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How to Write a Professional Query Letter

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Editors are a busy lot, always deciding what goes into a publication and what does not. Hence, it’s no surprise that many print magazines do not encourage unsolicited submissions. But if you are an ambitious writer dreaming of making it big in the publishing world, you may need to use this path to get yourself noticed.

The problem is, there is a lot of substandard writing out there, and it is cramming your entrance. Therefore, editors have decided to make the search process a little easier – for them. They want submissions to come with query letters.

What is a Query Letter?

A query letter can help convince an editor to give your writing a shot. Hence, you shouldn’t write it in a too-casual tone. It is not an application, and you should never write anything that remotely amounts to begging them to consider your manuscript. It is, however, a picture of your writing skills and achievements. It doesn’t have to be fancy, but you can use it to showcase your creativity and appreciation for humor. Overall, it should be short and concise.

Editors read query letters to get an idea of whether the writer understands the publication’s needs and style. Having your grammar rules right is definitely not enough. Editors are also looking for a professional approach, which will be reflected in your work. They want writers who are committed to fulfilling the needs of what they would consider ‘a good piece’.

Writing Your Query Letter

Consider the contents of your query letter a sales pitch. Every aspect of a query letter holds significance and should contain sufficient information to allow the reader to gauge if the writer is qualified to write on the subject.

Impress from the Start

Begin the letter by addressing the editor. Be formal, and never use a first name – be it yours or the editor’s. Your introduction must attract the editor’s attention and give them enough motivation to read the whole letter. Make it short but effective, ideally no more than four sentences long. The first part is generally an attention grabber. Some writers ask questions or identify a need, then propose solutions, bringing their services into the picture.

impressive start query letterimpressive start query letter


Pitch Your Ideas

The second paragraph should tell the editor how the article will be written. Include the title of the subject to give the reader an idea of the topic you intend to cover. The pitch is essentially a brief proposal.

pitch idea query letterpitch idea query letter


Explain Your Ideas

Include a paragraph that defines the work. It should contain a full account of how you intend to present the topic. Include the sub-headings, complete details, and the flow of the topic. Even at this stage, it is important to figure out suitable sub-headings for the end product. Explain each sub-heading briefly.

explain idea query letterexplain idea query letter

Image source: Ellen Brock Editing

Highlight Your Achievements

List your achievements in the writing world. Present brief details of your past work, and if possible, links to articles available on the web. Name only the pieces that will help your cause. Briefly touch on published work in magazines or books to enhance your standing. Mentioning any academic degrees you have, especially in a field related to your writing, will help establish your credibility.

achievements query letterachievements query letter

Reedsy and Ellen Brock Editing


The conclusion should carry a note expecting a positive response from the editor. You may also use it to mention the time frame by which you will submit your article if the editor chooses to publish it.

A query letter should be written with honesty and must be formatted well to persuade the editor to read your actual piece. This is not the time to make spelling mistakes or grammatical slip-ups, so make sure you spell-check your query letter before sending it. Take your time with it and do revisions to minimize errors. It could possibly make or break your writing career.

The post How to Write a Professional Query Letter appeared first on Hongkiat.

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Empower Your Web Development: Leveraging Adobe’s New Experience Manager for Streamlined SharePoint Content Publishing and Enhanced Workflow Efficiency

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How to Create Print on Demand Mockups in 2024

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If you’re planning on launching your own print on demand (POD) venture, the first thing you’ll need to do is learn how to create print on demand mockups.

While you can always order samples of your products and take photos of them on models yourself, creating mockups is a far more cost-effective, and simple way to produce images for your product pages and marketing campaigns.

Plus, designing professional mockups today is a lot easier (and more fun) than you might expect. One of my favorite things to do when experimenting with POD platforms and apps is check out their mockup generators and design tools.

Today, I’m going to walk you through the process of creating compelling mockups you can use to entice customers to your store, and increase conversions. Plus, I’ll be introducing some of my favorite software solutions to use for mockup generation.

What are Print on Demand Mockups?

Print on Demand mockups are essentially digital replicas of the products you’re going to be selling to your target audience.

With access to graphic design software, you can place your design on a wide range of products, from canvases and t-shirts to sweaters and mugs, and see a realistic representation of what your items will look like when they’re produced.

In the POD industry, mockups and mockup generators can save you a lot of time and money when you’re building your business.

Instead of having to order samples of your products, or work with complex platforms like Photoshop to “imagine” what your designs will look like, you can use simple design tools to visualize your products in seconds.

