Entries by admin

Background Scale Hover Effect with CSS Clip-path

Original Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/tympanus/~3/lgXAHT2MtbI/

Today I’d like to share a simple hover effect with you. It’s a recreation of the hover effect seen in the menu on the DDD Hotel website by Garden Eight. The idea is to scale down the background image and “fitting” it to a clip shape which contains the same background image. The shape is visible because the opacity of the background is a bit lower:

When I saw the effect on the DDD Hotel website, I wanted to try to do it using the clip-path property and explore different shapes.

It’s very straightforward: one layer has the background image and a second layer has the additional clip path with a basic shape.

For the last demo, where I wanted to show two circles, I simply stacked two clip-path layers. But for more complex paths, one could also use an SVG instead.

Other interesting things that could be done here is to animate the clip-path (scale it/move it) or change the shape for each link. What do you think?

Background Scale Hover Effect with CSS Clip-path was written by Mary Lou and published on Codrops.

10 Git Techniques You Need to Know Before You Join a Team

Original Source: https://www.sitepoint.com/git-techniques-to-know-before-you-join-a-team/?utm_source=rss

Have you been using Git for some time but never in a team environment? Are you familiar with the basics of Git but unsure how large teams use Git at work?

In this post, I’ll talk about the basic Git techniques that you must be familiar with before you join a team. I’ve listed them in an order that you’d logically follow to contribute to a repository, as the importance of each step is paramount. Let’s now jump into the list.

1. Cloning: Getting Started in a Team

If you’ve used Git for personal projects, you may only have initialized a project from scratch and added to it over time. When you’re working on an existing codebase, the first step is to clone the codebase into your local system. This enables you to work on your copy of the repository without any interference from other changes.

To clone a repository, run the git clone command, followed by the path to the repository:

git clone /path/to/repo

If your source doesn’t reside in the same system, you can SSH to a remote system and clone too:

git clone username@remote_system_ip:/path/to/repo/on/remote

If you’re cloning from a source on the Internet, you can simply add the URL:

git clone https://github.com/sdaityari/my_git_project.git

Whenever you’re cloning a repository, you’ve the choice of multiple protocols to connect to the source. In the GitHub example above, I’ve used the https protocol.

2. Managing Remotes in Git

Once you’ve cloned your repository, it still maintains a pointer to the source. This pointer is an example of a remote in Git. A remote is a pointer to another copy of the same repository. When you clone a repository, a pointer origin is automatically created which points to the source.

You can check a list of remotes in a repository by running the following command:

git remove -v

To add a remote, you can use the git remote add command:

git remote add remote_name remote_address

You can remove a remote using the git remote remove command:

git remote remove remote_name

If you’d like to change the address of a remote, you can use the set-url command:

git remote set-url remote_name new_remote_address

3. Branching in Git

The biggest advantage of Git over other version control systems is the power of its branches. Before I jump into the essentials of branching, you may be wondering what a branch is. A branch is a pointer to a commit in your repository, which in turn points to its predecessor. Therefore, a branch represents a list of commits in chronological order. When you create a branch, you effectively create only a new pointer to a commit. However, in essence, it represents a new, independent path of development.

If you’ve been working on your own project, you may never have consciously used branches. By default, Git uses the master branch for development. Any new commits are added to this branch.

Branching is necessary for Git to bifurcate lines of work in a project. At a single time, there may be many developers who are working on a variety of different problems. Ideally, these problems are worked on in different branches to ensure logical separation of new code until code review and merge.

To check a list of branches and the current active branch, run the following command:

git branch

To create a new branch, run the following command:

git branch new_branch

Even though Git creates a new branch, notice that your active branch is still the old one. To start development in a new branch, run the following:

git checkout new_branch

To create a new branch and change the active branch, run the following command:

git checkout -b new_branch

To rename the current branch, run the following command:

git branch -m new_renamed_branch

Use the -D option to remove a branch:

git branch -D new_renamed_branch

Here’s a detailed guide on branching in Git.

4. Update your Local Repository: Merging

While we’ve checked the basics of branching in Git, the next logical step is to merge a branch into your base branch when you’ve finished working on a problem. To merge a branch, run the following command:

git checkout base_branch
git merge new_branch

While it may sound like an easy process, merging is potentially the most time-consuming process in Git, as it can give rise to conflicts.

5. Handle Conflicts

Imagine that you’re working on a file in a new branch. After you commit the changes, you request Git to merge your new branch with your base branch. However, the same part of the same file in the base branch has been updated since you created the new branch. How does Git decide which changes to keep and which changes to discard?

