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Remarkable Illustrations by Dylan Choonhachat

Original Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/abduzeedo/~3/MmxHa9eQdB4/remarkable-illustrations-dylan-choonhachat

Remarkable Illustrations by Dylan Choonhachat

Remarkable Illustrations by Dylan Choonhachat

Nov 09, 2018

Let’s take a look at the illustration works by Los Angeles based illustrator and sketch artist Dylan Choonhachat. We are featuring his remarkable set of illustrations where it’s mostly about character design. You can tell that his craft is progressing more and more. I can’t wait to see more of his work in the near future, make sure to give him some love on Behance.

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Remarkable Illustrations by Dylan ChoonhachatRemarkable Illustrations by Dylan ChoonhachatRemarkable Illustrations by Dylan ChoonhachatRemarkable Illustrations by Dylan ChoonhachatRemarkable Illustrations by Dylan ChoonhachatRemarkable Illustrations by Dylan ChoonhachatRemarkable Illustrations by Dylan ChoonhachatRemarkable Illustrations by Dylan ChoonhachatRemarkable Illustrations by Dylan Choonhachat

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Sharing Data Among Multiple Servers Through AWS S3

Original Source: https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2018/11/sharing-data-among-multiple-servers-through-aws-s3/

Sharing Data Among Multiple Servers Through AWS S3

Sharing Data Among Multiple Servers Through AWS S3

Leonardo Losoviz


When providing some functionality for processing a file uploaded by the user, the file must be available to the process throughout the execution. A simple upload and save operation presents no issues. However, if in addition the file must be manipulated before being saved, and the application is running on several servers behind a load balancer, then we need to make sure that the file is available to whichever server is running the process at each time.

For instance, a multi-step “Upload your user avatar” functionality may require the user to upload an avatar on step 1, crop it on step 2, and finally save it on step 3. After the file is uploaded to a server on step 1, the file must be available to whichever server handles the request for steps 2 and 3, which may or may not be the same one for step 1.

A naive approach would be to copy the uploaded file on step 1 to all other servers, so the file would be available on all of them. However, this approach is not just extremely complex but also unfeasible: for instance, if the site runs on hundreds of servers, from several regions, then it cannot be accomplished.

A possible solution is to enable “sticky sessions” on the load balancer, which will always assign the same server for a given session. Then, steps 1, 2 and 3 will be handled by the same server, and the file uploaded to this server on step 1 will still be there for steps 2 and 3. However, sticky sessions are not fully reliable: If in between steps 1 and 2 that server crashed, then the load balancer will have to assign a different server, disrupting the functionality and the user experience. Likewise, always assigning the same server for a session may, under special circumstances, lead to slower response times from an overburdened server.

A more proper solution is to keep a copy of the file on a repository accessible to all servers. Then, after the file is uploaded to the server on step 1, this server will upload it to the repository (or, alternatively, the file could be uploaded to the repository directly from the client, bypassing the server); the server handling step 2 will download the file from the repository, manipulate it, and upload it there again; and finally the server handling step 3 will download it from the repository and save it.

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In this article, I will describe this latter solution, based on a WordPress application storing files on Amazon Web Services (AWS) Simple Storage Service (S3) (a cloud object storage solution to store and retrieve data), operating through the AWS SDK.

Note 1: For a simple functionality such as cropping avatars, another solution would be to completely bypass the server, and implement it directly in the cloud through Lambda functions. But since this article is about connecting an application running on the server with AWS S3, we don’t consider this solution.

Note 2: In order to use AWS S3 (or any other of the AWS services) we will need to have a user account. Amazon offers a free tier here for 1 year, which is good enough for experimenting with their services.

Note 3: There are 3rd party plugins for uploading files from WordPress to S3. One such plugin is WP Media Offload (the lite version is available here), which provides a great feature: it seamlessly transfers files uploaded to the Media Library to an S3 bucket, which allows to decouple the contents of the site (such as everything under /wp-content/uploads) from the application code. By decoupling contents and code, we are able to deploy our WordPress application using Git (otherwise we cannot since user-uploaded content is not hosted on the Git repository), and host the application on multiple servers (otherwise, each server would need to keep a copy of all user-uploaded content.)

Creating The Bucket

When creating the bucket, we need to pay consideration to the bucket name: Each bucket name must be globally unique on the AWS network, so even though we would like to call our bucket something simple like “avatars”, that name may already be taken, then we may choose something more distinctive like “avatars-name-of-my-company”.

We will also need to select the region where the bucket is based (the region is the physical location where the data center is located, with locations all over the world.)

The region must be the same one as where our application is deployed, so that accessing S3 during the process execution is fast. Otherwise, the user may have to wait extra seconds from uploading/downloading an image to/from a distant location.

Note: It makes sense to use S3 as the cloud object storage solution only if we also use Amazon’s service for virtual servers on the cloud, EC2, for running the application. If instead, we rely on some other company for hosting the application, such as Microsoft Azure or DigitalOcean, then we should also use their cloud object storage services. Otherwise, our site will suffer an overhead from data traveling among different companies’ networks.

In the screenshots below we will see how to create the bucket where to upload the user avatars for cropping. We first head to the S3 dashboard and click on “Create bucket”:

S3 dashboard

S3 dashboard, showing all our existing buckets. (Large preview)

Then we type in the bucket name (in this case, “avatars-smashing”) and choose the region (“EU (Frankfurt)”):

Create a bucket screen

Creating a bucket through in S3. (Large preview)

Only the bucket name and region are mandatory. For the following steps we can keep the default options, so we click on “Next” until finally clicking on “Create bucket”, and with that, we will have the bucket created.

