Mobile App Website Inspiration: 20 Application Websites And Tips To Design One

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App websites are sometimes neglected by app owners. The owners or developers set up everything in place for the app to go ballistic on the market, except doing the basic marketing step: designing an app website that converts your visitors to users.

But is it enough to create a random website for an app?


If you do a rushed job, your website will be just as good as not having one. You’ll end up having visitors come to your site that you’ve been promoting and they’ll close the tab as fast as they’ve clicked on your link.

You can avoid this unfortunate situation if you take the time to create eye-catching and engaging app websites designed to consistently convert visitors into users.

It’s really not all that difficult when you follow these 5 simple steps.

5 Simple Steps to Creating the Best App Websites
Step 1: Choose a Mesmerizing Color Palette

Not everyone will necessarily agree with your idea of what a mesmerizing color palette would be. Maybe you’re not even sure what it should look like.

Not a problem. Stick to these 3 simple rules and your selection should be spot on every time:

Your palette should feature colors that immediately attract visitors’ attention.
Make sure it’s on brand so as not to detract from the message.
It needs to be visually supportive of the message as well.

Notice how the use of pastel color touches in this Headspace example are every bit as effective as bold, brash colors. Much more so in fact. They give the site a friendly, lighthearted look that helps to convey the message.

You can create a similar colorful app website with this Be Theme pre-built website that puts an eye-catching palette of bold colors to good use.

Magpie illustrates the result of creating a color palette that aligns perfectly with its brand – in this case, visually memorable pastels.

Muse’s subtle use of a natural, neutral color palette reinforces the message that their product line makes users more mindful and connected as they go about their daily lives.

On the other hand, the vibrancy of the BeApp2 color palette is designed to perfectly appeal to a large audience of physically active users.

Step 2: Feature Crystal-Clear Product Photos and Images

People don’t want clever hints as to what the app looks like. Anytime visitors have to try to figure things out you’ll likely loose them. They want to be able to clearly understand how easy or how difficult using the app will be; and above all how it differs from the other 400 similar ones on the market.

Bite for example, clearly displays how the app appears on a smartphone while giving the user a sense of how easy it is to work with.

You can create a similar app website with BeWallet. This pre-built website provides an excellent starting point for building a website designed for financial apps. Financial apps are in great demand; especially those that are both helpful and straightforward to work with.

BeSoftware provides an excellent foundation for creating a website that allows a visitor to navigate through the inner workings of the app.

The use of before and after examples is a simple yet highly credible way to demonstrate what an app is capable of. JibJab applies this tactic to near perfection.

Step 3: Give Visitors A Clear Picture Of How The App Works

Showing visitors what an app does is a necessary step, but it’s not enough. You need to show how the app works as well. One of the most effective sales drivers lies in the ability of an app website to allow visitors to imagine themselves as actual users of the app.

Video is one of the easiest ways to accomplish this. PeekCalendar’s hero section includes such a video.

BePolyglot may not have been initially created only for presenting an app, but its product in use hero section is exactly what you need to offer the users a preview of your app.

The best way to present a video is to invite the visitor to watch it (not everyone enjoys watching a video that automatically runs). BePay’s video is opened with a CTA button above the fold.

Tunity’s website uses a slider in the hero section to show several examples of how the product works. In fact, the entire website brilliantly presents the various workings of the app in great detail.

Step 4: Don’t Be Afraid To (Over)Use “White” Space On App Websites

An overly generous use of white space often does more good than harm, while sparse usage can have the opposite effect. Use just enough white space to highlight the main message on the page. Add a little bit more, and you’ll be in great shape. White space makes it easier for visitors to focus on a single message or element, or on several.

Curio utilizes a clean, fresh design that makes it ever-so-easy for the eye to focus on what’s most important.

The BeProduct4 or BeHosting2 pre-built websites can be used to create an app website that has the same, clean and fresh effect. Dark “white space” is used effectively in one example; white and pale blue in the other. The message is clearly presented in both examples.

SpellTower is an extreme example of white space usage. 90% or more of the page is white space, yet it is by no means excessive. The user clearly knows where to go or what to do next.

