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Popular Design News of the Week: June 27, 2022 – July 3, 2022

Original Source: https://www.webdesignerdepot.com/2022/07/popular-design-news-of-the-week-june-27-2022-july-3-2022/

Every day design fans submit incredible industry stories to our sister-site, Webdesigner News. Our colleagues sift through it, selecting the very best stories from the design, UX, tech, and development worlds and posting them live on the site.

The best way to keep up with the most important stories for web professionals is to subscribe to Webdesigner News or check out the site regularly. However, in case you missed a day this week, here’s a handy compilation of the top curated stories from the last seven days. Enjoy!

Advanced CSS Tricks that You Have to Know

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p img {display:inline-block; margin-right:10px;}
.alignleft {float:left;}
p.showcase {clear:both;}
body#browserfriendly p, body#podcast p, div#emailbody p{margin:0;}

The post Popular Design News of the Week: June 27, 2022 – July 3, 2022 first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

11 Email Marketing Trends You Need to Know in 2022

Original Source: https://www.hongkiat.com/blog/top-email-marketing-trends/

It’s the second half of 2022, and email marketing is more relevant than ever. In 2021, businesses from diverse industries will be forced to adapt to numerous new technologies and other changes. As 2022 unfolds, we see that world events, coupled with innovations in technology, continue to play a significant role in influencing the direction of email marketing.

The international lockdowns during the last two years have accelerated the shift toward online shopping. In fact, a report from the global management consulting firm, McKinsey & Company, showed that 75 percent of U.S. consumers began experimenting with new shopping behaviors in 2020. This increase in online activity has made email marketing an essential part of many retailers’ business models.

Statista.com reports that the number of emails sent and received globally has increased each year since 2017, and that in 2022, the number of emails sent and received each day is predicted to be 333.2 billion. The message here is very clear: Boost your email marketing campaign(s) if you want to stay relevant.

One of the best things you can do for your business right now is to stay up to date with what’s happening in the field of email marketing. Acting on this information in a way that is relevant to your niche will help you keep your business growing and evolving in these changing times.

Here are the top 11 email marketing trends you absolutely need to know this year.

1. Measuring Success… Moving Beyond Open Rates

Marketers have traditionally tracked the success of their email campaigns via open-rate numbers. However, simply opening an email — which may mean only that your subject line is enticing — is less important than what the recipient does afterward. Figuring out if consumers have acted on your email by tracking what they do after opening it should be your focus. And last year, the email open rate metric took a big hit.

email privacyemail privacy

In 2021, Apple enacted its Mail Privacy Protection (MPP) policy which hampers the sharing of data from consumers’ emails. While the way in which MPP works is somewhat technical, the result is that it gives retailers the impression that all their emails have been opened, rendering the open rate practically useless as a metric.

What are your options? How can you identify which email strategies are working?

Engagement is useful in tracking email success as it measures how recipients interact with your campaign. Click-through and conversion rates as well as replies can be used to measure engagement. If you can tie revenue to a specific email campaign, the resulting ROI will help you determine the campaign’s success.

Adding Urchin Tracking Module (UTM) codes to email links helps you determine how effectively your emails are getting consumers to visit your website.

We’re seeing the results of MPP. When the developer beta of iOS 15 was released, observers noticed a small uptick in open rates, then another when the public beta came out. And once iOS 15 was publicly released, we saw a huge uptick in open rates.

46.3% of all emails were opened in the Apple Mail app in 2020. You should expect that many Gmail, Yahoo, AOL, and Outlook subscribers will be affected, too, because those email accounts can be routed into Apple Mail apps.

2. Email Plays a Vital Role in a Customer Retention Strategy

Lifetime revenue is more important than a single sale, which means that your email strategy should seek to gain and retain long-term customers. Acquiring customers is not as difficult as retaining them.

How can you turn new buyers into lifelong customers?

While certainly not the newest digital strategy out there, email marketing has been proven to be very effective in retaining customers.

customer retention strategycustomer retention strategy

Email that engages recipients, communicates desired information, provides a positive brand experience, and is personalized to customers’ unique needs goes a long way toward improving your Customer Lifetime Value (CLV).

Several types of emails that help build loyalty should become part of your marketing arsenal. These include welcome emails, newsletters, targeted product recommendations and offers, and loyalty program rewards and updates.