Setting Up The User Permissions

When connecting to AWS through the SDK, we will be required to enter our user credentials (a pair of access key ID and secret access key), to validate that we have access to the requested services and objects. User permissions can be very general (an “admin” role can do everything) or very granular, just granting permission to the specific operations needed and nothing else.

As a general rule, the more specific our granted permissions, the better, as to avoid security issues. When creating the new user, we will need to create a policy, which is a simple JSON document listing the permissions to be granted to the user. In our case, our user permissions will grant access to S3, for bucket “avatars-smashing”, for the operations of “Put” (for uploading an object), “Get” (for downloading an object), and “List” (for listing all the objects in the bucket), resulting in the following policy:

“Version”: “2012-10-17”,
“Statement”: [
“Effect”: “Allow”,
“Action”: [
“Resource”: [

In the screenshots below, we can see how to add user permissions. We must go to the Identity and Access Management (IAM) dashboard:

IAM dashboard

IAM dashboard, listing all the users we have created. (Large preview)

In the dashboard, we click on “Users” and immediately after on “Add User”. In the Add User page, we choose a user name (“crop-avatars”), and tick on “Programmatic access” as the Access type, which will provide the access key ID and secret access key for connecting through the SDK:

Add user page

Adding a new user. (Large preview)

We then click on button “Next: Permissions”, click on “Attach existing policies directly”, and click on “Create policy”. This will open a new tab in the browser, with the Create policy page. We click on the JSON tab, and enter the JSON code for the policy defined above:

Create policy page

Creating a policy granting ‘Get’, ‘Post’ and ‘List’ operations on the ‘avatars-smashing’ bucket. (Large preview)

We then click on Review policy, give it a name (“CropAvatars”), and finally click on Create policy. Having the policy created, we switch back to the previous tab, select the CropAvatars policy (we may need to refresh the list of policies to see it), click on Next: Review, and finally on Create user. After this is done, we can finally download the access key ID and secret access key (please notice that these credentials are available for this unique moment; if we don’t copy or download them now, we’ll have to create a new pair):

User creation success page

After the user is created, we are offered a unique time to download the credentials. (Large preview)

Connecting To AWS Through The SDK

The SDK is available through a myriad of languages. For a WordPress application, we require the SDK for PHP which can be downloaded from here, and instructions on how to install it are here.

Once we have the bucket created, the user credentials ready, and the SDK installed, we can start uploading files to S3.

Uploading And Downloading Files

For convenience, we define the user credentials and the region as constants in the wp-config.php file:

define (‘AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID’, ‘…’); // Your access key id
define (‘AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY’, ‘…’); // Your secret access key
define (‘AWS_REGION’, ‘eu-central-1’); // Region where the bucket is located. This is the region id for “EU (Frankfurt)”

In our case, we are implementing the crop avatar functionality, for which avatars will be stored on the “avatars-smashing” bucket. However, in our application we may have several other buckets for other functionalities, requiring to execute the same operations of uploading, downloading and listing files. Hence, we implement the common methods on an abstract class AWS_S3, and we obtain the inputs, such as the bucket name defined through function get_bucket, in the implementing child classes.

// Load the SDK and import the AWS objects
require ‘vendor/autoload.php’;
use AwsS3S3Client;
use AwsExceptionAwsException;

// Definition of an abstract class
abstract class AWS_S3 {

protected function get_bucket() {

// The bucket name will be implemented by the child class
return ”;

The S3Client class exposes the API for interacting with S3. We instantiate it only when needed (through lazy-initialization), and save a reference to it under $this->s3Client as to keep using the same instance:

abstract class AWS_S3 {

// Continued from above…

protected $s3Client;

protected function get_s3_client() {

// Lazy initialization
if (!$this->s3Client) {

// Create an S3Client. Provide the credentials and region as defined through constants in wp-config.php
$this->s3Client = new S3Client([
‘version’ => ‘2006-03-01’,
‘region’ => AWS_REGION,
‘credentials’ => [

return $this->s3Client;

When we are dealing with $file in our application, this variable contains the absolute path to the file in disk (e.g. /var/app/current/wp-content/uploads/users/654/leo.jpg), but when uploading the file to S3 we should not store the object under the same path. In particular, we must remove the initial bit concerning the system information (/var/app/current) for security reasons, and optionally we can remove the /wp-content bit (since all files are stored under this folder, this is redundant information), keeping only the relative path to the file (/uploads/users/654/leo.jpg). Conveniently, this can be achieved by removing everything after WP_CONTENT_DIR from the absolute path. Functions get_file and get_file_relative_path below switch between the absolute and the relative file paths:

abstract class AWS_S3 {

// Continued from above…

function get_file_relative_path($file) {

return substr($file, strlen(WP_CONTENT_DIR));

function get_file($file_relative_path) {

return WP_CONTENT_DIR.$file_relative_path;

When uploading an object to S3, we can establish who is granted access to the object and the type of access, done through the access control list (ACL) permissions. The most common options are to keep the file private (ACL => “private”) and to make it accessible for reading on the internet (ACL => “public-read”). Because we will need to request the file directly from S3 to show it to the user, we need ACL => “public-read”:

abstract class AWS_S3 {

// Continued from above…

protected function get_acl() {

return ‘public-read’;

Finally, we implement the methods to upload an object to, and download an object from, the S3 bucket:

abstract class AWS_S3 {

// Continued from above…

function upload($file) {

$s3Client = $this->get_s3_client();