Some POD platforms even offer access to these tools for free, and can give you access to a range of other resources alongside them, such as AI-powered image generators, or stock photo and font libraries.

Plus, creating a mockup means you can reduce the risk of printing and production errors with your items, by ensuring everything is placed, sized, and positioned correctly.

Once you’ve designed your mockups, you can easily upload them onto your ecommerce platform, into your product pages, and use them in your marketing campaigns. It’s basically the “fast-track” way to get all of the amazing product photos you need, without the photography.

Top Platforms for Creating Mockups: 3 Excellent Options

The great news for new POD entrepreneurs is that there are plenty of tools and resources out there that will help you create professional-looking mockups, even if you don’t have any artistic skills (like me). These are my top three go-to options for beginners.


Printful is similar to Printify in a lot of ways. It’s a POD company that offers access to hundreds of different items, from apparel to home décor options. It also integrates with more sales channels and platforms than virtually any other POD solution. Printful’s custom mockup maker is highly versatile, giving you more than 300 different backgrounds and layouts to choose from.

You can enhance your mockups with more than 100 different design elements, making your product images look unique and interesting.

There are even tools for creating custom mockups for social media. Printful gives vendors comprehensive control over product customizations, and there’s even AI design tools built-in to help enhance any photos you’re uploading to the platform.

Though flexible, Printful’s mockup generator is extremely easy to use, and I had no trouble repositioning elements, resizing components, and selecting colors in seconds.


Printify isn’t just one of my favorite print on demand platforms, it’s also one of the best solutions out there for companies in search of innovative design tools. Printify’s state-of-the-art mockup generator is free to use, and allows you to comprehensively customize more than 900 products available in Printify’s catalog.

There’s simple drag-and-drop functionality, and built-in editing tools, which include options for layering designs. You can also create a single product with a host of different variations at once. Like Prodigi, Printify also allows you to preview your designs in “lifestyle” mockup situations.

One thing that really sets Printify apart in this landscape, of course, is their generative AI design tool, which can create custom images for you in seconds based on text prompts.

So even if you struggle to create an image or pattern yourself, Printify can do the hard work for you. Plus, the platform integrates with lots of different ecommerce platforms and sales channels.


Prodigi is a print-on-demand company with an exceptional mockup generator, tailored to the needs of beginners.

The free mockup generator doesn’t just allow you to create realistic digital versions of your products, it also helps you to position your products in authentic settings. For instance, you can show customers what an art print will look like placed on a living room wall.

All you need to do is select a product you want to customize, then upload the design you want to use. You can customize the image with the integrated editing tools, changing colors, fonts, positioning, and more.

The mockup generator then applies the image to your chosen product, and creates lifestyle images you can use in your marketing campaigns or product pages.

The mockup generator doesn’t cost anything to use, and everything is extremely straightforward, with drag-and-drop components that impose absolutely no learning curve on beginners.

Read more:

Printful Review

Printify Review

Printful vs Printify

Advanced Tools for Mockup Creation

All of the mockup generation tools mentioned above are excellent for beginners, but they do lack some more “advanced” capabilities, if you’re looking for a high level of customization. If you’re willing to accept a slightly higher learning curve, you can check out:

Artboard Studio

Unlike the three options I mentioned above, Artboard Studio isn’t a print on demand company. It’s a business focused exclusively on visual content creation. The graphic and motion design tool comes packed with unique features that give you a lot of control over your designs.

You can tap into libraries full of customisable assets, images, graphics, vectors, and fonts, and make granular changes to every aspect of your design with a simple but efficient editing studio. You can even add animations and sounds to your content if you want to create product videos.

The design tools make it simple to create highly realistic-looking digital versions of your products, for presentations, social media campaigns, and product pages.

Plus, there’s the option to create entire branding kits that you can apply to multiple images at once. You will need to pay $15 per month if you want to access some of the more advanced features, however.


If you’re looking for a mockup creation tool that has features similar to Adobe Photoshop, without the unnecessary complexity, Photopea could be the solution for you.

Like Artboard, this is a comprehensive photo editing tool that allows you to create comprehensive designs for just about anything. You can edit pre-existing templates for mugs, t-shirts, and more, or design something from scratch using your own photos and images.

The editing tools then give you the freedom to experiment with everything from fonts and graphics, to positioning, shadow, colors, and more. You can even export and import images with just about any file type you can imagine.

Notably however, I would recommend using this solution if you already have most of the assets you need for mockup design already, as there aren’t as many templates to edit here as you’d get with something like Printify.