Git always tries to not lose any data in the process of a merge. If the changes to the same file were done in different parts of the file, you could get away by keeping both sets of changes. However, if Git is unable to decide which changes to keep, it raises a conflict.

When a conflict has been raised, running git status on your repository shows a list of files that were modified in both branches being merged. If you open any file with a conflict, you’d notice the following set of lines:

<<<<<<<< HEAD


>>>>>>>> new_branch

The part of the file between <<<<<<<< HEAD and ======== contains that code which is present in the base branch. The lines of code between ======== and >>>>>>>> new_branch are present in the new_branch branch. The developer who’s merging the code has the responsibility to decide what part of the code (or a mix of both parts) should be included in the merge. Once edited, remove the three sets of lines shown, save the file, and commit the changes.

The post 10 Git Techniques You Need to Know Before You Join a Team appeared first on SitePoint.

10 Genius Interior Design Apps

Original Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Designrfix/~3/z2Ma-1F4XqM/10-genius-interior-design-apps

The development of technology greatly simplifies the life of a person both in everyday affairs and in professional activities. Nowadays, architects have stopped using paper, pencils and a ruler to create a plan. This process has become much easier, more fun and more productive. All this became possible thanks to special design apps and programs. […]

The post 10 Genius Interior Design Apps appeared first on designrfix.com.

14 Best Adobe Font Pairings For Websites

Original Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/1stwebdesigner/~3/JSm6tnjksaI/

Adobe Fonts is one of the few resources for web safe fonts available. Other than Google Fonts, which are free, there are not many other places you can find such a large library of fonts for use on websites. While Adobe Fonts does require paying a monthly fee to use, it is also included with most Creative Cloud plans, for which most designers will already have an account. Because this invaluable resource has thousands of available fonts, it can be difficult to rummage through all of them to come up with the best Adobe font pairings for website projects. So we’ve put together fourteen of our favorites for you in an effort to save you some time.

In the Adobe font pairings below, you will find clean, legible web fonts that are actually being pulled in directly from Adobe fonts onto the page, the same as you would on a website. These are not images. So you can see exactly how they will display on a website. The titles of each of the Adobe font pairings are clickable links to the font pages themselves, for ease of access and bookmarking to use yourself.

We hope you enjoy these 14 best Adobe font pairings we’ve suggested, and find them useful in your upcoming projects.

UNLIMITED DOWNLOADS: 400,000+ Fonts & Design Assets

Starting at only $16.50 per month!



Orpheus (Bold) + Proxima Nova

Orpheus Makes A Great Headline

Paired with Proxima Nova for the body text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur faucibus ut quam sed tempor. Mauris tincidunt, risus sit amet commodo pellentesque, arcu mi dapibus odio, id eleifend lectus nibh sed est. Ut tristique dui at nisl egestas congue. Curabitur in eros eget tortor mollis tempor. Duis nec euismod orci, sed congue dolor. Curabitur finibus ex et condimentum dictum. Quisque libero turpis, viverra mattis Best Adobe Font Pairings hendrerit venenatis, ultrices eget augue.

URW Din (Bold) + Neue Haas Grotesk (Light)

URW Din Makes A Great Headline

Paired with Neue Haas Grotesk for the body text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur faucibus ut quam sed tempor. Mauris tincidunt, risus sit amet commodo pellentesque, arcu mi dapibus odio, id eleifend lectus nibh sed est. Ut tristique dui at nisl egestas congue. Curabitur in eros eget tortor mollis tempor. Duis nec euismod orci, sed congue dolor. Curabitur finibus ex et condimentum dictum. Quisque libero turpis, viverra mattis hendrerit venenatis, ultrices eget augue.

Lust + FF Tisa

Lust Makes A Great Headline

Paired with FF Tisa for the body text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur faucibus ut quam sed tempor. Mauris tincidunt, risus sit amet commodo pellentesque, arcu mi dapibus odio, id eleifend lectus nibh sed est. Ut tristique dui at nisl egestas congue. Curabitur in eros eget tortor mollis tempor. Duis nec euismod orci, sed congue dolor. Curabitur finibus ex et condimentum dictum. Quisque libero turpis, viverra mattis hendrerit venenatis, ultrices eget augue.

Aktiv Grotesk (XBold) + Aktiv Grotesk Ext

Aktiv Grotesk Makes A Great Headline

Paired with Aktiv Grotesk Ext for the body text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur faucibus ut quam sed tempor. Mauris tincidunt, risus sit amet commodo pellentesque, arcu mi dapibus odio, id eleifend lectus nibh sed est. Ut tristique dui at nisl egestas congue. Curabitur in eros eget tortor mollis tempor. Duis nec euismod orci, sed congue dolor. Curabitur finibus ex et condimentum dictum. Quisque libero turpis, viverra mattis hendrerit venenatis, ultrices eget augue.

