Entries by admin

How to Tackle a Python Interview

Original Source: https://www.sitepoint.com/tackle-python-interview/?utm_source=rss

How to Tackle a Python Interview

Have you cleared the first round of calls with the HR? Are you going for a Python interview in person? If you’re wondering what Python-related questions may be asked, this guide should be of help.

In the first section, we’ll discuss a few questions about Python’s philosophy — those that help you make decisions about the architecture of a project. In the next section, we cover questions related to the Pythonic way of programming — which may manifest in the form of review or finding the output of a code snippet.

A word of caution before we start. This guide talks primarily about Python’s built-in capabilities. The aim of this guide is to help you get up to speed with the inherent Python functionalities that enable quick development. So we won’t be able to cover every question you may face from the various types of companies out there.

Development in Python: Project Architecture
What is Python? Why should you use Python?

If you’re interviewing for a Python role, you should have a clear idea of what Python is and how it’s different from other programming languages. Here are a few key points regarding Python that you should be aware of.

First, you should not be wrong about the etymology. A large section of Python programmers wrongly think that Guido van Rossum named it after the snake! On the contrary, Python is named after British sketch comedy Monty Python’s Flying Circus. The next time you see a Python book with a snake on the cover, you may perhaps wish to stay away from it.

Next, Python is a high level, object-oriented, interpreted programming language. This means that Python code is executed line by line. Python is also dynamically typed, as it doesn’t require you to specify the type of variables when declaring them.

Given Python’s ease of use, it has found uses for common automation tasks. Python is often the go-to scripting choice for programmers who know multiple languages. With the increasing popularity of Python-based web frameworks like Django and Flask, Python’s share of the pie has increased significantly in recent years.

Limitations of Python

While it’s good to know about the capabilities of a programming language, it’s also good to be aware of its limitations to truly comprehend the situations you need to be wary of.

The first limitation of Python is execution speed. Though development in Python is quick, executing a similar block of Python code is often slower compared to compiled languages such as C++. For this reason, hackathons often give Python programs some extra time for execution. There are ways to circumvent this issue, though. For instance, you can integrate Python with a compiled language like C to perform the core processing through the other language.

In a world which is going mobile first, Python is not native to mobile development. You will rarely find mobile applications developed in Python. The two major mobile operating systems, Android and iOS, don’t support Python as an official programming language.

Package Determination: Django vs Flask

In addition to Python’s capabilities and limitations, a category of questions that are popular in interviews focuses around choosing between packages based on your requirements. Let’s look at one approach that you may take when tackling such questions.

Let’s say you’re given a choice between Django and Flask to start a web application. The answer to this question should lie within an amalgamation of the requirements of the project and the culture of the organization.

At the outset, you should know that with the use of plugins, there’s no right answer here: you can create the similar applications using either framework. However, there’s a stark difference between the design philosophies of each framework. Flask provides you the bare minimum features for you to create a web application like URL routing, templating, unit testing and a development server, thereby giving you a lot of freedom to design your application. On the other hand, Django provides you a large array of built in features from the beginning — database support, extensive admin functionality, and security features.

If you’re building an application that will use relational databases, with a lot of dynamic content, you should probably choose Django. However, if you’re looking for a lot of freedom in your project, you should opt for Flask.

The post How to Tackle a Python Interview appeared first on SitePoint.

This Week In Web Design – January 31, 2020

Original Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/1stwebdesigner/~3/GvPGsvKRImU/

We’re ending the month of January by kicking off a new weekly roundup series, “This Week In Web Design”, in which we will bring you a curated list of web design related articles published in the past week. Every Friday we will provide a list of links to helpful tips, tutorials, and learning opportunities to help you continue to grow your web design knowledge and skills. Of course, we have a wealth of information here at 1stWebDesigner to aid in that endeavor, but we hope these lists will help you to expand your resources beyond our own site.

So, here’s what we’ve found this week. Enjoy!

Your Web Designer Toolbox
Unlimited Downloads: 500,000+ Web Templates, Icon Sets, Themes & Design Assets



UI Interactions & Animations Roundup #2

Some selected shots of great UI interactions and animations for your inspiration.

How To Keep Designing When Tragedy Strikes

You’re going to face these things sooner or later, here’s how you too, can overcome your personal disasters.

How Web Designers Can Maximize On-SERP SEO and Traffic with Structured Data

Get your SEO hat on. How web designers can use structured data markup to qualify for key SERP features.

How To Design Powerful Narratives On Mobile

Want to build a website or PWA that attracts a large audience and then converts as much of that audience into paying customers as possible? If that’s the case, what you need to do is use storytelling in your web design.

How to Install MySQL

This article discusses various options for using MySQL on your local system during development.

