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Exciting New Tools for Designers, September 2021

Original Source: https://www.webdesignerdepot.com/2021/09/exciting-new-tools-for-designers-september-2021/

Since school is back in session, this month’s roundup has a learning focus. In addition to tools, many of the resources include guides, tutorials, and cheat sheets to help make design work easier.

Here’s what’s new for designers this month.


ScrollingMockup.io generates high-definition, animated scrolling mockups in minutes. All you have to do is paste your website URL, select from the expanding template gallery, add some music and post. You can create three mockups for free, and then this tool comes with a subscription model. The paid model allows for custom branding for mockups and more.


FilterSS is a curated collection of CSS image filters for use in projects. Upload an image, sort through the list, and then copy the code for the filter you want to use. It’s that easy!

Buttons Generator

Buttons Generator is a fun tool with so many button options in one place. Choose from three-dimensional, gradient, shadow borders, neumorphic, retro, animated, ghost, with arrows, and more all in one place. Click the one you like, and the code is copied right to your clipboard and ready to use in projects.

UI Cheat Sheet: Spacing Friendships

UI Cheat Sheet: Spacing Friendships is a fun – and memorable approach to figuring out spacing. This guide shows how close or far away elements should be based on “friend” circles with a couple of relatable instances. It’s one of the most relatable examples of this concept out there while emphasizing the importance of spacing in design.


PrettyMaps is a minimal Python library that allows you to draw customized maps from OpenStreetMap data. This tool can help you take online map design to the next level with cool, unique map visuals. It’s based on osmnx, matplotlib, shapely, and vsketch libraries.


Card.UX/UI is a card-style generator with more than 20 templates and elements to create custom cards. Use the on-screen tools to design it the way you want and then copy the code for easy use.


Couleur.io is a simple color palette builder tool that lets you pick a starting color and build a scheme around it. One of the best elements of the tool might be the quick preview, which shows your choices using the palette in context and in dark mode. Get it looking the way you want, and then snag the CSS to use in your projects.

CSS Accent-Color

CSS Accent-Color can help you tint elements with one line of CSS. It’s a time-saving trick that allows for greater customization for your brand in website design projects. Plus, it works equally well in dark or light color schemes. It supports checkboxes, radio, range, and progress bars.


Vytal shows what traces your browser leaves behind while surfing the web. This scan lets you understand how easy it is to identify and track your browser even while using private mode. In addition, it scans for digital fingerprints, connections, and system info.


Imba is a programming language for the web that’s made to be fast. It’s packed with time-saving syntax tags and a memorized DOM. Everything compiles to JavaScript, works with Node and npm, and has amazing performance. While the language is still in active development, the community around it is pretty active and growing.

SVG Shape Dividers Creator

SVG Shape Dividers Creator is a tool that allows you to create interesting shapes with SVG so that your colors and backgrounds aren’t always rectangles. You can adjust and side, change the color, axis, and flip or animate it. Then snag the CSS, and you are ready to go.

Image Cropper

Image Cropper is a tool that allows you to crop and rotate images using the flutter plugin. It works for Android and IOS.


Noteli is a CLI-based notes application that uses TypeScript, MongoDB, and Auth0. The tool is just out of beta.


Yofte is a set of components for Tailwind CSS that help you create great e-commerce stores. The UI Kit is packed with components with clean and colorful designs that are customizable. The code is easy to export and clean. This premium kit comes with a lifetime license or a monthly plan.

UI Deck

UI Deck is a collection of free and premium landing page templates, themes, and UI kits for various projects. This is a premium resource with paid access to all of the tools. It includes access to more than 80 templates.

Star Rating: An SVG Solution

Star Rating: An SVG Solution is a tutorial that solves a common design dilemma: How to create great star rating icons for pages. This code takes you through creating an imageless element that’s resizable, accessible, includes partial stars, and is easy to maintain with CSS. It’s a great solution to a common design need.

Designing Accessible WCAG-Compliant Focus Indicators

Designing Accessible WCAG-Compliant Focus Indicators is another convenient guide/tutorial for an everyday application. Here’s why it is important: “By designing and implementing accessible focus indicators, we can make our products accessible to keyboard users, as well as users of assistive technology that works through a keyboard or emulates keyboard functionality, such as voice control, switch controls, mouth sticks, and head wands, to mention a few.”