Big Caslon (Black) + Neue Haas Grotesk (Light)

Big Caslon Makes A Great Headline

Paired with Neue Haas Grotesk for the body text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur faucibus ut quam sed tempor. Mauris tincidunt, risus sit amet commodo pellentesque, arcu mi dapibus odio, id eleifend lectus nibh sed est. Ut tristique dui at nisl egestas congue. Curabitur in eros eget tortor mollis tempor. Duis nec euismod orci, sed congue dolor. Curabitur finibus ex et condimentum dictum. Quisque libero turpis, viverra mattis hendrerit venenatis, ultrices eget augue.

JAF Lapture (Bold) + Franklin Gothic URW (Light)

JAF Lapture Makes A Great Headline

Paired with Franklin Gothic URW for the body text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur faucibus ut quam sed tempor. Mauris tincidunt, risus sit amet commodo pellentesque, arcu mi dapibus odio, id eleifend lectus nibh sed est. Ut tristique dui at nisl egestas congue. Curabitur in eros eget tortor mollis tempor. Duis nec euismod orci, sed congue dolor. Curabitur finibus ex et condimentum dictum. Quisque libero turpis, viverra mattis hendrerit venenatis, ultrices eget augue.

Brothers (Bold) + Interstate (Light)

Brothers Makes A Great Headline

Paired with Interstate for the body text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur faucibus ut quam sed tempor. Mauris tincidunt, risus sit amet commodo pellentesque, arcu mi dapibus odio, id eleifend lectus nibh sed est. Ut tristique dui at nisl egestas congue. Curabitur in eros eget tortor mollis tempor. Duis nec euismod orci, sed congue dolor. Curabitur finibus ex et condimentum dictum. Quisque libero turpis, viverra mattis hendrerit venenatis, ultrices eget augue.

Rift (Bold) + Acumin (Light)

Rift Makes A Great Headline

Paired with Acumin for the body text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur faucibus ut quam sed tempor. Mauris tincidunt, risus sit amet commodo pellentesque, arcu mi dapibus odio, id eleifend lectus nibh sed est. Ut tristique dui at nisl egestas congue. Curabitur in eros eget tortor mollis tempor. Duis nec euismod orci, sed congue dolor. Curabitur finibus ex et condimentum dictum. Quisque libero turpis, viverra mattis hendrerit venenatis, ultrices eget augue.

Sofia (Semi Bold) + FF Tisa

Sofia Makes A Great Headline

Paired with FF Tisa for the body text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur faucibus ut quam sed tempor. Mauris tincidunt, risus sit amet commodo pellentesque, arcu mi dapibus odio, id eleifend lectus nibh sed est. Ut tristique dui at nisl egestas congue. Curabitur in eros eget tortor mollis tempor. Duis nec euismod orci, sed congue dolor. Curabitur finibus ex et condimentum dictum. Quisque libero turpis, viverra mattis hendrerit venenatis, ultrices eget augue.

Calluna (Bold) + Effra

Calluna Makes A Great Headline

Paired with Effra for the body text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur faucibus ut quam sed tempor. Mauris tincidunt, risus sit amet commodo pellentesque, arcu mi dapibus odio, id eleifend lectus nibh sed est. Ut tristique dui at nisl egestas congue. Curabitur in eros eget tortor mollis tempor. Duis nec euismod orci, sed congue dolor. Curabitur finibus ex et condimentum dictum. Quisque libero turpis, viverra mattis hendrerit venenatis, ultrices eget augue.

Miller Display (Bold) + Calluna

Miller Display Makes A Great Headline

Paired with Calluna for the body text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur faucibus ut quam sed tempor. Mauris tincidunt, risus sit amet commodo pellentesque, arcu mi dapibus odio, id eleifend lectus nibh sed est. Ut tristique dui at nisl egestas congue. Curabitur in eros eget tortor mollis tempor. Duis nec euismod orci, sed congue dolor. Curabitur finibus ex et condimentum dictum. Quisque libero turpis, viverra mattis hendrerit venenatis, ultrices eget augue.

Din Condensed + Basic Sans (Light)

Din Condensed Makes A Great Headline

Paired with Basic Sans for the body text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur faucibus ut quam sed tempor. Mauris tincidunt, risus sit amet commodo pellentesque, arcu mi dapibus odio, id eleifend lectus nibh sed est. Ut tristique dui at nisl egestas congue. Curabitur in eros eget tortor mollis tempor. Duis nec euismod orci, sed congue dolor. Curabitur finibus ex et condimentum dictum. Quisque libero turpis, viverra mattis hendrerit venenatis, ultrices eget augue.