Research from Rosetta found that customers actively engaged with brands and their loyalty programs buy 90% more frequently and spend 60% more per transaction.

Compared with the average consumer, loyal customers deliver 23% more revenue and profitability.

3. For Email, Hyper-Personalization Is Power

Addressing emails with the recipient’s name is no longer enough. Today’s consumers expect that businesses understand what they need, and they want and expect businesses to customize emails to meet those needs.

This type of communication, known as hyper-personalization, improves the Click-through Rate (CTR) and generates more revenue.


Hyper-personalized emails improve recipients’ experiences and engage them by providing content and offer they like, as often as they like. Individualized content —including product recommendations and offers — is based on data collected about the customer’s preferences, purchases, and online behavior. Emails should be sent on a schedule based on the frequency of the recipient’s open habits.

52% of consumers expect offers to always be personalized (up from 49% in 2019).

72% of consumers say they engage only with emails that are specifically targeted to them.

Email marketing personalization improves the open rate (82%) and click-through rate (75%), while increasing customer satisfaction (58%).

4. Artificial Intelligence Is the Smart Way to Go

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is ideal for turning data analysis into valuable and actionable insights. Those in the know expect that, at some time in the not-so-distant future, AI will be able to rapidly and accurately identify a company’s potential customers and expeditiously deliver personalized email content without human intervention.

How is AI currently impacting email marketing?

AI is now being used to improve email campaigns by cleaning up mailing lists, segmenting audiences for testing and targeting, optimizing email send times, ensuring that emails land in the inbox and not in spam folders, collecting data for content personalization and even writing email subject lines. AI saves retailers time and money while improved click-through rates boost revenue.

AI email marketingAI email marketing

In a 2018 study by Statista, a survey of 401 marketers who used AI in email personalization showed that 41.29% had an improvement in revenue by using this technology.

In a study of 50 billion emails sent by businesses worldwide, AI tools increased deliverability rates by 50%.

5. The Case for Automated Email Marketing

Automation helps marketers quickly plow through the labor-intensive tasks associated with emailing: data analysis, segmentation, optimal timing and frequency, and hyper-personalized content. Retailers today send a variety of emails automatically, including welcome emails, birthday emails, abandoned cart emails and more, that are triggered by certain actions. Targeted emails improve engagement and build trust, resulting in increased revenue.

automated email marketingautomated email marketing

Chatbots are not part of the email itself, but when added to your website content, they can be configured to automatically prompt visitors to sign up for emails and then send emails to those addresses.

This allows you to automate the process of sending messages with news, special offers and notifications — with little to no human supervision.

Automated emails result in click rates that are 119% higher than broadcast emails and they drive 18 times more revenue.

Retailers that connect with their customers via automated emails realized conversion rates as high as 50%.

6. BIMI Adoption Helps Protect Users from Fraud

What is BIMI? Brand Indicators for Message Identification (BIMI) is a method that displays the brand’s logo in inboxes to help prevent email spoofing. Providing users with evidence that an email comes from an authentic source increases trust and engagement. Plus, the more you use your logo, the greater the brand recognition and recall.

BMI adoption marketing emailsBMI adoption marketing emails

Now is the best time to invest in the resources required to implement BIMI. While Yahoo and Verizon Media were already supporting BIMI, Google didn’t officially endorse the use of BIMI logos for Gmail until 2021. With Gmail now in the mix and its users comprising up to 25% of subscriber mailing lists, retailers have more incentive than ever to spend on BIMI authentication.

According to the FBI, U.S. businesses lost more than $2 billion due to email fraud between 2014 and 2019.

7. An Interactive Email Strategy Moves the Needle

Interactivity in emails is anticipated to grow in 2022 due to its positive impacts on engagement, loyalty and conversion. Interactive emails go beyond the simple act of a user scanning content. They provide users with an entertaining experience as well as the convenience of clicking on content without opening a browser window.

BMI interactive emailBMI interactive email

Typical elements you may want to add to your emails are surveys and quizzes, animated GIFs and fun effects, slideshows of featured products that permit shopping directly from the email, User-generated Content (UGC) and animated Calls-to-Action (CTAs). Not only do these items make the customer’s experience more enjoyable, but they also offer you the opportunity to glean information about your customers.

