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Improve Animated GIF Performance With HTML5 video

Original Source: https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2018/11/gif-to-video/

Improve Animated GIF Performance With HTML5 video

Improve Animated GIF Performance With HTML5 video

Ayo Isaiah


Animated GIFs have a lot going for them; they’re easy to make and work well enough in literally all browsers. But the GIF format was not originally intended for animation. The original design of the GIF format was to provide a way to compress multiple images inside a single file using a lossless compression algorithm (called LZW compression) which meant they could be downloaded in a reasonably short space of time, even on slow connections.

Later, basic animation capabilities were added which allowed the various images (frames) in the file to be painted with time delays. By default, the series of frames that constitute the animation was displayed only once, stopping after the last frame was shown. Netscape Navigator 2.0 was the first browser to added the ability for animated GIFs to loop, which lead to the rise of animated GIFs as we know them today.

As an animation platform, the GIF format is incredibly limited. Each frame in the animation is restricted to a palette of just 256 colors, and over the years, advances in compression technology has made leading to several improvements the way animations and video files are compressed and used. Unlike proper video formats, the GIF format does not take advantage of any of the new technology meaning that even a few seconds of content can lead to tremendously large file sizes since a lot of repetitive information is stored.

Even if you try to tweak the quality and length of a GIF with a tool like Gifsicle, it can be difficult to cut it down to a reasonable file size. This is the reason why GIF heavy websites like Giphy, Imgur and the likes do not use the actual GIF format, but rather convert it to HTML5 video and serve those to users instead. As the Pinterest Engineering team found, converting animated GIFs to video can decrease load times and improve playback smoothness leading to a more pleasant user experience.

Hence, we’re going to look at some techniques that enable us use HTML5 video as a drop in replacement for animated GIFs. We’ll learn how to convert animated GIFs to video files and examine how to properly embed these video files on the web so that they act just like a GIF would. Finally, we’ll consider a few potential drawbacks that you need to ponder before using this solution.

Convert Animated GIFs To Video

The first step is to convert GIF files to a video format. MP4 is the most widely supported format in browsers with almost 94% of all browsers enjoying support, so that’s a safe default.

Support table on caniuse.com showing browser support for the MP4 video format

94% of all browsers support the MP4 format (Large preview)

Another option is the WebM format which offers high quality videos, often comparable to an MP4, but usually at a reduced file size. However, at this time, browser support is not as widespread so you can’t just go replacing MP4 files with their WebM equivalents.

Support table on caniuse.com showing browser support for the WebM video format

Internet Explorer and Safari are notable browsers without WebM support (Large preview)

However, because the <video> tag supports multiple <source> files, we can serve WebM videos to browsers that support them while falling back to MP4 everywhere else.

Let’s go ahead and convert an animated GIF to both MP4 and WebM. There are several online tools that can help you do this, but many of them use ffmpeg under the hood so we’ll skip the middle man and just use that instead. ffmpeg is a free and open source command line tool that is designed for the processing of video and audio files. It can also be used to convert an animated GIF to video formats.

To find out if you have ffmpeg on your machine, fire up a terminal and run the ffmpeg command. This should display some diagnostic information, otherwise, you’ll need to install it. Installation instructions for Windows, macOS and Linux can be found on this page. Since we’ll be converting to is WebM, you need to make sure that whatever ffmpeg build you install is compiled with libvpx.

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To follow along with the commands that are included in this article, you can use any animated GIF file lying around on your computer or grab this one which is just over 28MB. Let’s begin by converting a GIF to MP4 in the next section.

Convert GIF To MP4

Open up a terminal instance and navigate to the directory where the test gif is located then run the command below to convert it to an MP4 video file:

ffmpeg -i animated.gif video.mp4

This should output a new video file in the current directory after a few seconds depending on the size of the GIF file you’re converting. The -i flag specifies the path to the input GIF file and the output file is specified afterwards (video.mp4 in this instance). Running this command on my 28MB GIF produces an MP4 file that is just 536KB in size, a 98% reduction in file size with roughly the same visual quality.

But we can go even further than that. ffmpeg has so many options that you can use to regulate the video output even further. One way is to employ an encoding method known as Constant Rate Factor (CRF) to trim the size of the MP4 output even further. Here’s the command you need to run:

ffmpeg -i animated.gif -b:v 0 -crf 25 video.mp4

As you can see, there are a couple of new flags in above command compared to the previous one. -b:v is normally used to limit the output bitrate, but when using CRF mode, it must be set to 0. The -crf flag controls the quality of the video output. It accepts a value between 0 and 51; the lower the value, the higher the video quality and file size.

Running the above command on the test GIF, trims down the video output to just 386KB with no discernable difference in quality. If you want to trim the size even further, you could increase the CRF value. Just keep in mind that higher values will lower the quality of the video file.

Convert GIF To WebM

You can convert your GIF file to WebM by running the command below in the terminal:

ffmpeg -i animated.gif -c vp9 -b:v 0 -crf 41 video.webm

This command is almost the same as the previous one, with the exception of a new -c flag which is used to specify the codec that should be used for this conversion. We are using the vp9 codec which succeeds the vp8 codec.

In addition, I’ve adjusted the CRF value to 41 in this case since CRF values don’t necessarily yield the same quality across video formats. This particular value results in a WebM file that is 16KB smaller than the MP4 with roughly the same visual quality.

Now that we know how to convert animated GIFs to video files, let’s look at how we can imitate their behavior in the browser with the HTML5 <video> tag.

Replace Animated GIFs With Video In The Browser

Making a video act like a GIF on a webpage is not as easy as dropping the file in an <img> tag, but it’s not so difficult either. The major qualities of animated GIFs to keep in mind are as follows:

They play automatically
They loop continuously
They are silent

While you get these qualities by default with GIF files, we can cause a video file to act the exact same way using a handful of attributes. Here’s how you’ll embed a video file to behave like a GIF:

<video autoplay loop muted playsinline src=”video.mp4″></video>

This markup instructs the browser to automatically start the video, loop it continuously, play no sound, and play inline without displaying any video controls. This gives the same experience as an animated GIF but with better performance.

To specify more that once source for a video, you can use the <source> element within the <video> tag like this:

<video autoplay loop muted playsinline>
<source src=”video.webm” type=”video/webm”>
<source src=”video.mp4″ type=”video/mp4″>

This tells the browser to choose from the provided video files depending on format support. In this case, the WebM video will be downloaded and played if it’s supported, otherwise the MP4 file is used instead.

