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10 Creative Hamburger Menus + Tips & Tricks

Original Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/1stwebdesigner/~3/qxI4_owCY7I/

When browsing through websites, you’ve most likely come across three horizontal lines on the top right corner of the webpage. While not present on every site, these lines are commonly referred to as “hamburger menus” by UI designers.

What is a Hamburger Menu?

A hamburger menu is a navigation tool that opens up to a side menu and is used for both mobile apps and websites. The role of these navigation bars is to help you easily maneuver anywhere on a website in a user-friendly manner and without having to scroll up to hunt for navigation.

Hamburger menus were first introduced more than three decades ago by a man named Norm Cox. He made the burger icon for Xerox Star, which was the world’s first graphical user interface. The purpose of the triple bar icon was to let users know that the button contained a list of items. However, despite it being around for quite some time, it wasn’t widely used until 2009 and has gotten a lot of criticism over the years.

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Pros and Cons of Hamburger Menus

Before we get into the examples, let’s first explore the pros and cons of using hamburger menus.


It provides quick secondary access: Users can quickly access desired pages without having to scroll through pages.
Recognized by many users worldwide: The sign is common and can be found everywhere from mobile games to web pages to apps.
Makes the webpage appear organized: The hamburger menu helps with maintaining focus on the important web features you’d like users to see. It also keeps the web page clean.


Lower engagement: When users can’t easily access a web page, they’re less likely to click on it.
Makes pages seem less important: Because all the important information is accessed on the first page it’s less likely for users to navigate through the menu.
Hard to reach: Hamburger menus can be hard to reach or press in some mobile designs.

Tips for Making a Good Hamburger Menu

Here are a few quick tips for ensuring your hamburger menu is identifiable and effective:

1. Use Animation

A hamburger menu without an animation that turns the three horizontal lines into another shape is rarely seen. Put it to good use.

2. Use a Custom Icon

It’s important that the menu remains recognizable to ensure a great user experience. Using a custom icon helps many users identify it.

3. Responsiveness

Mobile users prefer the vertical sliding or the horizontal navigation bar while computer users prefer a more detailed menu with tabs of content, rows, and vertical links. Designing your hamburger menus to be responsive will ensure users are presented with the ideal menu option regardless of the device they’re using.

10 Worthy Examples of Hamburger Menus

What follows are 10 high-quality options of hamburger menus currently available on Codepen to choose from. Why start from scratch when you don’t have to?

Menu Toggle by Tamino Martinius

See the Pen
? <-> ❌ (version 1) by Tamino Martinius (@Zaku)
on CodePen.light

Drawn Hamburger Transition by Jesse Couch

See the Pen
Drawn Hamburger Transition by Jesse Couch (@designcouch)
on CodePen.light

Hamburger Menu with Cheese by Michael Smart

See the Pen
Hamburger Menu (with cheese) by Michael Smart (@mikedevelops)
on CodePen.light

Atomic Menu by Alex Coven

See the Pen
Atomic Hamburger Menu CSS by Alex Coven (@alcoven)
on CodePen.light

Pure CSS Fullscreen Navigation Menu by Brenden Palmer

See the Pen
Pure CSS Fullscreen Navigation Menu by Brenden Palmer (@brenden)
on CodePen.light

Animated Hamburger by Steven Fabre

See the Pen
Hamburger Animated Icon by Steven Fabre (@stevenfabre)
on CodePen.light

Open Close by Vineeth TR

See the Pen
Open Close by Vineeth.TR (@vineethtrv)
on CodePen.light

Morphing Hamburger by Sergio

See the Pen
Hamburger icon with Morphing Menu by Sergio Andrade (@sergioandrade)
on CodePen.light

Animated Hamburger Menu by Mathew Ladner

See the Pen
Animated Hamburger Menu by Matthew Ladner (@netfuel)
on CodePen.light

CSS3 Only Hamburger by David Krajewski

See the Pen
Hamburger Icon CSS3 ONLY Animation by Dawid Krajewski (@DawidKrajewski)
on CodePen.light

Hamburger Menu Alternatives to Consider

If hamburger menus aren’t speaking to you, there are some alternative options worth taking a look at.

1. Scrollable Navigation

This type of navigation tool is normally used for longer lists. Making the list scrollable allows users to easily move side-to-side. For example, it’s mostly used for news websites when users are expected to scroll through news categories, and also works well for online stores and music apps.

2. Tab Bar

Tab bars are considered to be the simplest navigation option with the main navigation options easily visible. For example, if you have an app that has a limited number of web pages/features then this is definitely the way to go.

Some things to consider with this navigation include:

The home page has to be in the first tab and the rest should follow according to the level of importance.
The tab bar allows no more than five navigation options.
It’s important for at least one of the options to be highlighted and active.
Use icons with labels unless for actions that are common and easily recognizable.

3. More Option Tab Bar

The ‘more’ option tab bar is most suitable if you have more than five top-level destinations.

The extra option can work well as a dropdown menu. To improve navigation you’ll need to correctly prioritize the options for users to have at least four to five on the screen at all times.

4. The Progressively Collapsing Menu

This type of menu fits on the whole screen and shows as much of the navigation as possible. Everything else is put under the “More” button. This provides a better user experience than the tab bar design.

5. Full Screen Navigation

The full screen navigation solution takes up the whole homepage for navigation purposes. Users then swipe to access additional menu options as they scroll up or down.

This type of navigation helps designers organize huge amounts of information without overwhelming the user.


When picking out a hamburger menu, make sure you pick one that’s most suitable for your website or app. Making navigation within an app seamless and user-friendly will encourage users to engage with it more than once and even attract new users. Just make sure you test the speed and efficiency before implementing. But then you should be good to set your visitors browsing. Good luck!

Collective #679

Original Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/tympanus/~3/wVXynvvTJrc/

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10 Tips to Help Video Content Succeed in 2021

Original Source: https://www.webdesignerdepot.com/2021/09/10-tips-to-help-video-content-succeed-in-2021/

According to a recent Hubspot survey, more than 85% of marketers believe video content is essential for any marketing strategy. This percentage is more than 20% higher than in 2016.

Understanding why this is the case is not hard. Modern digital marketing is all about engaging with your audience and sharing personal stories. And there’s simply no better way to do that than video content.

Videos are engaging for people of all ages and less boring than other types of content. However, it’s not easy to create or optimize video content. That’s why we have created a list of the top 10 video content tips and tricks you should follow.

Top 10 Tips and Tricks to Succeed in Video Content Marketing 

Whether you are an influencer, blogger, or business owner, video content is important for promoting your services or products. The following tips will help you improve your video content strategies.

Plus, you can apply these tactics across all websites and platforms: from your website or YouTube channel to social media platforms like Instagram or Twitter.

1. Utilize Video SEO

Contrary to what many believe, SEO does not only apply to written content. In fact, video SEO is just as important for drawing organic traffic to your website or social network account.

You can achieve this in several ways. When you upload a new video, you need to consider things like keywords, tags, file names, and descriptions. However, this is only part of what you can do to optimize your videos for SEO purposes.

There are plenty of video SEO guides for beginners that can help you improve your online presence through your video content. 

2. Identify Your Goals and the Scope of Your Videos

As with written and visual content in general, it is critical to identify your business goals for video content. This is one of the first things you should think about when launching a new video content campaign.

Think about what you want to achieve. For example, do you need to generate new customer leads or expand your audience? Considering the reach of your videos can help you stand out from your competitors.

When it comes to video content, planning is key. For this reason, setting the goals of your strategy should be a priority.

3. Schedule Your Video Content

While it’s important to set goals, no video content strategy will work without consistency. Planning your video content is the best way to be consistent when creating, uploading, and promoting.

There are many online apps and tools that can help you organize your video content strategy. For example, scheduling tools like Buffer or MeetEdgar can help you keep everything organized and save time uploading your videos.

In addition to these social media scheduling tools, you can also use apps like Trello to help you organize your content creation in general.

4. Use Premade Material like Instagram Templates

If you are a professional video creator or video editor, you’ll have no problem creating top-notch video content. But what happens if you have no experience with video content at all?

Luckily, there are plenty of tools out there to make your life easier. For example, if you want to create video stories for Instagram, you can use captivating pre-made Instagram templates.

Editing such templates using software like Photoshop can save you both time and money. However, if you do not have Photoshop experience, you can also create videos using simple online editors like Canva. 

5. Make Your Videos Engaging and Emotional

There are a few tips we would like to share when it comes to the content of videos. An important thing to keep in mind is that your videos should always be engaging. If you don’t try to engage with your audience through your videos, there is a big chance of failure. 

Therefore, whether you own a personal blog or an enormous corporate website, your video content should connect you emotionally with your audience. Adding a personal feel to your videos is a fantastic approach to consider. 

By doing so, your customers/readers will feel the need to engage by sharing their stories with you.  

6. Create Educational and Relevant Video Content

There are a few tips we’d like to share with you when it comes to video content. One important thing to keep in mind is that your videos should always be engaging. If you are not trying to engage your audience through your videos, there is a high chance of failure.

Whether you have a personal blog or a huge corporate website, your video content should connect emotionally with your audience. Adding a personal touch to your videos is an excellent approach to consider.