Interactivity has been shown to increase the number of clicks and conversions which, in addition to potentially increasing revenue, offer performance metrics beyond the open rate.

However, be aware of the caveats: Be sure to make your interactive emails mobile-friendly and avoid overdoing the animation — you don’t want your emails to end up in the recipient’s spam folder!

Interactive content results in twice as many conversions as passive content. It generates conversions moderately or very well 70% of the time vs. 36% for passive content.

8. Let Your Happy Customers Generate Your Content

User-generated content (UGC) is exactly what it sounds like: original, brand-specific content created and posted by customers, typically on social media platforms.

This content can be texts, videos, podcasts, reviews, recommendations and images. UGC serves the same purpose as testimonials on websites, which is to verify that real customers trust and like your brand.

customer generated contentcustomer generated content

How do you use UGC in email marketing? If you do not have current UGC about your brand, you can email customers and ask them how they use your product; include a hashtag to spur users into posting photos about your brand on social media.

Not only do you gain almost-free publicity, but you can also introduce this user-generated content in future emails and advertising campaigns. UGC makes emails appear authentic, especially to jaded consumers who assume that advertisers exaggerate product benefits.

86% of companies make UGC part of their marketing strategies to build trust and authenticity.

92% of consumers seek reviews and recommendations from a company’s existing customers before making a purchase, and 90% of consumers trust UGC over company-generated ads and promotional emails.

9. Express Appreciation to Your Valuable Customers

Consumers have a lot of choices. Showing customers your appreciation via email helps you stand out from the competition even as it also improves engagement, increases brand loyalty, and sustains long-term customer relationships.

customer appreciationcustomer appreciation

Common ways to express appreciation include celebrating special milestones or birthdays with an offer, providing early access to a sale, offering customer-only discounts, and simply thanking the recipient for being your customer.

You can also connect with customers during troubled times to express your shared empathy.

For example, you can use email to send an offer to customers in honor of your staff or local health care workers, or even send an email about a special project or favored charity.

The opportunities abound!

Birthday emails have 179% higher click rates and generate 342% more revenue than promotional emails.

10. Looking into the Dark Side of Mobile Accessibility

An important trend for 2022 is the creation of well-designed, mobile-responsive emails that allow users to search without opening a browser window. Today’s emails must be easy to read on the go — both for users who prefer the newly popular dark mode as well as those who like the traditional light mode.

dark modedark mode

Light mode (dark text on a light screen) is the default mode. When the dark mode display setting is turned on, the user sees light text on a dark background.

Dark mode emails can be challenging for designers, but if emails are incompatible with dark mode, the layout can break and the email may be sent to a spam folder. To make email easy to read on dark mode screens, use high-contrast text and visuals that look good on a dark background.

During the fourth quarter of 2021, 54.4% of global website traffic came from smartphones.

69% of consumers worldwide search for product information via mobile devices.

82.7% of survey respondents said that they use dark mode on their devices.

11. The Minimalism Trend is Last but Not Least

In how many ways do you communicate with your customers? Consumers get confused and distracted by all the information that comes at them every day, which means building a strong brand presence is essential.

The branding of your emails should be consistent with that of your website, social media, videos and advertisements so that your brand is instantly recognizable regardless of the channel.

minimalism in emailminimalism in email

Further, emails should be short, clear and uncluttered; minimalist design is trending. Craft a few short, clearly written and easy-to-read paragraphs, plain text, simple images, soft colors and a lot of blank space — with no distractions.

While this advice seems to contradict the interactive and dark mode email trends, we suggest there is a time and place for everything. The key is to know which style to use and when.

Minimalist email design and content are ideal for quickly communicating a message in a straightforward manner, while interactive designs are best for grabbing attention, increasing engagement, and encouraging users to take the desired action.

Each trend not only has its own design style, but each also requires a different overall content tone as well. Are you new to email and not sure how to write content? Now is the time to learn the proper way to write email marketing copy for a range of styles.

Wrap Up

Emails remain an important part of a successful retail marketing strategy. Email is always evolving and to achieve optimal results, your email campaigns must continually evolve, too.

This article presented the top 11 email marketing trends that retailers should adopt in 2022 to grow their brand, increase revenue and beat the competition.

Yet even as savvy marketers follow the trends presented above, they will be keeping an eye on the email trends that are developing during 2022.