// Upload a file object to S3
‘ACL’ => $this->get_acl(),
‘Bucket’ => $this->get_bucket(),
‘Key’ => $this->get_file_relative_path($file),
‘SourceFile’ => $file,

function download($file) {

$s3Client = $this->get_s3_client();

// Download a file object from S3
‘Bucket’ => $this->get_bucket(),
‘Key’ => $this->get_file_relative_path($file),
‘SaveAs’ => $file,

Then, in the implementing child class we define the name of the bucket:

class AvatarCropper_AWS_S3 extends AWS_S3 {

protected function get_bucket() {

return ‘avatars-smashing’;

Finally, we simply instantiate the class to upload the avatars to, or download from, S3. In addition, when transitioning from steps 1 to 2 and 2 to 3, we need to communicate the value of $file. We can do this by submitting a field “file_relative_path” with the value of the relative path of $file through a POST operation (we don’t pass the absolute path for security reasons: no need to include the “/var/www/current” information for outsiders to see):

// Step 1: after the file was uploaded to the server, upload it to S3. Here, $file is known
$avatarcropper = new AvatarCropper_AWS_S3();

// Get the file path, and send it to the next step in the POST
$file_relative_path = $avatarcropper->get_file_relative_path($file);
// …

// ————————————————–

// Step 2: get the $file from the request and download it, manipulate it, and upload it again
$avatarcropper = new AvatarCropper_AWS_S3();
$file_relative_path = $_POST[‘file_relative_path’];
$file = $avatarcropper->get_file($file_relative_path);

// Do manipulation of the file
// …

// Upload the file again to S3

// ————————————————–

// Step 3: get the $file from the request and download it, and then save it
$avatarcropper = new AvatarCropper_AWS_S3();
$file_relative_path = $_REQUEST[‘file_relative_path’];
$file = $avatarcropper->get_file($file_relative_path);

// Save it, whatever that means
// …

Displaying The File Directly From S3

If we want to display the intermediate state of the file after manipulation on step 2 (e.g. the user avatar after cropped), then we must reference the file directly from S3; the URL couldn’t point to the file on the server since, once again, we don’t know which server will handle that request.

Below, we add function get_file_url($file) which obtains the URL for that file in S3. If using this function, please make sure that the ACL of the uploaded files is “public-read”, or otherwise it won’t be accessible to the user.

abstract class AWS_S3 {

// Continue from above…

protected function get_bucket_url() {

$region = $this->get_region();

// North Virginia region is simply “s3”, the others require the region explicitly
$prefix = $region == ‘us-east-1’ ? ‘s3’ : ‘s3-‘.$region;

// Use the same scheme as the current request
$scheme = is_ssl() ? ‘https’ : ‘http’;

// Using the bucket name in path scheme
return $scheme.’://’.$prefix.’.amazonaws.com/’.$this->get_bucket();

function get_file_url($file) {

return $this->get_bucket_url().$this->get_file_relative_path($file);

Then, we can simply we get the URL of the file on S3 and print the image:

“<img src=’%s’>”,

Listing Files

If in our application we want to allow the user to view all previously uploaded avatars, we can do so. For that, we introduce function get_file_urls which lists the URL for all the files stored under a certain path (in S3 terms, it’s called a prefix):

abstract class AWS_S3 {

// Continue from above…

function get_file_urls($prefix) {

$s3Client = $this->get_s3_client();

$result = $s3Client->listObjects(array(
‘Bucket’ => $this->get_bucket(),
‘Prefix’ => $prefix

$file_urls = array();
if(isset($result[‘Contents’]) && count($result[‘Contents’]) > 0 ) {

foreach ($result[‘Contents’] as $obj) {

// Check that Key is a full file path and not just a “directory”
if ($obj[‘Key’] != $prefix) {

$file_urls[] = $this->get_bucket_url().$obj[‘Key’];

return $file_urls;

Then, if we are storing each avatar under path “/users/${user_id}/“, by passing this prefix we will obtain the list of all files:

$user_id = get_current_user_id();
$prefix = “/users/${user_id}/”;
foreach ($avatarcropper->get_file_urls($prefix) as $file_url) {
“<img src=’%s’>”,


In this article, we explored how to employ a cloud object storage solution to act as a common repository to store files for an application deployed on multiple servers. For the solution, we focused on AWS S3, and proceeded to show the steps needed to be integrated into the application: creating the bucket, setting-up the user permissions, and downloading and installing the SDK. Finally, we explained how to avoid security pitfalls in the application, and saw code examples demonstrating how to perform the most basic operations on S3: uploading, downloading and listing files, which barely required a few lines of code each. The simplicity of the solution shows that integrating cloud services into the application is not difficult, and it can also be accomplished by developers who are not much experienced with the cloud.

Smashing Editorial
(rb, ra, yk, il)

Collective #464

Original Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/tympanus/~3/jvIQr7gbzmQ/


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How to Pick the Right Design Projects

Original Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/1stwebdesigner/~3/GUJXXjbW7Q4/

As your freelance design career progresses, you’ll be presented with many project opportunities. But one of the hardest aspects of being in business is learning to pick the right projects for you.

There are several reasons for this. First, we tend to be trusting of others when they’re telling us about their needs. Second, saying “no” to anyone can feel like we’re going against our instincts (who turns down a paycheck?). And third, you never quite know exactly how a project will go. Predicting the future, as it turns out, isn’t a sure thing.

Still, there are some things you can do to increase your odds of being right. The goal is to ensure that you’re taking advantage of the best opportunities that come your way.

So, how do you know when a potential project is the “right one”? Ask yourself the following questions:

Does the Client’s Idea Sound Realistic?

One of the first considerations for signing onto a project is the client’s take on reality. You will usually find that the best projects come from those who are realistic. Their ideas and goals are smart and attainable.