To make this more robust for older browsers which do not support HTML5 video, you could add some HTML content linking to the original GIF file as a fallback.

<video autoplay loop muted playsinline>
<source src=”video.webm” type=”video/webm”>
<source src=”video.mp4″ type=”video/mp4″>

Your browser does not support HTML5 video.
<a href=”/animated.gif”>Click here to view original GIF</a>

Or you could just add the GIF file directly in an <img> tag:

<video autoplay loop muted playsinline>
<source src=”video.webm” type=”video/webm”>
<source src=”video.mp4″ type=”video/mp4″>
<img src=”animated.gif”>

Now that we’ve examined how to emulate animated GIFs in the browser with HTML5 video, let’s consider a few potential drawbacks to doing so in the next section.

Potential Drawbacks

There are a couple of drawbacks you need to consider before adopting HTML5 video as a GIF replacement. It’s clearly not as convenient as simply uploading a GIF to a page and watch it just work everywhere. You need to encode it first, and it may be difficult to implement an automated solution that works well in all scenarios.

The safest thing would be to convert each GIF manually and check the result of the output to ensure a good balance between visual quality and file size. But on large projects, this may not be practical. In that case, it may be better to look to a service like Cloudinary to do the heavy lifting for you.

Another problem is that unlike images, browsers do not preload video content. Because video files can be of any length, they’re often skipped until the main thread is ready to parse their content. This could delay the loading of a video file by several hundreds of milliseconds.

Additionally, there are quite a few restrictions on autoplaying videos especially on mobile. The muted attribute is actually required for videos to autoplay in Chrome for Android and iOS Safari even if the video does not contain an audio track, and where autoplay is disallowed, the user will only see a blank space where the video should have been. An example is Data Saver mode in Chrome for Android where autoplaying videos will not work even if you set up everything correctly.

To account for any of these scenarios, you should consider setting a placeholder image for the video using the poster attribute so that the video area is still populated with meaningful content if the video does not autoplay for some reason. Also consider using the controls attribute which allows the user to initiate playback even if video autoplay is disallowed.

Wrap Up

By replacing animated GIFs with HTML5 video, we can provide awesome GIF-like experiences without the performance and quality drawbacks associated with GIF files. Doing away with animated GIFs is worth serious consideration especially if your site is GIF-heavy.

There are websites already doing this:

Twitter converts animated GIFs to MP4 files on upload
GIF performance was improved on Pinterest by converting them to videos
Imgur, a GIF heavy website, converts all GIF uploads to HTML5 video

Taking the time to convert the GIF files on your site to video can lead to a massive improvement in page load times. Provided your website is not too complex, it is fairly easy to implement and you can be up and running within a very short amount of time.

Smashing Editorial

Editorial Design: A Brief Story About Everything

Original Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/abduzeedo/~3/jzk_IQoaFf0/editorial-design-brief-story-about-everything

Editorial Design: A Brief Story About Everything

Editorial Design: A Brief Story About Everything

Nov 05, 2018

I love checking out old project published on sites like Behance and Dribbble. I think it’s a great testament of good design if they can stand the test of time. There are some areas that are more prone to survive the painful effect of time. Editorial Design is one of them and this project  that Mane Tatoulian is a great example. It was originally published in 2015 and still feels fresh, at least from my point of view.

The subject of the editorial design is, coincidentally, time. And it’s basically a brief story of about everything. Space, time and non-time as Mane mentioned in the post. 

For more information about Mane make sure to check out her website at http://manetatoulian.com/

Editorial design

editorial design

Collective #465

Original Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/tympanus/~3/BjGx1h9Vmzo/


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Statically Compiled Go on Alibaba Cloud Container Service

Original Source: https://www.sitepoint.com/statically-compiled-go-on-alibaba-cloud-container-service/

The third prize of the Alibaba Cloud competition goes to David Banham. His winning entry is a succinct tutorial on statically compiling a Go program, and using Docker to containerize and distribute it.

Alibaba Cloud’s Container Service is a great example of how Docker and Kubernetes are revolutionising the cloud landscape. The curmudgeons will rail that it’s all still just some software running on someone else’s computer, but the transformative difference is that k8s and Docker provide what is effectively a platform-agnostic management API. If you build your DevOps pipelines against k8s you have the lowest possible switching friction between AWS, Google Cloud, Azure and Alibaba. The closer we can get to the dream of write once, run anywhere, the better!

Another tool I love for enhancing software portability is the Go language. Cross compilation in Go is as easy as falling off a log. I develop software on my Linux laptop and in the blink of an eye I can have binaries built for Windows, OSX, WASM, etc! Here’s the Makefile snippet I use to do it:

name = demo

PLATFORMS := linux/amd64 windows/amd64 linux/arm darwin/amd64

temp = $(subst /, ,$@)
os = $(word 1, $(temp))
arch = $(word 2, $(temp))


make -l inner_release

inner_release: $(PLATFORMS)

@-mkdir -p ../web/api/clients/$(os)-$(arch)
@-rm ../web/api/clients/$(os)-$(arch)/*
GOOS=$(os) GOARCH=$(arch) go build -o ‘../web/api/clients/$(os)-$(arch)/$(name) .
@chmod +x ../web/api/clients/$(os)-$(arch)/$(name)
@if [ $(os) = windows ]; then mv ../web/api/clients/$(os)-$(arch)/$(name) ../web/api/clients/$(os)-$(arch)/$(name).exe; fi
zip –junk-paths ../web/api/clients/$(os)-$(arch)/$(name)$(os)-$(arch).zip ../web/api/clients/$(os)-$(arch)/*
@if [ $(os) = windows ]; then cp ../web/api/clients/$(os)-$(arch)/$(name).exe ../web/api/clients/$(os)-$(arch)/$(name); fi

Neat! That will get you a tidy little binary that will run on your target operating systems. Even that is overkill if you’re targeting a Docker host like Cloud Container Service. All you need to do there is just GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build and you’re done! Then, you just need to choose your favorite Linux distribution and build that into the Dockerfile.

What if we wanted to simplify our lives even further, though? What if we could do away with the Linux distribution entirely?

Go supports the compilation of statically linked binaries. That means we can write code that doesn’t rely on any external DLLs at all. Observe this magic Dockerfile:

The post Statically Compiled Go on Alibaba Cloud Container Service appeared first on SitePoint.

Three Ways to Create Your Own WordPress Theme

Original Source: https://www.sitepoint.com/creating-wordpress-themes-overview/

It’s common for WordPress users to pick a ready-made theme. But you can also create a theme of your own. This article covers various ways to go about this.

