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Animating SVG Text on a Path

Original Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/tympanus/~3/TgvvW-zgNkY/

Animating SVG text on a path on scroll has been explained really well in this great video tutorial by the keyframers. The basic idea is to couple the startOffset value of a textPath element with the scroll position, allowing the text to move along its path while scrolling.

We wanted to take this a step further and integrate it in a real website example with some more features.

In our experiment, we made the animation smoother and used SVG filters, while also using different paths. Additionally, we worked with the Intersection Observer API for animating only the texts that are in the viewport. The intensity of the SVG filters depends on the scroll speed.

If you want to learn more about SVG filters and how to use them to create interesting effects, have a look at our dedicated series written by Sara Soueidan:

SVG Filters 101Outline Text with <feMorphology>Poster Image Effect with <feComponentTransfer>Duotone Images with <feComponentTransfer>Conforming Text to Surface Texture with <feDisplacementMap>Creating Texture with <feTurbulence>SVG Filter Effects: Moving Forward

Please be aware that animating SVG filters in Firefox has dreadful performance. This has been like that for years, unfortunately. There are a number of bugs filed regarding animating SVG filters and even rendering SVG filters:

Bug 1456932: SVG blur filter is slowBug 422371: SVG feTurbulence filter is far too slowBug 1583828: Slow SVG filter animationBug 483868: Firefox much less responsive than Chrome while scrolling/enlarging SVG map with filters

Sadly, the outlook on solving these issues in Firefox don’t look too good as these have all been marked with priority P3, which means:

“This isn’t a bad idea, and maybe we’ll want to implement it at some point in the future, but it’s not near-term roadmap material. Some core Bugzilla developer may work on it.”

So it’s a good idea to keep in mind that if you are working with SVG filters and plan to animate them, it’s probably best if you leave Firefox out of the equation. This is exactly what we did in our example, so you won’t see the fancy filter magic if you open the demo in Firefox. However, if you do want to try it out, you can do so with smaller areas, i.e. smaller texts. Although it won’t be as smooth as in Chrome, it will work better than with larger texts.

We hope you enjoy our examples and find them useful!

References & Credits

Animate Text on Scroll | SVG textPath Tutorial | Keyssentials: Quick Tips by @keyframersMoving Text on a Curved Path on CSS-TricksPerfecting Paths for <textPath> by Amelia Bellamy-RoydsImages from UnsplashimagesLoaded by Dave DeSandro

Animating SVG Text on a Path was written by Mary Lou and published on Codrops.

Motion Design Monday: Faceversary by Buck

Original Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/abduzeedo/~3/MpkorMXaDHo/motion-design-monday-faceversary-buck

Motion Design Monday: Faceversary by Buck
Motion Design Monday: Faceversary by Buck

abduzeedoFeb 24, 2020

Yas NV and the incredible people at Buck keep delivering amazing work. What is a wonderful surprise for me is that I didn’t know much about Buck since a month ago. I guess I have been too busy with other things. To celebrate my admiration for Buck, here’s the motion design work they did for Facebook titled Faceversary. More information make sure to check out Buck’s website or visit Yas’ Behance profile.

Motion Design

Animation tests

Take your Adobe CC skills to the next level

Original Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/CreativeBloq/~3/kBde5td-FAY/take-your-adobe-cc-skills-to-the-next-level

If you've been thinking about ways to continue your creative education this year, you've come to the right place. It's never too late to continue learning and finesse your personal and professional objectives. 

You can brush up on your design skills with the All-in-One Adobe Creative Cloud Suite Certification Bundle, now with 97% off. To extend your Adobe skills even further, you could check out our range of tutorials that include the best Photoshop tutorials, and Illustrator tutorials out there. 

All levels of expertise can benefit

With 60 hours of content and hundreds of tutorials, this updated Adobe CC bundle is the perfect way to get more out of the programs you already use or are interested in learning. The eight-course package is geared toward various levels of experience, so no matter what your expertise, you're bound to get something out of it and master your skills in Photoshop, Indesign, Illustrator, Lightroom, After Effects, and more. One of the best parts of the bundle is a certification upon completion, making it a valuable asset to add to your résumé and portfolio that will give you an edge over the competition.

Step your content up a gear

With endless amounts of lessons, you'll get the guidance you need to build your design portfolio with the latest updates in motion graphics, logo design, user interface design, photography, and so much more. This popular bundle is available 24/7, allowing you to come back and visit when you need to reference a specific tool or need a spark of inspiration for your latest project. Take your content to the next level, explore the latest updates on tool panels for each program, and even learn how to maximize your creative workflow to save you precious time. You'll be exposed to real-life exercises that test your understanding of the content, empowering you to practice what you learn.