Occasionally, you’ll run into someone that thinks big. They want to turn the world on its head and make big money while they’re doing it.

There’s certainly nothing wrong with having lofty goals. But don’t mistake an ambitious person for one who’s detached from reality. These people will talk of all the money they’re going to make, yet won’t be able to pay you much (if anything) for your initial efforts. Instead, you get promises of a large payout once their pie-in-the-sky idea is a success.

Think of it this way: If this person is really serious, they’d probably have enough funds to pay you fairly. Asking you to jump in head first to make their dreams come true isn’t at all realistic.

Therefore, it’s up to you to be a bit of a cynic. You don’t want to come off as rude or dismissive, but you should ask the tough questions. As in, “Where’s the money going to come from?”

Better yet, if the idea sounds like a lot of hot air, politely remove yourself from the situation. Most likely, you will save yourself a lot of frustration.

Notebook with a bar graph.

What Kind of Work is Involved?

It may sound a bit silly, but sometimes it’s easy to ignore the actual work that needs to be done. You can get all caught up in simply accepting whatever the client needs because, well, that’s what you’re supposed to do. Not so fast.

Early in my career, I felt like it was my duty to do whatever a client asked. So, I took just about every project that came my way. This was so very wrong. In short, it led to a lot of misery.

Web designers are creative professionals, not hardware stores. We need to put ourselves in the best possible position for success. Pretending to be a jack-of-all-trades doesn’t fit with that mission.

So, if you don’t like data entry (and can’t hire someone to do it for you), then that project isn’t for you. Likewise, if someone asks you to work with a CMS you hate or other various grunt work that does nothing to move your career forward, walk away. Unless you’re in dire financial need, you’re under no obligation to take the project.

Instead, consider the type of work involved. If it’s something you enjoy, the results are bound to be better because of it. Plus, you’ll be able to proudly display it in your portfolio.

Woman working on a laptop compute.

What Will the Future Hold?

Remember all that talk about predicting the future? It’s still not a sure thing. But you can reasonably predict the potential regarding your future involvement with a project. The real question is whether or not that is something you actually want.

For some designers, the lure of extra revenue down the road is welcomed. Knowing that you’ll receive some steady cashflow from monthly or yearly maintenance packages can really help your business.

Then there are those who are more comfortable just handing off a website to their client with a polite wave goodbye. After all, there is a certain burden that comes along with maintenance – especially if it’s not something you enjoy doing. And, just maybe, a long term relationship isn’t your thing, either.

Regardless of where you fall on the issue, it’s important to find out where your potential client stands. It’s worth the effort to ensure that everyone’s expectations and wishes are out in the open. Once you know what type of situation they’re looking for, you can respond accordingly.

Chalkboard with "What's Next" written on it.

Choose Wisely

Being a freelancer affords you the freedom to work the way you want. That means that you don’t have to jump on every project that comes your way. In fact, you have the right to be as picky as you like.

So, before you break out the contracts and handshakes, take some time to really think about the project in front of you. If it’s a great fit, then go for it. If not, there’s always next time. Either way, you have the power to decide for yourself.

7 Secrets for Building Great Client Relationships

Original Source: https://www.webdesignerdepot.com/2018/11/7-secrets-for-building-great-client-relationships/

A colleague recently said to me, “I’ve heard that you’re a client relations guru. Are there any tips or tricks that you have for starting to build up those relationships?”

I always love a question like this—something that makes me stop and reflect. It’s true. Working with people and developing new (or existing) relationships is something I have a knack for. Even though I self-identify as an introvert, I love doing it because genuinely connecting with other people, hearing about their experiences, challenges, wins, quirky-cool talents, what winds their clock (and sharing in return)…well, it actually means something to me.

Was that the big secret? Or was there more?

Could I summarize everything I do to establish a client relationship—things I do without even thinking— and distill it into a list of best practices anyone can apply?

Short answer? Yes.

The next seven tips sum up my advice for building great client relationships within the context of project management.

Tip 1. Face Time is the Best Time

I know there are people who successfully work 100% remotely. I get that. But at some point, if you want to build and maintain great, deep, lasting connections with your clients, you need that human relationship phenomenon that only happens when you’re in person. It’s different. Good different.

I like to meet in person…when I just “feel” like we haven’t met in person in a while

As a general rule, I like to meet in person for an initial conversation, key deliverables, or when I just “feel” like we haven’t met in person in a while. It’s a gut thing, which you’ll need to develop with each new client relationship you cultivate.

Tip 2. Pick Up the Phone

Don’t hide behind email. In today’s day and age, depending on your personality, your workload, and that of those you’re in contact with, it can feel easier to just send an email.

Often email is a good choice, but be aware of the fact that live human-voice connection is like wholesome, all-natural medicine. Your job as a project manager is to nurture your relationships with the right dose of it. There’s no one-size-fits-all approach. It depends on how active the project is, your client’s personality, and the kind of work you’re doing. The important takeaway here is, make sure it’s part of your approach.

Tip 3. Money Always Needs to be a Verbal Conversation

At least the initial presentation of it does. That way you hear any concerns, questions, or confusion right away and nothing is left to fester if there’s a misunderstanding.

Money is a hot button for everyone so it’s best to treat it firmly, respectfully, bravely, and humanly

When delivering an initial quote/proposal to a client (or an estimate of new scope for a project I’m already working on), I schedule a call or an in-person meeting to walk them through things together. I tell them: we may only need 5 or 8 minutes ,but let’s reserve 45 minutes on our calendars in case we need to cover anything in more detail. Then I send my email, quote, proposal a few minutes beforehand.