This way, your customers/readers will feel the need to engage by sharing their stories with you.

7. Implement CTAs

Calls to action are one of the most effective marketing strategies for written content. Although most websites only include CTAs on the homepage, it’s a brilliant thing to also use them in blog posts, videos, and visual content in general.

You should let your customers know how they can interact with your brand. For example, let them know about your website or how they can follow you on social media for more information.

CTAs are the best way to keep your customers and ultimately increase your conversion rates.

8. Focus on Storytelling

Videos that focus on sales often bore viewers. For this reason, you should add some value to your video content. Creating videos that act like stories is a great thing to do.

When you tell a personal story, your customers can better understand your brand and how it can help them. Remember, storytelling makes your content more engaging and interesting.

9. Promote your Content

Say you have developed a great video content strategy and have already created some top-notch videos. What should be your next step? Well, maximizing your target audience is a smart approach.

You can achieve this by promoting your videos on platforms like Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, etc. Another smart move is to incorporate your video content into other content like blog posts, your website, etc.

10. Occasionally Evaluate your Video Content Strategy

Since you have already established your goals and the scope of your videos, you know exactly what you want to achieve with your video content strategy. Therefore, it’s important to evaluate how your plan is working. If you are happy with the analytics of your videos, that’s great.

If not, you can always consider what’s going wrong. For example, maybe you need to promote your videos better or include more CTAs.

Wrap Up

In this article, we analyzed how important video content has become for marketing. For this reason, implementing videos into your marketing strategies is a great thing to do.

If you follow the tips and tricks above, you will increase your video content strategy’s chances of success.


Featured image via Unsplash.


p img {display:inline-block; margin-right:10px;}
.alignleft {float:left;}
p.showcase {clear:both;}
body#browserfriendly p, body#podcast p, div#emailbody p{margin:0;}

The post 10 Tips to Help Video Content Succeed in 2021 first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

What’s New With DevTools: Cross-Browser Edition

Original Source: https://smashingmagazine.com/2021/09/devtools-cross-browser-edition/

Browser developer tools keep evolving, with new and improved features added all the time. It’s hard to keep track, especially when using more than one browser. With that much on offer, it is not surprising that we feel overwhelmed and use the features we already know instead of keeping up with what’s new.

It’s a shame though, as some of them can make us much more productive.

So, my goal with this article is to raise awareness on some of the newest features in Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Firefox and Safari. Hopefully, it will make you want to try them out, and maybe will help you get more comfortable next time you need to debug a browser-specific issue.

With that said, let’s jump right in.

Chrome DevTools

The Chrome DevTools team has been hard at work modernizing their (now 13 years old) codebase. They have been busy improving the build system, migrating to TypeScript, introducing new WebComponents, re-building their theme infrastructure, and way more. As a result, the tools are now easier to extend and change.

But on top of this less user-facing work, the team did ship a lot of features too. Let me go over a few of them here, related to CSS debugging.


CSS scroll-snapping offers web developers a way to control the position at which a scrollable container stops scrolling. It’s a useful feature for, e.g., long lists of photos where you want the browser to position each photo neatly within its scrollable container automatically for you.

If you want to learn more about scroll-snapping, you can read this MDN documentation, and take a look at Adam Argyle’s demos here.

The key properties of scroll-snapping are:

scroll-snap-type, which tells the browser the direction in which snapping happens, and how it happens;
scroll-snap-align, which tells the browser where to snap.

Chrome DevTools introduced new features that help debug these key properties:

if an element defines scroll-snapping by using scroll-snap-type, the Elements panel shows a badge next to it.

You can click on the scroll-snap badge to enable a new overlay. When you do, several things are highlighted on the page:
the scroll container,
the items that scroll within the container,
the position where items are aligned (marked by a blue dot).

This overlay makes it easy to understand if and how things snap into place after scrolling around. This can be very useful when, e.g., your items don’t have a background and boundaries between them are hard to see.

While scroll snapping isn’t a new CSS feature, adoption is rather low (less than 4% according to chromestatus.com), and since the specification changed, not every browser supports it the same way.

I hope that this DevTools feature will make people want to play more with it and ultimately adopt it for their sites.

Container queries

If you have done any kind of web development in recent years, you have probably heard of container queries. It’s been one of the most requested CSS features for the longest time and has been a very complex problem for browser makers and spec writers to solve.

If you don’t know what container queries are, I would suggest going through Stephanie Eckles’ Primer On CSS Container Queries article first.

In a few words, they’re a way for developers to define the layout and style of elements depending on their container’s size. This ability is a huge advantage when creating reusable components since we can make them adapt to the place they are used in (rather than only adapt to the viewport size which media queries are good for).

Fortunately, things are moving in this space and Chromium now supports container queries and the Chrome DevTools team has started adding tooling that makes it easier to get started with them.

Container queries are not enabled by default in Chromium yet (to enable them, go to chrome://flags and search for “container queries”), and it may still take a little while for them to be. Furthermore, the DevTools work to debug them is still in its early days. But some early features have already landed.

When selecting an element in DevTools that has styles coming from a @container at-rule, then this rule appears in the Styles sidebar of the Elements panel. This is similar to how media queries styles are presented in DevTools and will make it straightforward to know where a certain style is coming from.

As the above screenshot shows, the Styles sidebar displays 2 rules that apply to the current element. The bottom one applies to the .media element at all times and provides its default style. And the top one is nested in a @container (max-width:300px) container query that only takes effect when the container is narrower than 300px.

On top of this, just above the @container at-rule, the Styles pane displays a link to the element that the rule resolves to, and hovering over it displays extra information about its size. This way you know exactly why the container query matched.

Hover over the container query to know why and where it matched.

The Chrome DevTools team is actively working on this feature and you can expect much more in the future.

Chromium Collaboration

Before going into features that other browsers have, let’s talk about Chromium for a little bit. Chromium is an open-source project that Chrome, Edge, Brave, and other browsers are built upon. It means all these browsers have access to the features of Chromium.

Two of the most active contributors to this project are Google and Microsoft and, when it comes to DevTools, they collaborated on a few interesting features that I’d like to go over now.

CSS Layout Debugging Tools

A few years ago, Firefox innovated in this space and shipped the first-ever grid and flexbox inspectors. Chromium-based browsers now also make it possible for web developers to debug grid and flexbox easily.

This collaborative project involved engineers, product managers and designers from Microsoft and Google, working towards a shared goal (learn more about the project itself in my BlinkOn talk).

Among other things, DevTools now has the following layout debugging features:

Highlight multiple grid and flex layouts on the page, and customize if you want to see grid line names or numbers, grid areas, and so on.

Flex and grid editors to visually play around with the various properties.

Play with the various flex alignment properties visually. (Large preview)

Alignment icons in the CSS autocomplete make it easier to choose properties and values.

Highlight on property hover to understand what parts of the page a property applies to.

Highlight various CSS properties independently to understand how they affect the layout. (Large preview)

You can read more information about this on Microsoft’s and Google’s documentation sites.


This was another collaborative project involving Microsoft and Google which, now, makes it possible for all Chromium-based DevTools to be translated in languages other than English.

Originally, there was never a plan to localize DevTools, which means that this was a huge effort. It involved going over the entire codebase and making UI strings localizable.

The result was worth it though. If English isn’t your first language and you’d feel more comfortable using DevTools in a different one, head over to the Settings (F1) and find the language drop-down.

Here is a screenshot of what it looks like in Chrome DevTools:

And here is how Edge looks in Japanese:

Edge DevTools

Microsoft switched to Chromium to develop Edge more than 2 years ago now. While, at the time, it caused a lot of discussions in the web community, not much has been written or said about it since then. The people working on Edge (including its DevTools) have been busy though, and the browser has a lot of unique features now.

Being based on the Chromium open source project does mean that Edge benefits from all of its features and bug fixes. Practically speaking, the Edge team ingests the changes made in the Chromium repository in their own repository.

But over the past year or so, the team started to create Edge-specific functionality based on the needs of Edge users and feedback. Edge DevTools now has a series of unique features that I will go over.

Opening, Closing, and Moving Tools

With almost 30 different panels, DevTools is a really complicated piece of software in any browser. But, you never really need access to all the tools at the same time. In fact, when starting DevTools for the first time, only a few panels are visible and you can add more later.

On the other hand though, it’s hard to discover the panels that aren’t shown by default, even if they could be really useful to you.

Edge added 3 small, yet powerful, features to address this:

a close button on tabs to close the tools you don’t need anymore,
a + (plus) button at the end of the tab bar to open any tool,
a context menu option to move tools around.

The following GIF shows how closing and opening tools in both the main and drawer areas can be done in Edge.

Easily open the tools you need and close the ones you don’t. (Large preview)

You can also move tools between the main area and drawer area:

right-clicking on a tab at the top shows a “Move to bottom” item, and
right-clicking on a tab in the drawer shows a “Move to top” item.

Move tools between the main top area and the bottom drawer area. (Large preview)

Getting Contextual Help with the DevTools Tooltips

It is hard for beginners and seasoned developers alike to know all about DevTools. As I mentioned before, there are so many panels that it’s unlikely you know them all.