Step 5: Use CTA Designs That Will Grab Visitors By The Eyeballs

The very worst thing you can do with a CTA button (with the possible exception of causing it to send a visitor to the wrong place) is to make it hard to locate. The simple fact is, you want to make it virtually impossible to miss and make your visitor feel compelled to click on it.

Bright and bold are the operative parameters.

The Splitwise CTA button clearly stands out. A visitor will first be drawn to the headline, next to the sub-headline, and the flow naturally extends to the CTA button which is easy to see.

BeERP uses a bright green color to draw attention to the primary CTA button and a somewhat plainer color (black) to highlight the secondary button.

As the BeKids example illustrates, it can be perfectly OK to use the same color for the CTA button as is used in other visual elements; in this case blue. Rather than being lost in the shuffle, the button stands out.


Follow these 5 surefire steps and you should have little problem creating an app website that’s designed to turn visitors into customers. Your mesmerizing color palette and clean imagery will attract attention. Clearly illustrating what the app does and enabling a potential user to visualize how to work with it keeps visitors engaged. White space helps to make the user experience a pleasant one, and bright bold CTA buttons lead to conversions.

It’s important however to remember that the website presentation should be geared to making the intended audience want to use the app.

If you really intend to create as many app websites as possible (while avoiding Christmas Every Day or Groundhog Day issues) you might want to check out Be Theme’s gallery of more than 450 customizable pre-built websites. They’re functional and visually impressive, and they have intuitive navigation and everything else you need to create one attention-getting app website after another.


[– This is a sponsored post on behalf of Be Theme –]


p img {display:inline-block; margin-right:10px;}
.alignleft {float:left;}
p.showcase {clear:both;}
body#browserfriendly p, body#podcast p, div#emailbody p{margin:0;}

How to Build Your First Amazon Alexa Skill

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How to Build Your First Amazon Alexa Skill

Out of the box, Alexa supports a number of built-in skills, such as adding items to your shopping list or requesting a song. However, developers can build new custom skills by using the Alexa Skill Kit (ASK).

The ASK, a collection of APIs and tools, handles the hard work related to voice interfaces, including speech recognition, text-to-speech encoding, and natural language processing. ASK helps developers build skills quickly and easily.

In short, the sole reason that Alexa can understand a user’s voice commands is that it has skills defined. Every Alexa skill is a piece of software designed to understand voice commands. Also, each Alexa skill has its own logic defined that creates an appropriate response for the voice command. To give you an idea of some existing Alexa skills, they include:

ordering pizza at Domino’s Pizza
calling for an Uber
telling you your horoscope

So as said, we can develop our own custom skills fitted to our need with the Alexa Skill Kit, a collection of APIs and tools designed for this purpose. The ASK includes tools like speech recognition, text-to-speech encoding, and natural language processing. The kit should get any developer started quickly with developing their own custom skill.

In this article, you’ll learn how to create a basic “get a fact” Alexa skill. In short, we can ask Alexa to present us with a random cat fact. The complete code for completing our task can be found on GitHub. Before we get started, let’s make sure we understand the Alexa skill terminology.

Mastering Alexa Skill Terminology

First, let’s learn how a user can interact with a custom skill. This will be important for understanding the different concepts related to skills.

In order to activate a particular skill, the user has to call Alexa and ask to open a skill. For example: “Alexa, open cat fact”. By doing this, we’re calling the invocation name of the skill. Basically, the invocation name can be seem as the name of the application.

Now that we’ve started the right skill, we have access to the voice intents/commands the skill understands. As we want to keep things simple, we define a “Get Cat Fact” intent. However, we need to provide sample sentences to trigger the intent. An intent can be triggered by many example sentences, also called utterances. For example, a user might say “Give a fact”. Therefore, we define the following example sentences:

“Tell a fact”
“Give a cat fact”
“Give a fact”

It’s even possible to combine the invocation name with an intent like this: “Alexa, ask Cat Fact to give a fact”.

Now that we know the difference between an invocation name and intent, let’s move on to creating your first Alexa skill.

Creating an Amazon Developer Account

To get started, we need an Amazon Developer Account. If you have one, you can skip this section.