Blockchain Grants

Blockchain Grants is a tool for anyone developing blockchain applications and in need of funding. It’s a database of grants from a variety of organizations for different applications. Start looking through this free resource to help secure additional funding for your projects.

Basement Grotesque

Basement Grotesque is a beautiful slab with a great heavy weight and plenty of character. There are 413 characters in the set with plenty of accents, numbers, and variable capitals.


Gadimon is a fun, almost comic book-style layered script. The font package includes a regular and extrude style.


Lagom is a sleek and functional serif typeface with 16 styles in the robust family from ultralight to extra bold italic. It’s readable and has a lot of personality.

Striped Campus

Striped Campus fits our back-to-school theme with a fun, scholastic look and feel. The block letters have a thick outline stroke and some fun inline texture.


p img {display:inline-block; margin-right:10px;}
.alignleft {float:left;}
p.showcase {clear:both;}
body#browserfriendly p, body#podcast p, div#emailbody p{margin:0;}

The post Exciting New Tools for Designers, September 2021 first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

3D & Motion Neons Lines by Stato ®

Original Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/abduzeedo/~3/ZaxSF3GkPhI/3d-motion-neons-lines-stato

3D & Motion Neons Lines by Stato ®
3D & Motion Neons Lines by Stato ®


Stato ® is a duo of creative director Jimena Passadore and 3D Generalist José León Molfino based in Buenos Aires, Argentina. They have 13 years of experience in the motion graphics market as a creative duo leading a talented team of artists. They will transform your ideas into an upscaled visual experience. Push the limits. We are featuring the project they have worked for ‘Auth0’, they created an outstanding animation piece from concept design to final animation, for all screens and media: broadcast branding, all-media shows, and commercials plus site-specific animations


Studio site
3D & Motion

Image may contain: abstract and light



Eerie yet Stunning 3D Compositions by Huleeb

Original Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/abduzeedo/~3/QTaJZMjLcLQ/eerie-yet-stunning-3d-compositions-huleeb

Eerie yet Stunning 3D Compositions by Huleeb
Eerie yet Stunning 3D Compositions by Huleeb


Huleeb is a freelance digital artist based in Montreal, Canada creating daily renders in Blender with the use of various image manipulation softwares. Huleeb’s work is simply stunning with an eerie mood and impeccable compositions. We selected a few samples for you to get inspired. Huleeb also takes on client work.

For more information make sure to check out Huleeb on:


Creating A Public/Private Multi-Monorepo For PHP Projects

Original Source: https://smashingmagazine.com/2021/08/public-private-multi-monorepo-php-projects/

To make the development experience faster, I moved all the PHP packages required by my projects to a monorepo. When each package is hosted on its own repo (the “multirepo” approach), it’d need be developed and tested on its own, and then published to Packagist before I could install it on other packages via Composer. With the monorepo, because all packages are hosted together, these can be developed, tested, versioned and released at the same time.

The monorepo hosting my PHP packages is public, accessible to anyone on GitHub. Git repos cannot grant different access to different assets, it’s all either public or private. As I plan to release a PRO WordPress plugin, I want its packages to be kept private, meaning they can’t be added to the public monorepo.

The solution I found is to use a “multi-monorepo” approach, comprising two monorepos: one public and one private, with the private monorepo embedding the public one as a Git submodule, allowing it to access its files. The public monorepo can be considered the “upstream”, and the private monorepo the “downstream”.

As my kept iterating on my code, the repo set-up I needed to use at each stage of my project also needed to be upgraded. Hence, I didn’t arrive at the multi-monorepo approach on day 1, but it was a process that spanned several years and took its fair amount of effort, going from a single repo, to multiple repos, to the monorepo, to finally the multi-monorepo.

In this article I will describe how I set-up my multi-monorepo using the Monorepo builder, which works for PHP projects based on Composer.

Reusing Code In The Multi-Monorepo

The public monorepo leoloso/PoP is where I keep all my PHP projects.