To address this, Edge added a way to go directly from the tools to their documentation on Microsoft’s website.

This new Tooltips feature works as a toggleable overlay that covers the tools. When enabled, panels are highlighted and contextual help is provided for each of them, with links to documentation.

You can start the Tooltips in 3 different ways:

by using the Ctrl + Shift + H keyboard shortcut on Windows/Linux (Cmd + Shift + H on Mac);
by going into the main (…) menu, then going into Help, and selecting “Toggle the DevTools Tooltips”;
by using the command menu and typing “Tooltips”.

Display contextual help on the tools. (Large preview)

Customizing Colors

In code editing environments, developers love customizing their color themes to make the code easier to read and more pleasant to look at. Because web developers spend considerable amounts of time in DevTools too, it makes sense for it to also have customizable colors.

Edge just added a number of new themes to DevTools, on top of the already available dark and light themes. A total of 9 new themes were added. These come from VS Code and will therefore be familiar to people using this editor.

You can select the theme you want to use by going into the settings (using F1 or the gear icon in the top-right corner), or by using the command menu and typing theme.

Customize DevTools with one of 9 VS Code themes. (Large preview)

Firefox DevTools

Similar to the Chrome DevTools team, the folks working on Firefox DevTools have been busy with a big architecture refresh aimed at modernizing their codebase. Additionally, their team is quite a bit smaller these days as Mozilla had to refocus over recent times. But, even though this means they had less time for adding new features, they still managed to release a few really interesting ones that I’ll go over now.

Debugging Unwanted Scrollbars

Have you ever asked yourself: “where is this scrollbar coming from?” I know I have, and now Firefox has a tool to debug this very problem.

In the Inspector panel, all elements that scroll have a scroll badge next to them, which is already useful when dealing with deeply nested DOM trees. On top of this, you can click this badge to reveal the element (or elements) that caused the scrollbar to appear.

You can find more documentation about it here.

Visualizing Tabbing Order

Navigating a web page with the keyboard requires using the tab key to move through focusable elements one by one. The order in which focusable elements get focused while using tab is an important aspect of the accessibility of your site and an incorrect order may be confusing to users. It’s especially important to pay attention to this as modern layout CSS techniques allow web developers to rearrange elements on a page very easily.

Firefox has a useful Accessibility Inspector panel that provides information about the accessibility tree, finds and reports various accessibility problems automatically, and lets you simulate different color vision deficiencies.

On top of these features, the panel now provides a new page overlay that displays the tabbing order for focusable elements.

To enable it, use the “Show Tabbing Order” checkbox in the toolbar.

You can find more documentation about it here.

A Brand New Performance Tool

Not many web development areas depend on tooling as much as performance optimization does. In this domain, Chrome DevTools’ Performance panel is best in class.

Over the past few years, Firefox engineers have been focusing on improving the performance of the browser itself, and to help them do this, they built a performance profiler tool. The tool was originally built to optimize the engine native code but supported analyzing JavaScript performance right from the start, too.

Today, this new performance tool replaces the old Firefox DevTools performance panel in pre-release versions (Nightly and Developer Edition). Take it for a spin when you get the chance.

Among other things, the new Firefox profiler supports sharing profiles with others so they can help you improve the performance of your recorded use case.

You can read documentation about it here, and learn more about the project on their GitHub repository.

Safari Web Inspector

Last but not least, let’s go over a few of the recent Safari features.

The small team at Apple has been keeping itself very busy with a wide range of improvements and fixes around the tools. Learning more about the Safari Web Inspector can help you be more productive when debugging your sites on iOS or tvOS devices. Furthermore, it has a bunch of features that other DevTools don’t, and that not a lot of people know about.

CSS Grid Debugging

With Firefox, Chrome, and Edge (and all Chromium-based browsers) having dedicated tools for visualizing and debugging CSS grids, Safari was the last major browser not to have this. Well, now it does!

Fundamentally, Safari now has the same features just like other browsers’ DevTools in this area. This is great as it means it’s easy to go from one browser to the next and still be productive.

Grid badges are displayed in the Elements panel to quickly find grids.
Clicking on the badge toggles the visualization overlay on the page.
A new Layout panel is now displayed in the sidebar. It allows you to configure the grid overlay, see the list of all grids on the page and toggle the overlay for them.

What’s interesting about Safari’s implementation though is that they’ve really nailed the performance aspect of the tool. You can enable many different overlays at once, and scroll around the page without it causing any performance problems at all.

The other interesting thing is Safari introduced a 3-pane Elements panel, just like Firefox, which allows you to see the DOM, the CSS rules for the selected element, and the Layout panel all at once.

Find out more about the CSS Grid Inspector on this WebKit blog post.

A Slew of Debugger Improvements

Safari used to have a separate Resources and Debugger panel. They have merged them into a single Sources panel that makes it easier to find everything you need when debugging your code. Additionally, this makes the tool more consistent with Chromium which a lot of people are used to.

Consistency for common tasks is important in a cross-browser world. Web developers already need to test across multiple browsers, so if they need to learn a whole new paradigm when using another browser’s DevTools, it can make things more difficult than they need to be.

But Safari also recently focused on adding innovative features to its debugger that other DevTools don’t have.

Bootstrap script:
Safari lets you write JavaScript code that is guaranteed to run first before any of the scripts on the page. This is very useful to instrument built-in functions for adding debugger statements or logging for example.

New breakpoint configurations:
All browsers support multiple types of breakpoints like conditional breakpoints, DOM breakpoints, event breakpoints, and more.

Safari recently improved their entire suite of breakpoint types by giving them all a way to configure them extensively. With this new breakpoint feature, you can decide:

if you want a breakpoint to only hit when a certain condition is true,
if you want the breakpoint to pause execution at all, or just execute some code,
or even play an audio beep so you know some line of code was executed.

queryInstances and queryHolders console functions:
These two functions are really useful when your site starts using a lot of JavaScript objects. In some situations, it may become difficult to keep track of the dependencies between these objects, and memory leaks may start to appear, too.

Safari does have a Memory tool that can help resolve these issues by letting you explore memory heap snapshots. But sometimes you already know which class or object is causing the problem and you want to find what instances exist or what refers to it.

If Animal is a JavaScript class in your application, then queryInstances(Animal) will return an array of all of its instances.

If foo is an object in your application, then queryHolders(foo) will return an array of all the other objects that have references to foo.

Closing Thoughts

I hope these features will be useful to you. I can only recommend using multiple browsers and getting familiar with their DevTools. Being more familiar with other DevTools can prove useful when you have to debug an issue in a browser you don’t use on a regular basis.

Know that the companies which make browsers all have teams working on DevTools actively. They’re invested in making them better, less buggy, and more powerful. These teams depend on your feedback to build the right things. Without hearing about what problems you are facing, or what features you lack, it’s harder for them to make the right decisions about what to build.

Reporting bugs to a DevTools team won’t just help you when the fix comes, but may also be helping many others who have been facing the same issue.

It’s worth knowing that the DevTools teams at Microsoft, Mozilla, Apple and Google are usually fairly small and receive a lot of feedback, so reporting an issue does not mean it will be fixed quickly, but it does help, and those teams are listening.

Here are a few ways you can report bugs, ask questions or request features:

Firefox DevTools
Firefox uses Bugzilla as their public bug tracker and anyone is welcome to report bugs or ask for new features by creating a new entry there. All you need is a GitHub account to log in.
Getting in touch with the team can either be done on Twitter by using the @FirefoxDevTools account or logging in to the Mozilla chat (find documentation about the chat here).

Safari Web Inspector
Safari also uses public bug tracking for their WebKit bugs. Here is documentation about how to search for bugs and report new ones.
You can also get in touch with the team on Twitter with @webkit.
Finally, you can also signal bugs about Safari and the Safari Web Inspector using the feedback assistant.

Edge DevTools
The easiest way to report a problem or ask for a feature is by using the feedback button in DevTools (the little stick figure in the top-right corner of the tools).
Asking questions to the team works best over Twitter by mentioning the @EdgeDevTools account.

Chrome DevTools
The team listens for feedback on the devtools-dev mailing list as well as on twitter at @ChromeDevTools.

Since Chromium is the open-source project that powers Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge (and others), you can also report issues on the Chromium’s bug tracker.

With that, thank you for reading!

Popular Design News of the Week: August 30 2021 – September 5, 2021

Original Source: https://www.webdesignerdepot.com/2021/09/popular-design-news-of-the-week-august-30-2021-september-5-2021/

Every day design fans submit incredible industry stories to our sister-site, Webdesigner News. Our colleagues sift through it, selecting the very best stories from the design, UX, tech, and development worlds and posting them live on the site.

The best way to keep up with the most important stories for web professionals is to subscribe to Webdesigner News or check out the site regularly. However, in case you missed a day this week, here’s a handy compilation of the top curated stories from the last seven days. Enjoy!