Choosing the Right Mockup Tool: What to Consider

With so many mockup tools out there to choose from, it can be difficult to make the right decision (even with my suggestions above). While there’s no one-size-fits-all strategy for choosing the right software, there are a few things I recommend keeping in mind while you assess your options:

Product range: It’s generally a lot easier to create mockups if your chosen platform already has a lot of product templates for you to use. For instance, with Printify, you can add your images to more than 900 pre-existing products, all of which you can sell on your store.

Ease of use: Unless you’re a professional designer, it’s best to stick to a solution that’s relatively straightforward to use. The three top options I mentioned above are all extremely user-friendly, with drag-and-drop tools, and simple editing features, great for beginners.

Customization abilities: The more options you have to customize your designs, the more you can make your mockups stand out. Look for plenty of stock images to choose from, font styles, and different backgrounds or “lifestyle” shot options.

Additional features: Extra features, like Printify’s AI image generator, or Printful’s wide collection of free visual assets can come in handy when creating mockups. Alternatively, you could look for more advanced editing capabilities, like you get with Artboard.

Pricing: The three POD platforms I mentioned above all offer their mockup tools to users for free, making them ideal for beginners. However, if you want something a little more advanced, you might need to consider a monthly fee. Make sure you know how much you’ll be paying for your resources before you sign up.

Another point to keep in mind is whether your mockup generator or POD platform integrates with the sales channels and ecommerce platforms you’re already using. That’ll save you a lot of time when it comes to downloading images and uploading them to your store.

Creating Your First Mockup: The Step by Step Guide

Once you’ve chosen the ideal mockup generator for your needs, creating a mockup is usually quite simple. The process can vary a little depending on the design software you use.

For the purpose of this guide, I’ll be walking you through the steps involved in using a mockup generator included on a POD platform like Printful, Prodigi, or Printify.

Step 1: Sign Up and Explore the Platform

First, you’ll need to create an account with your chosen POD platform. All of the three options I mentioned above have free plans, so you don’t have to worry about paying anything to get started. Once you’re logged in, you can start browsing through the design tools, product options, and even the features of your new mockup generator.

Step 2: Select your Product

Once you access the mockup generator on your chosen platform, you’ll usually be asked to select from a range of products you can customize. There are hundreds of options available from Printful, Printify, and Prodigi, so take your time choosing the option that’s right for you.

Once you select your product, the mockup generator will give you a template to work with, and a range of tools you can use to add design elements, like images, and typography.

Step 3: Upload and Edit your Design

This is the most time-consuming, but also most interesting part of creating a mockup. You’ll be able to upload the design you want to use to the generator and start making changes to it. Notably, it’s worth checking the file you use aligns with the capabilities of the mockup generator.

I’d recommend always using a very high-resolution file for the best results. If you’re struggling to create a design yourself, you can work with a freelancer, or consider using an AI generator, like the Printify AI image creation tool.

Once you have your design on the mockup generator, use the tools to scale, rotate, and place your design exactly where you want it to be.

Step 4: Apply the Finishing Touches and Download

I recommend browsing through all the features offered by your chosen platform before you finish with your design just in case there are any extras you want to take advantage of.

For instance, with Printify and Prodigi, you can create “lifestyle images” which are often more realistic looking and appealing to online consumers.

When you’re happy with everything, download your design in your preferred file format, making sure you don’t lose any of the quality.

Step 5: Use Your Mockup

Now you’re ready to use your mockup in your marketing campaigns, ads, and even your product pages. We’ll talk more about how to do this later.

In the meantime, it’s worth taking advantage of any integrations your platform has with your existing sales channels, so you can transfer all of your various images over to your store in seconds.

Tips for Effective Mockup Design

Most mockup generators make it extremely easy to create attractive and lifelike images for your marketing campaigns and online store. However, if you’re an absolute beginner, here are a few tips worth following to ensure you get the right results:

Always use high-res images: The higher the resolution of the images you upload to your mockup generator, the better the mockup, and the finished product will be. Consider using Printify’s AI upscaling tool, if necessary, to improve your image quality.

Go for a realistic look: The more “natural” and realistic your mockups look; the more likely customers will be to trust your store. If you can, switch rigid-looking images out for lifestyle photos that showcase what your product is going to look like in genuine situations.

Work with experts if necessary: If you’re struggling to create high-quality designs yourself, and you don’t want to rely exclusively on generative AI, it’s worth seeking out some artistic support. There are plenty of freelancers who can create great images for you.

Experiment: Play with the design tools available to you. Experiment with image positioning and sizing. Look at how your product looks in different environments and against various backgrounds. This will give you a good insight into which mockups look best.