Be a savvy marketer and watch this space for the next round of email trends!

The post 11 Email Marketing Trends You Need to Know in 2022 appeared first on Hongkiat.

Kranus Health branding and visual identity

Original Source: https://abduzeedo.com/kranus-health-branding-and-visual-identity

Kranus Health branding and visual identity
Kranus Health branding and visual identity


Embacy team shared a branding, visual identity and web design project for Kranus Health, a medical startup which are rethinking male healthcare holistically and improving treatment options within the healthcare system for patients and doctors.

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Producer: Asya Iljushechkina
Art Direction: Anastasia Galeeva, Elisey Soloviev, Nikita Sobolev
Project Manager: Denis Zatsepilin
Brand Designers: Nikita Gudkov, Anna Koval
Illustrator: Lera Belobragina
Production: Sasha Korshenyuk, Masha Roshka

For more information make sure to check out Embasy website or Behance page.

Pipedrive vs HubSpot: Which CRM is Better?

Original Source: https://www.hongkiat.com/blog/pipedrive-hubspot-crm/

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software is essential for most businesses, big or small, to manage your leads and sales and keep track of your clients and their interactions with your company. However, it requires in-depth research to know which one would be ideal for the particular needs of your business.

pipedrive vs hubspotpipedrive vs hubspot

To help you in deciding which CRM software to go with, let me attempt to give you a comparison between two of the best CRM tools available in the market today — Pipedrive and Hubspot — so you can make a well-informed decision and invest in the tool that suits you best.

Let’s have a look.

Top 10 CRM Software to Help You Grow Your Business

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Top 10 CRM Software to Help You Grow Your Business

For every business and organization, it is integral to be able to manage contacts and data effectively. One… Read more

What do you look for in a CRM software solution?

When you’re trying to decide which CRM software solution is best for your business, there are a few key features you should look for:

Ease of use: The best CRM solutions are user-friendly and easy to navigate. You don’t want to spend hours trying to learn how to use your CRM software.
Comprehensive features: The CRM software you choose should have all the features you need to manage your customer relationships effectively.
Affordable pricing: And, of course, you don’t want to overspend on your CRM solution. Look for a solution that offers a great value for the price.

Now that you know what to look for in a CRM software solution, let’s take a closer look at two of the most popular CRM solutions on the market today: Pipedrive and Hubspot.

Pipedrive, in a nutshell

Pipedrive is a cloud-based CRM software solution offering a wide range of features to help businesses manage customer relationships effectively. The software is designed to be user-friendly with a visual sales pipeline that helps users track their deals and progress through the sales process.

They are founded in 2010 by three Estonian entrepreneurs who were looking for a CRM solution that was easy to use and helped them close more deals.

The company is headquartered in New York City but has offices in Estonia, Portugal, and the United Kingdom.

HubSpot, in a nutshell
hubspot crmhubspot crm

HubSpot, on the other hand, was founded in 2006 by two entrepreneurs who were looking for a better way to market their software company.

The company is headquartered in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and has offices in Dublin, Sydney, London, Berlin, Tokyo, and Singapore.

HubSpot is a comprehensive CRM software solution with a range of features to help businesses manage customer relationships effectively. The software is designed to help users track their sales and marketing performance and manage customer relations through a centralized platform.

HubSpot also offers a wide range of marketing and sales tools to help businesses close more deals and grow their customer base.

Key differences between Pipedrive and Hubspot

Pipedrive and HubSpot are two of the most popular CRM platforms in the market, each with its own set of advantages and disadvantages.

Here’s all you need to know about the major differences between Pipedrive and HubSpot so you can choose the ideal one for your business.

1. Ease of use

Both HubSpot and Pipedrive are pretty user-friendly. They both have an intuitive user interface that allows you to easily track your contacts, projects, tasks, leads, etc. They also have a wide range of email templates you can use or modify for your own purposes.

It’s easy to filter through all of your contacts in either software so that you can keep up with things like when they made their last purchase or if they are still using a specific product on their website.

There is a smooth learning curve other than figuring out where things are located on each platform, which is honestly a good thing as it means no training is necessary once you get started.


Hubspot and Pipedrive are both easy to use. You don’t need to learn anything new to use either program.