Money is a hot button for everyone so it’s best to treat it firmly, respectfully, bravely, and humanly.

Tip 4. If a Client Asks You the Status of Something, You Dropped the Ball

As PMs, we should be anticipating what our clients might be wondering or worrying about in advance. The client should never have to ask, “What’s the status on <insert milestone, question, deliverable, etc.> anyway?”

Again, there’s no standard approach to use for all projects and clients. You’ll have to find the right balance, since you don’t want to over-communicate either. But here’s a couple of practical takeaways that might help:

a) Set expectations regarding when and how a client can expect to hear from you next. When you do this, underpromise and over-deliver. Will you be able to get them that document by Wednesday? Tell them Friday. Then when you deliver earlier, everyone’s happy. Tell them a reasonable (safe) time frame. Deliver on it, beat it, or own it and communicate in advance if circumstances have arisen to justify it coming later.
b) When in the thick of a big project, weekly (or even twice a week) check-ins are great for batching items to cover. This creates a structure for everyone and builds in accountability to ensure details don’t get missed.

Corollary to the regular check-in: Batching communication is great except when it’s time-sensitive or potentially impactful bad news. What’s bad news? Anything that will cost more, take longer, or be “less good” than the client was expecting. Depending on timing, it may still be OK to wait for your next scheduled check in (if it’s tomorrow). Otherwise, barring a reasonable effort/assessment of whether you can fix said situation so as to circumvent the delivery of any bad news, don’t wait.

Tip 5. Take Responsibility, but Don’t Panic or Beat Yourself Up

Mistakes will happen. When they do, own them. But, don’t emotionally collapse and beat yourself up. Every challenging situation, every bump is an opportunity to strengthen the relationship, build trust, and collaboratively solve a situation.

take responsibility for everything you…need to own, plus a little bit more

Listen to the client if they have a gripe. Thank them for their honesty. Convey that you will be talking to your team to gain further understanding and perspective on what’s happened and that you’re committed to resolving a situation in a way that’s okay for everyone. Remember that you have permission to be fair to yourself and the company you represent (as in, don’t completely fold and give away the store).

That said, take responsibility for everything you and your company really need to own, plus a little bit more. Be honest, transparent, respectful, firm, human, compassionate, and be smart about it.

Tip 6. Make it Personal

Become Friends. Be genuinely interested in the person. The best working relationships go beyond the work and have personal connection on a variety of levels. At an appropriate level and pace (that you have to figure out), allow that to happen. Don’t pry. Don’t force. Don’t be creepy. Just be genuine and human.

At some point, you should know your client’s favorite color, that they love dogs, or that they’re both happy and sad because their first-born is going off to college. And remember, it’s a two way street, so you’ll be sharing things about yourself too.

Tip 7. Manage Expectations

Back in the mid-90s, when my husband and I first founded Gravity Switch, a fellow consultant (named Ed) gave us some unsolicited advice. He said, “The secret to a successful project is managing client expectations.”

We laughed at this advice. Heartily. But not to his face.

Expectations? C’mon… What about great design? What about solid programming? What about projects coming in on budget and on time? You know, all the important stuff that PMs have to think about.

But duh!

What context defines that great design and the solid programming? What context defines whether something is on budget or on time?

I had this aha moment when I realized that Ed was totally right. By the way, I called him up (it was 15 years later) and told him of our folly, admitted laughing (heartily) at his advice, thanked him for sharing it, and apologized for being a little slow on the uptake.

Key takeaway: if you’re managing expectations, what’s interpreted as “great work” and “a great working experience” will follow.


Featured image via DepositPhotos.

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Unique Ways to Integrate Social Media into Web Design

Original Source: https://www.webdesignerdepot.com/2018/11/unique-ways-to-integrate-social-media-into-web-design/

There’s something very special about social media marketing and how it compels consumers to engage with it.

The Hootsuite 2018 Social Media Barometer says there are now over 3.2 billion global consumers who are active on social media. With such a large part of the population actively involved in social media, it’s no surprise that 67% of business executives surveyed in the report said that social media marketing improves their bottom line.

As a web designer, you can take that knowledge and keep doing what everyone else does with it:

Add “connect” icons to the header;
Stick “share” icons to the scrolling blog sidebar;
Embed videos from YouTube.

Or you can find unique ways to infuse your web design with a dash of social media.

Unique Ways to Use Social Media in Web Design

Obviously, I’m not telling you to turn your site into a social network, or a rolling masonry grid of photos. Instead, I would encourage you to think outside the box and consider how you can apply the strengths of social media creatively to your design.

Here are some real-life examples to inspire you:

1. Add Hashtags and Handles to the Design

When you think of what makes social media so distinct from other kinds of marketing, you’ll likely think of hashtags (#) and handles (@). They’re simple symbols that we used long before social media was invented and, yet, they now have a special significance for most of us.

If it makes sense for your brand (i.e. it has a younger audience and also happens to be active on social media), hashtags and handles can add a really cool touch to your web design.

Here is an example from the Nuevos Conductores website from Chevrolet Mexico:

This website pays homage to the “new drivers” Chevy is catering to and uses real people to make its case. This whole website is an interesting case study in and of itself, that not only uses real Chevy drivers’ Twitter handles, but also includes messages, hashtags, and images from their social accounts to build out the design and message.

Hashtags can be used for strictly self-promotional purposes as well and don’t need to have such a predominant placement in the design either. Take the Caribana Festival, for example.

You’ll find a small hashtag has been added to the left side of the website. It’s really subtle, but it’s ever-presence is likely to get noticed by fans of the festival who’ve come to the site to learn more and get tickets.