How to Add a WordPress Author Box to Your Blog Posts

Using a theme, plugin, or coding yourself.

How to design a portfolio that will land you clients

Your portfolio website is the place to show off your best work and establish your brand. It needs to be easy to get to, pleasing to the eye and professional looking. It is a combination of business card, elevator pitch and samples of your work.

Going Beyond Sales: 7 Types of Website Conversions to Optimize for on Your Website

What a conversion goal is, seven types of website conversions, and four steps for setting up your conversion rate goals.

Use and Reuse Everything in SVG… Even Animations!

Learn how to build and optimize your code with <use> element, CSS Variables and CSS animations.

A Rational Approach to Updating Your WordPress Install

Take a look at some techniques to mitigate risk and give you some peace of mind.

What Is Modern Web Design in 2020? 20 Stunning Examples

You know an outdated design when you see it for sure. Here’s a collection of 20 examples of modern web designs to help shape a better idea of what it looks like.

How to Be a Sustainable Web Designer

Talking about the practicalities of going green and asking whether it is possible to be a sustainable web designer.

How to Improve Security on WordPress Websites for Optimal Performance

A discussion of some rather small but significant tips that can be used to achieve improved security on your WordPress website and as a result improve performance.

WordPress 5.4 Will Add Lazy-Loading to All Images

WordPress announced that WordPress 5.4 may feature image lazy-loading by default.

Sticky Table of Contents with Scrolling Active States

A fairly common pattern for documentation.

How to Automatically Update Your JavaScript Dependencies

One frustrating aspect of the modern JavaScript ecosystem is keeping all your dependencies up to date. Thankfully, there are automated tools that can handle this thankless task for you.

That’s A Wrap!

We hope you have found this list helpful in your continuing growth as a web designer. If you are a publisher, blogger, or own a website that is publishing articles about or related to web design and you would like to make sure you get included in our lists, please contact us here.

Cover photo courtesy of ShotStash

Website Optimization for Mobile Devices

Original Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Designrfix/~3/XITF-cywQUc/website-optimization-for-mobile-devices

There are billions of people on Earth and more and more people are using mobile phones. A mobile phone gives you access to the world. If you have a small business, target their phones. That’s where they get all their information about products and services. For that, your website needs to be mobile-friendly. That’s where […]

The post Website Optimization for Mobile Devices appeared first on designrfix.com.

800+ Free & Premium Procreate Brushes

Original Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/1stwebdesigner/~3/sVIpbiCY5Io/

Procreate makes it easy to create stunning designs and pieces of artwork for personal and professional use. However, gathering all the resources you need, like Procreate brushes, can seem like a daunting task when you’re first starting out.

Instead of having to hunt down brushes to use in your art, we’ve put together a resource you can reference whenever you need a new brush. Here, we’ve compiled some premium brushes, free collections, as well as premium (free & premium) collections you can use in your work starting right now.

All The Best Procreate Brushes
Unlimited Downloads: Hundreds of Procreate Brushes For Your Designs

Envato Elements - Procreate Brushes

Premium Procreate Brushes
Vintage Comic Brushes

Procreate Brushes - Vintage Comic

The Vintage Comic Brushes set contains 51 brushes for Procreate that are heavily inspired by the vintage comic halftone look.

Procreate Texture Brushes.Sand

Procreate Brushes - Texture

This set of texture brushes offer a variety of sand effects for your Procreate projects. The set comes with 6 sand texture brushes.

Fabulous Pencils for Procreate

Procreate Brushes - Pencils

The Fabulous Pencils set comes with 44 different brushes that offer realistic pencil textures for any project that requires a hand drawn look.

Graffiti Brush for Procreate

Procreate Brushes - Graffiti

The Graffiti Brush set makes it easy to create analog graffiti looks in your digital artwork.

The Jungle Brushes

Procreate Brushes - Jungle

The Jungle Brushes is a set of 20 brushes for Procreate that can be used to add an earthy and grungy look to any project.

Free Procreate Brush Collections
Watercolor & Paint Brushes

Procreate Brushes - Watercolor

This is a lovely collection of free watercolor and paint brushes.

250+ Creative and Free Brushes for the iPad Pro

Procreate Brushes - Creative

This is a real treasure trove of free resources! Here, you can find over 250 free brushes that offer you new creative ways to make what you want to make.

351+ Inking, Lettering, and Calligraphy Brushes for the iPad Pro

Procreate Brushes - 351+

If lettering is what you’re interested in, why not browse the 350+ brushes listed in this resource?

Free Procreate Brushes

Procreate Brushes - Free

Here’s another lovely set of brushes that you can browse and use for free.