Signing up for an Amazon Developer account is a three-step process. Amazon requires some personal information, accepting the terms of service, and providing a payment method. The advantage of signing up for an Amazon Developer account is that you get access to a plethora of other Amazon services. Once the signup has been successfully completed, you’ll see the Amazon Developer dashboard.

Log yourself in to the dashboard and click on the Developer Console button in the top-right corner.

Open Developer Console

Next up, we want to open the Alexa Skills Kit.

Open Alexa Skills Kit

If you were unable to open the Alexa Skills Kit, use this link.

In the following section, we’ll create our actual skill.

Creating Our First Custom Alexa Skill

Okay, we’re set to create our first custom Alexa skill. Click the blue button Create Skill to open up the menu for creating a new skill.

Create Skill Button

Firstly, it will prompt us for the name of our skill. As you already know, we want random cat facts and therefore call the skill custom cat fact (we can’t use cat fact as that’s a built-in skill for Alexa devices). Next, it prompts us to pick a model for your skill. We can choose between some predefined models or go for a custom model that gives us full flexibility. As we don’t want to be dealing with code we don’t need, we go for the Custom option.

Note: If you choose a predefined skill, you get a list of interaction models and example sentences (utterances). However, even the custom skill is equipped with the most basic intents like Cancel, Help, NavigateHome, and Stop.

Pick Skill name

Next, we need to pick a way to host our skill. Again, we don’t want to overcomplicate things and pick the Alexa-Hosted (Node.js) option. This means we don’t have to run a back end ourselves that requires some effort to make it “Alexa compliant”. It means you have to format the response according to the Amazon Alexa standards for a device to understand this. The Alexa-hosted option will:

host skills in your account up to the AWS Free Tier limits and get you started with a Node.js template. You will gain access to an AWS Lambda endpoint, 5 GB of media storage with 15 GB of monthly data transfer, and a table for session persistence.

Pick host method

Okay, now that all settings are in place, you can click the Create Skill button in the top-right corner of the screen. This button will generate the actual skill in our Amazon Developer account.

Modifying Your First Alexa Skill

Now if you navigate to the Alexa Developer Console, you’ll find your skill listed there. Click the edit button to start modifying the skill.

Modify Alexa Skill

Next, Amazon will display the build tab for the Cat Fact skill. On the left-hand side, you’ll find a list of intents that are defined for the skill. As said before, by default the Alexa Skills Kit generates a Cancel, Stop, Help, and NavigateHome intent. The first three are helpful for a user that wants to quit the skill or doesn’t know how to use it. The last one, NavigateHome, is only used for complex skills that involve multiple steps.

Interaction model

Step 1: Verify Invocation Name

First of all, let’s verify if the invocation name for the skill is correct. The name should say “custom cat fact”.

In case you change the name, make sure to hit the Save Model button on top of the page.

Invocation name

The post How to Build Your First Amazon Alexa Skill appeared first on SitePoint.

Introducing the Book of Branding, a guide for startups and beyond

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Introducing the Book of Branding, a guide for startups and beyond
Introducing the Book of Branding, a guide for startups and beyond

AoiroStudioNov 12, 2019

It’s always inspiring to see our friends, from the industry, creating and making cool stuff to inspire others. It’s a reward that we will never take for granted and we will will always be supporting. We are featuring the book release of our dear friend Radim Malinic and his Book of Branding. For short, it’s an essential guide to the startup toolkit — a guide designed for entrepreneurs, founders, designers, brand creators and anyone seeking to decode the complicated world of brand identity design. With the industry shift to product design and interface design, some designers nowadays forgot the little notion of graphic design like branding for example. This is right fitted time for Radim’s new endeavour and we took the liberty to share a sneak peek. Give it a look!

Book of Branding aims to show designers how to get the information you need to understand the project and make it the best it can be; as well as providing those on the client-side with advice on how to get the best out of the creatives you’re working with.