Next.js and Drupal Go Together Like PB & Jelly

Couleur.io – Harmonizing Color Palettes for Your Web Projects

11 Open-Source Static Site Generators You Can Use to Build Your Website

Buttons Generator – 100+ Buttons You Can Use In Your Project

3 Essential Design Trends, September 2021

12 CSS Box Shadow Examples

The Fixed Background Attachment Hack

The Internet ‘Died’ Five Years Ago

Media Queries in Responsive Design: A Complete Guide (2021)

The 7 Core Design Principles


p img {display:inline-block; margin-right:10px;}
.alignleft {float:left;}
p.showcase {clear:both;}
body#browserfriendly p, body#podcast p, div#emailbody p{margin:0;}

The post Popular Design News of the Week: August 30 2021 – September 5, 2021 first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

HTTP/3: Practical Deployment Options (Part 3)

Original Source: https://smashingmagazine.com/2021/09/http3-practical-deployment-options-part3/

Hello, and welcome to the final installment of this three-part series on the new HTTP/3 and QUIC protocols! If after the previous two parts — HTTP/3 history and core concepts and HTTP/3 performance features — you’re convinced that starting to use the new protocols is a good idea (and you should be!), then this final piece includes all you need to know to get started!

First, we’ll discuss which changes you need to make to your pages and resources to optimally use the new protocols (that’s the easy part). Next, we’ll look at how to set up servers and clients (that’s the hard part unless you’re using a content delivery network (CDN)). Finally, we’ll see which tools you can use to evaluate the performance impact of the new protocols (that’s the almost impossible part, at least for now).

This series is divided into three parts:

HTTP/3 history and core concepts
This is targeted at people new to HTTP/3 and protocols in general, and it mainly discusses the basics.
HTTP/3 performance features
This is more in-depth and technical. People who already know the basics can start here.
Practical HTTP/3 deployment options (current article)
This explains the challenges involved in deploying and testing HTTP/3 yourself. It details how and if you should change your web pages and resources as well.

Changes To Pages And Resources

Let’s begin with some good news: If you’re already on HTTP/2, you probably won’t have to change anything to your pages or resources when moving to HTTP/3!. This is because, as we’ve explained in part 1 and part 2, HTTP/3 is really more like HTTP/2-over-QUIC, and the high-level features of the two versions have stayed the same. As such, any changes or optimizations made for HTTP/2 will still work for HTTP/3 and vice versa.

However, if you’re still on HTTP/1.1, or you have forgotten about your transition to HTTP/2, or you never actually tweaked things for HTTP/2, then you might wonder what those changes were and why they were needed. You would, however, be hard-pressed even today to find a good article that details the nuanced best practices. This is because, as I stated in the introduction to part 1, much of the early HTTP/2 content was overly optimistic about how well it would work in practice, and some of it, quite frankly, had major mistakes and bad advice. Sadly, much of this misinformation persists today. That’s one of my main motivations in writing this series on HTTP/3, to help prevent that from happening again.

The best all-in-one nuanced source for HTTP/2 I can recommend at this time is the book HTTP/2 in Action by Barry Pollard. However, since that’s a paid resource and I don’t want you to be left guessing here, I’ve listed a few of the main points below, along with how they relate to HTTP/3:

1. Single Connection

The biggest difference between HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/2 was the switch from 6 to 30 parallel TCP connections to a single underlying TCP connection. We discussed a bit in part 2 how a single connection can still be as fast as multiple connections, because of how congestion control can cause more or earlier packet loss with more connections (which undoes the benefits of their aggregated faster start). HTTP/3 continues this approach, but “just” switches from one TCP to one QUIC connection. This difference by itself doesn’t do all that much (it mainly reduces the overhead on the server-side), but it leads to most of the following points.

2. Server Sharding and Connection Coalescing

The switch to the single connection set-up was quite difficult in practice because many pages were sharded across different hostnames and even servers (like img1.example.com and img2.example.com). This was because browsers only opened up to six connections for each individual hostname, so having multiple allowed for more connections! Without changes to this HTTP/1.1 set-up, HTTP/2 would still open up multiple connections, reducing how well other features, such as prioritization (see below), could actually work.

As such, the original recommendation was to undo server sharding and to consolidate resources on a single server as much as possible. HTTP/2 even provided a feature to make the transition from an HTTP/1.1 set-up easier, called connection coalescing. Roughly speaking, if two hostnames resolve to the same server IP (using DNS) and use a similar TLS certificate, then the browser can reuse a single connection even across the two hostnames.

In practice, connection coalescing can be tricky to get right, e.g. due to several subtle security issues involving CORS. Even if you do set it up properly, you could still easily end up with two separate connections. The thing is, that’s not always bad. First, due to poorly implemented prioritization and multiplexing (see below), the single connection could easily be slower than using two or more. Secondly, using too many connections could cause early packet loss due to competing congestion controllers. Using just a few (but still more than one), however, could nicely balance congestion growth with better performance, especially on high-speed networks. For these reasons, I believe that a little bit of sharding is still a good idea (say, two to four connections), even with HTTP/2. In fact, I think most modern HTTP/2 set-ups perform as well as they do because they still have a few extra connections or third-party loads in their critical path.

3. Resource Bundling and Inlining

In HTTP/1.1, you could have only a single active resource per connection, leading to HTTP-level head-of-line (HoL) blocking. Because the number of connections was capped at a measly 6 to 30, resource bundling (where smaller subresources are combined into a single larger resource) was a long-time best practice. We still see this today in bundlers such as Webpack. Similarly, resources were often inlined in other resources (for example, critical CSS was inlined in the HTML).

With HTTP/2, however, the single connection multiplexes resources, so you can have many more outstanding requests for files (put differently, a single request no longer takes up one of your precious few connections). This was originally interpreted as, “We no longer need to bundle or inline our resources for HTTP/2”. This approach was touted to be better for fine-grained caching because each subresource could be cached individually and the full bundle didn’t need to be redownloaded if one of them changed. This is true, but only to a relatively limited extent.

For example, you could reduce compression efficiency, because that works better with more data. Additionally, each extra request or file has an inherent overhead because it needs to be handled by the browser and server. These costs can add up for, say, hundreds of small files compared to a few large ones. In our own early tests, I found seriously diminishing returns at about 40 files. Though those numbers are probably a bit higher now, file requests are still not as cheap in HTTP/2 as originally predicted. Finally, not inlining resources has an added latency cost because the file needs to be requested. This, combined with prioritization and server push problems (see below), means that even today you’re still better off inlining some of your critical CSS. Maybe someday the Resource Bundles proposal will help with this, but not yet.

All of this is, of course, still true for HTTP/3 as well. Still, I’ve read people claim that many small files would be better over QUIC because more concurrently active independent streams mean more profits from the HoL blocking removal (as we discussed in part 2). I think there might be some truth to this, but, as we also saw in part 2, this is a highly complex issue with a lot of moving parameters. I don’t think the benefits would outweigh the other costs discussed, but more research is needed. (An outrageous thought would be to have each file be exactly sized to fit in a single QUIC packet, bypassing HoL blocking completely. I will accept royalties from any startup that implements a resource bundler that does this. ;))

4. Prioritization

To be able to download multiple files on a single connection, you need to somehow multiplex them. As discussed in part 2, in HTTP/2, this multiplexing is steered using its prioritization system. This is why it’s important to have as many resources as possible requested on the same connection as well — to be able to properly prioritize them among each other! As we also saw, however, this system was very complex, causing it to often be badly used and implemented in practice (see the image below). This, in turn, has meant that some other recommendations for HTTP/2 — such as reduced bundling, because requests are cheap, and reduced server sharding, to make optimal use of the single connection (see above) — have turned out to underperform in practice.

Sadly, this is something that you, as an average web developer, can’t do much about, because it’s mainly a problem in the browsers and servers themselves. You can, however, try to mitigate the issue by not using too many individual files (which will lower the chances for competing priorities) and by still using (limited) sharding. Another option is to use various priority-influencing techniques, such as lazy loading, JavaScript async and defer, and resource hints such as preload. Internally, these mainly change the priorities of the resources so that they get sent earlier or later. However, these mechanisms can (and do) suffer from bugs. Additionally, don’t expect to slap a preload on a bunch of resources and make things faster: If everything is suddenly a high priority, then nothing is! It’s even very easy to delay actually critical resources by using things like preload.

As also explained in part 2, HTTP/3 fundamentally changes the internals of this prioritization system. We hope this means that there will be many fewer bugs and problems with its practical deployment, so at least some of this should be solved. We can’t be sure yet, however, because few HTTP/3 servers and clients fully implement this system today. Nevertheless, the fundamental concepts of prioritization won’t change. You still won’t be able to use techniques such as preload without really understanding what happens internally, because it might still mis-prioritize your resources.

5. Server Push and First Flight

Server push allows a server to send response data without first waiting for a request from the client. Again, this sounds great in theory, and it could be used instead of inlining resources (see above). However, as discussed in part 2, push is very difficult to use correctly due to issues with congestion control, caching, prioritization, and buffering. Overall, it’s best not to use it for general web page loading unless you really know what you’re doing, and even then it would probably be a micro-optimization. I still believe it could have a place with (REST) APIs, though, where you can push subresources linked to in the (JSON) response on a warmed-up connection. This is true for both HTTP/2 and HTTP/3.