Options range from making edits to an existing theme, to creating your own WordPress theme completely from scratch. In between these extremes are various other options that include duplicating and modifying themes, and using a range of tools to help you build your own theme.

WordPress themes are made up of a collection of files, all contained within a single folder that lives within the /themes/ folder: wp-content/themes/.

An example of the files contained within a WordPress theme

Option 1: Modify an Existing Theme

Modifying an existing theme is perhaps the easiest option. You may just want to make some minor changes, like colors, font sizes, or simple layout changes.

In this case your best option is to create a child theme. A child theme references an existing theme, just modifying the bits you want to change. Using a child theme has the advantage that, if the parent theme is updated when you update WordPress, your changes won’t be wiped away.

To create a child theme, create a new folder inside your /themes/ folder. A handy tip is to use the name of the parent theme with -child appended, as this makes it clear what the child theme is. So, if you’re creating a child theme of the Twenty Seventeen theme, your child theme folder might be called /twentyseventeen-child/.

Minimum default files for a child theme

In this child folder, you need at a minimum a style.css file and a functions.php file. In these files you need to add certain code to tell WordPress which is the parent theme, where the stylesheets are, and any other new functionality you want in your child theme.

The last step for getting your child theme up and running is to enter the WordPress admin panel and go to Appearance > Themes to activate your child theme.

For a complete guide to this process, visit the WordPress Codex. For help with setting up a child theme, you can also use the WordPress Child Theme Configurator utility.

Option 2: Adapt an Existing Theme

If you’re keen to dig into WordPress code a bit more, you can duplicate an existing theme and bend it to your will.

That might involve things like deleting all of the current styles and creating your own. You can also dig into the other theme files and remove elements you don’t need and add others. For example, you might want to alter the HTML structure of the theme. To do so, you’ll need to open various files such as header.php, index.php and footer.php and update the HTML parts with your own template elements.

A new folder containing files to be edited

Along the way, you might decide there are lots of features in the copied theme you no longer need, such as post comments and various sidebar elements such as categories and bookmarks. You’ll find PHP snippets for these elements in the various theme files, and you can simply delete them or move them around to other locations.

It can take a bit of searching around to work out which files contain the elements you want to delete or move, but it’s a good way to get familiar with your WordPress theme to dig in to the files like this.

Another option here, rather than duplicating an existing theme, is to start with a “starter theme”, which we look at below.

Option 3: Building a Theme from Scratch

A more daunting option — but more fun, too! — is to create your own theme completely from scratch. This is actually simpler than it sounds, because at a minimum you only need two files — style.css and index.php.

The minimum required files for building your own theme

That, however, would result in a pretty limited theme! At a minimum, you’d probably want a functions.php file for custom functions, and perhaps several other template files for the various sections of the site, such as a 404.php template file for showing 404 pages.

In this example, we’ve created a folder in our themes directory called /scratch-theme/. (You’ll want to choose a spiffier name than that, of course.) The style.css file will serve as the main stylesheet of our WordPress theme. In that CSS file, we first need to add some header text. This is a basic example:

Theme Name: My Scratch Theme
Theme URI: https://sitepoint.com
Author: Sufyan bin Uzayr
Author URI: http://sufyanism.com
Description: Just a fancy starter theme for SitePoint
Version: 1
License: GNU General Public License v2 or later
License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html
Tags: clean, starter

You can now head to the WordPress admin Themes section, where we’ll see our now theme listed.

Our new theme listed as an option

At this point, it doesn’t offer any custom styles and layouts, but can still be activated and used nonetheless. (You can add a thumbnail image for the theme by uploading an image file named “screenshot” to the theme’s root folder, preferably 880 x 660px.)

For more in-depth guidance of WordPress theme development, check out the WordPress Codex theme development guide.

It’s fairly straightforward to create a very basic WordPress theme from scratch, but going beyond that is more challenging. Before deciding this is a bit outside your wheelhouse, let’s check out some of the tools that are available to help you along.

The post Three Ways to Create Your Own WordPress Theme appeared first on SitePoint.

Tailor Brands Review: Instant Custom-Made Logos for Small Business Owners and Startups

Original Source: https://inspiredm.com/tailor-brands-review-instant-custom-made-logos-for-small-business-owners-and-startups/

Meta: This Tailor Brands review delves into all the details about its features, functionalities, pricing, and possible drawbacks.

Apple. Undoubtedly one of the biggest brands today. And in case you haven’t seen the news yet, it’s the first U.S. Company to hit the $1 trillion market cap.

Well-deserved, I bet. And not just because it develops innovative phones and PC. Not at all. Many companies are doing that already. And some are launching more revolutionary products. But still, Apple somehow managed to maneuver its way to the $1 trillion value ahead of the pack.

How, you ask?

Call it what you want, but the fact is- getting their branding right laid the foundation for everything. “iMac” essentially converted a regular PC into a special product with a name of its own. And the same applies to “iPhones”.

Now that’s clever branding. However, the most impressive element overall is the Apple logo. Isaac Newton’s light bulb moment, after getting hit by a falling apple,  basically inspired one of the most captivating logos of both the 20th and 21st century.

So, you think you can beat that branding strategy?

Technically, you should be able to, considering all the branding tools available on the web. In fact, allow me to walk you through one of the seemingly dominant solutions today.

Tailor Brands Review: Overview

Of course, you completely understand the importance of business branding. Sadly, you’re too busy to enroll yourself in a graphic design course.

Besides, there are many professional and freelance graphic designers out there. Hiring someone to handle the whole branding thing might seem like the most convenient option, right?

Now, I don’t know about you. But, I believe that branding is best designed when business owners passionately commit to the entire process.

Let’s face it. You’re the only person who comprehensively understands your business inside out. In other words, you are the best asset to the brand design process.

And that’s one of the reasons why co-founders Nadav Shatz, Tom Lahat, and Yali Saar established Tailor Brands in 2014- to make it easier for business owners to design and manage their brands.

Admittedly, by then, there were numerous logo makers on the web. But, here’s the thing- none of them had implemented a holistically automated system.

Until Tailor Brands came along. It was the first solution to leverage artificial intelligence to facilitate automated logo design. And this has seen it attract more than 3 million users over the years, who’ve collectively produced over 100 million designs.

Tailor Brands

Today, Tailor Brands is much more than just a logo design engine. It sells itself as an all-in-one branding solution that combines logo design with critical tools for driving branding campaigns.