While lifetime access to this bundle is priced at almost $2,000, The All-in-One Adobe Creative Cloud Suite Certification Bundle is currently price-dropped to only $34 - that's 97% off. It's certainly a great way to learn the latest and greatest in design artistry and continue to grow your career in 2020.

Read more:

The 5 best InDesign alternativesHow to add fonts in PhotoshopThe 6 best laptops for Photoshop in 2020

Audio-based Image Distortion Effects with WebGL

Original Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/tympanus/~3/i6_NN9VRgWA/

We’ve covered in the past how we can read data from Audio, using the p5.sound library and how we can use that data, to draw things in the canvas, using p5.js.

Well, what if instead of drawing a sketch, we used audio to distort an image? Today we want to show you some demos that play around that idea.

We’ve created some experiments using the theme of movie trailers where the background image of the movie poster is being distorted using a sound sample. It kind of adds some drama to an otherwise static image in this case.

Here’s a short video of the beginning of one of the effects:

How it works

We analyze the sound and map the range of frequencies, to some uniforms we pass in our fragment shader. Then depending on the effect/distortion we have, we can tweak different parameters, using the audio frequencies which constantly change overtime.

In our first demo, we create a simple sinewave in our fragment shader, by using the bass frequencies of the audio track to control its frequency and the mid frequencies to control its amplitude. Then we add the distortion in both axes (x & y) of our uv and add that distortion to the initial texture coordinates.

It looks like this:

float wave = sin(uv.y * u_bass + u_time) * u_mid;
vec2 d = vec2(wave); // could be vec2(wave, 0.0) or vec2(0.0, wave) for distortion only in 1 axis.
vec4 image = texture2D(u_texture, uv + d);
gl_FragColor = image;

The possibilities are endless if you want to play around that idea, it’s just a matter of what effect you’re after. Make sure you’re mapping values to your uniforms, that are within a range that can distort your visual, and you can always use some generic uniforms like u_time, that can put some ‘overdrive’ to your distortion.

Head over to the demos and check out the variations we’ve made.

Hope you’ll have fun with this one and be sure to share any of your own versions!

Reference & Credits


Audio-based Image Distortion Effects with WebGL was written by Yannis Yannakopoulos and published on Codrops.

3 Strategies to Follow When Your Site is Failing

Original Source: https://www.webdesignerdepot.com/2020/02/3-strategies-to-follow-when-your-site-is-failing/

Here are 3 strategies you should consider if your website is struggling. We’ll cover:

Web analytics and split testing
In-person testing
Simplifying your sales process

If possible, implement these strategies ahead of time before you run into any issues. I’m going to cover why these strategies are effective and what they are good at resolving.

1. Analytics and Split Testing

If you don’t know when or where your users are leaving, then you’re missing ou; this is extremely unhelpful if you are selling something.

Analytics will let you see the average amount of time spent per page, and which page your customers are exiting your website from.

If a user views your website and leaves after visiting your homepage without going any further, then you know exactly what to change. If they are spending an excessive amount of time navigating through simple parts of your sales process, then you know something may be wrong, and you should address it.

AB split testing…is particularly good at resolving weak points on your website where visitors are…changing their minds

Depending on which page of your website they are on, you may want them spending more or less time on it. An abnormally high amount of users abandoning their shopping cart might mean your checkout isn’t providing the user with a positive experience.

AB split testing refers to displaying different versions of the same page to different visitors. It is particularly good at resolving weak points on your website where visitors are leaving or changing their minds about going ahead with what you want them to (e.g. buying a product).

Let’s say we have 2000 page visitors, and 70% are leaving immediately from the landing page, and 600 are proceeding forward (30% click-through rate). Instead of presenting one landing page to all visitors, we display two landing pages and show one landing page to half the visitors, and the second landing page to the other half.

We make some changes to the original landing page and send some of the users to the new version and some to the original version. We do this to see if the new landing page will have a better click-through than the original, 30%.

A quick example for a skydiving company: Group A visitors see ‘Book’ in a smaller sized button, whereas Group B visitors see ‘Skydive NOW!’ in a larger sized button. If the ‘Skydive NOW!’ button improves the number of bookings the site receives, we could consider using Group B as the new control and further work on optimising the booking page, perhaps by creating a modification in which ‘Skydive NOW!’ has a different color scheme or is placed in a different position on the page.

This could be a minor re-design, such as changing the color of a button, to something more enticing, or a major re-design.

You can also display more than two versions of a page simultaneously, making multiple modifications, displaying three or more versions to different users. In this case, we would have the original version, A, and two or more modified pages B, C … so on. This can make split testing quicker by immediately testing multiple possibilities but it adds complexity to the process.