To generalize a bit, I feel that similar remarks could be made for TLS session resumption and 0-RTT, be it over TCP + TLS or via QUIC. As discussed in part 2, 0-RTT is similar to server push (as it’s typically used) in that it tries to accelerate the very first stages of a page load. However, that means it is equally limited in what it can achieve at that time (even more so in QUIC, due to security concerns). As such, a micro-optimization is, again, how you probably need to fine-tune things on a low level to really benefit from it. And to think I was once very excited to try out combining server push with 0-RTT.

What Does It All Mean?

All the above comes down to a simple rule of thumb: Apply most of the typical HTTP/2 recommendations that you find online, but don’t take them to the extreme.

Here are some concrete points that mostly hold for both HTTP/2 and HTTP/3:

Shard resources over about one to three connections on the critical path (unless your users are mostly on low-bandwidth networks), using preconnect and dns-prefetch where needed.
Bundle subresources logically per path or feature, or per change frequency. Five to ten JavaScript and five to ten CSS resources per page should be just fine. Inlining critical CSS can still be a good optimization.
Use complex features, such as preload, sparingly.
Use a server that properly supports HTTP/2 prioritization. For HTTP/2, I recommend H2O. Apache and NGINX are mostly OK (although could do better), while Node.js is to be avoided for HTTP/2. For HTTP/3, things are less clear at this time (see below).
Make sure that TLS 1.3 is enabled on your HTTP/2 web server.

As you can see, while far from simple, optimizing pages for HTTP/3 (and HTTP/2) is not rocket science. What will be more difficult, however, is correctly setting up HTTP/3 servers, clients, and tools.

Servers and Networks

As you probably understand by now, QUIC and HTTP/3 are quite complex protocols. Implementing them from scratch would involve reading (and understanding!) hundreds of pages spread over more than seven documents. Luckily, multiple companies have been working on open-source QUIC and HTTP/3 implementations for over five years now, so we have several mature and stable options to choose from.

Some of the most important and stable ones include the following:




quiche (Cloudflare), Quinn, Neqo (Mozilla)

C and C++
mvfst (Facebook), MsQuic, (Microsoft), <a hrefhttps://quiche.googlesource.com/quiche/QUICHE (Google), ngtcp2, LSQUIC (Litespeed), picoquic, quicly (Fastly)

However, many (perhaps most) of these implementations mainly take care of the HTTP/3 and QUIC stuff; they are not really full-fledged web servers by themselves. When it comes to your typical servers (think NGINX, Apache, Node.js), things have been a bit slower, for several reasons. First, few of their developers were involved with HTTP/3 from the start, and now they have to play catch-up. Many bypass this by using one of the implementations listed above internally as libraries, but even that integration is difficult.

Secondly, many servers depend on third-party TLS libraries such as OpenSSL. This is, again, because TLS is very complex and has to be secure, so it’s best to reuse existing, verified work. However, while QUIC integrates with TLS 1.3, it uses it in ways much different from how TLS and TCP interact. This means that TLS libraries have to provide QUIC-specific APIs, which their developers have long been reluctant or slow to do. The issue here especially is OpenSSL, which has postponed QUIC support, but it is also used by many servers. This problem got so bad that Akamai decided to start a QUIC-specific fork of OpenSSL, called quictls. While other options and workarounds exist, TLS 1.3 support for QUIC is still a blocker for many servers, and it is expected to remain so for some time.

A partial list of full web servers that you should be able to use out of the box, along with their current HTTP/3 support, follows:

Support is unclear at this time. Nothing has been announced. It likely also needs OpenSSL. (Note that there is an Apache Traffic Server implementation, though.)
This is a custom implementation. This is relatively new and still highly experimental. It is expected to be merged to mainline NGINX by the end of 2021. This is relatively new and still highly experimental. Note that there is a patch to run Cloudflare’s quiche library on NGINX as well, which is probably more stable for now.
This uses the ngtcp2 library internally. It is blocked by OpenSSL progress, although they plan to switch to the QUIC-TLS fork to get something working sooner.
Support is unclear at this time, and nothing has been announced. It will likely use the MsQuic library internally, though.
This integrates aioquic, with experimental support.
This uses quic-go, with full support.
This uses quicly, with full support.
This uses LSQUIC, with full support.

Note some important nuances:

Even “full support” means “as good as it gets at the moment”, not necessarily “production-ready”. For instance, many implementations don’t yet fully support connection migration, 0-RTT, server push, or HTTP/3 prioritization.
Other servers not listed, such as Tomcat, have (to my knowledge) made no announcement yet.
Of the web servers listed, only Litespeed, Cloudflare’s NGINX patch, and H2O were made by people intimately involved in QUIC and HTTP/3 standardization, so these are most likely to work best early on.

As you can see, the server landscape isn’t fully there yet, but there are certainly already options for setting up an HTTP/3 server. However, simply running the server is only the first step. Configuring it and the rest of your network is more difficult.

Network Configuration

As explained in part 1, QUIC runs on top of the UDP protocol to make it easier to deploy. This, however, mainly just means that most network devices can parse and understand UDP. Sadly, it does not mean that UDP is universally allowed. Because UDP is often used for attacks and is not critical to normal day-to-day work besides DNS, many (corporate) networks and firewalls block the protocol almost entirely. As such, UDP probably needs to be explicitly allowed to/from your HTTP/3 servers. QUIC can run on any UDP port but expect port 443 (which is typically used for HTTPS over TCP as well) to be most common.

However, many network administrators will not want to just allow UDP wholesale. Instead, they will specifically want to allow QUIC over UDP. The problem there is that, as we’ve seen, QUIC is almost entirely encrypted. This includes QUIC-level metadata such as packet numbers, but also, for example, signals that indicate the closure of a connection. For TCP, firewalls actively track all of this metadata to check for expected behavior. (Did we see a full handshake before data-carrying packets? Do the packets follow expected patterns? How many open connections are there?) As we saw in part 1, this is exactly one of the reasons why TCP is no longer practically evolvable. However, due to QUIC’s encryption, firewalls can do much less of this connection-level tracking logic, and the few bits they can inspect are relatively complex.

As such, many firewall vendors currently recommend blocking QUIC until they can update their software. Even after that, though, many companies might not want to allow it, because firewall QUIC support will always be much less than the TCP features they’re used to.

This is all complicated even more by the connection migration feature. As we’ve seen, this feature allows for the connection to continue from a new IP address without having to perform a new handshake, by the use of connection IDs (CIDs). However, to the firewall, this will look as if a new connection is being used without first using a handshake, which might just as well be an attacker sending malicious traffic. Firewalls can’t just use the QUIC CIDs, because they also change over time to protect users’ privacy! As such, there will be some need for the servers to communicate with the firewall about which CIDs are expected, but none of these things exist yet.

There are similar concerns for load balancers for larger-scale set-ups. These machines distribute incoming connections over a large number of back-end servers. Traffic for one connection must, of course, always be routed to the same back-end server (the others wouldn’t know what to do with it!). For TCP, this could simply be done based on the 4-tuple, because that never changes. With QUIC connection migration, however, that’s no longer an option. Again, servers and load balancers will need to somehow agree on which CIDs to choose in order to allow deterministic routing. Unlike for firewall configuration, however, there is already a proposal to set this up (although this is far from widely implemented).

Finally, there are other, higher-level security considerations, mainly around 0-RTT and distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks. As discussed in part 2, QUIC includes quite a few mitigations for these issues already, but ideally, they will also use extra lines of defense on the network. For example, proxy or edge servers might block certain 0-RTT requests from reaching the actual back ends to prevent replay attacks. Alternatively, to prevent reflection attacks or DDoS attacks that only send the first handshake packet and then stop replying (called a SYN flood in TCP), QUIC includes the retry feature. This allows the server to validate that it’s a well-behaved client, without having to keep any state in the meantime (the equivalent of TCP SYN cookies). This retry process best happens, of course, somewhere before the back-end server — for example, at the load balancer. Again, this requires additional configuration and communication to set up, though.

These are only the most prominent issues that network and system administrators will have with QUIC and HTTP/3. There are several more, some of which I’ve talked about. There are also two separate accompanying documents for the QUIC RFCs that discuss these issues and their possible (partial) mitigations.

What Does It All Mean?

HTTP/3 and QUIC are complex protocols that rely on a lot of internal machinery. Not all of that is ready for prime time just yet, although you already have some options to deploy the new protocols on your back ends. It will probably take a few months to even years for the most prominent servers and underlying libraries (such as OpenSSL) to get updated, however.

Even then, properly configuring the servers and other network intermediaries, so that the protocols can be used in a secure and optimal fashion, will be non-trivial in larger-scale set-ups. You will need a good development and operations team to correctly make this transition.

As such, especially in the early days, it is probably best to rely on a large hosting company or CDN to set up and configure the protocols for you. As discussed in part 2, that’s where QUIC is most likely to pay off anyway, and using a CDN is one of the key performance optimizations you can do. I would personally recommend using Cloudflare or Fastly because they have been intimately involved in the standardization process and will have the most advanced and well-tuned implementations available.

Clients and QUIC Discovery

So far, we have considered server-side and in-network support for the new protocols. However, several issues are also to be overcome on the client’s side.