This monorepo contains workflow generate_plugins.yml, which generates multiple WordPress plugins for distribution when creating a new release on GitHub:

The workflow configuration is not hard-coded within the YAML but injected via PHP code:

– id: output_data
run: |
echo “::set-output name=plugin_config_entries::$(vendor/bin/monorepo-builder plugin-config-entries-json)”

And the configuration is provided via a custom PHP class:

class PluginDataSource
public function getPluginConfigEntries(): array
return [
// GraphQL API for WordPress
‘path’ => ‘layers/GraphQLAPIForWP/plugins/graphql-api-for-wp’,
‘zip_file’ => ‘graphql-api.zip’,
‘main_file’ => ‘graphql-api.php’,
‘dist_repo_organization’ => ‘GraphQLAPI’,
‘dist_repo_name’ => ‘graphql-api-for-wp-dist’,
// GraphQL API – Extension Demo
‘path’ => ‘layers/GraphQLAPIForWP/plugins/extension-demo’,
‘zip_file’ => ‘graphql-api-extension-demo.zip’,
‘main_file’ => ‘graphql-api-extension-demo.php’,
‘dist_repo_organization’ => ‘GraphQLAPI’,
‘dist_repo_name’ => ‘extension-demo-dist’,

Generating multiple WordPress plugins all together, and configuring the workflow via PHP, has reduced the amount of time needed managing the project. The workflow currently handles two plugins (the GraphQL API and its extension demo), but it could handle 200 without additional effort on my side.

It is this set-up that I want to reuse for my private monorepo leoloso/GraphQLAPI-PRO, so that the PRO plugins can also be generated without effort.

The code to reuse will comprise:

The GitHub Actions workflows to generate the WordPress plugins (including scoping, downgrading from PHP 8.0 to 7.1 and uploading to the releases page).
The custom PHP services to configure the workflows.

The private monorepo can then generate the PRO WordPress plugins, simply by triggering the workflows from the public monorepo, and overriding their configuration in PHP.

Linking Monorepos Via Git Submodules

To embed the public repo within the private one we use Git submodules:

git submodule add <public repo URL>

I embedded the public repo under subfolder submodules of the private monorepo, allowing me to add more upstream monorepos in the future if needed. In GitHub, the folder displays the submodule’s specific commit, and clicking on it will take me to that commit on leoloso/PoP:

Since it contains submodules, to clone the private repo we must provide the –recursive option:

git clone –recursive <private repo URL>

Reusing The GitHub Actions Workflows

GitHub Actions only loads workflows from under .github/workflows. Because the public workflows in the downstream monorepo are are under submodules/PoP/.github/workflows, these must be duplicated into the expected location.

In order to keep the upstream workflows as the single source of truth, we can limit ourselves to copying the files to downstream under .github/workflows, but never edit them there. If there is any change to be done, it must be done in the upstream monorepo, and then copied over.

As a side note, notice how this means that the multi-monorepo leaks: the upstream monorepo is not fully autonomous, and will need to be adapted to suit the downstream monorepo.

In my first iteration to copy the workflows, I created a simple Composer script:

“scripts”: {
“copy-workflows”: [
“php -r “copy(‘submodules/PoP/.github/workflows/generate_plugins.yml’, ‘.github/workflows/generate_plugins.yml’);””,
“php -r “copy(‘submodules/PoP/.github/workflows/split_monorepo.yaml’, ‘.github/workflows/split_monorepo.yaml’);””

Then, after editing the workflows in the upstream monorepo, I would copy them to downstream by executing:

composer copy-workflows

But then I realized that just copying the workflows is not enough: they must also be modified in the process. This is so because checking out the downstream monorepo requires option –recurse-submodules, as to also checkout the submodules.

In GitHub Actions, the checkout for downstream is done like this:

– uses: actions/checkout@v2
submodules: recursive

So checking out the downstream repo needs input submodules: recursive, but the upstream one does not, and they both use the same source file.

The solution I found is to provide the value for input submodules via an environment variable CHECKOUT_SUBMODULES, which is by default empty for the upstream repo:


– uses: actions/checkout@v2
submodules: ${{ env.CHECKOUT_SUBMODULES }}

Then, when copying the workflows from upstream to downstream, the value of CHECKOUT_SUBMODULES is replaced with “recursive”:


When modifying the workflow, it’s a good idea to use a regex, so that it works for different formats in the source file (such as CHECKOUT_SUBMODULES: “” or CHECKOUT_SUBMODULES:” or CHECKOUT_SUBMODULES:) as to not create bugs from this kind of assumed-to-be-harmless changes.

Then, the copy-workflows Composer script seen above is not good enough to handle this complexity.