Ambroise (ExtraBold) + JAF Domus

Ambroise Makes A Great Headline

Paired with JAF Domus for the body text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur faucibus ut quam sed tempor. Mauris tincidunt, risus sit amet commodo pellentesque, arcu mi dapibus odio, id eleifend lectus nibh sed est. Ut tristique dui at nisl egestas congue. Curabitur in eros eget tortor mollis tempor. Duis nec euismod orci, sed congue dolor. Curabitur finibus ex et condimentum dictum. Quisque libero turpis, viverra mattis hendrerit venenatis, ultrices eget augue.

Fieldwork (Bold) + Source Sans

Fieldwork Makes A Great Headline

Paired with Source Sans for the body text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur faucibus ut quam sed tempor. Mauris tincidunt, risus sit amet commodo pellentesque, arcu mi dapibus odio, id eleifend lectus nibh sed est. Ut tristique dui at nisl egestas congue. Curabitur in eros eget tortor mollis tempor. Duis nec euismod orci, sed congue dolor. Curabitur finibus ex et condimentum dictum. Quisque libero turpis, viverra mattis hendrerit venenatis, ultrices eget augue.

Collective #595

Original Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/tympanus/~3/9JdsXy2u3Vg/

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Inspirational Website of the Week: PANAMÆRA

An outstanding design with a unique layout that delivers a great experience. Our pick this week.

Get inspired

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A Variable Fonts Primer

Learn how to use variable fonts in your projects for improved UI design, long-form reading, and accessibility.

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Start your own freelance business by becoming a Divi expert

Learn how to develop websites with the most popular WordPress theme in the world and secure your success as a freelancer.

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Cannon-es and use-cannon

Read about Paul Henschel’s new library release in this tweet.

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Faux Code Generator

Turn any GitHub Gist into an SVG image.

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Improving perceived performance with the CSS `font-display` property

Learn how using the font-display property is a great way to tweak the way your fonts load.

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Why Are We Talking About CSS4?

Around the web and within the CSS Working Group, there has been some discussion about whether we should specify a version of CSS — perhaps naming it CSS4. In this article, Rachel Andrew rounds up some of the pros and cons of doing so, and asks for your feedback on the suggestion.

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A very useful polyglot web converter made by Ritesh Kumar.

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A fantastic little tool for designing and exporting lo-fi border decorations. By Max Bittker.

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Flowfield ART | Generative

A beautiful generative demo by Sikriti Dakua.

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Why 543 KB keep me up at night

Manuel Matuzovi? argues that we have to be much more considerate of what we’re putting online.

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Learn Box Alignment

A beautifully illustrated and interactive guide to learn all around CSS box alignment including flexbox and grid.

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Dynamic and async functionality in JAMstack

A tutorial by Deepak Gupta where you’ll learn how JAMstack sites handle dynamic content and interactions.

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What a cool bubble effect. Can you make it burst?

Check it out

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Building our own Chatbot and Cloud AI Service

Learn how to build an AI-powered chatbot with NLP.js and Netlify functions.


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A pure CSS library that provides you with a variety of ready-to-use toggles.

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Free Android Phone Mockups

A set of eight android mockup templates in Photoshop PSD format to showcase your graphic design projects in natural homely environment.

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Utility Props for Web Components

Read how Ryosuke created a library and design system that adds utility CSS props to web components.

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Caching GraphQL Responses

Abdelrahman Awad’s shows how to go about GraphQL caching in this great tutorial.

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TensorFlow 2.0 Complete Course

Learn how to use TensorFlow 2.0 in this full tutorial course for beginners.

Watch it

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This is a great list of discounts on software (SaaS, PaaS, IaaS, etc.) and other offerings for developers who are students.

Check it out

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From Our Blog
Distorted Link Effects with SVG Filters

A couple of ideas for decorative link distortion effects using SVG filters on lines, circles and squares.

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From Our Blog
Awesome Demos Roundup #14

Over the past weeks we’ve collected super interesting and creative web experiments for your inspiration. These demos will warm your coding soul.

Check it out

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From Our Blog
UI Interactions & Animations Roundup #4

A fresh dose of inspiration to get you updated on the latest UI animation and interaction trends.