Before getting to that, let’s start with some good news: Most of the popular browsers already have (experimental) HTTP/3 support! Specifically, at the time of writing, here is the status of support (see also caniuse.com):

Google Chrome (version 91+): Enabled by default.
Mozilla Firefox (version 89+): Enabled by default.
Microsoft Edge (version 90+): Enabled by default (uses Chromium internally).
Opera (version 77+): Enabled by default (uses Chromium internally).
Apple Safari (version 14): Behind a manual flag. Will be enabled by default in version 15, which is currently in technology preview.
Other Browsers: No signals yet that I’m aware of (although other browsers that use Chromium internally, such as Brave, could, in theory, also start enabling it).

Note some nuances:

Most browsers are rolling out gradually, whereby not all users will get HTTP/3 support enabled by default from the start. This is done to limit the risks that a single overlooked bug could affect many users or that server deployments become overloaded. As such, there is a small chance that, even in recent browser versions, you won’t get HTTP/3 by default and will have to manually enable it.
As with the servers, HTTP/3 support does not mean that all features have been implemented or are being used at this time. Particularly, 0-RTT, connection migration, server push, dynamic QPACK header compression, and HTTP/3 prioritization might still be missing, disabled, used sparingly, or poorly configured.
If you want to use client-side HTTP/3 outside of the browser (for example, in your native app), then you would have to integrate one of the libraries listed above or use cURL. Apple will soon bring native HTTP/3 and QUIC support to its built-in networking libraries on macOS and iOS, and Microsoft is adding QUIC to the Windows kernel and their .NET environment, but similar native support has (to my knowledge) not been announced for other systems like Android.


Even if you’ve set up an HTTP/3-compatible server and are using an updated browser, you might be surprised to find that HTTP/3 isn’t actually being used consistently. To understand why, let’s suppose you’re the browser for a moment. Your user has requested that you navigate to example.com (a website you’ve never visited before), and you’ve used DNS to resolve that to an IP. You send one or more QUIC handshake packets to that IP. Now several things can go wrong:

The server might not support QUIC.
One of the intermediate networks or firewalls might block QUIC and/or UDP completely.
The handshake packets might be lost in transit.

However, how would you know (which) one of these problems has occurred? In all three cases, you’ll never receive a reply to your handshake packet(s). The only thing you can do is wait, hoping that a reply might still come in. Then, after some waiting time (the timeout), you might decide there’s indeed a problem with HTTP/3. At that point, you would try to open a TCP connection to the server, hoping that HTTP/2 or HTTP/1.1 will work.

As you can see, this type of approach could introduce major delays, especially in the initial year(s) when many servers and networks won’t support QUIC yet. An easy but naïve solution would simply be to open both a QUIC and TCP connection at the same time and then use whichever handshake completes first. This method is called “connection racing” or “happy eyeballs”. While this is certainly possible, it does have considerable overhead. Even though the losing connection is almost immediately closed, it still takes up some memory and CPU time on both the client and server (especially when using TLS). On top of that, there are also other problems with this method involving IPv4 versus IPv6 networks and the previously discussed replay attacks (which my talk covers in more detail).

As such, for QUIC and HTTP/3, browsers would rather prefer to play it safe and only try QUIC if they know the server supports it. As such, the first time a new server is contacted, the browser will only use HTTP/2 or HTTP/1.1 over a TCP connection. The server can then let the browser know it also supports HTTP/3 for subsequent connections. This is done by setting a special HTTP header on the responses sent back over HTTP/2 or HTTP/1.1. This header is called Alt-Svc, which stands for “alternative services”. Alt-Svc can be used to let a browser know that a certain service is also reachable via another server (IP and/or port), but it also allows for the indication of alternative protocols. This can be seen below in figure 1.

Upon receipt of a valid Alt-Svc header indicating HTTP/3 support, the browser will cache this and try to set up a QUIC connection from then on. Some clients will do this as soon as possible (even during the initial page load — see below), while others will wait until the existing TCP connection(s) are closed. This means that the browser will only ever use HTTP/3 after it has downloaded at least a few resources via HTTP/2 or HTTP/1.1 first. Even then, it’s not smooth sailing. The browser now knows that the server supports HTTP/3, but that doesn’t mean the intermediate network won’t block it. As such, connection racing is still needed in practice. So, you might still end up with HTTP/2 if the network somehow delays the QUIC handshake enough. Additionally, if the QUIC connection fails to establish a few times in a row, some browsers will put the Alt-Svc cache entry on a denylist for some time, not trying HTTP/3 for a while. As such, it can be helpful to manually clear your browser’s cache if things are acting up because that should also empty the Alt-Svc bindings. Finally, Alt-Svc has been shown to pose some serious security risks. For this reason, some browsers pose extra restrictions on, for instance, which ports can be used (in Chrome, your HTTP/2 and HTTP/3 servers need to be either both on a port below 1024 or both on a port above or equal to 1024, otherwise Alt-Svc will be ignored). All of this logic varies and evolves wildly between browsers, meaning that getting consistent HTTP/3 connections can be difficult, which also makes it challenging to test new set-ups.

There is ongoing work to improve this two-step Alt-Svc process somewhat. The idea is to use new DNS records called SVCB and HTTPS, which will contain information similar to what is in Alt-Svc. As such, the client can discover that a server supports HTTP/3 during the DNS resolution step instead, meaning that it can try QUIC from the very first page load instead of first having to go through HTTP/2 or HTTP/1.1. For more information on this and Alt-Svc, see last year’s Web Almanac chapter on HTTP/2.

As you can see, Alt-Svc and the HTTP/3 discovery process add a layer of complexity to your already challenging QUIC server deployment, because:

you will always need to deploy your HTTP/3 server next to an HTTP/2 and/or HTTP/1.1 server;
you will need to configure your HTTP/2 and HTTP/1.1 servers to set the correct Alt-Svc headers on their responses.

While that should be manageable in production-level set-ups (because, for example, a single Apache or NGINX instance will likely support all three HTTP versions at the same time), it might be much more annoying in (local) test set-ups (I can already see myself forgetting to add the Alt-Svc headers or messing them up). This problem is compounded by a (current) lack of browser error logs and DevTools indicators, which means that figuring out why exactly the set-up isn’t working can be difficult.

Additional Issues

As if that wasn’t enough, another issue will make local testing more difficult: Chrome makes it very difficult for you to use self-signed TLS certificates for QUIC. This is because non-official TLS certificates are often used by companies to decrypt their employees’ TLS traffic (so that they can, for example, have their firewalls scan inside encrypted traffic). However, if companies would start doing that with QUIC, we would again have custom middlebox implementations that make their own assumptions about the protocol. This could lead to them potentially breaking protocol support in the future, which is exactly what we tried to prevent by encrypting QUIC so extensively in the first place! As such, Chrome takes a very opinionated stance on this: If you’re not using an official TLS certificate (signed by a certificate authority or root certificate that is trusted by Chrome, such as Let’s Encrypt), then you cannot use QUIC. This, sadly, also includes self-signed certificates, which are often used for local test set-ups.

It is still possible to bypass this with some freaky command-line flags (because the common –ignore-certificate-errors doesn’t work for QUIC yet), by using per-developer certificates (although setting this up can be tedious), or by setting up the real certificate on your development PC (but this is rarely an option for big teams because you would have to share the certificate’s private key with each developer). Finally, while you can install a custom root certificate, you would then also need to pass both the –origin-to-force-quic-on and –ignore-certificate-errors-spki-list flags when starting Chrome (see below). Luckily, for now, only Chrome is being so strict, and hopefully, its developers will loosen their approach over time.

If you are having problems with your QUIC set-up from inside a browser, it’s best to first validate it using a tool such as cURL. cURL has excellent HTTP/3 support (you can even choose between two different underlying libraries) and also makes it easier to observe Alt-Svc caching logic.

What Does It All Mean?

Next to the challenges involved with setting up HTTP/3 and QUIC on the server-side, there are also difficulties in getting browsers to use the new protocols consistently. This is due to a two-step discovery process involving the Alt-Svc HTTP header and the fact that HTTP/2 connections cannot simply be “upgraded” to HTTP/3, because the latter uses UDP.

Even if a server supports HTTP/3, however, clients (and website owners!) need to deal with the fact that intermediate networks might block UDP and/or QUIC traffic. As such, HTTP/3 will never completely replace HTTP/2. In practice, keeping a well-tuned HTTP/2 set-up will remain necessary both for first-time visitors and visitors on non-permissive networks. Luckily, as we discussed, there shouldn’t be many page-level changes between HTTP/2 and HTTP/3, so this shouldn’t be a major headache.

What could become a problem, however, is testing and verifying whether you are using the correct configuration and whether the protocols are being used as expected. This is true in production, but especially in local set-ups. As such, I expect that most people will continue to run HTTP/2 (or even HTTP/1.1) development servers, switching only to HTTP/3 in a later deployment stage. Even then, however, validating protocol performance with the current generation of tools won’t be easy.

Tools and Testing

As was the case with many major servers, the makers of the most popular web performance testing tools have not been keeping up with HTTP/3 from the start. Consequently, few tools have dedicated support for the new protocol as of July 2021, although they support it to a certain degree.