2. In-Person Testing

In-person, or remote testing, is a strategy in which you recruit a user to test your website by undertaking various tasks e.g., Buy a specific product and ship it to your home, or find some specific information on your website.

This should be done regularly during the web building process as by doing so when you launch your website, you might uncover major or recurring problems that could have been prevented. If you do it in early development stages, you can use the information from the test to plan before you start building things that don’t work!

If your website is already live and you overlooked testing beforehand, it’s not too late

If your website is already live and you overlooked testing beforehand, it’s not too late. You can still employ a handful of individuals to test it now.

In-person testing is typically done where you supervise an individual and instruct them to carry out certain tasks and take note of how they are navigating your website by seeing the way they browse the page and/or move their mouse. Ask them to think out loud. You should also ask them why they selected that option over another, what they liked about a particular feature, etc. 

If you already know which areas of your website need to be worked on, but you’re unsure of how to improve on it, you could ask your tester for specific insight.

I typically choose three users for testing, as it’s quick, easy, cheap, and manages to uncover lots of flaws I may have overlooked. Having more users testing the website can be beneficial, but typically most users end up pointing out the same weaknesses.

This is an effective strategy because having a handful of people test your website is like having someone read over your writing. You may not pick up on your own mistakes, but someone else will. It’s also important to note that the way (you), a web-designer browses the web is different from how the average person browses the web. You may have a perfect understanding of what is happening on your website because you created it. Still, someone who is using it for the first time won’t have the same knowledge and experience as you and will try to undertake tasks in the simplest, most intuitive way.

Remote testing is the same principle as in-person testing but executed remotely. This may save you the hassle of meeting up, but might mean that you need to use software (such as a camcorder) to monitor their browsing, along with voice or video calling, to discuss the process with them.

3. Simplifying Your Sales Process

Are you taking care of your customers and guiding them through their purchases?

What happens after your user lands on your website? Is there a good value proposition (product, service, or information that is appealing) compelling them to purchase?

Excellent, now you need to make sure the process is transparent and straightforward.

Be upfront about any extra fees or shipping costs. Let them know how long shipping may take. Customers want to feel like they can trust you.

Customers want to feel like they can trust you

Write out an FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) addressing common concerns a potential customer may have. E.g., Let’s say I’m buying a dual SIM mobile (two sim cards, one mobile), I want to know which country the product is from, I want to know about the warranty, I may especially want to know details about the phone will store numbers from different cards.

Have an FAQ section addressing general sales questions and a product-specific FAQ. Along with that, address the product specifications and show high-quality photos or videos.

When the customer is satisfied with what they’ve selected, make the checkout process easy. Allow guest checkout if it’s a suitable option for your website. 

Show your customers you care about them and create reasons for them to want to share your website and products. Once you’ve made your sale, send them a follow-up email or little thank you. This will lead to more engagement and a repeat customer. Remember, selling a product isn’t the end goal. Making someone become a lifelong customer is, and you need to facilitate that.


Featured image via Unsplash.


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.alignleft {float:left;}
p.showcase {clear:both;}
body#browserfriendly p, body#podcast p, div#emailbody p{margin:0;}

How to Properly Organize Files in Your Codebase & Avoid Mayhem

Original Source: https://www.sitepoint.com/organize-project-files/?utm_source=rss

How to Properly Organize Files on a Project and Avoid Mayhem

The main library, data, UI, docs and wiki, tests, legacy and third-party components … How do we keep track and maintain order within all of this? Organizing the files in your codebase can become a daunting task.

Relax — we’ve got this! In this article, we’ll review the most common systems for both small and large projects, with some easy-to-follow best practices.

Why Bother?

As with pretty much all of the tasks related to project management — documentation, software commits, deployment — you’ll benefit from taking a conscious, programmatic approach. Not only it will reduce problems now, but it will also save you and your team quality time in the future when you need to quickly access and review things.

You surely can recall function names from the top of your head for whatever is it that you’re coding right now, and quickly find a file you need to edit, and sharply tell what works from what doesn’t — or so you think. But could you say the same about that project you were working on last year?

Let’s admit it: software projects can go on spans of inactivity that last for months, and even years. A simple README file could do a lot for your colleagues or your future self. But let’s think about the other ways you could structure your project, and establish some basic rules to name files, address project documentation, and to some degree organize an effective workflow that would stand the test of time.

Making Sense of Things

We’ll establish a “baseline” for organizing files in a project — a logic that will serve us for a number of situations within the scope of software development.