Keep it consistent: Ideally, your mockups should include some consistent elements, particularly if you’re using them on product pages. Stick to the same background colors as much as possible, and use consistent lighting and perspective.

As a bonus tip, I do recommend still ordering samples of your products, even if your mockups look fantastic. Samples don’t just give you an opportunity to create entirely unique photos yourself, they also ensure you can test the quality of your items before you start selling them to customers.

Using Mockups for Marketing and Sales

Now you know how to create print on demand mockups, it’s time to use them to your advantage. As I mentioned above, mockups aren’t just a great way to add visual appeal to your product pages, and show your customers what they can expect from your store. They can also help drive attention to your brand and increase your conversions.

Here are some great ways to experiment with your mockups for marketing and sales:

Create amazing product pages: Upgrade your product pages with more than one mockup. Create entire carousels of mocked-up images that show your products from different angles, or use advanced editors to create mockup videos. Showcase what designs look like on differently colored backgrounds and in various settings.

Create social media campaigns: Mockups can be ideal for making your paid and organic social media posts stand out. Use them when you’re promoting your latest product collection across channels like Instagram, Pinterest and TikTok. Consider experimenting with animations for stories, and even think about running polls with your mockups, asking customers to vote on which variation of an item they like best.

Add mockups to your email marketing: If you’re nurturing your customers with an email marketing campaigns, this is a great chance to put your mockups to work. Include various different mockup images in your emails templates, to show your customers exactly what they have to offer. Link the pictures you share back to your product pages.

Create marketing campaigns: Outside of social media and email, you can use mockups in a variety of other marketing strategies. You could add them to your content marketing strategy when you write articles talking about different types of products. Or you could create carousels, banners, and pop-ups for your online store, featuring your mockups.

Experiment: A/B test different advertising and sales strategies using variations of your mockups. This will give you a good insight into which design elements are most likely to attract and convert customers in your target market.

Creating your Own Print on Demand Mockups

Learning how to create print on demand mockups the right way is a must for any vendor entering this competitive market.

The right mockups will give you a fantastic competitive edge, helping you to promote your brand and attract new customers, even without ordering samples.

However, I do recommend building on your mockup images in the long-term, with photographs you take yourself, and even user-generated content submitted by your customers. This will give your store a more authentic feel, and help to ensure customers will trust you in the future.

The post How to Create Print on Demand Mockups in 2024 appeared first on Ecommerce Platforms.

20 Best New Websites, July 2024

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Welcome to July’s round up of websites to inspire you. This month’s collection ranges from the most stripped-back design, to high-concept interactive motion graphics, with much more in between. Enjoy!

15 Best New Fonts, July 2024

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Welcome to our monthly roundup of the best fonts we’ve found online in the last four weeks. This month, there are fewer sans serifs, and a lot more display faces. Retro is as popular as ever, and the recent trend for organic shapes continues. Enjoy!

4 Ways to Save / Download WhatsApp Status Videos (2024)

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Most social media platforms now feature status updates, and WhatsApp is no exception. WhatsApp statuses allow us to share snippets of our daily lives with friends and family. However, these statuses disappear after 24 hours and, frustratingly, WhatsApp does not provide a direct method for downloading them. But don’t worry if you’re looking to save those memorable moments.

Guide on how to save WhatsApp status videosGuide on how to save WhatsApp status videos

Although the Meta-owned app lacks a built-in feature for saving statuses, there are alternative methods that can help. This guide will explore four effective ways to save or download WhatsApp status videos.

Follow these simple steps to ensure you never miss out on saving those special updates again.

Why Save WhatsApp Status Videos?

You have only 24 hours to save WhatsApp statuses from your contacts before they disappear forever. While you could ask your contact to send the status directly, it’s often more convenient to save the status yourself.

Let’s look at some compelling reasons to save WhatsApp Status:

View Offline: You may want to revisit the status later, perhaps during your free time at night. Since WhatsApp statuses vanish after 24 hours, saving them allows you to view them offline whenever you choose.
Save for Reuse: Sometimes, a contact might share an image, meme, or video that you want to keep or reuse. In such cases, saving the status becomes necessary.
For Reference: If the WhatsApp status contains valuable information, saving it for future reference can be very beneficial.

In essence, there are numerous reasons to download statuses from WhatsApp. Continue to the next section to discover four effective methods for saving WhatsApp status videos.

