Secure My CentOS Server


The three most common hacks and or techniques used in attacking a server are fairly similar techniques used in WordPress attacks:

1. Brute Force Attack – Using a password list and a “bot” that is designed to go to your SSH/Mail/MySQL service and simply guess what your default username and password are. This creates an issue as your server will run slower due to the heavy traffic, and your password might be on that list and the hacker will attain administrator access to your website.

2. SQL Injection – Usually a hacker will utilize a 3rd party repo that has been installed on your Website to gain access to your entire database. Using access to your database the hacker is able to change any passwords, retrieve any emails or usernames and even credit card numbers if you are collecting them on your website.

3. Cross Site Scripting – This method we have noticed occurs when you are using a nulled/pirated copy of software. A malicious code has already been added to software. The code will auto-execute itself and can serve as a host for multiple uses without you having any control over the resources its taking and the tasks it is running.

These 3 methods seem to be the most popular way your CentOS server setup might be compromised.

Secure My CentOS Server Package Includes:

  • Customized PHP.ini will be created.
  • Default Web Control Panel will be hardened.
  • SSH will be hardened.
  • Malware Real-Time detection will be setup
  • Software Firewall Service will be setup
  • Unused ports will be blocked
  • Open ports will be monitored
  • Brute-force detection enforced on open ports.
  • CentOS will be updated.
  • Final Security Audit will be performed.
  • Block XMLRPC attacks server wide.
  • Block wp-login attacks server wide.
  • NOTE: This package is for 1 CentOS Installation. The service above is included FOR FREE with every Dedicated Server that you rent from us.

If your server has been hacked, take a look here.