As with our rules for committing changes to your codebase the right way, none of this is carved in stone, and for what it’s worth, you and your team might come up with different guidelines. In any case, consistency is the name of the game. Be sure you understand (and discuss or dispute) what the rules are, and follow them once you’ve reached a consensus.

The Mandatory Set

This is a reference list of files that nearly every software project should have:

README: this is what GitHub renders for you right under the sourcetree, and it can go a long way to explaining what the project is about, how files are organized, and where to find further information.
CHANGELOG: to list what’s new, modified or discontinued on every version or revision — normally in a reverse chronological order for convenience (last changes first).
COPYING LICENSE: a file containing the full text of the license covering the software, including some additional copyright information, if necessary (such as third-party licenses).
.gitignore: assuming you use Git (you most probably do), this will also be a must to tell what files not to sync with the repository. (See Jump Start Git’s primer on .gitignore and the documentation for more info, and have a look at a collection of useful .gitignore templates for some ideas.)

Supporting Actors

The post How to Properly Organize Files in Your Codebase & Avoid Mayhem appeared first on SitePoint.

Collective #591

Original Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/tympanus/~3/uZWpRlwKcss/

Collective item image

Inspirational Website of the Week: Six N. Five

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Become a successful freelancer

Learn how to develop websites with the most popular WordPress theme in the world and secure your success as a freelancer.

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font-variant-numeric: tabular-nums

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Misaki Nakano’s geometric Nuxt.js project. Find the source code here.

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In case you didn’t stumble upon it yet: A draggable and resizable grid layout with responsive breakpoints, for Svelte.

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YouTube Rewind 2019

Explore the best YouTube moments of 2019.

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Collective #591 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops.

Productive Remote Work (When Your Mental Health Says “No”)

Original Source: https://www.sitepoint.com/productive-remote-work-when-your-mental-health-says-no/?utm_source=rss

Productive Remote Working

Remote work is not easy. It sounds like a dream (and it honestly is in a lot of ways), but there’s a darker side to remote work that one can’t understand until they’ve done it.

Here’s the deal. People that work remotely often suffer from suboptimal mental health, and so you’re probably wondering, why on earth do they do it? Well, the fact is, while remote working comes with some very unique challenges, so does not working remotely. The difference is that remote work can offer the flexibility you need to build a lifestyle that suits you.

people sitting at table with laptop

Indeed, remote work isn’t a silver bullet for burnout or wanderlust, but if you do happen to try it out and eventually wind up succumbing to loneliness, or a lack of motivation or productivity (as many remote workers do), at least you’ll have the opportunity to change things up and make things better.

In the eyes of many, it’s the lesser of two evils.

That being said, attempting to diagnose what your mind and body needs isn’t that easy. What might work one day might not work on another day, and what might work for one individual might not work for another individual. Humans are complex, and in the case of remote work, everyday productivity tricks often don’t cut it.

Let’s take a look.

“I feel lonely”

Loneliness is a big issue (maybe the biggest?) for freelance remote workers and digital nomads in foreign countries, but it can also affect those that work in distributed teams (especially when some team members aren’t remote, as one can feel like an outsider at work using this setup). Let’s look at the solutions.

Utilize co-working spaces

Co-working spaces aren’t for everyone. If you teach English, it’s obviously a no-no (not because of the noise, but because the noise would be distracting to other remote workers). If you’re only required to dive into the odd video call, though, many co-working spaces include a few hours of “booth time”.

Throw in super-fast Wi-Fi, free coffee, daily events, and a likeminded crowd, joining a co-working space is like joining a community, and some co-working spaces (such as Hubud) and Dojo Bali) are literally famous! Good vibes = a huge motivation boost.

happy co-workers sitting with laptops on comfy chairs

Work from bars and cafés

Cafés and bars work well too. The noise and seating options might be a tad unpredictable, and when going to a new place one has to find the Wi-Fi password, but all in all the experience is very much the same. It’s still fairly easy to meet other people, as it’s likely that you won’t be the only regular customer.

Pro-tip: download Wi-Fi Map app to get the Wi-Fi passwords of networks near you!

My favourite café — October Coffee Gaya, Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia)

The post Productive Remote Work (When Your Mental Health Says “No”) appeared first on SitePoint.

Computer Programming vs. Web Design: What’s the Difference?

Original Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Designrfix/~3/JxfF_kWOobE/computer-programming-vs-web-design-whats-the-difference

Programming with its terms and field-specific occupations may be difficult for an outsider to understand. In a lot of articles, you can see web designers, web developers, and programmers mixed in one pot. However, there are obvious differences in these fields. It’s important to understand even subtle details, whether you’re a newbie or a student. […]

The post Computer Programming vs. Web Design: What’s the Difference? appeared first on designrfix.com.