How to Save or Download WhatsApp Status Videos on Android

With growing interest in how to download WhatsApp status videos or images, numerous methods have emerged to simplify this process. Here, we’ve outlined four straightforward and quick ways to save WhatsApp statuses without any hassle:

Method 1: Using File Manager

You might be surprised to learn that the WhatsApp statuses you view are temporarily stored in a hidden folder within your Android’s File Manager. Accessing these files is straightforward once you know where to look.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to downloading WhatsApp status on Android using File Manager:

Open the File Manager and toggle on “Show hidden files” in the settings.
Opening File Manager settings to show hidden filesOpening File Manager settings to show hidden files
Navigate to the directory: Android > Media > com.whatsapp > WhatsApp > Media > Statuses. Here, you’ll find all the WhatsApp statuses you have recently viewed.
Navigating folders in File ManagerNavigating folders in File Manager
Select the statuses you wish to save and copy them to another folder within your File Manager for permanent storage.
Copying WhatsApp statuses to a new folderCopying WhatsApp statuses to a new folder

By following these steps, you can effortlessly save the WhatsApp status videos you want to keep directly from your Android device.

Method 2: Save WhatsApp Status with iCareFone Transfer App

The iCareFone Transfer App provides a modern and professional way to save WhatsApp statuses. It’s an Android app designed to facilitate various WhatsApp-related tasks.

The app features a “Status Download” function that enables you to download WhatsApp statuses with a single click, ensuring the original quality is maintained.

Here’s how to use the iCareFone Transfer App to download WhatsApp status videos on Android:

Download the Tenorshare iCareFone Transfer App from the Play Store and install it on your Android device.
Installing iCareFone Transfer App from Play StoreInstalling iCareFone Transfer App from Play Store
Open the app and select “Status Download” from the “Tools” tab.
Selecting Status Download optionSelecting Status Download option
View the WhatsApp statuses of contacts whose updates you wish to save.
Return to the app and download the viewed statuses.
Downloading saved statusesDownloading saved statuses

This method simplifies downloading WhatsApp video, image, and text statuses without any hassle.

Method 3: Save WhatsApp Status by Taking a Screenshot

If you’re looking to save a text or image status, or a specific part of a video status from WhatsApp, the easiest option is to take a screenshot. Simply view the status and simultaneously press the “Power + Volume Down” buttons to capture the screenshot. This method is the fastest way to save WhatsApp statuses without additional apps.

Demonstrating how to take a screenshot of WhatsApp statusDemonstrating how to take a screenshot of WhatsApp status
Method 4: Save WhatsApp Status by Screen Recording

Most modern Android smartphones come equipped with a built-in screen recording feature, usually accessible from the notification panel. If you want to save a video status from WhatsApp, using the screen recorder is a quick and effective method.

Simply activate the “Screen Recorder” from the notification panel, then view the WhatsApp status you wish to save. Once done, stop the recording, and the file will be automatically saved in your Gallery, ready for access anytime.

Using screen recording to save WhatsApp statusUsing screen recording to save WhatsApp status
How to Save WhatsApp Status Videos or Photos on iPhone Without a PC

Unlike Android, iPhones do not allow direct access to WhatsApp files via the Files app. However, you can still use screenshot and screen recording methods effectively on iOS devices.

To take a screenshot on your iPhone, press the “Power + Volume Up” buttons. Similarly, the built-in screen recording feature allows you to record WhatsApp statuses while viewing them. These methods provide straightforward solutions for downloading WhatsApp statuses on your iPhone without needing a PC.

Demonstrating how to take a screenshot on iPhoneDemonstrating how to take a screenshot on iPhone

While WhatsApp’s design to prevent downloading statuses can be seen as a privacy measure, there are times when saving them becomes necessary. This guide has introduced four practical methods to download WhatsApp status videos, images, and text. Among these, the Tenorshare iCareFone Transfer App stands out as the most professional and efficient option. We recommend installing the iCareFone Transfer App for a seamless experience in managing WhatsApp statuses.


1. How to transfer WhatsApp data to a new phone?

The Tenorshare iCareFone Transfer App provides a reliable method for transferring all your WhatsApp data across different devices, whether from Android to iPhone or vice versa. It safely extracts and transfers WhatsApp chats and media files without requiring root or jailbreak permissions.

2. How can I view WhatsApp status without being detected?

To view WhatsApp statuses anonymously, simply disable “Read Receipts” in the privacy settings. Alternatively, you can disconnect from the internet, open WhatsApp, and view the status offline, ensuring your views remain private.

The post 4 Ways to Save / Download WhatsApp Status Videos (2024) appeared first on Hongkiat.