Google Lighthouse

First, there is the Google Lighthouse tool suite. While this is an amazing tool for web performance in general, I have always found it somewhat lacking in aspects of protocol performance. This is mostly because it simulates slow networks in a relatively unrealistic way, in the browser (the same way that Chrome’s DevTools handle this). While this approach is quite usable and typically “good enough” to get an idea of the impact of a slow network, testing low-level protocol differences is not realistic enough. Because the browser doesn’t have direct access to the TCP stack, it still downloads the page on your normal network, and it then artificially delays the data from reaching the necessary browser logic. This means, for example, that Lighthouse emulates only delay and bandwidth, but not packet loss (which, as we’ve seen, is a major point where HTTP/3 could potentially differ from HTTP/2). Alternatively, Lighthouse uses a highly advanced simulation model to guesstimate the real network impact, because, for example, Google Chrome has some complex logic that tweaks several aspects of a page load if it detects a slow network. This model has, to the best of my knowledge, not been adjusted to handle IETF QUIC or HTTP/3 yet. As such, if you use Lighthouse today for the sole purpose of comparing HTTP/2 and HTTP/3 performance, then you are likely to get erroneous or oversimplified results, which could lead you to wrong conclusions about what HTTP/3 can do for your website in practice. The silver lining is that, in theory, this can be improved massively in the future, because the browser does have full access to the QUIC stack, and thus Lighthouse could add much more advanced simulations (including packet loss!) for HTTP/3 down the line. For now, though, while Lighthouse can, in theory, load pages over HTTP/3, I would recommend against it.


Secondly, there is WebPageTest. This amazing project lets you load pages over real networks from real devices across the world, and it also allows you to add packet-level network emulation on top, including aspects such as packet loss! As such, WebPageTest is conceptually in a prime position to be used to compare HTTP/2 and HTTP/3 performance. However, while it can indeed already load pages over the new protocol, HTTP/3 has not yet been properly integrated into the tooling or visualizations. For example, there are currently no easy ways to force a page load over QUIC, to easily view how Alt-Svc was actually used, or even to see QUIC handshake details. In some cases, even seeing whether a response used HTTP/3 or HTTP/2 can be challenging. Still, in April, I was able to use WebPageTest to run quite a few tests on facebook.com and see HTTP/3 in action, which I’ll go over now.

First, I ran a default test for facebook.com, enabling the “repeat view” option. As explained above, I would expect the first page load to use HTTP/2, which will include the Alt-Svc response header. As such, the repeat view should use HTTP/3 from the start. In Firefox version 89, this is more or less what happens. However, when looking at individual responses, we see that even during the first page load, Firefox will switch to using HTTP/3 instead of HTTP/2! As you can see in figure 2, this happens from the 20th resource onwards. This means that Firefox establishes a new QUIC connection as soon as it sees the Alt-Svc header, and it switches to it once it succeeds. If you scroll down to the connection view, it also seems to show that Firefox even opened two QUIC connections: one for credentialed CORS requests and one for no-CORS requests. This would be expected because, as we discussed above, even for HTTP/2 and HTTP/3, browsers will open multiple connections due to security concerns. However, because WebPageTest doesn’t provide more details in this view, it’s difficult to confirm without manually digging through the data. Looking at the repeat view (second visit), it starts by directly using HTTP/3 for the first request, as expected.

Next, for Chrome, we see similar behavior for the first page load, although here Chrome already switches on the 10th resource, much earlier than Firefox. It’s a bit more unclear here whether it switches as soon as possible or only when a new connection is needed (for example, for requests with different credentials), because, unlike for Firefox, the connection view also doesn’t seem to show multiple QUIC connections. For the repeat view, we see some weirder things. Unexpectedly, Chrome starts off using HTTP/2 there as well, switching to HTTP/3 only after a few requests! I performed a few more tests on other pages as well, to confirm that this is indeed consistent behaviour. This could be due to several things: It might just be Chrome’s current policy, it might be that Chrome “raced” a TCP and QUIC connection and TCP won initially, or it might be that the Alt-Svc cache from the first view was unused for some reason. At this point, there is, sadly, no easy way to determine what the problem really is (and whether it can even be fixed).

Another interesting thing I noticed here is the apparent connection coalescing behavior. As discussed above, both HTTP/2 and HTTP/3 can reuse connections even if they go to other hostnames, to prevent downsides from hostname sharding. However, as shown in figure 3, WebPageTest reports that, for this Facebook load, connection coalescing is used over HTTP/3 for facebook.com and fbcdn.net, but not over HTTP/2 (as Chrome opens a secondary connection for the second domain). I suspect this is a bug in WebPageTest, however, because facebook.com and fbcnd.net resolve to different IPs and, as such, can’t really be coalesced.

The figure also shows that some key QUIC handshake information is missing from the current WebPageTest visualization.

Note: As we see, getting “real” HTTP/3 going can be difficult sometimes. Luckily, for Chrome specifically, we have additional options we can use to test QUIC and HTTP/3, in the form of command-line parameters.

On the bottom of WebPageTest’s “Chromium” tab, I used the following command-line options:

–enable-quic –quic-version=h3-29 –origin-to-force-quic-on=www.facebook.com:443,static.xx.fbcdn.net:443

The results from this test show that this indeed forces a QUIC connection from the start, even in the first view, thus bypassing the Alt-Svc process. Interestingly, you will notice I had to pass two hostnames to –origin-to-force-quic-on. In the version where I didn’t, Chrome, of course, still first opened an HTTP/2 connection to the fbcnd.net domain, even in the repeat view. As such, you’ll need to manually indicate all QUIC origins in order for this to work!

We can see even from these few examples that a lot of stuff is going on with how browsers actually use HTTP/3 in practice. It seems they even switch to the new protocol during the initial page load, abandoning HTTP/2 either as soon as possible or when a new connection is needed. As such, it’s difficult not only getting a full HTTP/3 load, but also getting a pure HTTP/2 load on a set-up that supports both! Because WebPageTest doesn’t show much HTTP/3 or QUIC metadata yet, figuring out what’s going on can be challenging, and you can’t trust the tools and visualizations at face value either.

So, if you use WebPageTest, you’ll need to double-check the results to make sure which protocols were actually used. Consequently, I think this means that it’s too early to really test HTTP/3 performance at this time (and especially too early to compare it to HTTP/2). This belief is strengthened by the fact that not all servers and clients have implemented all protocol features yet. Due to the fact that WebPageTest doesn’t yet have easy ways of showing whether advanced aspects such as 0-RTT were used, it will be tricky to know what you’re actually measuring. This is especially true for the HTTP/3 prioritization feature, which isn’t implemented properly in all browsers yet and which many servers also lack full support for. Because prioritization can be a major aspect driving web performance, it would be unfair to compare HTTP/3 to HTTP/2 without making sure that at least this feature works properly (for both protocols!). This is just one aspect, though, as my research shows how big the differences between QUIC implementations can be. If you do any comparison of this sort yourself (or if you read articles that do), make 100% sure that you’ve checked what’s actually going on.

Finally, also note that other higher-level tools (or data sets such as the amazing HTTP Archive) are often based on WebPageTest or Lighthouse (or use similar methods), so I suspect that most of my comments here will be widely applicable to most web performance tooling. Even for those tool vendors announcing HTTP/3 support in the coming months, I would be a bit skeptical and would validate that they’re actually doing it correctly. For some tools, things are probably even worse, though; for example, Google’s PageSpeed Insights only got HTTP/2 support this year, so I wouldn’t wait for HTTP/3 arriving anytime soon.

Wireshark, qlog and qvis

As the discussion above shows, it can be tricky to analyze HTTP/3 behavior by just using Lighthouse or WebPageTest at this point. Luckily, other lower-level tools are available to help with this. First, the excellent Wireshark tool has advanced support for QUIC, and it can experimentally dissect HTTP/3 as well. This allows you to observe which QUIC and HTTP/3 packets are actually going over the wire. However, in order for that to work, you need to obtain the TLS decryption keys for a given connection, which most implementations (including Chrome and Firefox) allow you to extract by using the SSLKEYLOGFILE environment variable. While this can be useful for some things, really figuring out what’s happening, especially for longer connections, could entail a lot of manual work. You would also need a pretty advanced understanding of the protocols’ inner workings.

Luckily, there is a second option, qlog and qvis. qlog is a JSON-based logging format specifically for QUIC and HTTP/3 that is supported by the majority of QUIC implementations. Instead of looking at the packets going over the wire, qlog captures this information on the client and server directly, which allows it to include some additional information (for example, congestion control details). Typically, you can trigger qlog output when starting servers and clients with the QLOGDIR environment variable. (Note that in Firefox, you need to set the network.http.http3.enable_qlog preference. Apple devices and Safari use QUIC_LOG_DIRECTORY instead. Chrome doesn’t yet support qlog.)