For easy of use:

HubSpot – 5/5
Pipedrive – 5/5

2. Automation

HubSpot is known for its automation capabilities. You can automate tasks like emailing customers when they abandon their shopping carts, sending out follow-up emails to potential customers, or creating workflows to keep track of your sales pipeline. HubSpot’s automation features are one of the main reasons why people choose it over other CRM platforms.

Pipedrive, on the other hand, does not have as many automation features built in. However, they do have extensive APIs that allow you to connect to third-party apps and services to automate tasks like sending out follow-up emails or creating workflows.


Hubspot offers more automation options than Pipedrive. However, Pipedrive has an extensive API that lets you connect to third-party apps and services to automate things.

In terms of automation:

HubSpot – 4/5
Pipedrive – 3/5

3. Reporting and analytics

HubSpot CRM has more than 150 free report templates. These include sales-related indicators like deals closed and monthly revenue, as well as marketing-related information like website traffic and social media engagements.

By subscribing to Sales Hub Enterprise or Sales Hub Professional, a user will have access to advanced analytics and custom reports, as well as the ability to create up to 10 CRM dashboards.

Pipedrive’s CRM also has a good selection of reports, with over 30 available templates. However, upgrading to a paid plan is necessary to unlock features like custom fields, which can be used to segment data and create more specific reports.

Additionally, the ability to export data into Excel or Google Sheets is a premium feature, as is access to the Pipeline Heatmap report.


Hubspot CRM provides a large number of free report templates (around 150), however, for advanced features such as custom fields, you need to upgrade to a paid plan. Pipedrive CRM, offers a smaller number of free report templates (around 30), but you can pay to use more of them.

In terms of reporting and analytics:

HubSpot – 4/5
Pipedrive – 4/5

4. Pricing

For HubSpot CRM Sales Hub, there is a free-for-life subscription with limited functionality. This can be upgraded at any time to one of three paid plans – Starter, Professional, or Enterprise.

hubspot crm pricinghubspot crm pricing

Pipedrive’s CRM doesn’t offer a free-for-life subscription, but there is a 14-day trial period available for each of its subscription plans. Compared to HubSpot, Pipedrive’s prices are more economical – at around $20 less per user per month for the Enterprise plan.

All Pipedrive subscriptions come with an extensive feature set as standard, with the only main differences being the number of users and contacts that can be added to the account, as well as phone support.

pipedrive crm pricespipedrive crm prices

HubSpot’s most expensive Sales Hub plan is almost double the price of Pipedrive’s Enterprise offering, making it one of the more costly CRM software solutions on the market.

The main differences between the paid plans of the two tools are the number of users, contacts, and automation workflows that can be added to the account.

When it comes to pricing and affordability:

HubSpot – 3/5
Pipedrive – 4/5

5. Core features

CRM software is used to manage customer relationships, sales, and marketing. As such, the core features of a CRM platform will usually include things like contact management, deal tracking, lead capture, and pipeline management. Both HubSpot and Pipedrive offer all of these features and more.

One area where HubSpot shines is in its marketing features. In addition to the core CRM functionality, HubSpot’s Sales Hub also includes features like email tracking, lead scoring, and website visitor tracking. This makes it a great option for businesses that want to get the most out of their CRM investment by using it as an all-in-one platform for sales and marketing.

Pipedrive, on the other hand, is more focused on sales. While it does have some marketing features, such as email integration and lead capture forms, they are not as comprehensive as what HubSpot has to offer. If you’re primarily looking for a CRM to manage your sales pipeline and deals, Pipedrive would be a good option for you.


Hubspot offers a lot of features for both sales and marketing, while Pipedrive focuses on sales.

On the core features:

HubSpot – 3.5/5
Pipedrive – 4/5

6. App integrations

HubSpot CRM is connected to the HubSpot App Marketplace, where there are currently over 500 app integrations. Categories include sales, marketing, productivity, finance, and customer service. And better yet, about half of these apps can be obtained for free.

Some examples of these free app integrations include DepositFix, Outreach, and Xero. The HubSpot App Marketplace can be accessed across all four levels of HubSpot CRM – including even in their free version.

hubspot crm app integrationshubspot crm app integrations

Pipedrive also has a good selection of app integrations, with over 350 apps available in their App Store.

