Entries by admin

How do I load a sql.gz file to my database? (importing)

Many of us use phpmyadmin to utilize any sort of importing and exporting of MySQL databases. But what if there was an easier way and faster solution. You will need SSH access to your VPS or dedicated server box. Its a one liner: zcat /path/to/file.sql.gz | mysql -u ‘root’ -p ‘password’ your_database zcat = decompresses […]

Hackers want Ransom from Apple

When you use iCloud to sync your Apple gadgets, your non-public knowledge could also be liable to getting uncovered or deleted by April seventh. It has been discovered mischievous group of hackers claiming to have entry to over 300 million iCloud accounts is threatening Apple to remotely wipe knowledge from these thousands and thousands of […]

iOS green screen of death

I remember the days when windows used to be plagued with the lovely blue screen of death. It used to be a regular occurrence especially if you installed a third party driver or hardware that windows wasn’t particularly fond of. I have since switched to MacOS and have never experience such events ever again. Now […]

Android: versionCode vs. versionName

When you are releasing an Android application you are faced with deciding of putting a versionCode and versionName. Both are usually found in your manifest. However, I have started to input them in my Gradle and more developers have started to do the same. But what the heck is the difference between the two. Android:versionCode – […]

The importance of info.plist in iOS 10

Since iOS 9 Info.plist has become a very important file especially during the app submission process. I think almost every developer has had a rejection notice by now due to a missing element in the info.plist directive. When iOS 10 was released Info.plist has become the most important file. I’ve had builds simply disappear from […]

Does your 32-bit iOS application need to be updated?

Apple has all the earmarks of being wanting to drop bolster for 32-bit applications in a forthcoming form of iOS. The ready exchange displayed when propelling a 32-bit application on iOS 10.3 beta 1 now cautions clients that the application should be refreshed to keep taking a shot at future variants of iOS. This proposes […]

Project Zero Cloudflare Hack

On February 18, 2017 Tavis Ormandy, a research analyst with Google’s Project Zero, revealed delicate information spilling from sites utilizing Cloudflare’s proxy services, which are utilized for their content delivery network (CDN) and distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) mitigation services. Cloudflare gives an assortment of services to a ton of sites – to at least couple of […]

iOS update might say a final goodbye to 32-bit applications

Beta forms of iOS 10.3, the first was issued a week ago, create cautioning messages when you attempt to run more seasoned 32-bit applications. The message, initially found by PSPDFKit CEO and application engineer Peter Steinberger, cautions that the applications “won’t work with future renditions of iOS” and that the application must be overhauled by […]