Check it out

Collective #595 was written by Mary Lou and published on Codrops.

iPad Pro 2020: All the latest rumours and leaks

Original Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/CreativeBloq/~3/VTRQgILlG6M/ipad-pro-2020

There has been much speculation about the arrival of the new iPad Pro 2020. The iPad Pro was pretty much neglected in 2019, so fans are keen to see if 2020 marks the year the powerful tablet gets some attention. While Apple's spring event was slated for March, it now looks as if it is going to be cancelled due to coronavirus fears. However, that doesn't mean that new products won't be announced, so we are still expecting news about the iPad Pro 2020 to be just around the corner. 

Delays and viruses aside, what do we know about the iPad Pro 2020? One thing's for sure, whatever the update looks like, there will be some great iPad Pro apps for designers, artists and illustrators to work with. Here we take a look at all the latest iPad Pro 2020 leaks and rumours. And spoiler alert: it looks like the iPad Pro really may become a MacBook killer this time round.

iPad Pro 2020: Design rumours

The most recent rumours are based around the iPad Pro's strides into laptop territory. One recent leak suggests that the iPad Pro could come with an optional keyboard that includes a proper trackpad, so it really could become a machine that creatives can use instead of their MacBook. 

Code seen by 9to5Mac for iOS 14 (expected to be with us in autumn) also suggests that both the iPad and the iPhone could soon work much better with a mouse. This could mean that you can connect your mouse via bluetooth to your device and it will work much in the same way as it does on a computer, with two-finger taps acting like right-clicks, for example. Note that iOS 13 does have mouse support for the iPad, but it's buried within the settings and overall seems pretty unintuitive. 

On top of these rumours, there's a lot of speculation floating around about the iPad Pro 2020's design in general. In the middle of 2019, Apple registered another two tablet models with the Eurasian Economic Commission (EEC) regulator. And both of these new models didn't match any models that aren't in the current line-up, which has (naturally) led to speculation. 

A previous rumour, posted on Twitter last month, offers an unconfirmed look at the front and back of the new iPad Pro 2020. The most significant feature is addition of two rear cameras. Being that the current iPad Pro only has one, it hints that Apple has put the devices' photo-taking abilities in (ahem) focus.

iPad Pro 2020: Release date and price

Late last year, Bloomberg's Mark Gurman suggested the release date would be early 2020, which is interesting when you consider Apple usually unveils new tech at its annual October event. Does this mean that Apple skipped a 2019 iPad Pro launch with the intent of releasing two new iPad Pros in 2020? Only time will tell.

There's no current news on the price of the new device, however with over a year between updates, we expect this iPad Pro refresh to be significant, in terms of both cost and capability. 

Below is what we've heard about the latest event being cancelled, with no news yet on how this will affect the iPad Pro. 

iPad Pro 2020: What we'd like to see 

While we wait for official confirmation from Apple, we can only speculate what the new iPad Pro 2020 will actually offer. However there's no doubt that the new iPad Pro will be a top-end, power-packed tablet. The current 12.9-inch model boasts a very powerful A12X Bionic processor, so expect even more processing power for demanding creative tasks like photo or video editing. 

Our biggest wish for the iPad Pro 2020 would be a bigger screen. Seeing as there is no longer a 15-inch MacBook Pro anymore, how about a 15-inch iPad Pro to fill the gap? The extra space would be perfect for designers, illustrators and artists to express themselves with an Apple Pencil. 

We'll update this post as and when more news drops on the new iPad Pro 2020. But if you can't wait that long to get your hands on one of these powerful devices, you can currently get some great deals on the 2018 iPad Pro models. Here are the best prices in your area: 

iPad Pro 12.9 reviewMacBook Pro 2020: Latest rumour roundup20 best drawing apps for iPad

The Latest Research for Web Designers, March 2020

Original Source: https://www.webdesignerdepot.com/2020/03/the-latest-research-for-web-designers-march-2020/

While it’s important to know about the latest research and surveys impacting web design, I think it’s just as important to stay informed about news that may affect your work as a designer.

As such, this roundup of the latest research for web designers includes a mix of reports along with some news and facts about something that people are talking about all around the world: the coronavirus.

A Better Lemonade Stand Analyzes the Best Remote Working Locations

With the help of Nomad List, A Better Lemonade Stand has aggregated a list of the 20 best places to work remotely.