Free Brushes: A Stockpile of all My Freebies

Procreate Brushes - Stockpile

In this collection, you can browse through all the free brushes a fellow artist has compiled. How generous!

50 of the Best Free Brushes

Procreate Brushes - 50 best free

Another great list here, this time of 50 fantastic free brushes.

Premium Procreate Brush Collections
Premium Brushes for Artists & Illustrators

Procreate Brushes - master bundle

If it’s within your budget, you can always splurge on a new brush or two after browsing those listed here.

34 of the Best Brushes

Procreate Brushes - 34 best

This list of 34 all-time favorite brushes can really take you far when it comes to professionalism — plus there are some freebies included here as well.

The Best Procreate Brushes for iPad (Free & Premium Packs)

Procreate Brushes - iPad

Another free and premium list here, chock full of some of the best brushes you could ever ask for.

The Best Procreate Brushes to Download in 2019

Procreate Brushes - essential bundle

Over 300 brushes are listed at this resource. Odds say you’ll find what you’re looking for here.

100+ Brushes for Artists (Best Free & Premium Brush Sets)

Procreate Brushes - 100+

Last on our list is this collection of over 100 brushes that includes free and premium selections, all of which are great for working artists.

Use These Procreate Brushes to Create Your Next Stunning Work

Don’t let a lack of on-hand resources stunt your next project. Instead, see what’s available to you for or for a nominal fee. What’s available might really surprise you. And hopefully, this collection of Procreate brushes will send you well on your way toward putting together something truly eye-catching. Be sure to check out our other brush resources here.

Beautiful Liquify Logo Animation in After Effects

Original Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/abduzeedo/~3/W0uqFEhNjQw/beautiful-liquify-logo-animation-after-effects

Beautiful Liquify Logo Animation in After Effects
Beautiful Liquify Logo Animation in After Effects

abduzeedoJan 24, 2020

I have been going back through old tutorials to fix some of the images that might be broken or with old formatting. The blog has changed quite a lot since we started 12 years ago. It’s incredible to see how many Photoshop tutorials we’ve written and how some of them stood the test of time. One of them was the Beautiful Water Effect in Photoshop. I love that tutorial, and it gave me the motivation that I need to continue studying After Effects. My goal was to try to reproduce the effect with some cool motion to it. With that, I would love to share a little After Effects tutorial on how I achieved the result.

A little disclaimer, I am not a pro with After Effects, on the contrary, I am learning, and my goal is to share the step by step on the things I discover along the way. I am sure there are more natural ways or better ways from other great resources, this one here is just a bit of my way of learning.

After Effects Tutorial

Step 1

The first thing to do is to try to understand how much in common After Effects and Photoshop have. In Photoshop this effect is quite simple, you use a displacement map. For my surprise, After Effects also have one.

So let’s get this started. Create a new project and add a new composition. Composition>New Composition.

Step 2

For my Photoshop image, I used a photo of ocean waves. So now we need to find a video for this project. It’s amazing how similar things feel when I started doing Photoshop tutorials. It was tough to find high-quality resources; we didn’t have Unsplash back in the day.

Now for photography, we have a plethora of excellent places. For video, the story is a bit different. I started this project using a sample for Adobe Stock, however, after searching I found a right place, it’s called Pexel Videos. The clip I am using is from there; it’s titled Close-Up Video Of Water Ripples by Stas Knop.


Step 3

Download the video and drag it to your Project panel. In Project pane, select the clip and hit “Enter,” to rename it. I like to keep the names short. I just called mine “Ocean.”

After that, drag the “Ocean” clip to your composition timeline panel. That way it gets centralized automatically.

Step 4

Let’s change opacity to 90%. In the timeline, expand the Ocean object, the expand Transform, and you will see Opacity. Just turn it to 90%

Step 5

Now let’s adjust the colors. Go to Effect>Color Correction>Hue/Saturation. Reduce the Saturation to -100.

Step 6

Let’s tweak the Levels now to remove the greyish look. Go to Effect>Color Correction>Levels. Use the values below.

Step 7

Let’s import the artwork we want to use for the displace effect. I am using the Abduzeedo logo. My logo is in vector format in Illustrator. Importing it to After Effects is straightforward. Again, I don’t know if it’s the right way, but this is how I did.

Select the vector in Illustrator and copy it.
In After Effects add a new solid layer. For the name use Logo and make sure the color of the layer is white.
Paste the logo in the composition as a path mask, and that’s it.
Select the layer in the timeline and go to Layer>Pre-Compose. The reason for this is if you want to replace the paths later you can do it without worrying about the timeline, imagine Smart Objects in Photoshop.