Book of Branding – Sneak Peek

Introducing the Book of Branding, a guide for startups and beyondIntroducing the Book of Branding, a guide for startups and beyondIntroducing the Book of Branding, a guide for startups and beyondIntroducing the Book of Branding, a guide for startups and beyondIntroducing the Book of Branding, a guide for startups and beyondIntroducing the Book of Branding, a guide for startups and beyondIntroducing the Book of Branding, a guide for startups and beyondIntroducing the Book of Branding, a guide for startups and beyondIntroducing the Book of Branding, a guide for startups and beyondBook of Branding by Radim Malinic

Brand Nu book titles are available from online stores and high street book retailers in the UK and worldwide.

November Universe by Brand Nu
Book depository
Blackwell Books
About Radim Malinic

Radim Malinic is a creative director and designer living and working in South West London. He is the founder of Brand Nu®, an award-winning branding and creative studio working across a broad spectrum of clients. From individuals and emerging startups all the way to multinational corporates, Brand Nu combines visually rich design, creativity and strategy in its work for the big brands of the future.

At the break of the new millennium, Malinic moved to the UK to explore the expansive music scene, only to find even an even greater interest in art and graphic design. Since then his eclectic interests have seen him working with some of the biggest brands, companies and bands in the world. Clients include Harry Potter Platform 9 3/4, 007 Store, Coca Cola, Google, Adobe Systems, WWF and USAID, among many others.

8 Bad Graphic Design Mistakes You DON’T Want To Make

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Nothing stands out more than a glaring design fail. A company’s success can rise and fall on the visual branding done by its hired graphic designers. In a fast-paced business world, one mistake can make an entire campaign implode.  Companies want to have faith their graphic designers know how to prevent a crisis. If you want […]

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Epic phone deal includes a FREE Nintendo Switch or 4K TV!

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Who wants a free Nintendo Switch games console or Toshiba 4K HDR TV, as well as a new phone? Yes, you really can get all of this with EE's stunning deal, which just goes to show that the best Black Friday deals are already appearing. 

The phones you can get are the Samsung Galaxy A80, A70 or A40 or a Huawei P30 Lite, Huawei P30 Pro or Huawei P smart. Sign up for one of these right now through EE and you could be enjoying a nice new shiny games console or a super-sharp pixel perfect screen in your living room very soon. 

These deals offer some of the best phones around, some of them even made it our best camera phones post. With prices starting from as little as £28 a month these deals are not to be missed. They all include 10GB of data and there's no upfront cost on selected phones.

To help you make the right choice quickly and easily we have broken down these must-see Samsung and Huawei deals. Find the one for you below.

Huawei phone deals + free Nintendo Switch or 4K TV
Samsung phone deals + free Nintendo Switch or 4K TV

Not quite what you're after? Check out some more smartphone deals below. 

Read more:

Amazon Black Friday: when to get the best dealsThe best laptop deals in 2019How do you use your mobile phone at work?

40+ Tools to Supercharge Your Instagram Account

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With 1 billion monthly active users and 50% daily active users, Instagram is more than a popular social media platform: it’s a powerful marketing platform for every brand worldwide — big…

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Exciting New Tools for Designers, November 2019

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You’re sure to find some tools and resources that will help you save time as we enter what is often one of the most hectic seasons of the year. Here’s what’s new for designers this month.

Screen Size Map

Screen Size Map is a tool to showcase popular screen sizes and will even auto-detect yours. Map sizes by device type, usage, size, and popularity. This can really come in handy when thinking about viewports or breakpoints in design projects. You might also be surprised to see what screen sizes are the most (or least) popular.


Lordicon is a collection of free and premium animated icons in GIF and JSON formats. Each icon has a fun line style and can be customized to match your color palette. You can also adjust size, stroke width, and animation player type — automatic, hover, click, or morph. Every icon is scalable and compatible with all major browsers. This is a fun animated icon kit for projects built on the Lottie engine.

Free Bootstrap Templates and Themes

Free Bootstrap Templates and Themes is a library of free (and premium!) design elements to jumpstart projects using Designmodo’s Startup App. These tools are great starters that you can use as is, or edit in the app to create landing pages, SaaS, admin pages, presentations, and e-commerce websites.

Inspect This Snake

Inspect This Snake is a fun goodie by Matthew Rayfield. Go ahead click it and play around. You might even learn something about how he put it all together.