Sounds like something you’d want to check out?

Well, I handled that for you. And quite comprehensively to be precise. So, I’ll give you the truth and nothing but the truth- this Tailor Brands review delves into all the details about its features, functionalities, pricing, and possible drawbacks.

Now let’s get to it…

Tailor Brands Review: Features
Logo Design Process

Ok. I’ll admit that quite a number of the design solutions I’ve tested out use a drag-and-drop editor. While this method is arguably considered user-friendly, let’s face it. It’s only simple when you compare it with complex alternatives like coding.

If you’ve tried one before, it probably took you some time to learn the ropes. It typically takes several rounds of edits to ultimately make up your mind about a good final design.

So, of course, I was fairly excited to see a different approach on Tailor Brands.

First off, you’ll be required to enter your brand’s name, followed by the industry. A drop-down list of suggestions comes in handy here to help you get it over and done with as fast as possible.

Then comes the preference stage. The system basically presents you with three options for your logo- either develop it from your brand name’s initials, or go with the entire name altogether, or proceed with an icon logo.

logo design

Let me guess. Since initials seem too boring, and a brand name logo is essentially a fancy replication of what you already have, I bet you’d choose the icon. Or you might as well skip the step and let the system run its algorithms to pick out an ideal design for your business.

Well, of course, I decided to proceed with the popular option here. And for my icon-logo, the system requested me to upload an image from my gallery, or have one developed from an abstract shape.

Neat and pleasantly straightforward, to say the least. But, what happens when you choose a name-based logo?

Good thing I’m a curious cat. So I went back and gave the name-based option a try. It turns out the system conducts about five to six steps of requesting you to pick out a favorite from a set of images.

The whole idea behind this, as I came to establish, is helping Tailor Brand’s algorithm get a feel of your overall aesthetic preferences. Quite a fine touch, as opposed to simply generating random logos based on popular favorites.

Now, I know what you’re thinking. Heck, doesn’t the system proceed to generate random guesses when you skip the logo type stage?

Oddly enough, it doesn’t. It actually does the same thing as the name-based logo process. You’ll still get numerous sets of logos, from where you should select the ones that feel like your cup of tea. Subsequently, the system runs structured assessments based on the underlying algorithms to comprehend what you like most.

Then it generates a wide range of possible logos for your brand, complete with corresponding previews of how they’d actually look like on mobile view, letterheads, T-shirts, business cards, social media, and other relevant platforms.

It’s like hiring a designer who keenly reviews your business, studies your overall preferences, then generates corresponding brand concepts, before helping you make a final decision.

But, is that all? There’s no editing at all?

The good news is- you can edit several elements of your logo, including spacing, font, color, and more. The bad news is- this is not open to trial users. You have to pay to edit the logo.

logo editing

Well, all things considered, it goes without saying that the entire process is exceedingly user-friendly. Although it doesn’t guarantee you a logo that’s unique all around, everything is simple and straightforward. Because otherwise, you obviously wouldn’t want to spend days figuring your way around a complicated graphic-design software just to create a simple logo.

Social Media Tools

Now, guess what? It doesn’t end with logo creation. Come to think of it, plenty of tools can do that. What sets Tailor Brands apart from them is the fact that it’s not just about logos. It seemingly takes the whole concept of branding pretty seriously.

That’s why it goes ahead to provide a range of social media tools to further empower your branding strategy. And it all makes sense since social media is currently the principal platform businesses are leveraging to hunt for prospects. In fact, 98% of small businesses have already tried social media marketing.

Good enough? Now, let’s dive into the details.

Tailor Brand’s Social Posts tool, for starters, helps you customize branded images to post on social media. This strategy alone has been proven to engage twice as many social media users as posts without images.

And speaking of strategy, another tool you get is the Social Strategy. This helps you organize and streamline your entire social media framework. In addition to an automated post scheduler, it comes with features for curating posts, saving pre-made posts, keeping track of all your campaigns, and more.

Then, when it comes to impressions, Tailor Brands offers you a tool called Social Cover Banners. This is exceptionally critical because the fundamental objective behind branding has always been trying to make solid impressions on the target market.

And when it comes to social media, your profile has got to be outstanding enough to leave a lasting impression. Social Cover Banners helps you achieve this by providing branded customized banners to place at the top of your LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook pages.

Online Brand Book

Using algorithms to develop a logo based on your overall preferences is impressive. But, let’s be honest here. Even when you’re fully satisfied with the outcome, the truth is- you’re just one element in an extensive network of audiences.

In other words, your target market does not participate in the initial design process. And that should be enough to get you worried, especially when you consider the fact that design is more of a subjective matter. So, in essence, your audience might not share the same sentiments about the brand as you.

Thankfully, Tailor Brand’s professional designers swing into action to help you avoid such a disaster. And they do so through an online brand book, which is offered as along with your branding package.

Quite simply, the online brand book is like a Magna Carta of sorts. It contains valuable pointers about branding, which you can use to further refine your design. Some of the elements it delves into include primary and complementary colors, spacing, fonts, logo placement, plus sizes.

tailor brands online brand book

Over time, you’ll be able to maintain a consistent branding strategy even when you hire new members to join your team.


By now, you’re probably already used to the standard business metrics you get on most web-based solutions. I’m talking about things like conversion rate, bounce rate, traffic size, etc.

Now, get this. Analytics on Tailor Brands are a bit different. Instead of monitoring your web traffic, the system assesses how the market is responding to your branding strategy.

And you know what? It goes beyond typical social media indicators like the number of post likes. To adequately establish how your audience is warming up to the brand, Tailor Brands maintains a keen eye on the engagement patterns, plus events happening around your brand- on both social media and the web.

Tailor Brands Review: Pricing

Tailor Brands has seemingly extended its simplicity concept to the pricing structure. There are only two plans for all types of users.

Well, you can proceed with the logo design process without paying a dime. But, unfortunately, that’s all you can do. You need an active subscription to buy a logo. And the best thing is- you’ll retain all the rights to your logo after purchasing.

That said, here are the subscriptions options

Dynamic Logo– Costs $9.99 per month, while annual prepay subscribers end up paying $2.99 per month.

Unlimited Backup
Weebly Website Builder
Social Strategy
Seasonal logos
Social Analytics
Commercial Use License
Transparent PNG
High-Resolution Logo

Premium– Costs $49.99 per month, while annual prepay subscribers end up paying $10.99 per month.