Step 8

Time to add some magic, at least it feels like that for me. One thing that I love about After Effects is that it does have some neat tricks, for example, the Effect & Presets panel has a search box. So you can type Displacement and boom, you will find what you need. In our case the Displacement Map. It can also be found via Effect>Distort>Displacement Map.

Make sure the Logo layer is select and just double-click on the Displacement Map option. You will notice on the left side there’s a new panel called Effect Controls. Let’s tweak these numbers to apply the effect to our layer.

For the Displacement Map Layer select the Ocean layer.
Tweak the Max Horizontal and Vertical Displacement. Depending on the logo and how much distortion you want. The cool thing is that you can animate these values too. I will show you an example at the end.

Step 9

To make it more realistic, duplicate the Ocean layer and reorder, so it’s on top of the Logo layer. After that change the Blend Mode to Multiply. After that change the opacity to 70%.

Step 10

The effect is pretty much done, but you can also try to add a little radial gradient to focus everything on the center of the composition. I haven’t found an easy way to add one, but here’s my hacky way.

Create a new composition. Make sure the background is black
Add a new solid layer with white color.
With the Ellipse Tool Q add a Circle in the center. It will mask the white layer.
Go to Effect>Blur & Sharpen>Gaussian Blur. Apply a significant value according to the gradient you want.

Step 11

Back to the main composition. Drag the Gradient composition to the timeline, below the logo but above the Ocean layer. Change the Blend Mode to Overlay.

Step 12

That’s it. The necessary effect is done. What you can do now is try to animate the in and out of the composition. You can do that by tweaking some of the values of the displacement, for example:

Select the Logo and go to Effect Controls>Displacement Filter.
Make sure the timeline is in the 0s. And click on the little Clock/Time watch icon next to Max Horizontal Displacement and Max Vertical Displacement.
Move the timeline to 3s and add keyframes. It’s the little diamond icon on the left side
Move to 7s and add more keyframes
Move to the end of the timeline and add two more keyframes. For these, change the values of the displacement to 300.
Move to the beginning and change the displacement values to 300 as well.
Select all keyframes, then with the right-click select Keyframe Assistant and then select Ease Ease.

Step 13

Let’s make the ocean fade in and fade out. To do that is quite simple.

Select the Ocean Layer and go to the 0s of the timeline. Expand the layer and select Transform>Opacity.
Click on the little stopwatch icon to add a keyframe.
Move to the 2s time and click on the “add keyframe” diamond icon.
Move to 8s and add another keyframe.
Move to the end of the timeline and change the opacity to 0%. It will automatically add a keyframe.
Select all keyframes, then with the right-click select Keyframe Assistant and then select Ease Ease.
With the keyframes selected, copy them. Select the Logo layer, go to Opacity and paste them to replicate the keyframes on that layer.


The effect is pretty much done. You can adjust the timing and add more finesse. That for me is the most challenging part, so have fun and let us know if you have any questions.

Download After Effects File








Apple sale: Cheap iPad deal is flying off the shelves

Original Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/CreativeBloq/~3/CzVIukEsIpc/apple-sale-cheap-ipad-deal-is-flying-off-the-shelves

Looking for a hot iPad deal this January? Then you won't want to miss out on these amazing Amazon deals. You can get your hands on a 32GB 10.2-inch iPad for just $249.99, and the larger 128GB 10.2-inch iPad for an impressive $329.99 – the cheapest we've seen it! That's a saving of $79 on the 32GB model and $100 on the 128GB model.

The 10.2-inch iPad is Apple's latest entry-level tablet and offers a crisp Retina display, brilliant battery life (expect nearly 12 hours) and support for the Apple Pencil and Apple's keyboard cover. Check out our Apple Pencil deals and the best iPad apps for designers to help you get the most from your shiny new purchase. 

Across the pond, there are some equally impressive iPad deals worth checking out…

Impressive discounts (like the ones above) on the iPad don't come around too often, so you really need to take advantage while you can. And, why not choose yourself something from the impressive range of iPad accessories available to keep your iPad Pro shiny and new.

If these deals aren't available to you, here are some of the best iPad prices wherever you are in the world. You can also check our roundup of the best cheap iPad deals right now.

Motion Design Monday – Rise

Original Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/abduzeedo/~3/bJh8rfVWGAE/motion-design-monday-rise

Motion Design Monday – Rise
Motion Design Monday - Rise

abduzeedoJan 27, 2020

Monday is our motion design day. Why? Well, just because it’s fun to say motion Monday? Honestly there’s no reason but the Aamir Khan totally deserved to be feature and shared here on Abduzeedo. It is a mix of beautiful 3D work with super smooth animations using Cinema 4D, Adobe After Effects and Adobe Photoshop. It’s also a personal project of Aamir. “I tried to create Rich Ancient look.” – Aamir adds.

3D and Motion Design 

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