Like HubSpot, there is a healthy mix of both free and paid app integrations available in the tool. Categories include sales, marketing, productivity, customer service, and accounting.

Some popular app integrations that are available for Pipedrive include Google Calendar, Gmail, and Stripe.

pipedrive crm app integrationspipedrive crm app integrations

Both HubSpot and Pipedrive offer a good selection of app integrations to extend the functionality of their CRM platforms.

However, HubSpot’s App Marketplace has a slight edge in terms of the number of apps available as well as the variety of categories covered.

Regarding app integrations:

HubSpot – 4/5
Pipedrive – 3.5/5

7. Customer Service

HubSpot’s customer service can be accessed 24/7 via phone, email, or live chat. The company also has an extensive Knowledge Base that includes how-to guides, troubleshooting articles, and product documentation. In addition, HubSpot offers a number of training resources, such as online courses, certification programs, and live events.

Pipedrive’s customer service can also be reached 24/7 via phone, email, or live chat. The company has a searchable Knowledge Base that contains how-to guides and troubleshooting articles. Pipedrive also offers a number of helpful training resources, such as webinars, guides, and live events.


Both HubSpot and Pipedrive offer excellent customer service, with multiple ways to get in touch with a support representative and plenty of helpful training resources.

On customer services:

HubSpot – 4/5
Pipedrive – 4/5


HubSpot CRM and Pipedrive are both great options for businesses looking for a sales or marketing-focused CRM solution.

HubSpot has the edge when it comes to marketing features, while Pipedrive is a better choice for businesses that want a more sales-oriented platform. Both platforms offer a good selection of app integrations and excellent customer service.

Which CRM you ultimately choose will depend on your specific business needs. If you’re not sure which one is right for you, we recommend trying out both platforms with their free versions to see which one works better for your team.

The post Pipedrive vs HubSpot: Which CRM is Better? appeared first on Hongkiat.

When, why, and how should you use a WYSIWYG editor on your WordPress site?

Original Source: https://1stwebdesigner.com/when-why-and-how-should-you-use-a-wysiwyg-editor-on-your-wordpress-site/

Have you ever felt perplexed about how to use WYSIWYG editors in WordPress? We’ll guide you through what WYSIWYG editors are, give you tips on using them, and show you an alternative to the built-in WYSIWYG editor for WordPress.

What is a WYSIWYG editor?

WYSIWYG stands for “what you see is what you get”. This means that whatever content is entered into the editor is shown exactly the way it will be displayed when it is published. It is similar to desktop publishing tools such as Microsoft Word, having similar formatting tools displayed on the toolbar at the top. WYSIWYG editors are usually integrated into various apps and websites. They can be used for content management, website building, messaging, and other different features. However they’re used, these special editors significantly save development time, reduce maintenance and manpower costs, and provide the ideal user interface and experience.


When should you use a WYSIWYG editor on WordPress?

In WordPress, the WYSIWYG editor is the primary input field for post and page content. Thus, whenever you create and edit content on WordPress, you use a WYSIWYG editor.

What are the benefits of using a WYSIWYG editor?

By using WYSIWYG editors, users won’t have to know much about HTML to manage and format their content. They’ll be able to write, insert images and other files, and perform rich text editing (and more) just by using the several buttons on the toolbar.

A modified version of TinyMCE, an open-source WYSIWYG editor, is built into WordPress. Its extensibility allows WordPress plugin and theme developers to add custom buttons to the visual editor’s toolbar . However, using a built-in editor often won’t be enough. There will be times when you will need faster and more sophisticated editors. As we will explain below, you can greatly improve upon the built-in editor by setting up an alternative. You can read more about how easy it is to do here.