Unlimited Backup
Weebly Website Builder
Facebook Ads
Branded Watermark Tool
Branded Business Deck
Branded Presentation
Online Brand Guidelines
Social Covers Design Tool
Weekly Facebook Posts
Business Card Design Tool
Logo Resize Tool
Make Changes and Re-Download
Social Strategy
Seasonal Logos
Social Analytics
Commercial Use License
Transparent PNG & Vector EPS Files
High-Resolution Logo

tailor brands pricing

Who Should Consider Using Tailor Brands?

Going by all the features we’ve covered, Tailor Brands’ primary strong point is simplicity and user-friendliness. Users who’ve never spent even a single second of their life on any graphics design software can generate a decent logo in just a couple of minutes. All things considered, it’s ridiculously straightforward.

But then again, and rather ironically, that might also be its principal drawback to a couple of users. I’m talking about designers who prefer dynamic graphics editing solutions that can customize everything.

So, let’s agree on one thing- Tailor Brands is best for small business owners and startups seeking a simple and straightforward platform, which can systematically convert their ideas into logos and power their branding campaigns.

The post Tailor Brands Review: Instant Custom-Made Logos for Small Business Owners and Startups appeared first on Inspired Magazine.

My Best Practices for Deploying a Web Application on Alibaba Cloud

Original Source: https://www.sitepoint.com/my-best-practices-for-deploying-a-web-application-on-alibaba-cloud/

This article was originally published on Alibaba Cloud. Thank you for supporting the partners who make SitePoint possible.

In this article, I want to share the best practices I use when deploying a web application to Alibaba Cloud. I work as a freelancer and recently one of my clients asked me to setup SuiteCRM for his small organization. Since I frequently write tutorials for Alibaba Cloud, I recommended that the client use the same cloud platform. For nearly 100 users and at least 30 concurrent users, here's the configuration I recommended.

ECS instance of 2 vCPUs and 4GB RAM to install Nginx with PHP-FPM.
ApsaraDB for RDS instance for MySQL with 1GB core, 1 GB RAM, and 10 GB storage.
Direct Mail for sending emails.

The steps I followed are very simple and can be adopted for nearly all PHP based applications.

If you are new to Alibaba Cloud, you can use this link to sign up to Alibaba Cloud. You will get new user credit worth US$300 for free, which you can use to try out different Alibaba Cloud products.

Creating an ECS Instance

Alibaba Cloud has documented nearly everything you will require to get started with the cloud platform. You can use the Getting Started Tutorials or the Tech Share Blog to learn how to start using Alibaba Cloud. You can find the most obvious steps in the Quick Start Guide and let me walk you through the best practices to use when creating the ECS instance.

Log in to your Alibaba Cloud console and go to Elastic Compute Service interface. You can easily create the instance by clicking the Create Instance button. Things to keep in mind are:

Region: Since Alibaba Cloud has data centers all around the globe, always choose the region which is geographically closer to the users of the application. As the data center is closer to the user, the website will load very fast due to the low latency of the network. In my case, I chose Mumbai region, as the organization was based in Mumbai itself.
Billing Method: If you are planning to continuously run the instance 24/7, you should always choose the monthly subscription as it will cut down the price to less than half compared to Pay-As-You-Go. For example, the monthly subscription cost of a shared type ECS instance of 2 vCPUs and 4GB RAM is $23 USD but the same instance in Pay-As-You-Go costs $0.103 USD per Hour. Monthly cost becomes $0.103*24*30 = $74.16 USD.
Instance Type: Choose the instance type according to your requirements. Resources can be increased later on demand.
Image: You may find the application you wish to install on your ECS instance on a Marketplace image but it is always recommended to install it yourself in a clean official image. Later, if your application encounters some error, you will know where to look.
Storage: System disks are deleted when the ECS instance is released. Use data disk when possible as your disk will be retained even after the instance is accidentally deleted.

Here's the configuration I used.

You can choose the VPC which is created by default. You can add as many as 4092 instances in it. I use a different security group for each ECS instance so that I can configure individually and make sure that no unused port is opened.

Another important thing is to use key-based authentication rather than using passwords. If you already have a key-pair, you can add the public key to Alibaba Cloud. If not, you can use Alibaba Cloud to create one. Make sure that key is stored in a very secure place, and the key itself is encrypted by a passphrase.

That's all the things to keep in mind while creating the ECS instance.

Setting Up the ECS Instance

Once you have created your instance and logged into the terminal, there are few things I suggest you should consider before you set up your website.

Rather than using the root account for executing the commands, set up a sudo user on the first connection and always use the sudo user for running the commands. You can also set key based authentication for the sudo user, and disable root login entirely.
Always keep your base image updated.
Alibaba base images do not have any extra package which is not required. Do not install any package that’s not required.
If things go bad during installation, you can always reset the instance by changing the system disk. You don't need to delete the instance and recreate it.

I created the sudo user and configured key based auth in it. I updated the base image and set up unattended system upgrades. I followed a tutorial to install Nginx web server, which is a lightweight production-grade web server. Further, I installed PHP 7.2 with PHP-FPM. PHP 7.2 is the latest available version of PHP as of now. Using the latest software will ensure that the system is free from all the bugs and we will also get a faster processing and more stability. Finally, I downloaded the SuiteCRM archive from its official website and deployed the files into Nginx.

You can use the getting started tutorials or the tutorials written by Tech Share authors to install the applications.

Configuring Security Group Rules

It is very important to leave no unused port open in the security group of the ECS instance. Have a look at the security group rules I used for the SuiteCRM instance.

You can see that I have allowed only the ports 22, 80 and 443 along with all ICMP packets. Port 22 is used for SSH connection. Port 80 is the unsecured HTTP port, which in my case just redirects to the port 443 on HTTPS. ICMP packets are used to ping the host to check if it is alive or not. It's perfectly okay if you want to drop the ICMP packets as well — you just won't be able to ping your instance.

Creating the RDS Instance

The first question to ask before we create the RDS instance is why exactly we need it. We could install any open source database server such as MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL or MongoDB server on the ECS instance itself.

The answer to the question is that ApsaraDB for RDS is optimized for speed and security. By default, the instance we create is only accessible to the whitelisted instances only.

Let's look at the things to keep in mind when we create the ECS instance.