In my next iteration, I created a PHP command CopyUpstreamMonorepoFilesCommand, to be executed via the Monorepo builder:

vendor/bin/monorepo-builder copy-upstream-monorepo-files

This command uses a custom service FileCopierSystem to copy all files from a source folder to the indicated destination, while optionally replacing their contents:

namespace PoPGraphQLAPIPROExtensionsSymplifyMonorepoBuilderSmartFile;

use NetteUtilsStrings;
use SymplifySmartFileSystemFinderSmartFinder;
use SymplifySmartFileSystemSmartFileSystem;

final class FileCopierSystem
public function __construct(
private SmartFileSystem $smartFileSystem,
private SmartFinder $smartFinder,
) {

* @param array $patternReplacements a regex pattern to search, and its replacement
public function copyFilesFromFolder(
string $fromFolder,
string $toFolder,
array $patternReplacements = []
): void {
$smartFileInfos = $this->smartFinder->find([$fromFolder], ‘*’);

foreach ($smartFileInfos as $smartFileInfo) {
$fromFile = $smartFileInfo->getRealPath();
$fileContent = $this->smartFileSystem->readFile($fromFile);

foreach ($patternReplacements as $pattern => $replacement) {
$fileContent = Strings::replace($fileContent, $pattern, $replacement);

$toFile = $toFolder . substr($fromFile, strlen($fromFolder));
$this->smartFileSystem->dumpFile($toFile, $fileContent);

When invoking this method to copy all workflows downstream, I also replace the value of CHECKOUT_SUBMODULES:

* Copy all workflows to `.github/`, and convert:
* into:
* `CHECKOUT_SUBMODULES: “recursive”`
$regexReplacements = [
‘#CHECKOUT_SUBMODULES:(s+”.*”)?#’ => ‘CHECKOUT_SUBMODULES: “recursive”‘,
(new FileCopierSystem())->copyFilesFromFolder(

Workflow generate_plugins.yml needs an additional replacement. When the WordPress plugin is generated, its code is downgraded from PHP 8.0 to 7.1 by invoking script ci/downgrade/downgrade_code.sh:

– name: Downgrade code for production (to PHP 7.1)
run: ci/downgrade/downgrade_code.sh “${{ matrix.pluginConfig.rector_downgrade_config }}” “” “${{ matrix.pluginConfig.path }}” “${{ matrix.pluginConfig.additional_rector_configs }}”

In the downstream monorepo, this file will be located under submodules/PoP/ci/downgrade/downgrade_code.sh. Then, we have the downstream workflow point to the right path with this replacement:

$regexReplacements = [
// …
‘#(ci/downgrade/downgrade_code.sh)#’ => ‘submodules/PoP/$1’,

Configuring Packages In Monorepo Builder

File monorepo-builder.php — placed at the root of the monorepo — holds the configuration for the Monorepo builder. In it we must indicate where the packages (and plugins, clients, or anything else) are located:

use SymfonyComponentDependencyInjectionLoaderConfiguratorContainerConfigurator;
use SymplifyMonorepoBuilderValueObjectOption;

return static function (ContainerConfigurator $containerConfigurator): void {
$parameters = $containerConfigurator->parameters();
$parameters->set(Option::PACKAGE_DIRECTORIES, [
__DIR__ . ‘/packages’,
__DIR__ . ‘/plugins’,

The private monorepo must have access to all code: its own packages, plus those from the public monorepo. Then, it must define all packages from both monorepos in the config file. The ones from the public monorepo are located under “/submodules/PoP”:

return static function (ContainerConfigurator $containerConfigurator): void {
$parameters = $containerConfigurator->parameters();
$parameters->set(Option::PACKAGE_DIRECTORIES, [
// public code
__DIR__ . ‘/submodules/PoP/packages’,
__DIR__ . ‘/submodules/PoP/plugins’,
// private code
__DIR__ . ‘/packages’,
__DIR__ . ‘/plugins’,
__DIR__ . ‘/clients’,

As it can be seen, the configuration for upstream and downstream are pretty much the same, with the difference that the downstream one will:

Change the path to the public packages.
Add the private packages.

Then, it makes sense to rewrite the configuration using object-oriented programming, so that we make code DRY (don’t repeat yourself) by having a PHP class in the public repo be extended in the private repo.

Recreating The Configuration Via OOP

Let’s refactor the configuration. In the public repo, file monorepo-builder.php will simply reference a new class ContainerConfigurationService where all action will happen:

use PoPPoPConfigSymplifyMonorepoBuilderConfiguratorsContainerConfigurationService;
use SymfonyComponentDependencyInjectionLoaderConfiguratorContainerConfigurator;

return static function (ContainerConfigurator $containerConfigurator): void {
$containerConfigurationService = new ContainerConfigurationService(

The __DIR__ param points to the root of the monorepo. It will be needed to obtain the full path to the package directories.