FYI: Free Resources for Freelancers

FYI: Free Resources for Freelancers is a collection of tools to connect all the apps for sharing and storing information. It works as a Chrome extension and allows you to connect all your free tools for better workflows. “With FYI every document you’ve created and that’s been shared with you will be accessible in just a few clicks. Your documents will be automatically organized so you won’t be checking each app and account to find what you’re looking for. They’ll all be in one place.”


Spectrum is Adobe’s design system and the company recently released these components and tools to the public. You can even use the Spectrum CSS, which is open source, in conjunction with the guidelines from Adobe. Even if you don’t plan to use it, this is a neat look into the design system and how Adobe thinks about the look and feel of its products. (And while it doesn’t look all that detailed at first glance, the system is rather extensive.)


Dashdash is a spreadsheet tool that allows you to access business data and APIs, send emails, and more with a traditional spreadsheet online. You don’t need to code to design tools and information. Plus, it integrates with other tools to make your work easier.

Can You Draw a Perfect Circle?

Can You Draw a Perfect Circle? is a browser-based game that you might find yourself obsessing over. (I really wanted to draw a perfect circle, but it never happens.)

Open Doodles

Open Doodles is an animated collection of hand-drawn illustrations for projects in SVG, PNG, and GIF formats. Use the generator to change the colors and styles to create a semi-custom pack.


Claro is a nifty to-do app that’s open to invites. It features a simple design that’s supposed to be distraction free so that you focus on things you need to get done, not the design of the tool.

Tartan Patterns

Tartan Patterns is a collection of more than 5,000 repeating SVG and PNG images. (Seems like the perfect pattern for fall.) Everything is grouped by name in alphabetical order. Warning: It is easy to get lost in looking at all the patterns.

Blocke: Social Web UI Kit

Blocke: Social Web UI Kit is a set of 30 components designed for social feeds. The freebie is a preview for a bigger set if you like what you see.


CursorOS is a Figma-read (Sketch coming soon) collection of original macOS cursors that you can use in design systems, projects, user flows, UI kits, prototypes, and more.

Tutorial: Designing Accessible Color Systems

Designing Accessible Color Systems is a look at how Stripe has worked to improve color contrast and accessibility in its design projects. The lesson is reflective of recent changes to the brand’s color palette to make it more accessible. It’s a good lesson in modern color theory.

Izmir Hover Effects

Izmir Hover Effects is a mini CSS library that helps you create customer effects. Load the library to your project, add the element markup and style classes, and you are ready to go.


8b is a website builder based on Google AMP. Use it to create modern designs on a fast, responsive template. It’s free to build on and includes plenty of templates for quick builds. You can also link a domain and every site includes SSL/HTTPS.


Hexometer uses artificial intelligence to scan over 2,800 data points on your website to make sure your digital assets are in pristine condition. It will also give you tips and tricks on how to improve your website hygiene.


FontPairings.ByPeople allows you to pop pairs of fonts onto the screen with just a click to see how they look on different website theme templates. Swap headings and text elements and mix and match pairs to find a typography palette that appeals to you.

Antique Cherry

Antique Cherry is a lovely novelty script with nice lines and great curves. It’s available for personal and non-profit use and includes a full character set.

Glitch Esports

Glitch Esports combines two trending elements, glitching design and esports in a single typeface. Try it for a fun display option.

Grifter Bold

Grifter Bold is a round versatile font in all caps and lowercase that can work great for display options. (Only the bold version is free.) It includes a full character and number set with some extra glyphs.

Les Paul

Les Paul is a fun novelty display font with lots of options to create interesting combinations of text elements. All of the characters are uppercase and there is a small fee for commercial use.


Recursive is a variable font in beta that will soon be added to the Google Fonts collection. It includes a sans and mono option and is a five-axis variable font. Use predefined styles or adjust proportion, monospace, weight, slant, and italic to take full advantage of the variable font technology. Everything is in one font file.