These qlog files can then be uploaded to the qvis tool suite at qvis.quictools.info. There, you’ll get a number of advanced interactive visualizations that make it easier to interpret QUIC and HTTP/3 traffic. qvis also has support for uploading Wireshark packet captures (.pcap files), and it has experimental support for Chrome’s netlog files, so you can also analyze Chrome’s behavior. A full tutorial on qlog and qvis is beyond the scope of this article, but more details can be found in tutorial form, as a paper, and even in talk-show format. You can also ask me about them directly because I’m the main implementer of qlog and qvis. 😉

However, I am under no illusion that most readers here should ever use Wireshark or qvis, because these are quite low-level tools. Still, as we have few alternatives at the moment, I strongly recommend not extensively testing HTTP/3 performance without using this type of tool, to make sure you really know what’s happening on the wire and whether what you’re seeing is really explained by the protocol’s internals and not by other factors.

What Does It All Mean?

As we’ve seen, setting up and using HTTP/3 over QUIC can be a complex affair, and many things can go wrong. Sadly, no good tool or visualization is available that exposes the necessary details at an appropriate level of abstraction. This makes it very difficult for most developers to assess the potential benefits that HTTP/3 can bring to their website at this time or even to validate that their set-up works as expected.

Relying only on high-level metrics is very dangerous because these could be skewed by a plethora of factors (such as unrealistic network emulation, a lack of features on clients or servers, only partial HTTP/3 usage, etc.). Even if everything did work better, as we’ve seen in part 2, the differences between HTTP/2 and HTTP/3 will likely be relatively small in most cases, which makes it even more difficult to get the necessary information from high-level tools without targeted HTTP/3 support.

As such, I recommend leaving HTTP/2 versus HTTP/3 performance measurements alone for a few more months and focusing instead on making sure that our server-side set-ups are functioning as expected. For this, it’s easiest to use WebPageTest in combination with Google Chrome’s command-line parameters, with a fallback to curl for potential issues — this is currently the most consistent set-up I can find.

Conclusion and Takeaways

Dear reader, if you’ve read the full three-part series and made it here, I salute you! Even if you’ve only read a few sections, I thank you for your interest in these new and exciting protocols. Now, I will summarize the key takeaways from this series, provide a few key recommendations for the coming months and year, and finally provide you with some additional resources, in case you’d like to know more.


First, in part 1, we discussed that HTTP/3 was needed mainly because of the new underlying QUIC transport protocol. QUIC is the spiritual successor to TCP, and it integrates all of its best practices, as well as TLS 1.3. This was mainly needed because TCP, due to its ubiquitous deployment and integration in middleboxes, has become too inflexible to evolve. QUIC’s usage of UDP and almost full encryption means that we (hopefully) only have to update the endpoints in the future in order to add new features, which should be easier. QUIC, however, also adds some interesting new capabilities. First, QUIC’s combined transport and cryptographic handshake is faster than TCP + TLS, and it can make good use of the 0-RTT feature. Secondly, QUIC knows it is carrying multiple independent byte streams and can be smarter about how it handles loss and delays, mitigating the head-of-line blocking problem. Thirdly, QUIC connections can survive users moving to a different network (called connection migration) by tagging each packet with a connection ID. Finally, QUIC’s flexible packet structure (employing frames) makes it more efficient but also more flexible and extensible in the future. In conclusion, it’s clear that QUIC is the next-generation transport protocol and will be used and extended for many years to come.

Secondly, in part 2, we took a bit of a critical look at these new features, especially their performance implications. First, we saw that QUIC’s use of UDP doesn’t magically make it faster (nor slower) because QUIC uses congestion control mechanisms very similar to TCP to prevent overloading the network. Secondly, the faster handshake and 0-RTT are more micro-optimizations, because they are really only one round trip faster than an optimized TCP + TLS stack, and QUIC’s true 0-RTT is further affected by a range of security concerns that can limit its usefulness. Thirdly, connection migration is really only needed in a few specific cases, and it still means resetting send rates because the congestion control doesn’t know how much data the new network can handle. Fourthly, the effectiveness of QUIC’s head-of-line blocking removal severely depends on how stream data is multiplexed and prioritized. Approaches that are optimal to recover from packet loss seem detrimental to general use cases of web page loading performance and vice versa, although more research is needed. Fifthly, QUIC could easily be slower to send packets than TCP + TLS, because UDP APIs are less mature and QUIC encrypts each packet individually, although this can be largely mitigated in time. Sixthly, HTTP/3 itself doesn’t really bring any major new performance features to the table, but mainly reworks and simplifies the internals of known HTTP/2 features. Finally, some of the most exciting performance-related features that QUIC allows (multipath, unreliable data, WebTransport, forward error correction, etc.) are not part of the core QUIC and HTTP/3 standards, but rather are proposed extensions that will take some more time to be available. In conclusion, this means QUIC will probably not improve performance much for users on high-speed networks, but will mainly be important for those on slow and less-stable networks.

Finally, in this part 3, we looked at how to practically use and deploy QUIC and HTTP/3. First, we saw that most best practices and lessons learned from HTTP/2 should just carry over to HTTP/3. There is no need to change your bundling or inlining strategy, nor to consolidate or shard your server farm. Server push is still not the best feature to use, and preload can similarly be a powerful footgun. Secondly, we’ve discussed that it might take a while before off-the-shelf web server packages provide full HTTP/3 support (partly due to TLS library support issues), although plenty of open-source options are available for early adopters and several major CDNs have a mature offering. Thirdly, it’s clear that most major browsers have (basic) HTTP/3 support, even enabled by default. There are major differences in how and when they practically use HTTP/3 and its new features, though, so understanding their behavior can be challenging. Fourthly, we’ve discussed that this is worsened by a lack of explicit HTTP/3 support in popular tools such as Lighthouse and WebPageTest, making it especially difficult to compare HTTP/3 performance to HTTP/2 and HTTP/1.1 at this time. In conclusion, HTTP/3 and QUIC are probably not quite ready for primetime yet, but they soon will be.


From the summary above, it might seem like I am making strong arguments against using QUIC or HTTP/3. However, that is quite opposite to the point I want to make.

First, as discussed at the end of part 2, even though your “average” user might not encounter major performance gains (depending on your target market), a significant portion of your audience will likely see impressive improvements. 0-RTT might only save a single round trip, but that can still mean several hundred milliseconds for some users. Connection migration might not sustain consistently fast downloads, but it will definitely help people trying to fetch that PDF on a high-speed train. Packet loss on cable might be bursty, but wireless links might benefit more from QUIC’s head-of-line blocking removal. What’s more, these users are those who would typically encounter the worst performance of your product and, consequently, be most heavily affected by it. If you wonder why that matters, read Chris Zacharias’ famous web performance anecdote.

Secondly, QUIC and HTTP/3 will only get better and faster over time. Version 1 has focused on getting the basic protocol done, keeping more advanced performance features for later. As such, I feel it pays to start investing in the protocols now, to make sure you can use them and the new features to optimal effect when they become available down the line. Given the complexity of the protocols and their deployment aspects, it would be good to give yourself some time to get acquainted with their quirks. Even if you don’t want to get your hands dirty quite yet, several major CDN providers offer mature “flip the switch” HTTP/3 support (particularly, Cloudflare and Fastly). I struggle to find a reason not to try that out if you’re using a CDN (which, if you care about performance, you really should be).

As such, while I wouldn’t say that it’s crucial to start using QUIC and HTTP/3 as soon as possible, I do feel there are plenty of benefits already to be had, and they will only increase in the future.

Further Reading

While this has been a long body of text, sadly, it really only scratches the technical surface of the complex protocols that QUIC and HTTP/3 are.

Below you will find a list of additional resources for continued learning, more or less in order of ascending technical depth:

“HTTP/3 Explained,” Daniel Stenberg
This e-book, by the creator of cURL, summarizes the protocol.
“HTTP/2 in Action,” Barry Pollard
This excellent all-round book on HTTP/2 has reusable advice and a section on HTTP/3.
@programmingart, Twitter
My tweets are mostly dedicated to QUIC, HTTP/3, and web performance (including news) in general. See for example my recent threads on QUIC features.
“YouTube,” Robin Marx
My over 10 in-depth talks cover various aspects of the protocols.
“The Cloudlare Blog”
This is the main product of a company that also runs a CDN on the side.
“The Fastly Blog”
This blog has excellent discussions of technical aspects, embedded in the wider context.
QUIC, the actual RFCs
You’ll find links to the IETF QUIC and HTTP/3 RFC documents and other official extensions.
IIJ Engineers Blog: Excellent deep technical explanations of QUIC feature details.
HTTP/3 and QUIC academic papers, Robin Marx
My research papers cover stream multiplexing and prioritization, tooling, and implementation differences.
QUIPS, EPIQ 2018, and EPIQ 2020
These papers from academic workshops contain in-depth research on security, performance, and extensions of the protocols.

With that, I leave you, dear reader, with a hopefully much-improved understanding of this brave new world. I am always open to feedback, so please let me know what you think of this series!

This series is divided into three parts:

HTTP/3 history and core concepts
This is targeted at people new to HTTP/3 and protocols in general, and it mainly discusses the basics.
HTTP/3 performance features
This is more in-depth and technical. People who already know the basics can start here.
Practical HTTP/3 deployment options (current article)
This explains the challenges involved in deploying and testing HTTP/3 yourself. It details how and if you should change your web pages and resources as well.