Class ContainerConfigurationService is now in charge of producing the configuration:

namespace PoPPoPConfigSymplifyMonorepoBuilderConfigurators;

use PoPPoPConfigSymplifyMonorepoBuilderDataSourcesPackageOrganizationDataSource;
use SymfonyComponentDependencyInjectionLoaderConfiguratorContainerConfigurator;
use SymplifyMonorepoBuilderValueObjectOption;

class ContainerConfigurationService
public function __construct(
protected ContainerConfigurator $containerConfigurator,
protected string $rootDirectory,
) {

public function configureContainer(): void
$parameters = $this->containerConfigurator->parameters();
if ($packageOrganizationConfig = $this->getPackageOrganizationDataSource($this->rootDirectory)) {

protected function getPackageOrganizationDataSource(): ?PackageOrganizationDataSource
return new PackageOrganizationDataSource($this->rootDirectory);

The configuration can be split across several classes. In this case, ContainerConfigurationService retrieves the package configuration through class PackageOrganizationDataSource, which has this implementation:

namespace PoPPoPConfigSymplifyMonorepoBuilderDataSources;

class PackageOrganizationDataSource
public function __construct(protected string $rootDir)

public function getPackageDirectories(): array
return array_map(
fn (string $packagePath) => $this->rootDir . ‘/’ . $packagePath,

public function getRelativePackagePaths(): array
return [

Overriding The Configuration In The Downstream Monorepo

Now that the configuration in the public monorepo is setup via OOP, we can extend it to suit the needs of the private monorepo.

In order to allow the private monorepo to autoload the PHP code from the public monorepo, we must first configure the downstream composer.json to reference the source code from the upstream, which is under path submodules/PoP/src:

“autoload”: {
“psr-4”: {
“PoP\GraphQLAPIPRO\”: “src”,
“PoP\PoP\”: “submodules/PoP/src”

Below is file monorepo-builder.php for the private monorepo. Notice that the referenced class ContainerConfigurationService in the upstream repo belongs to the PoPPoP namespace, but now it switched to the PoPGraphQLAPIPRO namespace. This class must receive the additional input $upstreamRelativeRootPath (with value “submodules/PoP”) as to recreate the full path to the public packages:

use PoPGraphQLAPIPROConfigSymplifyMonorepoBuilderConfiguratorsContainerConfigurationService;
use SymfonyComponentDependencyInjectionLoaderConfiguratorContainerConfigurator;

return static function (ContainerConfigurator $containerConfigurator): void {
$containerConfigurationService = new ContainerConfigurationService(

The downstream class ContainerConfigurationService overrides which PackageOrganizationDataSource class is used in the configuration:

namespace PoPGraphQLAPIPROConfigSymplifyMonorepoBuilderConfigurators;

use PoPPoPConfigSymplifyMonorepoBuilderConfiguratorsContainerConfigurationService as UpstreamContainerConfigurationService;
use PoPGraphQLAPIPROConfigSymplifyMonorepoBuilderDataSourcesPackageOrganizationDataSource;
use SymfonyComponentDependencyInjectionLoaderConfiguratorContainerConfigurator;

class ContainerConfigurationService extends UpstreamContainerConfigurationService
public function __construct(
ContainerConfigurator $containerConfigurator,
string $rootDirectory,
protected string $upstreamRelativeRootPath
) {

protected function getPackageOrganizationDataSource(): ?PackageOrganizationDataSource
return new PackageOrganizationDataSource(

Finally, downstream class PackageOrganizationDataSource contains the full path to both public and private packages:

namespace PoPGraphQLAPIPROConfigSymplifyMonorepoBuilderDataSources;

use PoPPoPConfigSymplifyMonorepoBuilderDataSourcesPackageOrganizationDataSource as UpstreamPackageOrganizationDataSource;

class PackageOrganizationDataSource extends UpstreamPackageOrganizationDataSource
public function __construct(
string $rootDir,
protected string $upstreamRelativeRootPath
) {

public function getRelativePackagePaths(): array
return array_merge(
// Public packages – Prepend them with “submodules/PoP/”
fn ($upstreamPackagePath) => $this->upstreamRelativeRootPath . ‘/’ . $upstreamPackagePath,
// Private packages