How to extend the built-in WYSIWYG editor in WordPress

To display the full TinyMCE text editor so you have access to all of the advanced features available, add the following code to your functions.php file, enabling the hidden buttons:

function enable_more_buttons($buttons) {

$buttons[] = ‘fontselect’;
$buttons[] = ‘fontsizeselect’;
$buttons[] = ‘styleselect’;
$buttons[] = ‘backcolor’;
$buttons[] = ‘newdocument’;
$buttons[] = ‘cut’;
$buttons[] = ‘copy’;
$buttons[] = ‘charmap’;
$buttons[] = ‘hr’;
$buttons[] = ‘visualaid’;

return $buttons;
add_filter("mce_buttons_3", "enable_more_buttons");

An alternative WYSIWYG Editor

If the default editor is too limited for your project, it is possible to integrate an alternative WYSIWYG editor to allow for more complex editing for your users. One of the top alternatives is this beautiful JavaScript web editor from Froala that has a lot to offer for developers and users alike. Its easy integration, rich features, customizability, and informative yet organized documentation let developers have an easier production time. Moreover, it gives users a better editing experience because of its cleanliness, speed, and intuitiveness. With a flat interface, SVG icons, buttons, dropdowns, and popups, every detail of its design is amazing. It has full mobile support, with popup formatting controls that appear the same on both mobile devices and desktops and image and video resizing.

Froala is easy to customize, fully scalable, and fast, loading in less than 40 milliseconds. Compared to TinyMCE’s 15 integration guides, Froala provides 17 framework libraries and is the first editor to provide SDK libraries for 6 different servers. Its intuitive interface also accommodates 100+ features without overwhelming users with a complex and complicated GUI. In addition, Froala has easy-to-follow documentation and easily integrates with your products.

Migrating to Froala

It only takes a few steps to replace your standard WordPress WYSIWYG with the robust Froala:

Download or clone the wordpress-froala-wysiwyg-master plugin.
Under the plugins folder of your WordPress installation, make a new folder and paste the contents of the downloaded file there.
In your WordPress admin area, go to plugins and click “add new”. Search for “Froala WYSIWYG Editor” and follow the automated process.
On the plugins page of your admin area, activate the Froala plugin. This will now replace WordPress’ default editor.

Once you’ve completed these steps, you’re all set to use a powerful, faster, and cleaner editor. To learn more about integrating and using Froala with WordPress, check this page out.

If your project requires more extensive features than what the built-in WordPress editor offers, Froala is definitely a great option to explore. Read more about Froala here.

Will you upgrade or extend your current WordPress WYSIWYG editor?

Based on the information we’ve covered in this article, it is obvious that you can do so much more with your WordPress WYSIWYG editor than how it comes out of the box, so to speak. For instance, you may choose to extend the TinyMCE editor to give your users even more control over the formatting of their content. Better yet, you can choose to go even further and upgrade your WYSIWYG editor to a more powerful one altogether. If you follow what we’ve discussed in this article, you will definitely take WordPress content entry and editing to a better place for your users.

Best Cisco Phone Accessories -New & Trendy

Original Source: https://designrfix.com/reviews/cisco-phone-accessories

The cisco phone accessories has become more than just the workhorses they’ve been in the past. Choosing just one can be difficult with so many available styles, colors, and designs. To make your choice easier, we’ve broken down the top 10 best overall cisco phone accessories based on cost, consumer reviews, warranty, and other important … Read more

Futurism inspired packaging design for Bella Ciao Craft Beer 

Original Source: https://abduzeedo.com/futurism-inspired-packaging-design-bella-ciao-craft-beer

Futurism inspired packaging design for Bella Ciao Craft Beer 
Futurism inspired packaging design for Bella Ciao Craft Beer 


Marçal Prats shared a packaging design for Bella Ciao, a lager craft beer that pays homage to the famous libertarian anthem, a call for universal struggle against all political and social oppression.

The main purpose of the design is to express the power of the protest, using a strong combination with a striking contrast between the colors red, black, and white. In addition, the style depicts the vibrant, expressive, and even lo-fi quality finishes of the underground political print materials of the 1970s.

The design evokes the Italian origin of the song, using images taken from pamphlets of social protests in Rome during the 1970s, while the ground-breaking Futurism work by the Italian artist Fortunato Depero inspires the logotype and typefaces.