Salveation Serif

Salveation Serif is a nice display, uppercase font with fun lines and a vintage feel. The font includes letters, numerals, and unlimited punctuation.


p img {display:inline-block; margin-right:10px;}
.alignleft {float:left;}
p.showcase {clear:both;}
body#browserfriendly p, body#podcast p, div#emailbody p{margin:0;}

The Best jQuery Plugins & Effects That Are Still Useful in 2019

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If you’re coding with JavaScript, jQuery should be one of the first things you install. The lightweight JavaScript library optimizes and simplifies core features like Ajax handling, animation, event handling, and HTML document transversal – in other words, it makes working with JavaScript a lot easier.

Many developers have released plugins built on the jQuery framework for free. These can add key features and effects to your website, including autocomplete, file upload, or image zooming.

Ready to install cool effects and awesome jQuery plugins? Here are some of the best libraries you’re sure to love.

Your Web Designer Toolbox
Unlimited Downloads: 500,000+ Web Templates, Icon Sets, Themes & Design Assets



Example of fancybox

This lightbox plugin can display various types of media in a beautiful darkened popup. Besides images and videos, it also accepts custom content like Google Maps and can resize to fit them. Plus, it’s easily extensible with a little CSS and JavaScript knowledge. It’s free to use in open source projects, or commercially with a license.

jQuery File Upload

Example of jQuery File Upload

If you need to add file upload functionality to your site, this little widget has everything. You can upload any type of file with unlimited file size, and even drop them right into the browser.


Example of fullPage.js

Looking for a quick and easy way to create a one-page, scrolling, full-screen website? All the tutorials are here to help you get this library set up and working, with in-depth explanations for every option. Open source projects can use it for free.

Tiny Slider

Example of Tiny Slider

This library may be called Tiny Slider, but it includes dozens of demos, each with its own unique functionality. Fixed widget, vertical, even lazy loading sliders; test out each demo until you find the one you want.


Example of Select2

Is the default HTML select box not doing it for you? Select2 implements an easily customizable, extremely extensible dropdown select box including pages and pages of helpful documentation.

Ajax AutoComplete for jQuery

Example of Ajax AutoComplete for jQuery

If you need to add an autocompleting text box to your website, this lightweight file is the way to go. It takes up practically no space, yet provides advanced autocomplete functionality.


Example of Flotcharts

This is more than just a simple chart plugin. While it’s easy to use thanks to the API documentation, it also comes with advanced functionality like real-time plotting and beautiful aesthetics.


Example of pickadate.js

Responsive and customizable, pickadate.js makes creating a date or time selection box as easy as installing this lightweight plugin. Check out the API documentation to customize it even further.

jQuery Zoom

Example of jQuery Zoom

Image zooming is no longer a hassle with this jQuery plugin. Install the files and assign it to an image, then hover or click to zoom in. It’s easy as that.


Example of SortableJS

Sortable lists made easy. Drag and drop to reorder lists you define, with features like cloning, multi-list, or image grids included. For a simple concept, this is a pretty complex library.

jQuery Knob

Example of jQuery Knob

Compatible with mouse, keyboard, and mobile controls, these draggable dials will work on almost any platform. There are all kinds of dials built in that turn and count in various ways.


Example of iCheck

Light, accessible, and supported on most devices and browsers, iCheck is perfect if you need to implement checkboxes or radio buttons. It comes with 6 beautiful skins built in which you can easily customize with CSS.


Example of DataTables

Tables are never easy to deal with, but DataTables makes it a total breeze. Just load it up and put in a single function, and you’ll instantly generate a table on your site. Then you can add pages, search, sorting, and more. Plus, it supports both themes and extensions.

Save Time with jQuery Plugins

With web development, there’s no reason to reinvent the wheel. These jQuery plugins and effects have already done all the work for you. All you need to do is paste some code in, and you’ll be able to enhance your site with shiny new features.

Most of these plugins are totally free to use. Implement them into your sites and extend them for your own designs, and shave off what could have been days of programming work.

How to Apply Instagram Filters on Web Images

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Many love using Instagram and the filters that come with the app, to make their photos more interesting and beautiful. So far though, the use of these filters are restricted to use inside the app….

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11 Portable Batteries for Your MacBook — Best of

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If you love working in a cafe or library — like me — or a co-working space with fewer power outlets, you require extra juice for your MacBook. Why? Although MacBook Pro promises “10…

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