Injecting The Configuration From PHP Into GitHub Actions

Monorepo builder offers command packages-json, which we can use to inject the package paths into the GitHub Actions workflow:

– id: output_data
name: Calculate matrix for packages
run: |
echo “::set-output name=matrix::$(vendor/bin/monorepo-builder packages-json)”

matrix: ${{ steps.output_data.outputs.matrix }}

This command produces a stringified JSON. In the workflow it must be converted to a JSON object via fromJson:

needs: provide_data
package: ${{ fromJson(needs.provide_data.outputs.matrix) }}

Unfortunately, command packages-json outputs the package names but not their paths, which works when all packages are under the same folder (such as packages/). It doesn’t work in our case, since public and private packages are located in different folders.

Fortunately, the Monorepo builder can be extended with custom PHP services. So I created a custom command package-entries-json (via class PackageEntriesJsonCommand) which does output the path to the package.

The workflow was then updated with the new command:

run: |
echo “::set-output name=matrix::$(vendor/bin/monorepo-builder package-entries-json)”

Executed on the public monorepo, it produces the following packages (among many others):

“name”: “graphql-api-for-wp”,
“path”: “layers/GraphQLAPIForWP/plugins/graphql-api-for-wp”
“name”: “extension-demo”,
“path”: “layers/GraphQLAPIForWP/plugins/extension-demo”
“name”: “access-control”,
“path”: “layers/Engine/packages/access-control”
“name”: “api”,
“path”: “layers/API/packages/api”
“name”: “api-clients”,
“path”: “layers/API/packages/api-clients”

Executed on the private monorepo, it produces the following entries (among many others):

“name”: “graphql-api-for-wp”,
“path”: “submodules/PoP/layers/GraphQLAPIForWP/plugins/graphql-api-for-wp”
“name”: “extension-demo”,
“path”: “submodules/PoP/layers/GraphQLAPIForWP/plugins/extension-demo”
“name”: “access-control”,
“path”: “submodules/PoP/layers/Engine/packages/access-control”
“name”: “api”,
“path”: “submodules/PoP/layers/API/packages/api”
“name”: “api-clients”,
“path”: “submodules/PoP/layers/API/packages/api-clients”
“name”: “graphql-api-pro”,
“path”: “layers/GraphQLAPIForWP/plugins/graphql-api-pro”
“name”: “convert-case-directives”,
“path”: “layers/Schema/packages/convert-case-directives”
“name”: “export-directive”,
“path”: “layers/GraphQLByPoP/packages/export-directive”

As it can be appreciated, it works well: the configuration for the downstream monorepo contains both public and private packages, and the paths to the public ones were prepended with “submodules/PoP”.

Skipping Public Packages In The Downstream Monorepo

So far, the downstream monorepo has included both public and private packages in its configuration. However, not every command needs to be executed on the public packages.

Take static analysis, for instance. The public monorepo already executes PHPStan on all public packages via workflow phpstan.yml, as shown in this run. If the downstream monorepo runs once again PHPStan on the public packages, it is a waste of computing time. Then, the phpstan.yml workflow needs to run on the private packages only.

That means that depending on the command to execute in the downstream repo, we may want to either include both public and private packages, or only private ones.

To add public packages or not on the downstream configuration, we adapt downstream class PackageOrganizationDataSource to check this condition via input $includeUpstreamPackages:

namespace PoPGraphQLAPIPROConfigSymplifyMonorepoBuilderDataSources;

use PoPPoPConfigSymplifyMonorepoBuilderDataSourcesPackageOrganizationDataSource as UpstreamPackageOrganizationDataSource;

class PackageOrganizationDataSource extends UpstreamPackageOrganizationDataSource
public function __construct(
string $rootDir,
protected string $upstreamRelativeRootPath,
protected bool $includeUpstreamPackages
) {

public function getRelativePackagePaths(): array
return array_merge(
// Add the public packages?
$this->includeUpstreamPackages ?
// Public packages – Prepend them with “submodules/PoP/”
fn ($upstreamPackagePath) => $this->upstreamRelativeRootPath . ‘/’ . $upstreamPackagePath,
) : [],
// Private packages

Next, we need to provide value $includeUpstreamPackages as either true or false depending on the command to execute.