Region: Always choose the same region for the database instance and the ECS instance. Also, make sure that they both are in the same VPC. This will enable you to leverage the free intranet data transfer between the hosts in the same network. Another advantage is that you will need to whitelist only the private IP address of the ECS instance. This increases the security of the database to a great extent.
Billing: Again, the cost of monthly subscription is less than that of the Pay-As-You-Go method. Choose according to your needs.
Capacity: You can start with a low-end configuration such as 1 Core, 1 GB instance, and 5 GB storage. Later on you can increase resources.
Accounts: Never create the Master account for the MySQL 5.6 instance unless required. You can create a database and a database user for each database.

Here's the RDS configuration I used for SuiteCRM.

The post My Best Practices for Deploying a Web Application on Alibaba Cloud appeared first on SitePoint.

Space Escape Illustration Series

Original Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/abduzeedo/~3/TR_Ss0zT4zQ/space-escape-illustration-series

Space Escape Illustration Series

Space Escape Illustration Series

Oct 30, 2018

Prateek Vatash is a graphic artist based in Bangalore, India. He shared on his Behance, an illustration series entitled: Space Escape. It’s a beautiful series with a true inspiration from the 80s but added with a flair of a broad range of vibrant colors. I published the entire collection since every single piece has something special and unique of its kind. Make sure to check out more of his work, enjoy!

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digital art

Video Playback On The Web: Video Delivery Best Practices (Part 2)

Original Source: https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2018/10/video-playback-on-the-web-part-2/

Video Playback On The Web: Video Delivery Best Practices (Part 2)

Video Playback On The Web: Video Delivery Best Practices (Part 2)

Doug Sillars


In my previous post, I examined video trends on the web today, using data from the HTTP Archive. I found that many websites serve the same video content on mobile and desktop, and that many video streams are being delivered at bitrates that are too high to playback on 3G speed connections. We also discovered that may websites automatically download video to mobile devices — damaging customer’s data plans, battery life, for videos that might not ever be played.

TL;DR: In this post, we look at techniques to optimize the speed and delivery of video to your customers, and provide a list of 9 best practices to help you deliver your video assets.

Video Playback Metrics

There are 3 principal video playback metrics in use today:

Video Startup Time
Video Stalling
Video Quality

Since video files are large, optimizing the video to be as small as possible will lead to faster video delivery, speeding up video start, lowering the number of stalls, and minimizing the effect of the quality of the video delivered. Of course, we need to balance startup speed and stalling with the third metric of quality (and higher quality videos generally use more data).

Video Startup

When a user presses play on a video, they expect to be able to watch the video quickly. According to Conviva (a leader in video metric analysis), in Q1 of 2018, 14% of videos never started playing (that’s 2.4 Billion video plays) after the user pressed play.

Pie chart showing that nearly 15% of all videos fail to play

Video Start Breakdown (Large preview)

2.3% of videos (400M video requests) failed to play after the user pressed the play button. 11.54% (2B plays) were abandoned by the user after pressing play. Let’s try to break down what might be causing these issues.

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Smashing Cat, just preparing to do some magic stuff.

Video Playback Failure

Video playback failure accounted for 2.3% of all video plays. What could lead to this? In the HTTP Archive data, we see 0.3% of all video requests resulting in a 4xx or 5xx HTTP response — so some percentage fail to bad URLs or server misconfigurations. Another potential issue (that is not observed in the HTTP Archive data) are videos that are blocked by Geolocation (blocked based on the location of the viewer and the licensing of the provider to display the video in that locale).

Video Playback Abandonment

The Conviva report states that 11.5% of all video plays would play, but that the customer abandoned the playback before the video started playing. The issue here is that the video is not being delivered to the customer fast enough, and they give up. There are many studies on the mobile web where long delays cause abandonment of web pages, and it appears that the same effect occurs with video playback as well.

Research from Akamai shows that viewers will wait for 2 seconds, but for each subsequent second, 5.8% of viewers abandon the video.

Chart displaying the abandonment rate as startup time is longer.

Rate of abandonment over time (Large preview)

So what leads to video playback issues? In general, larger files take longer to download, so will delay playback. Let’s look at a few ways that one can speed up the playback of videos. To reduce the number of videos abandoned at startup, we should ‘slim’ down these files as best as possible, so they download (and begin playback) quickly.

MP4: Video Preload

To ensure fast playback on the web, one option is to preload the video onto the device in advance. That way, when your customer clicks ‘play’ the video is already downloaded, and playback will be fast. HTML offers a preload attribute with 3 possible options: auto, metadata and none.

preload = auto

When your video is delivered with preload="auto", the browser downloads the entire video file and stores it locally. This permits a large performance improvement for video startup, since the video is available locally on the device, and no network interference will slow the startup.

However, preload="auto" should only be used if there is a high probability that the video will be viewed. If the video is simply resident on your webpage, and it is downloaded each time, this will add a large data penalty to your mobile users, as well as increase your server/CDN costs for delivering the entire video to all of your users.

This website has a section entitled “Video Gallery” with several videos. Each video in this section has preload set to auto, and we can visualize their download in the WebPageTest waterfall as green horizontal lines:

A WebPageTEst Waterfall chart

Waterfall of video preload (Large preview)

There is a section called “Video Gallery”, and the files for this small section of the website account for 14.6M (83%) of the page download. The odds that one (of many) videos will be played is probably pretty low, and so utilizing preload="auto" only generates a lot of data traffic for the site.

Pie Chart showing the high percentage (83%) of video usage.

Webpage data breakdown (Large preview)

In this case, it is unlikely that even one of these videos will be viewed, yet all of them are downloaded completely, adding 14.8MB of content to the mobile site (83% of the content on the page). For videos that are have a high probability of playback (perhaps >90% of page views result in video play) — preloading the entire video is a very good idea. But for videos that are unlikely to be played, preload="auto" will only cause extra tonnage of content through your servers and to your customer’s mobile (and desktop) devices.


When the preload="metadata" attribute is used, an initial segment of the video is downloaded. This allows the player to know the size of the video window, and to perhaps have a second or 2 of video downloaded for immediate playback. The browser simply makes a 206 (partial request) of the video content. By storing a small bit of video data on the device, video startup time is decreased, without a large impact to the amount of data transferred.

On Chrome, metadata is the default choice if no attribute is chosen.

Note: This can still lead to a large amount of video to be downloaded, if the video is large.

For example, on a mobile website with a video set at preload="metadata", we see just one request for video:

Webpage Test Waterfall chart

(Large preview)

And the request is a partial download, but it still results in 2.7 MB of video to be downloaded because the full video is 1080p, 150s long and 97 MB (we’ll talk about optimizing video size in the next sections).