Then, there’s Popular Pays’ 2017 Year in Review that actually uses hashtags as a design element.

As users scroll to a new topic on the page, the hashtag changes. Think of it the way you’d use header tags in a blog post or on a page of a website. Only, this adds a bolder touch.

2. Use Notification Tickers

Because of how ubiquitous email and social media have become in consumers’ lives, there’s no denying the lure of the pending message notification. You know the ones I’m talking about.

Twitter does it:

LinkedIn does it:

Now, websites are doing it, too:

But this is an interesting use case from a friend of mine. The recognizable notification ticker isn’t telling visitors that there are messages waiting for them (though it has the same effect in drawing their eyes there). Instead, it’s saying, “Hey, we have five jobs waiting for you to apply to!”

I think there are other ways this could be used as well and it doesn’t have to be for users logged into a SaaS platform or membership site. As we move more and more away from things like pop-ups that can intrude on the user experience, I think we’ll see websites find unique approaches to share news and promo codes and things of that nature. This notification ticker would be an interesting way to do that.

3. Design a Timeline

With most social media feeds, we’re presented with a chronological timeline of our activity as well as those we’ve connected to. There’s something very appealing about this layout, in general, as it allows us to get a sense for someone’s story.

And what is a website if not the “story” about a brand and its mission to serve its consumers?

Dr. Pepper is a brand that’s been around a long time, but I bet a lot of its drinkers don’t know much about its history. Well, if they were to visit the Dr. Pepper website, they’d definitely learn more about where this soft drink came from and even catch a glimpse at old promotional content that some may recognize still today.

If you navigate to the History page on the site, you’ll encounter a timeline that briefly tells its story (nice and succinct just like most of our own social media “stories”):

Then, as you scroll down, you’ll encounter images that support the story, even playing on the nostalgia of having drank Dr. Pepper through the decades:

When you think about it, this is really no different than why we as consumers take photos and post them online. We want to share the highlight reel of our lives, and brands are able to do a similar thing with their websites.

4. Talk to Visitors with Quizzes and Chat UIs

Let’s face it: a lot of times, a website just feels like a digital flyer. “Here is our business. Learn about us and get in touch.” I believe that’s why so many people flock to social media nowadays; to learn more about and actually engage with businesses.

There are so many ways in which you can jazz up your web design to make the experience less lackluster, of course. A well-timed pop-up or an eye-catching animation can help. Gamified elements like timers are a nice touch, too.

Aside from placing a live chat on your website—that someone then has to man—there has got to be another way in which you can make your web design really talk to its visitors. Right?

One example I like is the John Frieda website. There is a Style Match page which allows visitors to talk to the site the way they would a hair stylist:

The quiz-style format allows visitors to input answers to questions they’d get when visiting a salon. In the end, they receive a personalized response and recommendations based on what they “talked” about.

A chat UI is also possible, though AI isn’t as simple of an implementation as something like a built-in quiz. Consider what makes the most sense for your web design and apply the interactive element accordingly.


Social media plays a big part in the modern business’s marketing efforts. But when it comes to websites, why is it that we only catch minor glimpses of it in the form of social share icons or the embedded news feed?

I would argue that we should think more abstractly about the strengths of social media. Then, apply those same unique principles and elements to web design to make it even better.

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Keeping Your Website Design Consistent

Original Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/1stwebdesigner/~3/Kpb7kJrwzAQ/

The last word you may want a user to associate with your website is “predictable.” This term has a negative connotation in the business world and makes you think of a brand that is boring, unexciting, and identical to its competitors.

Yet to a degree, users expect and rely on the predictability of a website. At its most basic level, a website should be predictable – it should function like all other websites, at least to the point where your user does not struggle to make sense of the interface. Otherwise, your think-outside-the-box strategy might throw users off.

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Think of your website like a car. While consumers react positively to creative, innovative ideas that boost the user experience, for example, touch screen infotainment systems and massage chairs, they may not be keen on a brand that tries to completely revolutionize the way vehicles operate, such as one that places the steering wheel in the backseat.

Features along such lines can seem less user-friendly and more gimmicky, designed simply for the “wow factor” – a move on the brand’s part that users would likely not respond to well. Your website must prioritize usability and the user experience above all else to maintain its popularity – and your brand’s credibility.

The solution is to balance predictability with intrigue. Maintain certain elements your users cannot go without, such as menu options and content. Your users must be able to navigate your website with ease or else they will click away. Yet predictable does not have to mean boring.

For instance, some websites are beginning to integrate virtual and augmented realities into the UI. Designers can get away with this progressive idea by making it simple for users with VR-supported browsers, and doing it for the users’ benefit – by letting users view products up close in VR from their homes before making a purchasing decision, for example.

Maintain Internal Consistency

Achieving predictability and creativity is possible by maintaining internal consistency on your website. Marry a logical flow with your interface that may allow slight variations to keep your users intrigued. Add your own flare and innovations, but keep your primary functional elements consistent and comprehensible.

It is intuitive for users to click on a link or a highlighted section of a page, and you can assume they will access your homepage. From there, the user instinctively knows that clicking on other menu options will lead to the content they desire. The user’s intuition is what makes fast website use possible. Do not underestimate it. Creating a website that takes effort to navigate will end badly for your brand.

The consistency of Mozilla design.

The consistency of Mozilla design.

Achieve internal consistency with accepted UI design patterns. These are standard design elements your user expects to encounter on your website. Patterns can include navigation options, a search feature, a place to input user data, and links to social media accounts.