We can do this by replacing config file monorepo-builder.php with two other config files: monorepo-builder-with-upstream-packages.php (which passes $includeUpstreamPackages => true) and monorepo-builder-without-upstream-packages.php (which passes $includeUpstreamPackages => false):

// File monorepo-builder-without-upstream-packages.php
use PoPGraphQLAPIPROConfigSymplifyMonorepoBuilderConfiguratorsContainerConfigurationService;
use SymfonyComponentDependencyInjectionLoaderConfiguratorContainerConfigurator;

return static function (ContainerConfigurator $containerConfigurator): void {
$containerConfigurationService = new ContainerConfigurationService(
false, // This is $includeUpstreamPackages

We then update ContainerConfigurationService to receive parameter $includeUpstreamPackages and pass it along to PackageOrganizationDataSource:

namespace PoPGraphQLAPIPROConfigSymplifyMonorepoBuilderConfigurators;

use PoPPoPConfigSymplifyMonorepoBuilderConfiguratorsContainerConfigurationService as UpstreamContainerConfigurationService;
use PoPGraphQLAPIPROConfigSymplifyMonorepoBuilderDataSourcesPackageOrganizationDataSource;
use SymfonyComponentDependencyInjectionLoaderConfiguratorContainerConfigurator;

class ContainerConfigurationService extends UpstreamContainerConfigurationService
public function __construct(
ContainerConfigurator $containerConfigurator,
string $rootDirectory,
protected string $upstreamRelativeRootPath,
protected bool $includeUpstreamPackages,
) {

protected function getPackageOrganizationDataSource(): ?PackageOrganizationDataSource
return new PackageOrganizationDataSource(

Next, we should invoke the monorepo-builder with either config file, by providing the –config option:

– id: output_data
name: Calculate matrix for packages
run: |
echo “::set-output name=matrix::$(vendor/bin/monorepo-builder package-entries-json –config=monorepo-builder-without-upstream-packages.php)”

However, as we saw earlier on, we want to keep the GitHub Actions workflows in the upstream monorepo as the single source of truth, and they clearly do not need these changes.

The solution I found to this issue is to provide a –config option in the upstream repo always, with each command getting its own config file, such as the validate command receiving the validate.php config file:

– name: Run validation
run: vendor/bin/monorepo-builder validate –config=config/monorepo-builder/validate.php

Now, there are no config files in the upstream monorepo, since it doesn’t need them. But it will not break, because the Monorepo builder checks if the config file exists and, if it does not, it loads the default config file instead. So we will either override the config, or nothing happens.

The downstream repo does provide the config files for each command, specifying if to add the upstream packages or not:

Btw, as a side note, this is another example of how the multi-monorepo leaks.

// File config/monorepo-builder/validate.php
return require_once __DIR__ . ‘/monorepo-builder-with-upstream-packages.php’;

Overriding The Configuration

We are almost done. By now the downstream monorepo can override the configuration from the upstream monorepo. So all that’s left to do is to provide the new configuration.

In class PluginDataSource I override the configuration of which WordPress plugins must be generated, providing the PRO ones instead:

namespace PoPGraphQLAPIPROConfigSymplifyMonorepoBuilderDataSources;

use PoPPoPConfigSymplifyMonorepoBuilderDataSourcesPluginDataSource as UpstreamPluginDataSource;

class PluginDataSource extends UpstreamPluginDataSource
public function getPluginConfigEntries(): array
return [
// GraphQL API PRO
‘path’ => ‘layers/GraphQLAPIForWP/plugins/graphql-api-pro’,
‘zip_file’ => ‘graphql-api-pro.zip’,
‘main_file’ => ‘graphql-api-pro.php’,
‘dist_repo_organization’ => ‘GraphQLAPI-PRO’,
‘dist_repo_name’ => ‘graphql-api-pro-dist’,
// GraphQL API Extensions
// Google Translate
‘path’ => ‘layers/GraphQLAPIForWP/plugins/google-translate’,
‘zip_file’ => ‘graphql-api-google-translate.zip’,
‘main_file’ => ‘graphql-api-google-translate.php’,
‘dist_repo_organization’ => ‘GraphQLAPI-PRO’,
‘dist_repo_name’ => ‘graphql-api-google-translate-dist’,
// Events Manager
‘path’ => ‘layers/GraphQLAPIForWP/plugins/events-manager’,
‘zip_file’ => ‘graphql-api-events-manager.zip’,
‘main_file’ => ‘graphql-api-events-manager.php’,
‘dist_repo_organization’ => ‘GraphQLAPI-PRO’,
‘dist_repo_name’ => ‘graphql-api-events-manager-dist’,

Creating a new release on GitHub will trigger the generate_plugins.yml workflow and generate the PRO plugins on my private monorepo:

Tadaaaaaaaa! ?


