranding and visual identity crypto nft social media UI/UX brand identity design logo visual identity brand identityBranding and visual identity crypto nft social media UI/UX brand identity design logo visual identity brand identityBranding and visual identity crypto nft social media UI/UX brand identity design logo visual identity brand identityBranding and visual identity crypto nft social media UI/UX brand identity design logo visual identity brand identityBranding and visual identity crypto nft social media UI/UX brand identity design logo visual identity brand identityBranding and visual identity crypto nft social media UI/UX brand identity design logo visual identity brand identityBranding and visual identity crypto nft social media UI/UX brand identity design logo visual identity brand identityBranding and visual identity crypto nft social media UI/UX brand identity design logo visual identity brand identityBranding and visual identity crypto nft social media UI/UX brand identity design logo visual identity brand identity

For more information make sure to check out Kallan & Co’s website and Behance profile