Pie chart showing that 2.7 MB or 42% of data is still vide with preload=metadata.

KB usage with video metadata (Large preview)

So, I would recommend that preload="metadata" still only be used when there is a fairly high probability that the video will be viewed by your users, or if the video is small.


The most economical download option for videos, as no video files are downloaded when the page is loaded. This will potentially add a delay in playback, but will result in faster initial page load For sites with many videos on a single page, it may make sense to add a poster to the video window, and not download any of the video until it is expressly requested by the end user. All YouTube videos that are embedded on websites never download any video content until the play button is pressed, essentially behaving as if preload="none".

Preload Best Practice: Only use preload="auto" if there is a high probability that the video will be watched. In general, the use of preload="metadata" provides a good balance in data usage vs. startup time, but should be monitored for excessive data usage.

MP4 Video Playback Tips

Now that the video has started, how can we ensure that the video playback can be optimized to not stall and continue playing. Again, the trick is to make sure the video is as small as possible.

Let’s look at some tricks to optimize the size of video downloads. There are several dimensions of video that can be optimized to reduce the size of the video:


Video files are split into different “streams” — the most common being the video stream. The second most common stream is the audio track that syncs to the video. In some video playback applications, the audio stream is delivered separately; this allows for different languages to be delivered in s seamless manner.

If your video is played back in a silent manner (like a looping GIF, or a background video), removing the audio stream from the video is a quick and easy way to reduce the file size. In one example of a background video, the full file was 5.3 MB, but the audio track (which is never heard) was nearly 300 KB (5% of the file) By simple eliminating the audio, the file will be delivered quickly without wasting bytes.

42% of the MP4 files found on the HTTP Archive have no audio stream.

Best Practice: Remove the audio tracks from videos that are played silently.

Video Encoding

When encoding a video, there are options to reduce the video quality (number of pixels per frame, or the frames per second). Reducing a high-quality video to be suitable for the web is easy to do, and generally does not affect the quality delivered to your end users. This article is not long enough for an in depth discussion of all the various compression techniques available for video. In x264 and x265 encoders, there is a term called the Constant Rate Factor (CRF). Using a CRF of 23-28 will generally give a good compression/quality trade off, and is a great first start into the realm of video compression

Video Size

Video size can be affected by many dimensions: length, width, and height (you could probably include audio here as well).

Video Duration

The length of the video is generally not a feature that a web developer can adjust. If the video is going to playback for three minutes, it is going to playback for three minutes. In cases in which the video is exceptionally long, tools like preload="none" or streaming the video can allow for a smaller amount of data to be downloaded initially to reduce page load time.

Video Dimensions

18% of all video found in the HTTP Archive is identical on mobile and desktop. Those who have worked with responsive web design know how optimizing images for different viewports can drastically reduce load times since the size of the images is much smaller for smaller screens.

The same holds for video. A website with a 30 MB 2560×1226 background video will have a hard time downloading the video on mobile (probably on desktop, too!). Resizing the video drastically decreases the files size, and might even allow for three or four different background videos to be served:

Video (MB)






Now, unfortunately, browsers do not support media queries for video in HTML, meaning that this just does not work:

<video preload=”auto” autoplay muted controls
source sizes=”(max-width:1400px 100vw, 1400px”
srcset=”small.mp4 200w,
medium.mp4 800w,
large.mp4 1400w”


Therefore, we’ll need to create a small JS wrapper to deliver the videos we want to different screen sizes. But before we go there…

Downloading Video, But Hiding It From View

Another throwback to the early responsive web is to download full-size images, but to hide them on mobile devices. Your customers get all the delay for downloading the large images (and hit to mobile data plan, and extra battery drain, etc.), and none of the benefit of actually seeing the image. This occurs quite frequently with video on mobile. So, as we write our script, we can ensure that smaller screens never request the video that will not appear in the first place.

Retina Quality Videos

You may have different videos for different device screen densities. This can lead to added time to download the videos to your mobile customers. You may wish to prevent retina videos on smaller screen devices, or on devices with a limited network bandwidth, falling to back to standard quality videos for these devices. Tools like the Network Information API can provide you with the network throughput, and help you decide which video quality you’d like to serve to your customer.

Downloading Different Video Types Based On Device Size And Network Quality

We’ve just covered a few ways to optimize the delivery of movies to smaller screens, and also noted the inability of the video tag to choose between video types, so here is a quick JS snippet that will use the screen width to:

Not deliver video on screens below 500px;
Deliver small videos for screens 500-1400;
Deliver a larger sized video to all other devices.

<div id=”video”> </div>
<div id=”text”></div>
//get screen width and pixel ratio
var width = screen.width;
var dpr = window.devicePixelRatio;
//initialise 2 videos —
//“small” is 960 pixels wide (2.6 MB), large is 1920 pixels wide (10 MB)
var smallVideo=”http://res.cloudinary.com/dougsillars/video/upload/w_960/v1534228645/30s4kbbb_oblsgc.mp4″;
var bigVideo = “http://res.cloudinary.com/dougsillars/video/upload/w_1920/v1534228645/30s4kbbb_oblsgc.mp4”;
//TODO add logic on adding retina videos
if (width<500){
console.log(“this is a very small screen, no video will be requested”);

else if (width< 1400){
console.log(“let’s call this mobile sized”);
var videoTag = “<video preload=”auto” width=”100%” autoplay muted controls src=”” +smallVideo +””/>”;
document.getElementById(‘video’).innerHTML = videoTag;
document.getElementById(‘text’).innerHTML = “This is a small video.”;
var videoTag = “<video preload=”auto” width=”100%” autoplay muted controls src=”” +bigVideo +””/>”;
document.getElementById(‘video’).innerHTML = videoTag;
document.getElementById(‘text’).innerHTML = “This is a big video.”;



This script divides user’s screens into three options:

Under 500 pixels, no video is shown.
Between 500 and 1400, we have a smaller video.
For larger than 1400 pixel wide screens, we have a larger video.

Our page has a responsive video with two different sizes: one for mobile, and another for desktop-sized screens. Mobile users get great video quality, but the file is only 2.6 MB, compared to the 10MB video for desktop.

Animated GIFs

Animated GIFs are big files. While both aGIFs and video files compress the data through width and height dimensions, only video files have compression (on the often larger) time axis. aGIFs are essentially “flipping through” static GIF images quickly. This lack of compression adds a significant amount of data. Thankfully, it is possible to replace aGIFs with a looping video, potentially saving MBs of data for each request.