As always, there is no “best” solution, only solutions that may work better depending on the context. The multi-monorepo approach is not suitable to every kind of project or team. I believe the biggest beneficiaries are plugin creators who release public plugins to be upgraded to their PRO versions, and agencies customizing plugins for their clients.

In my case, I’m quite happy with this approach. It takes a bit of time and effort to get right, but it’s a one-off investment. Once the set-up is over, I can just focus on building my PRO plugins, and the time savings concerning project management can be huge.

20 Best New Sites, August 2021

Original Source: https://www.webdesignerdepot.com/2021/08/20-best-new-sites-august-2021/

Often, when designing a website or branding, it is easy to get wrapped up in the details–typography, graphics, color, the grid–and lose the bigger picture. Of course, these things are vitally important, but they are building blocks that go together to form a greater whole.

A good website creates an impression; it tells a story. And all the various elements involved, from copy to hero image to type choices, combine to create that story. Telling a story can mean taking a user through a linear narrative of how a company or a product came about, using a narrative to make a point, or simply creating an environment or experience that shows the user what a brand is all about.

We have selected examples of different kinds of storytelling for this month’s collection–we’ve even included an actual story. Enjoy!

Black Dog 

Black Dog is a rather beautiful picture book project showcasing the developer’s WebGL skills.

Right to Breathe

Right to Breathe highlights the dangers of passive smoking in a way that is engaging and intriguing.


Creative agency Superglow focuses on clients in the music industry, and their particular aesthetic is clearly demonstrated in their portfolio site.


Instabase is an enterprise productivity platform for complex data. Not the most glamorous product to sell, but this site does a good job of engaging the user through good layout and colorful graphics.

Bake Inc.

Bake Inc.’s corporate site makes good use of diagonals to break up content and to provide a sense of energy to the flow. Plus it features some fairly mouth-watering photographs.

Julia Johnson

This portfolio site for photographer, director, and creative director Julia Johnson, is simple but with very nice details, such as the color backgrounds for image loading.

Pitchfork Music Festival

While yellow text on a multi-color background doesn’t sound like a great idea, it works on this site for Pitchfork Music Festival.

Little Yawn Collective

Some sweet illustrations and a soothing color scheme set the mood for Little Yawn Collective, which offers natural sleep solutions for children.


Production company Pine takes a bold approach, showing the work with very little text beyond contact information.


Bloomers describes itself as a knowledge consultancy offering branding and strategy. To illustrate its philosophy of connecting past and present, it has gone for Victoriana.

Fox Computers

With its slightly muted palette and a very businesslike feel, this site for web agency Fox Computers gives the impression of competent and safe, without being boring.

Forest Gum

Forest Gum makes natural chewing gum — from tree sap instead of plastic. There are lots of greens and bubblegum pink here and a bold, irregular display type for a modern, young feel.


Although Felt online — a collaborative mapping tool – is currently in private beta, this promotional site does a good job of creating interest while doubling as a recruitment notice/job advert.

Help Dad

Help Dad is a micro-site from Oatly, aimed at UK customers. In terms of visual design, it adheres to the same style as all of Oatly’s sites. However, what stands out here is the quality of the content, tailored for the UK market.


Epicurrence, the 4-day not-conference for creatives, is back for 2021, and this time it’s at Outer Banks, NC. The site keeps the content simple and to the point, livened up by illustration.


With some great photography and a soft color palette, this site for Marram boutique hotel manages to create an impression of soft, almost golden, light and calm.


Re-Forme makes recyclable and biodegradable food packaging. The site is in a style used a lot by companies whose focus is sustainability – simple illustration, strong colors, color transitions, and large type. There’s a nice little arrow detail in their logo.

Miti Navi

You could be forgiven for thinking Miti Navi has been included because we want one of their sailing boats to “test.” After seeing how they are presented here, who wouldn’t?

Under Armour

Sportswear brand Under Armour has just updated its website. Visually the difference isn’t startling, but the usability and navigation have been improved.

The Longest Road Out

The Longest Road Out site promotes a travel map and journal based on its creators’ own road trip around Britain and Ireland (plus the outlying islands). The site is charming.


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The post 20 Best New Sites, August 2021 first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.