UI design patterns can be standard or persuasive. Persuasive UI design engages users and encourages them to take certain actions, such as subscribing to a mailing list or taking the next step in the sales process. Both types of UI design have accepted standards and guidelines that make them work in the company’s favor.

Simplify Your Site

One of the easiest and most rewarding ways to master UI consistency is to keep your website’s design simple. Again – simple does not have to mean plain or boring. It means a clean, easy-to-use website that your users can navigate in seconds. Go with a simple visual design to optimize consistency and get brownie points with Google. That’s right – Google rewards sites with simple designs, because these are the sites users deemed “most beautiful” in a 2012 study.

The beautifully simple  ArtQuality.com.br layout.

The beautifully simple ArtQuality.com.br layout.

In the five years since this study, this conclusion has held up. Users still prefer simple websites to those that are visually complex. Existing accepted standards for website layouts limit what you can do at this stage of the design process, but this is a good thing – you can only change the standard layout so much before you cross the line into visual complexity. Instead of trying to reinvent the wheel, impress your users with how you use your simple layout.

For example, look at the stunning visuals on FeedMusic.com. It appears you are in a beautiful, swirling miasma of space dust on the homepage. Every page you scroll through (Feed also uses a unique navigational system) showcases another eye-catching, high-definition visual. Using graphics in new and exciting ways can bring a simple layout to the next level, while still maintaining the UI people have come to depend upon. It is possible to stay consistent and make waves in your industry with creative, original UI design.

The FeedMusic.com homepage.

The FeedMusic.com homepage.

Keep Content Cohesive

One of the most crucial elements to keep consistent is your content. Your brand must maintain a constant tone, voice, and quality across every page. Any mistakes or oversights in this regard can lead to users assuming your site has spammy content or that the brand doesn’t care about its users – both bad news for your business.

Your content should reflect the overall mood of your site and complement your design. It should also match what your users are looking for when they come across your company. Your content should not only exude consistency in the words you write (or the videos you post), but in how often you post new articles. On your website’s blog and social media accounts, consistency in content will pay off handsomely in site traffic and potential conversions.

Create Uniformity among Site Elements

The goal with your website should be to reduce user learning while piquing their interest. This can sound like a conundrum until you realize that when you keep the major UI design elements uniform, you have the freedom to play with the rest of your site. Consistency in the bones of your website gives you wiggle room with the rest of the body. Here are site elements to keep consistent across the board:

Typography size
Color palette
Brand logo and visuals
Size of site elements
High-resolution imagery
Button colors
Navigation menu
Headers, footers, and sidebars
Clickable elements

This is an idea of what elements your users want to remain consistent from page to page to facilitate easy navigation. Use common sense here – changing the location of your sidebar from page to page would only confuse users and probably lead them to click away.

UI Style guide by Alex Gilev.

Keep in mind that your users will not be as familiar with your site as you are. Look at your design elements from an outsider’s perspective – do your elements make sense and work together as part of a larger picture or are they scattered and confusing?

The Takeaway

At the end of the day, consistency always wins the UX and UI game. No matter how beautiful the imagery, how excellent the content, or innovative the theme, users will not stay on a site that is too complex or confusing.

Avoid this by keeping your site seamless and easily digestible. You are free to experiment but within the boundaries of what the current web user deems acceptable. Broaden your horizons, but only if it will bring something of value to your target audience.

Remember – your users should be at the heart of every website design decision you make. With this in mind, design consistency and efficiency should become second nature.

Building a WordPress Plugin with Vue

Original Source: https://www.sitepoint.com/building-a-wordpress-plugin-with-vue/

In this tutorial, we’ll learn how to integrate Vue.js with a WordPress plugin to provide a modern UI experience to our WordPress users.

Vue.js is a very popular progressive JavaScript library for building modern and rich user interfaces similar to Angular and React in terms of popularity, performance and component-based architecture. We’ll dive into the entire process of building a very simple WordPress plugin with a Vue interface that interacts with the WordPress REST API through the JavaScript Fetch API.

We’ll create a shortcode that will allow us to add a latest published posts widget in our WordPress website. The UI of the widget is a Vue app which fetches the latest published posts via the /wp-json/wp/v2/posts?filter[orderby]=date WP-API endpoint.

This tutorial assumes some familiarity with Vue.js. We’ll see how to create a Vue instance, use life-cycle hooks like mounted(), and also the JavaScript Fetch API to interact with the WordPress REST API.

Creating a WordPress Plugin

In this section, we’ll see how to create a WordPress plugin that registers a shortcode in a few steps.

Create a Folder in wp-content/plugins

Let’s start by creating the back-end part of our plugin. Plugins live inside the wp-content/plugins folder. Navigate to this folder inside your WordPress installation folder and create a sub-folder for your plugin. Let’s call it vueplugin:

cd /var/www/html/wp-content/plugins
mkdir vueplugin

Inside your plugin folder, create a vueplugin.php file and add the initial content:

Plugin Name: Latest Posts
Description: Latest posts shortcode
Version: 1.0

These comments are used as meta information for the plugin. In our case, we simply provide a plugin name, description and version.

If you visit the plugins page in the admin interface you should be able to see your plugin listed:

Our new plugin listed on the plugins page

Creating a Shortcode

Shortcodes are used via WordPress plugins to enable users to add content to posts and pages. To register a shortcode you need to add the following minimal code in your plugin file:

function handle_shortcode() {
return ‘My Latest Posts Widget’;
add_shortcode(‘latestPosts’, ‘handle_shortcode’);

We’re registering a shortcode named latestPosts.