Inspiration – Italian Futurism & 1970’s Social Demonstrations

alcoholic beer beer label beverages branding  craft FUTURISM Italy Packaging Logo Design

Packaging design

alcoholic beer beer label beverages branding  craft FUTURISM Italy Packaging Logo Designalcoholic beer beer label beverages branding  craft FUTURISM Italy Packaging Logo Designalcoholic beer beer label beverages branding  craft FUTURISM Italy Packaging Logo Designalcoholic beer beer label beverages branding  craft FUTURISM Italy Packaging Logo Designalcoholic beer beer label beverages branding  craft FUTURISM Italy Packaging Logo Designalcoholic beer beer label beverages branding  craft FUTURISM Italy Packaging Logo Designalcoholic beer beer label beverages branding  craft FUTURISM Italy Packaging Logo Designalcoholic beer beer label beverages branding  craft FUTURISM Italy Packaging Logo Designalcoholic beer beer label beverages branding  craft FUTURISM Italy Packaging Logo Designalcoholic beer beer label beverages branding  craft FUTURISM Italy Packaging Logo Designalcoholic beer beer label beverages branding  craft FUTURISM Italy Packaging Logo Designalcoholic beer beer label beverages branding  craft FUTURISM Italy Packaging Logo Design


Packaging, Beverages, F&B, Branding, Typography
Location: Tarragona
Bella Ciao craft beer can be purchased at the l’Anjub Store.

For more information about Marçal make sure to check out:


Panchita! Short film for charity

Original Source: https://abduzeedo.com/panchita-short-film-charity

Panchita! Short film for charity
Panchita! Short film for charity


Unsaid Studio is a Design & Motion Company in New York City with roots in Brazil and the UK working on a short film now in production, Panchita!, that is inspired by the true story of a girl looking to find her own stable foundations and follow her dreams. A film made with love and for a good cause.


200 million people still live in poverty in South America… TECHO is an NGO that makes a tangible difference. In the last 25 years, they have built homes for 131,000 families in 18 countries and counting.

Reason for undertaking

To help those in Need. To help drive change, raise awareness and support TECHO via a gofundme. 

To respond to an inspirational true story: “Mama we have a floor! We have a floor!” From the moment a volunteer described the joy of seeing a 6-year-old girl dance in her new Techo house for the first time, our short story began to fall into place. Upon unearthing a magical old VCR,  Panchita discovers her calling – to tap dance.Guided by an unexpected, supernatural friend and mentor, a new passion transforms her very surroundings.

Give something back with our art. Personally as artists we wanted to combat the growing feeling our space in digital art is becoming less permanent, less meaningful and more greed driven. Proud to be empowering south american artists in the process.


What creative and technical challenges were involved and how did you solve them? 

Establishing the the look of the film was a balance, Favelas are generally not nice places to set a film in or very inspiring,. Through Panchita’s eyes, it’s a wide new world full of tropical colors and simple, innocent shapes. The film needed to inspire people to make change and uplift. Techo empowers and is something to be optimistic about; it’s a tale of hope and triumph against adversity. We settled on an illustrative, almost toy-like miniature visual style that appealed to all ages.

The Sand

Within the favela, there is no space free from the elements, the very ground is unforgiving and stifles Panchita’s dreams. The sand, a key member of our cast, visually and technically was a challenging balance. It needed to move realistically, feel miniature and stay consistent with our world of simplified shapes.

Miniature Toylike Set

When you donate, TECHO enables you to reach into a favela and affect someone’s life in a physical way. We wanted our toy-like set to make it easy to imagine placing a new model home into the scene with your own hands. 


Doug Bello – Director / Executive Producer / Story
Tom Alex Buch – Art Director / Creative Director
Jonathan Souza – Animation Director
Luciano “The Ear” Nader – Modeler
Pablo Porto – Lookdev / Render
Allan Foxlau – Designer / Art Director
Liza Domingues – Art Director
Mayumi Kimura – Character Designer
Rodrigo Rodrigues – Technical Director / Rig
Joanna Vieira – Costume Designer
Ariane Pelissoni – Modeler
Keka Petrich – Producer
Sara Félix – Producer / VO artist
Rodrigo Lescano – CG Generalist 
Bruno Borges – Consultant
Jarbas Agnelli – Creative Consultant
 Andressa Paccini – Producer
Fernando Rodrigues – Writer
Arthur Azevedo – Modeling
Maurício Nader – Soundtrack
Aimée Ueda – Animator
Anna Julia Queiroz – Animator
Bruno Fabian – Animator
Gustavo Oes – Animator
Fabricio Luiz – Animator
Jonas Silva – Animator
Jorge Amorim – Animator
Guilherme Peixoto – Animator
Angy Garzon – Designer
Ana Testa – Marketing director
Orlando Souza – Architectural Adviser

For more information check out unsaidstudio.com