While finding a place to live can be a very subjective matter (for instance, some people prefer colder locales or warm ones), this list takes into account factors that can have a serious impact on the work of a freelancer. For example, this is why Auckland, New Zealand ended up taking the #1 spot for remote work:

The other cities to round out the top 10 are:

Bengaluru, India
Budapest, Hungary
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Chiang Mai, Thailand
Dubrovnik, Croatia
Hanoi, Vietnam
Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam
Krakow, Poland
Lisbon, Portugal

I’d argue that it’s high scores on factors like the following that make them the best spots to work remotely from:

Internet speed
Free wifi in the city
Places to work from
Happiness score
Quality of life

If you’ve been considering a move and you want it to not only be a place you love but that’s good for your business, one of these nomad-friendly spots might fit the bill.

Hubspot Gives Us a Comprehensive Look at the State of Marketing

As always, there’s almost too much information to digest in Hubspot’s annual State of Marketing report. But that’s not going to stop me from highlighting the points you can use to bring more money into your business:

Website Upgrades Needed

According to the survey, 63% of respondents are looking to upgrade their websites in 2020. If you have experience in and enjoy doing website redesigns, hop on this opportunity as soon as you can.

Maintenance Pros Wanted

Sometimes it’s not the design that needs to be tweaked. Rather your clients would benefit from a technical tune-up along with ongoing maintenance.

When asked which tactics have been the most beneficial for improving a website’s performance and search ranking, here’s what respondents had to say:

You could easily create a recurring revenue stream around these maintenance tasks.

Visual-Heavy Content Marketing is a Must

Marketers use a wide variety of content in their marketing strategies:

If you’re in the business of building websites, you should also be helping your clients create graphics for the media above. For instance, you could provide ongoing design services for:

Blog (and promotional social media) graphics
Videos or just video cover images
Templates for case studies, ebooks, and white papers

Just because your job is primarily to build high-converting websites for clients doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be looking for other ways to serve them.

The Coronavirus’s Impact on Freelancers

With so much news about the coronavirus out there, it’s hard to know what to focus your attention. If you’re a freelancer, then these are the statistics and research you should focus on:

Conferences Around the World Are Being Cancelled

Business Insider and the LA Times rounded up lists of conferences that have been cancelled, rescheduled, or restructured because of the coronavirus:

Adobe Summit (it’ll be online instead)
Facebook’s F8
Facebook’s Global Marketing Summit
EmTech Asia
Shopify Developer Conference
Google I/O
Google Cloud Next ‘20 (rescheduled as an online event)

And for those of you who work with WordPress, WordCamp Asia was cancelled.

Considering how expensive and time-consuming professional design conferences can be to attend, these cancellations might not be as big of a disappointment to the freelance community. In fact, it might bring a change to the professional conference landscape, with more of them hosted virtually so that it becomes cheaper, more practical, and now safer to attend.

Some Freelance Gigs Are Drying Up

In particular, it’s Singapore’s population of freelancers that are feeling the effects of the coronavirus, according to a report from Vice.

It makes sense. As businesses close down their offices or their operations altogether, the contract workforce who works behind the scenes for them is going to be impacted as well. This is especially problematic for those who build ecommerce and retail websites. With many products manufactured in China (31.3% of all apparel and 37.6% of textiles are manufactured there, for instance), inventories are waning and many retailers are having to wait out the virus to resume operations. 

The Singapore government recently announced plans for its 2020 budget, which included contributing SG$800 million towards curbing the effects of the virus on the country. Additional support is to be given to industries the most severely affected by it as well.

While the country’s budget doesn’t account for freelancers (as I’m sure will be the case in other countries), the freelance community itself is stepping up.

Nicholas Chee, who runs a video production company in Singapore, started a Facebook group for freelancers who’ve been dealing with lost gigs as a result of the coronavirus. It’s called SG COVID-19 Creative/Cultural Professionals & Freelancers Support Group and is giving the freelance community a way to support each other through this crisis.

Web Designers May Be Able To Help Stop The Spread of Coronavirus

It’s not just Facebook groups that are going to help freelancers get through the coronavirus crisis in one piece. According to Dr. Stephanie Evergreen, web designers might actually be able to help slow down or stop the spread of the virus itself.

In an article she wrote for Fast Company, Dr. Evergreen, a data visualization specialist, demonstrates how more eye-catching graphics can better educate the public on what’s going on and what they can do.

For instance, she shares this graphic from the World Health Organization:

While it more effectively lays out this data than a wall of text would, it’s not going to do much to capture anyone’s attention.

It’s more important than ever for public health agencies to use data visualization to communicate with the masses, as the public is bombarded with more information each day and in need of a way for the most pressing issues to cut through the noise.

Quantifiable data, instead, should be presented like this graphic from the Florida Department of Health. 

It does both a good job of capturing attention and informing the public of what’s going on.

Bottom line: if your website is tasked with communicating critical data to the public, see if there’s a way you can lend your design skills to it. While a writer can clearly communicate what’s going on, graphics are more likely to grab and hold their attention.