WordPress provides the built-in add_shortcode() function to create the shortcode in your WordPress plugin. The function takes a name as the first parameter and the handler function that processes your shortcode logic and returns an output as a second parameter.

At this point, we’re only returning a static string from our shortcode, but shortcodes are more useful when used to insert dynamic content.

Now, let’s activate the plugin from the admin interface by clicking on the Activate link below the plugin name:

Activating the plugin

You can use a shortcode by enclosing it in square brackets — that is, [SHORTCODE_NAME]. The text inside the brackets is the name we passed as the first parameter to the add_shortcode() function. It gets replaced by the output returned by the PHP function passed as the second parameter.

To test if our shortcode is successfully registered, we can create a new post and add [latestPosts] in the post content:

Testing the shortcode

You should see My Latest Posts Widget sentence rendered:

The test sentence rendered

Now, instead of displaying the static My Latest Posts Widget string, let’s display the latest posts using Vue.js.

The post Building a WordPress Plugin with Vue appeared first on SitePoint.

Using the WordPress Settings API to Build a Custom Admin Page

Original Source: https://www.sitepoint.com/wordpress-settings-api-build-custom-admin-page/

In this guide, we’ll introduce the WordPress Settings API, and create a WordPress administration page where we demonstrate the use of this API.

For the purposes of this tutorial, we’ll wrap this functionality into a plugin, but this can also be a part of a WordPress theme.

As the WordPress Codex says, the Settings API was added in WordPress 2.7 to streamline adding different settings fields and sections in administration pages.

Creating the Plugin

To start, we’ll create and activate a plugin to encapsulate our options page. We’ll use WP CLI to simplify the creation, although this leaves us with way more files than this guide needs.


Creating and activating a plugin in the command line to encapsulate our options page

As we can see, we use wp scaffold plugin pluginname to create the plugin. Once it’s created, we activate it — optionally also using WP CLI, with wp plugin activate pluginname.

Once it’s activated, we open the main plugin file — in this case sitepoint-settings-api.php.

Creating the Admin Page

It isn’t necessary to use WP CLI for this plugin. We could have simply created a directory with the name of the plugin, and the PHP file inside it with the same name. Anyhow, the creation of the plugin has left us with a sitepoint-settings-api.php which looks like this:

* Plugin Name: Sitepoint Settings Api
* Text Domain: sitepoint-settings-api
* Domain Path: /languages
* Version: 0.1.0
* @package Sitepoint_Settings_Api

Now we can simply add code after the comment end.

To add our options page, we’ll use add_options_page() (more details about it here). This function takes arguments as follows:

add_options_page( $page_title, $menu_title, $capability,
$menu_slug, $function );

All the arguments are self-explanatory. $menu_slug must be a unique string that WordPress will use internally, but will also be reflected in the URL. $function is a string with a name of the function that will provide HTML output for our admin page.

We will, therefore, add the following code to our plugin file:

add_action( ‘admin_menu’, ‘sitepoint_settings_page’ );

function sitepoint_settings_page() {
add_options_page( ‘Settings API Page’, ‘Settings API Page’, ‘manage_options’, ‘settings-api-page’, ‘settings_api_page’ );

After we’ve saved the file (presuming we activated our plugin), we’ll open our administration dashboard, and we’ll find our Settings API Page under Settings in the left side menu.

We can control, to a degree, the order or position of the submenu item by adding a priority argument to our add_action() function:

add_action( ‘admin_menu’, ‘sitepoint_settings_page’, 1 );

If we want to have our menu item to be in the root menu — rather than the Settings submenu — we’ll use add_menu_page(), which takes similar arguments.

Now, if we open the page in our browser, all we’ll see is an empty page, because we still haven’t created the settings_api_page() function that we specified:

Currently our admin page is empty

The Settings API

The WordPress Settings API is an intricate mechanism that attempts to provide an easy way for developers to create settings pages.

Before we go into a full-fledged example of the settings page displaying and saving a setting to the WordPress database, we’ll explain couple of crucial functions that WordPress provides as part of its Settings API.

register_setting() is a function we use to register a setting, which equals a row in wp_options table. Before we can create actual field (or fields, as setting can be an array of values), we need to register it. This way we’ll leverage the WordPress CRUD mechanism for settings. Function arguments are as follows:

register_setting( string $option_group, string $option_name, array $args = array() )

The first two arguments are mandatory, the first one allowing us to assign fields to it, and $option_name, as we’ll see, is the actual option name in the WordPress database.

add_settings_section() defines/adds a section to an admin page. Its arguments are as follows:

add_settings_section( string $id, string $title, callable $callback, string $page )

$callback is a function that outputs an HTL header of the section (it can be empty), and $page is the slug of the admin page we’ll display it on.

add_settings_field() defines a settings field within a settings section in an admin options page. Arguments for it are:

add_settings_field( string $id, string $title, callable $callback, string $page, string $section = ‘default’, array $args = array()

Of these, $id, $title, $callback and $page are required. The $callback function should output the HTML of the input field.

The Settings API provides $page argument for add_settings_section and add_settings_field as a means to add sections and fields to existing settings pages. We’ll use stpPlugin for both our option group — in register_setting() — and for attaching the settings section and settings fields to a ‘stpPlugin’ page in the add_settings_section() and add_settings_field() functions. We’ll then “quote it” in the next two functions in our example, to output relevant HTML.

settings_fields() outputs “nonce, action, and option_page fields for a settings page”. It takes the $option_group argument, used in register_setting().

do_settings_sections() outputs all the sections, with their respective fields, registered for a specific $page.

$page is the only argument here.

The post Using the WordPress Settings API to Build a Custom Admin Page appeared first on SitePoint.