<video loop autoplay muted playsinline src=”pseudoGif.mp4″>

In Safari, there is an even fancier approach: You can place a looping mp4 in the picture tag, like so:

<source type=”video/mp4″ loop autoplay srcset=”loopingmp4.mp4″>
<source type=”image/webp” srcset=”animated.webp”>

In this case, Safari will play the animated GIF, while Chrome (and other browsers that support WebP) will play the animated WebP, with a fallback to the animated GIF. You can read more about this approach in Colin Bendell’s great post.

Third-Party Videos

One of the easiest ways to add video to your website is to simply copy/paste the code from a video sharing service and put it on your site. However, just like adding any third party to your site, you need to be vigilant about what kind of content is added to your page, and how that will affect page load. Many of these “simply paste this into your HTML” widgets add 100s of KB of JavaScript. Others will download the entire movie (think preload="auto"), and some will do both.

Third-Party Video Best Practice: Trust but verify. Examine how much content is added, and how much it affects your page load time. Also, the behavior might change, so track with your analytics regularly.

Streaming Startup

When a video stream is requested, the server supplies a manifest file to the player, listing every available stream (with dimensions and bitrate information). In HLS streaming, the player generally chooses the first stream in the list to begin playback. Therefore, the stream positioned first in the manifest file should be optimized for video startup on both mobile and desktop (or perhaps alternative manifest files should be delivered to mobile vs. desktop).

In most cases, the startup is optimized by using a lower quality stream to begin playback. Once the player downloads a few segments, it has a better idea of available throughput and can select a higher quality stream for later segments. As a user, you have likely seen this — where the first few seconds of a video looks very pixelated, but a few seconds into playback the video sharpens.

In examining 1,065 manifest files delivered to mobile devices from the HTTP Archive, we find that 59% of videos have an initial bitrate under 1.2 MBPS — and are likely to start streaming without any much delay at 1.6 MBPS 3G data rates. 11% use a bitrate between 1.2 and 1.6 MBPS — which may slow the startup on 3G, and 30% have a bitrate above 1.6 MBPS — and are unable to playback at this bitrate on a 3G connection. Based on this data, it appears that ~41% of all videos will not be able to sustain the initial bitrate on mobile — adding to startup delay, and possibly increased number of stalls during playback.

Column chart showing initial bitrates in streaming videos. Many videos have too high an initial bitrate to stream on mobile.

Initial bitrate for video streams (Large preview)

Streaming Startup Best Practice: Ensure your initial bitrate in the manifest file is one that will work for most of your customers. If the player has to change streams during startup, playback will be delayed and you will lose video views.

So, what happens when the video’s bitrate is near (or above) the available throughput? After a few seconds of download without a completed video segment ready for playback, the player stops the download and chooses a lower quality bitrate video, and begins the process again. The action of downloading a video segment and then abandoning leads to additional startup delay, which will lead to video abandonment.

We can visualize this by building video manifests with different initial bitrates. We test 3 different scenarios: starting with the lowest (215 KBPS), middle (600 KBPS), and highest bitrate (2.6 MBPS).

When beginning with the lowest quality video, playback begins at 11s. After a few seconds, the player begins requesting a higher quality stream, and the picture sharpens.

When starting with the highest bitrate (testing on a 3G connection at 1.6 MBPS), the player quickly realizes that playback cannot occur, and switches to the lowest bitrate video (215 KBPS). The video starts playing at 17s. There is a 6-second delay, and the video quality is the same low quality delivered to in the first test.

Using the middle-quality video allows for a bit of a tradeoff, the video begins playing at 13s (2 seconds slower), but is high quality from the start -and there is no jump from pixelated to higher quality video.

Best Practice for Video Startup: For fastest playback, start with the lowest quality stream. For longer videos, you might consider using a ‘middle quality’ stream at start to deliver sharp video at startup (with a slightly longer delay).

Thumbnails of 3 pages with video loading.

WebPage Test Thumbnails (Large preview)

WebPageTest results: Initial video stream is low, middle and high (from top to bottom). The video starts the fastest with the lowest quality video. It is important to note that the high quality start video at 17s is the same quality as the low quality start at 11s.

Streaming: Continuing Playback

When the video player can determine the optimal video stream for playback and the stream is lower than the available network speed, the video will playback with no issues. There are tricks that can help ensure that the video will deliver in an optimal manner. If we examine the following manifest entry:


The information line reports that this stream has a 913 KBPS bitrate, and 640×360 resolution. If we look at the URL that this line points to, we see that it references a 600k video. Examining the video files shows that the video is 600 KBPS, and the manifest is overstating the bitrate.

Overstating The Video Bitrate

Overstating the bitrate will ensure that when the player chooses a stream, the video will download faster than expected, and the buffer will fill up faster than expected, reducing the possibility of a stall.
By overstating the bitrate, the video delivered will be a lower quality stream. If we look at the entire list of reported vs. actual bitrates:

Reported (KBS)








For users on a 1.6 MBPS connection, the player will choose the 913 KBPS bitrate, serving the customer 600 KBPS video. However, if the bitrates had been reported accurately, the 950 KBPS bitrate would be used, and would likely have streamed with no issues. While the choices here prevent stalls, they also lower the quality of the delivered video to the consumer.

Best Practice: A small overstatement of video bitrate may be useful to reduce the number of stalls in playback. However, too large a value can lead to reduced quality playback.

Test the Neilsen video in the browser, and see if you can make it jump back and forth.


In this post, we’ve walked through a number of ways to optimize the videos that you present on your websites. By following the best practices illustrated in this post:

Only use if there is a high probability that this video will be watched by your customers.
Default in Chrome, but can still lead to large video file downloads. Use with caution.
Silent Videos (looping GIFs or background videos)
Strip out the audio channel
Video Dimensions
Consider delivering differently sized video to mobile over desktop. The videos will be smaller, download faster, and your users are unlikely to see the difference (your server load will go down too!)
Video Compression
Don’t forget to compress the videos to ensure that they are delivered
Don’t ‘hide’ videos
If the video will not be displayed — don’t download it.
Audit your third-party videos regularly
Start with a lower quality stream to ensure fast startup. (For longer play videos, consider a medium bitrate for better quality at startup)
It’s OK to be conservative on bitrate to prevent stalling, but go too far, and the streams will deliver a lower quality video.

You will find that the video on your page is streamlined for optimal delivery and that your customers will not only delight in the video you present but also enjoy a faster page load time overall.

Smashing Editorial
(dm, ra, il)