While annual “State of” reports always tend to wind down around February/March, we still have a wealth of data coming in that not only affects your design strategy but your business strategy too.

Keep your eyes peeled for the next edition of the latest research for web designers as we’re sure to see the first quarterly reports come out for design, marketing, SEO, and more.


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Slick new Apple homepage celebrates world-changing women

Original Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/CreativeBloq/~3/_pcG7RHtjtY/apple-homepage-iwd

As part of its International Women's Day celebrations this weekend, Apple has changed its homepage into an interactive, scrollable catalogue of images and biographies celebrating "the women who are changing everything". These include campaigner Malala Yousafzai, Little Women director Greta Gerwig and 12-year-old Ghanaian musician DJ Switch.

At the centre of the new website layout is a link to Apple's latest Behind the Mac ad. The video features a montage of the same images of the female creators (and, of course, their Macs), soundtracked by Beyoncé's Flawless – which samples a TED talk by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie called We should all be feminists. Previous Behind the Mac ads have featured similarly candid, black and white photos of musicians from Paul McCartney to FKA Twigs using Macs as part of their creative process.

The homepage also links to Apple's She Creates series. For the entire month of March, the brand's in-store Today at Apple sessions will be led by inspiring female creators, helping customers make creative use of various Apple products.

With its simple photography and monochrome palette, the classy new homepage carries an inspiring message and looks good doing it. We like it, and we hope it inspires other women in creative careers – whether they're an art director or just starting out.

Apple has form when it comes to tweaking its homepage. We were big fans of last month's playful Apple Arcade takeover, which saw animated video game characters turn its products into a virtual assault course. 

Check out the Apple homepage here.

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The 12 best drawing books

Original Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/CreativeBloq/~3/szn9qGo9GbA/the-10-best-drawing-books

The best drawing books dispel the myth that artists are born, not made. We believe that nearly anyone can learn a skill, if they know what resources to use to help them learn.

That's where we come in. Whether you're just starting out or you're a seasoned artist, this list of the best drawing books will help you improve your knowledge, and provide you with some great reference material, too. While this isn't an exhaustive list, this is our pick of the best drawing books we recommend for artists, or aspiring artists, of all skill levels.

For more inspiration and advice in video or online tutorial format, take a look at our roundup of how to draw tutorials.

Sketching from the imagination

Sketching from the imagination: Creatures & Monsters is a fascinating book, organised by artist, which displays fantasy creature designs. A varied subject selection provides drawings of everything from dragons and fairies to mechanical structures and aliens, in all stages of development. The majority of the artwork is in black and white; however, a number of full colour illustrations pop up randomly, making for a welcome change of pace in among the monochrome. A slight downside to this softcover is that there’s no easy way (unless you’re familiar with every artist) to quickly find a specific subject matter or style of interest. 

On the whole there’s very little not to like about this book. The art is accessible and fascinating in its variety, and the artistic insight is a nice added extra. Creature artists are sure to enjoy all the eye candy on view, and it’s a bargain to boot.

Best drawing books: Drawing the head and hands

Andrew Loomis' Drawing the Head and Hands is a classic, and is excellent if you're looking for a solid foundation on drawing hands and heads. There's a ton of info inside, so you'll want to take it slow, especially if you struggle with drawing hands. Loomis' explanations are detailed and engaging, and it's hands-down (pun intended) the best anatomy reference book despite its age. Loomis' systematic approach will help you understand the principles behind drawing realistic portraits. Aside from the benefits of learning how to draw, Drawing the Head and Hands makes an excellent coffee table book too.

Pocket Art: Portrait Drawing

This Pocket Art: Portrait Drawing art guide is perfect for those artists looking to improve their portraiture skills. Artist Miss Led (real name Joanna Henly) breaks down the stages of portrait drawing into manageable, easy-to-understand sections, covering how to best approach creating beautiful portraits in a range of styles.  

Aimed at beginners and experienced artists alike, this 112-page book acts as a solid introduction to portrait drawing techniques, but also looks at how professional artists can create fine art and commercial-style illustrations. The handy-sized book is full of expert advice and tips, backed up by plenty of exercises for readers to put into practice. Copy is minimal but covers everything it needs to, leaving more space for Miss Led’s beautiful art.  

This manual is well designed, clearly written, and you’ll be hard pushed to find a bag it doesn’t fit in. Like all good tutorial-style books, it works because it’s accessible to artists of every skill level. Packed with inspirational art and very affordable, Pocket Art: Portrait Drawing comes highly recommended.  

Best drawing books: Drawn to Life

Volume 1 of Walt Stanchfield's Drawn to Life: 20 Golden Years of Disney Master Classes is a super-dense drawing book that you'll need to read slowly. Stanchfield takes a different approach to learning how to draw by focusing more on the emotions, life and action than proportions and technical accuracy. With a heavy focus on gesture drawing, don't expect a book filled with finished drawings. Drawn to Life is about capturing the moment. If you're interested in creating drawings with character and flow, this is a must-have reference. 

Best drawing books: The Sketch Encyclopedia

If you're looking for some warmup sketch ideas, The Sketch Encyclopedia: Over 900 Drawing Projects  is a great place to start. This drawing book breaks down each project, of which there are over 1,000, into four key steps (sketch, line drawing, and two that build up and complete the form) – making it easy to follow along. With lessons on creatures, people, buildings, famous landmarks, vehicles and nature, you're sure to find something to get you started. The Sketch Encyclopedia also includes an extensive introduction covering tools, line making, light theory, perspective and texture.

Best drawing books: Drawing on the right side of the brain

This revised 'definitive' edition of Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain by Betty Edwards is excellent for professional illustrators or drawing hobbyists. Edwards delivers a lot of interesting concepts as she encourages you to explore the importance of creative thinking. She approaches learning how to draw by teaching you how to see differently and explains everything from technique to materials. If you're an art educator, don't skip this one!

Best drawing books: How to draw comics the Marvel way

No drawing books list is complete without a word from Stan Lee and John Buscema. If you're looking for a crash course in figure drawing, or if you're an aspiring comic-book artist, animator, or illustrator, do yourself a favour and grab a copy of How to Draw Comics the Marvel Way. In addition to figure drawing, you'll learn about composition, shot selection, perspective, character dynamics, and more. Are there newer, more in-depth books out there? Sure, but if you're a comic book junkie, then you need this book.

Best drawing books: The Silver Way

Part of learning how to draw is learning how to have confidence in your own work. The Silver Way: Techniques, Tips, and Tutorials for Effective Character Design is written by Stephen Silver, the man behind the character design for Kim Possible, Danny Phantom, and The Fairly OddParents (to name a few). It offers guidance, encouragement, and inspiration in addition to easy-to-follow tutorials and drawing techniques.

Best drawing books:  Art Fundamentals

Art Fundamentals: Color, Light, Composition, Anatomy, Perspective, and Depth by Gilles Beloeil (Assassin's Creed series), Andrei Riabovitchev (Prometheus and X-Men: First Class), and Roberto F. Castro (Dead Island and Mortal Kombat) is one of the most comprehensive drawing books on the market today. In this book, you'll discover all sorts of goodies, including the rule of thirds, rule of odds, Golden Triangle, and Divine Proportions. But it goes well beyond composition. You'll also learn about colour and light, perspective and depth, anatomy, and portraying emotions.

Best drawing books: Drawing the head and figure

Drawing the Head and Figure: A How-To Handbook That Makes Drawing Easy by Jack Hamm is packed with helpful advice. You could say that this book is in direct competition with Loomis' drawing books (number 01), and you'd be correct. However, Hamm's approach to drawing the figure is more simplistic than Loomis'. His step-by-step approach will have even the most inexperienced artists drawing better and more confidently. Although some of the drawings are a bit dated, specifically the hairstyles and clothing, it's still an excellent primer for learning how to draw and can be easily applied to what you're making today.

Best drawing books: Modern cartooning

Cartooning is fun, and in Modern Cartooning: Essential Techniques for Drawing Today's Popular Cartoons, Christopher Hart shows you the essential techniques you need to know to unleash your full potential. Aimed at beginners, Modern Cartooning takes you step-by-step through the process of creating cartoons. You'll learn how to draw faces, bodies, backdrops, and more. As an added bonus, Hart's YouTube channel regularly shares easy-to-follow, step-by-step videos on how to draw cartoons, manga, animals and everything else.

Best drawing books: The Illusion of Life

Why is an animation book included on a 'best drawing books' list? Because it's amazing! Written by Ollie Johnston and Frank Thomas, two long-term Disney animators, The Illusion of Life takes its readers back to the beginning. Although it's not a tutorial book by any stretch of the word, it does offer a lot of advice and guidance regarding styles, effects, colour selection, and more. It also formed the basis for the 12 principles of animation still used today. This drawing book will inspire you to create through its many uses of photos, paintings, sketches and storyboards – all of which can be used to help you become a better artist.

Parts of this article were originally published in ImagineFX magazine. Subscribe here.

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